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Alexander the Great was struck by a stone at the Siege of Cyropolis in 329 BC and was rendered temporarily blind and inaudible as a result. Although other authors have written extensively about the likely pathological effects of this injury, none have suggested carotid artery dissection as a possible cause. We present evidence that this should be considered as a differential diagnosis and how it might explain an unusual symptom seen at his deathbed in Babylon six years later.  相似文献   

Proslavery propagandists developed a standard line on the domestic slave trade: the trade was of only marginal importance to the system of slavery, and the trader was an outcast. In recent decades, historians have recognised a strong propaganda element in this position but—even in recent specialist studies of the trade—the assumption has been that notions of paternalism must have caused owners to feel a measure of unease in dealing with the trader. The present study brings new evidence to dispute this assumption and suggests that traders found no difficulty in being accepted as respected citizens of the Old South. The essay points to two key elements in the proslavery position on the trade—first, the notion of the trader as outcast, and second the concept that black people were not capable of deep and lasting emotional suffering. The ‘trader as outcast’ operated at the level of propaganda and was not really believed: the concept of superficial black emotions operated at a deeper level and was internalised by owners. Notions about shallow black emotions allowed slaveholders to break up families and to deal comfortably with the trader while still maintaining a self‐image as benevolent paternalists.  相似文献   

The speakership during the civil war and interregnum has received scant attention by historians. This article considers the occupants of the Speaker's chair as a group, making some observations about their age and background, including within its scope the short-lived and irregular speakerships of men such as Sir Sampson Eure and Henry Pelham. The popularity of the Speaker within the Commons is found to have depended much on his perceived competence and goodwill, while his reputation in the country at large depended greatly on the unpredictable cut and thrust of political opinion. The speakership of William Lenthall in the Long Parliament is examined in some detail and judged to be exceptional in a number of respects, not least in his grappling with the explosion in the number and power of executive committees. Lenthall's dealings with the press suggest that he was well aware of the uses of print as well as its potential for damage to his reputation. The contemporary allegations of venality aimed at Speakers are examined with respect to individual occupants of the office and are also set in the context of fee-taking by Commons' officials. While this period seems not to have been a particularly important one in terms of lasting procedural innovation in the chamber, it was significant in heralding the possibility of a separation between the person and office of Speaker. The article provides as an Appendix an authoritative list of Speakers in this period.  相似文献   

东汉末年的党锢之祸是中国历史上第一次大规模的党争,历来受到研究者的关注,然题中仍不乏剩义。本文主要考察党锢的缘起及党人集团失败的原因。笔者认为党人集团的失败绝非偶然,至少有三方面的原因值得总结。其一,把宦官作为败坏东汉政权唯一的罪魁祸首有失公允;其二,清流官员欲尽除宦官的计划得不到最高统治者的支持,且他们的过激言论招致皇帝的震怒;其三,党人集团中缺少雄才大略的领袖,在关键时刻优柔寡断,致使功败垂成。  相似文献   

国内城体育场地点遗址是吉林省集安地区一处重要的高句丽建筑遗迹,通过对出土遗物和相关文献等的分析可以发现,体育场地点遗址可能是高句丽时期一处与"御膳房"相关的仓储遗迹,它为寻找国内城时期高句丽的王宫遗址提供了重要线索。体育场地点遗址的年代上限应不早于371年,在高句丽迁都平壤(427年)以后逐渐废弃。  相似文献   

本文探讨了金刚智、不空师徒初传于唐代的金刚界曼陀罗(即《金刚顶经》所述的金刚界大曼陀罗),作者一反过去成见,试图阐明以拟人化的形式表现的金刚界三十七尊的曼陀罗并非唐代初传期的金刚界曼陀罗,而最可能是由不空的弟子,即惠果等辈于8世纪末或9世纪初所完成的。证诸史料,金刚智、不空忠实于根本经典《金刚顶经》的指示,大日如来的四亲近,即四波罗蜜是以三昧耶形的形式出现。但此种金刚界曼陀罗,在9世纪初的中国似乎被以菩萨形表现的四波罗蜜完全取代,消失于历史洪流之中。反观藏传的金刚界曼陀罗,数百年来波罗蜜形与拟人化的四波罗蜜图像并行不悖,在一定程度上反映了汉藏传法演教历史的歧异。  相似文献   

