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Stable isotope analyses have been applied to human and faunal bone collagen from the Varna I and Durankulak cemeteries to explore palaeodietary adaptations in the Neolithic and Eneolithic (Copper Age). The results suggest both populations primarily utilised terrestrial, C3-based diets, despite their proximity to the Black Sea. The wider δ15N range of the Durankulak humans likely indicates the differential utilisation of terrestrial meat sources, which is probably related to the degree to which primary and/or secondary ovicaprid products were consumed, particularly since ovicaprid δ15N values differ from other herbivores. The isotopic distribution of Varna I reflects a linear relationship between δ15N and δ13C, suggesting that a minority of individuals enriched in both isotopic parameters supplemented their diets with marine resources. These burials include the well known ‘chieftain’ (burial 43) and show notable material wealth by way of grave goods. At the population level, however, there is no significant correlation between stable isotope values and material wealth at Varna I, a fact with implications for theories regarding emergent social/economic hierarchies in Balkan prehistory. Five burials at Durankulak were found to have relatively enriched δ13C and δ15N values with respect to the rest of the population. These burials reflect a prominently marine-based or mixed terrestrial C3-based diet that included C4 inputs, possibly from millet, for which the limitations of stable isotope analysis on bulk collagen are not able to differentiate. AMS dating has shown that these burials belong to a much later period.  相似文献   

The remains of 20 individuals buried in three different pantheons, putatively pertaining to the medieval Royal House of Aragon, were analysed for their isotope (14C, 13C and 15N) measurements. The radiocarbon dates and stable isotope data contributed to identifying individual members and, combined with additional osteological and taphonomic information, as well as documentary evidence, provided a fuller picture of the diets and life histories of particular people. This group comprised the first members of a royal dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Aragon before the Spanish Crown was established, and that played a significant role in the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim control, this being of paramount importance in the Spanish and European history.  相似文献   

Quilty, P.G., Clark, N. & Hibberd, T., 21.01.2015. Crenostrea sp. cf. C. cannoni (Marwick, 1928) (Bivalvia: Ostreacea) and associated fauna from east of Heard Island, Kerguelen Plateau: age and palaeoenvironmental value. Alcheringa 39, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

A well-preserved single left valve of a large oyster embedded in coarse volcaniclastic sediment and identified as Crenostrea sp. cf. C. cannoni (Marwick, 1928) was dredged from east of Heard Island, central southern Indian Ocean. It is accompanied by a fragment of the pectinid bivalve Austrochlamys sp. indet. and foraminifera. Austrochlamys sp. indet. and other bivalve fragments were analysed for 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O and δ13C, the results yielding an age of 17.5 Ma (later early Miocene) and a water temperature of ca 10°C. Foraminifera and sediment characteristics indicate that accumulation occurred in mid-continental shelf depths, at a location where nutrient supply was good.

Patrick G. Quilty [], School of Earth Sciences (Private Bag 79) and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS: Private Bag 129), University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia. Nicola Clark [], Department of Geology, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK. Ty Hibberd [], Australian Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston, Tasmania 7050, Australia.  相似文献   

In this guest editorial, the author weighs up to what extent Christian and Jewish life practice equivalents to jihad and to what extent this is a feature of our contemporary secular lives.  相似文献   

The paper presents the large set of basketry and other worked fibre artefacts constituting the perishable artefacts assemblage from the Takarkori rock shelter. This site is located in southwestern Libya, central Sahara. Its well-preserved Holocene stratigraphy testifies to human occupations by foraging groups (Late Acacus culture; ca. 9000–7400 uncal years bp; ca. 8300–6100 BCE) and herders (Pastoral cultures; ca. 7400–4500 uncal years bp; ca. 6400–3000 BCE).  相似文献   

Al Menoufy, S. June.2018. Nummulites perforatus (de Montfort, 1808) and N. beaumonti d’Archaic & Haime, 1853: a new record from Gebel Hafit, United Arab Emirates. Alcheringa XX, xx–xx.

Nummulites perforatus (N. burdigalensis group) and N. beaumonti (N. discorbinus group) are recorded from a Priabonian limestone outcrop of the Mazyad Member, Dammam Formation, exposed along the eastern limb of Gebel Hafit Anticline, in the United Arab Emirates. Nummulites perforatus at this site is characterized morphologically by lenticular to inflated-lenticular tests with rounded edges, meandering septal filaments, dense granules on, and between, the septal filaments, chambers that are longer than high and a regular-shaped spire. Biometric studies have demonstrated that this new material from the United Arab Emirates is similar to specimens of N. perforatus previously described. N. beaumonti is here characterized morphologically by lenticular tests with slightly rounded peripheries, a relatively thick and irregular marginal cord, compact septal filaments that are curved initially but become radial and twisted around the polar area with a slight flexure towards the periphery, tight to lax coiled spire, and chambers that are rectangular in shape and higher than long, including a rudimentary polar pustule. Biometric studies revealed that this material is comparable with specimens of N. beaumonti. Nummulites perforatus and N. beaumonti span the SBZ19 zone and are considered to be late Eocene (Priabonian) in age.

Safia Al Menoufy [ or ] Biological & Geological Sciences, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, El khalifa El maamoon Street, Cairo 11566, Egypt.  相似文献   

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