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On May 27, 1929, Herold D. Ruel “was admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court.” 1 The next day, the visiting New York Yankees beat the Washington Senators 12–7. Ruel walked, singled, and drove in two runs for the home team.  相似文献   

Between 1945 and 1954, the Italian and Yugoslav governments staunchly disputed national sovereignty of Trieste and northern Istria. Although scholars have extensively studied the diplomatic dimension of what became known as the ‘Trieste question’, only a few have devoted attention to the Italian government’s aggressive strategy toward the city from 1945 to 1954. This article examines the Italian politics of nationalism in Cold War Trieste by investigating the interactions between the central government, the Allied authorities and the local political forces that either supported or opposed Italian territorial claims toward the city. Based upon the study of Italian as well as Allied governmental records, state-led propaganda and public press, this article suggests that the central government not only tolerated but also encouraged phenomena of local political violence to oppose the Communist threat and defy Allied occupation. This study ultimately proves the residual strength of nationalism as a political ideology and further elucidates the undisclosed relationship between right-wing movements and the central government during the early years of the Cold War.  相似文献   

柏克  汤菁 《风景名胜》2009,(1):85-89
1987年,三亚海棠湾镇(原藤桥镇)东溪村的几位村民承包了海边一片荒地种植海防林,当他们用推土机清除沙丘地里的杂草时,发现有许多排列整齐的珊瑚石,再仔细看时发现石上刻有阿拉伯文。有关部门调查发现,这些古墓群以其特殊的造型、丧俗、文字及墓碑材料,跟当地其他民族的葬式有明显区别。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861, the Union greatly outpaced the Confederacy in industrial manufacturing capabilities. The Confederacy's economy prior to the conflict was largely based on agriculture, and the Southern states lacked the facilities and skilled labourers to produce iron on the scale necessary to compete with the Union. The possibility of importing products was greatly diminished when President Lincoln instituted a naval blockade around major Southern ports, limiting the amount of cargo that could be imported from Europe. Consequently, the Confederacy was forced to adapt ironworks to wartime purposes. Despite these adaptations, the Confederacy suffered from iron shortages throughout the war. This paper uses the iron ballast found on the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley as a case study for the manufacturing processes, labour relationships and social significance of iron production and usage in the Confederacy.  相似文献   

寒江 《旅游纵览》2016,(6):88-95
正每个人的童年都住在一个城堡里,或者是王子和公主幸福的生活,或者是变幻无穷的魔法世界,亦或者是斗智斗勇的地球保卫战……随着年龄和阅历的增加,也越来越有机会去触碰童年时的梦想,走过一座座城堡,寻找一个个或凄美、或感人、或惊奇的故事……  相似文献   

<正>每个人的童年都住在一个城堡里,或者是王子和公主幸福的生活,或者是变幻无穷的魔法世界,亦或者是斗智斗勇的地球保卫战……随着年龄和阅历的增加,也越来越有机会去触碰童年时的梦想,走过一座座城堡,寻找一个个或凄美、或感人、或惊奇的故事……  相似文献   

中柬两国有着长期友好交往的历史。最近20多年来,中国政府积极参与"吴哥保护国际行动",使古老的吴哥古迹成为新时期中柬全面战略合作伙伴关系中一条绚丽的纽带。但是,由于种种原因,两国之间从未互办过文物展览。古代高棉的文物多次远赴欧美和日本,引起世界一次又一次的惊叹,而中国的观众却从未在本土一睹其真容,这不能不说是与中柬长期友好互助亲密关系相悖的缺憾。中国文化遗产研究院常年工作  相似文献   

20世纪50年代中期,出于对抗美国在南亚地区的战略影响,苏联与尼泊尔建立了外交关系,对尼援助计划也随之启动。由于受本国经济基础和意识形态等因素的影响,苏联对尼援助的主要领域是工业及其相关产业,对尼援助的主要目的就是扩大其在南亚的战略影响,防止尼泊尔加入西方阵营,同时希望孤立中国以及在尼泊尔培养一个亲苏政权。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代中期,出于对抗美国在南亚地区的战略影响,苏联与尼泊尔建立了外交关系,对尼援助计划也随之启动.由于受本国经济基础和意识形态等因素的影响,苏联对尼援助的主要领域是工业及其相关产业,对尼援助的主要目的就是扩大其在南亚的战略影响,防止尼泊尔加入西方阵营,同时希望孤立中国以及在尼泊尔培养一个亲苏政权.  相似文献   

<正>近10年来,张明云通过镜头记录三门峡的旖旎风光,宣传三门峡的白天鹅、红腹锦鸡等国家珍稀野生动物,传播善待生命、保护生态的理念,带动并激发人们爱鸟护鸟的积极性。张明云被当地媒体称作三门峡"义务宣传员",始终奔走在建设"生态三门峡""美丽天鹅城"的道路上,用行动诠释生态保护者的执着信念。  相似文献   

Following the publication of the various enquiries into the circumstances of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, there has developed a view that the UN lacks the ability to manage complex missions. With particular reference to the case of the UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR), the author pays special attention to the oversight of peacekeeping missions and the crucial role of the UN Security Council, the Secretary General and senior officials in the Secretariat and asks whether the Council is sufficiently equipped at ambassadorial level to address professional military issues. Does the Council have a right and a duty to know the details of peacekeeping missions in order to take decisions? A culture of secrecy has developed in the Security Council and it is common practice now for the Council's important debates to be held in secret. This means that its decision‐making is unaccountable. The author also questions the lack of enquiry into British policy towards Rwanda in the Security Council between 1993 and 1994.  相似文献   

The purpose of this short article is to put on record the archaeological observations made between 1990 and 2002 during the decade of stonework conservation on the northern run of the frieze panels on the west front of Lincoln Cathedral. It is not concerned with the frieze sculpture itself but with its stones and the spaces behind the stones. Equally, this article is not an assessment of the sculpture and its dating but is an archaeological investigation which potentially has wider implications for the sequence of construction and carving of the Romanesque frieze now visible at Lincoln.  相似文献   

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