Atmospherics activity at 5 kHz, observed during the southern summer at San Miguel, Argentina, is presented. Data are available for all directions of incidence during the time span of this investigation.The activity shows a pronounced variation from day-to-day. A spectral analysis of these data with an autocovariance function and the related power spectrum yields enhanced spectral contributions with periods at 2.4 and 7.5 days. An additional smaller peak in the power spectrum was also observed at a period of 4.7 days. These periods have the same time scale as planetary waves.  相似文献   

The metropolitan urbanization shows evidence that planning at the regional, subregional and municipal levels with its wide range of territorial, urban and sectorial competences is now longer able to significantly influence territorial development. This has led to a greater demand for alternative approaches, methods and instruments. For this research study, the metropolitan area of Granada was used as a field laboratory to assess the capacity of metropolitan planning to have an impact on metropolitan processes and dynamics. For this purpose, a method for metropolitan planning evaluation, MPE methodology, was proposed, which involves two evaluation processes. This method first evaluated the coherence of plans of different competences and at different scales within the metropolitan context (trans-scalar evaluation); it then evaluated the interaction between methods and proposals in plans and metropolitan dynamics (interactive evaluation).  相似文献   

I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to be at the Supreme Court Historical Society. Of course, the Supreme Court is fortunate to have a Chief Justice who is also Chief Historian. I have read each of Chief Justice Rehnquist's books on the Court, and they are engagingly written narratives filled with a love and knowledge of this institution. The Chief Justice is steeped in the folklore of this remarkable Court as few have ever been. This is just one reason those of us throughout the federal judiciary admire and love the Chief. He has shown kindness to me ever since I was a young law clerk for Justice Lewis Powell. I don't know if it's appropriate or not to dedicate a speech, but I am going to do so anyway. This speech is for him.  相似文献   

Oliver Cromwell's many biographers have been puzzled by his elections as MP for Cambridge in 1640. His connections with the town at this time were slight. Historians have, therefore, fallen back on his supposed opposition to the draining of the fens or, more recently, on possible aristocratic patronage. This article proposes a new theory, based on a rehabilitation of a very old source, James Heath's Flagellum, one of the earliest Cromwell biographies. Heath claimed that Cromwell had been elected with the support of a group of minor members of the corporation. Although very garbled, the Flagellum account probably records genuine details about the election and the men it identified as Cromwell's key supporters can be shown to have opposed the religious policies of the local bishop, Matthew Wren of Ely. Cromwell was probably elected as a critic of Wren.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(2):9-26

This article addresses two related aspects of King Edgar's visit to Chester — why he went there and how he got there. Interpretations of its purpose have generally been based upon English sources and have paid less attention to Welsh evidence: this article attempts an alternative perspective. The first of the two aspects is a stage in the development of the ‘Kingdom of the Anglo-Saxons’ expressed in the coronation at Bath and a tenth-century durbar at Chester when the might of the King of all England was pronounced to the outside world. The second, which was linked to that and specifically directed at the North-West, was a determined attempt to define and strengthen the north-western frontier of the extended kingdom and tighten Edgar's grip upon the northern Welsh princes whose constant infighting presented an opportunity for Norse and/or Irish incursions. His actions became an economic as well as a military necessity, to maintain the English grasp on North Wales and to protect the important trading links between Chester and Ireland.  相似文献   


This essay looks at the war paintings of Ben Quilty, who in October 2011 was stationed with Australian troops fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan as part of Australia’s Official War Art Scheme. Quilty’s portraits, in fact made back at home in his studio after he returned, show soldiers naked, in pain, reliving traumatic episodes from their war experiences. They have been almost universally praised as providing a new and compelling image of war for those who have not experienced it themselves. We examine these portraits closely, arguing that they express a new post-modern ideology of “interpassivity”, allowing the spectator to exhibit signs of concern for soldiers, without actually doing anything to change their situation. In this we suggest that Quilty’s paintings contain a meaning that goes against the intentions of the artist and the understanding of their audience. Contrary to their dominant reading, they express something about our culture that our culture is unable to admit about itself.  相似文献   

Summary: The provinces of the north-east Peloponnese, Laconia, and Messenia are chosen for comparison, as likely to have been always the most significant in the Peloponnese. Differences in the observable patterns of site-distribution are pointed out, which seem to conflict with the models suggested in Bintliff 1977 and to suggest a degree of local variation. the histories of the three provinces through the Bronze Age, so far as they can be outlined, have features in common but can be shown to vary at several significant points, strengthening this suggestion.  相似文献   

In March 1932, during Dr L. S. B. Leakey's expedition to the southern shore of the Kavirondo Gulf of Victoria Nyanza, part of a fossil human mandible was discovered by Juma Gitau in an erosion gully in the early Pleistocene Kanam Beds at Kanam West. Since the Kanam jaw showed a well-defined chin, generally regarded as signifying Homo sapiens, it was for long placed in a “suspense account” and repeatedly doubts have been expressed as to whether it really did come out of the Kanam Beds.The composition of the jaw was tested at a number of points, both the bone (corpus mandibulae) and the dentine of the teeth and comparison made with analyses of mammal bones and teeth from the Kanam Beds at Kanam West. For convenience the results may be summarized as follows.  相似文献   

刘扬  贺存定  陈全家  方启 《江汉考古》2012,(1):48-53,137
位于湖北省丹江口库区的杜店旧石器时代遗址于2008年由吉林大学边疆考古研究中心进行发掘,获得了一批重要材料。极为难得的是,在该遗址发现了一处旧石器时代晚期的遗迹现象(编号08DDIYJ1)。本文从遗迹的形态、埋藏学以及砾石和石制品的原料、大小、类型等方面进行了分析和探讨,初步推断这是一处属于原地埋藏的石器加工场所。该遗迹的发现与研究为探讨杜店遗址以至汉江流域旧石器时代晚期古代居民的文化面貌、工业技术特点以及生业模式提供了强有力的佐证。  相似文献   

Numerical groundwater modeling was used to investigate the role of fluid flow associated with uplift of the Arkoma basin during the closing stages of the Ouachita orogeny in forming the Mississippi Valley‐type Zn–Pb ores of the Tri‐State district. The model hydrostratigraphy was flexurally compensated to account for the restoration of Pennsylvanian–Permian sediments removed since the close of the orogeny in estimating the regional paleotopographic gradient. Estimates of the amount of Pennsylvanian–Permian sediment that has been removed by erosion vary widely. A thick and a thin endmember case were considered, and in both cases topographydriven fluid flow was shown to have been an important mechanism for groundwater motion, with a lesser component contributed during the early stages of uplift by overpressuring created by compaction in the deep portion of the Arkoma basin. The Pennsylvanian–Permian sediments and underlying Western Interior Plains confining system acted as thick capping aquitards that caused slow rates of groundwater flow over much of the profile. As a result, meteoric water infiltration initiated during uplift was slow to flush saline formation waters, allowing MVT ore‐forming salinities to persist at Tri‐State on the order of at least 100 Myr. The slow groundwater flow rates also caused heat transport to occur primarily by conduction rather than advection. Despite this, MVT ore‐forming temperatures were still reached at Tri‐State for both endmember cases of Pennsylvanian–Permian aquitard thickness, though much more readily in the thick aquitard case. Faults within the Tri‐State district served as a regional fluid focusing mechanism and probably played a more important role in localizing mineralization than the window in the Ozark confining unit that occurs in the district. Fluids rising along these faults could have cooled by about 8–10°C and as much as another 0.3°C km?1 as they flowed laterally northward. This temperature change alone however would not have been sufficient to precipitate the total mass of metal sulfide ore occurring at Tri‐State.  相似文献   

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