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Spacelab is the conventional name given to a manned laboratory to be carried onboard NASA's Space Shuttle, which was built in Europe under the aegis of the European Space Agency (ESA). This paper deals with the initiatives undertaken in Europe to establish a utilisation programme for Spacelab, in particular for its first flight, planned as a joint ESA/NASA demonstration mission. Two main factors will be discussed, which prevented ESA from establishing a sizeable Spacelab utilisation effort. Firstly, owing to the cost escalation of the Spacelab development programme and to NASA's charging policy for access to the Shuttle system, which did not foressee any preferential treatment to European users, most ESA member states were reluctant to commit funds in support of a long term experimental programme with the new space facility. Secondly, in a situation characterized by strict budgetary constraints, the established European space science community strongly opposed the inclusion of the new research fields opened up by Spacelab (e.g. life and material sciences in micro‐gravity condition) within the framework of ESA's scientific programme.  相似文献   


The era of manned spaceflight began in the early 1960s. Now, only a quarter of a century later, the foundation is being laid for permanently manned space stations which, a century ago, were the domain of visionaries whose dreams of space habitats and their uses were not that far away from current plans. The first space stations were the Soviet Salyut 1 and the American Skylab of the early 1970s. The Russians built a succession of Salyuts, the last of which was Salyut-7, launched in 1982. This was succeeded in 1986 by Mir, to which a first expansion module has already been added. Mir is planned to become a multimodule facility. The Americans have chosen a different path to their space station. From 1975 to 1981, they developed their Space Transportation System (Space Shuttle) of which Spacelab is a part. Built by Europe and flown first in 1983, it is the world's only reusable, manned space laboratory. The Space Shuttle is to be the logistics vehicle for the US-directed International Space Station, which includes cooperation from Europe, Japan and Canada. As currently planned, the ISS will consist of a rectangular framework of trusses at the center of which will be a core of laboratory, habitation and logistics modules. Unattached space station elements are to include polar-orbiting platforms and a co-orbiting, automated laboratory.  相似文献   


Space in literary texts has been widely studied but poorly systematized. There is no valid method of analysis that gives space a critical meaning. For instance, critics have eluded the fact that time and space cannot be considered separately. On the other hand, they have used concepts or methods from disciplines aside literature such as anthropology, biology, psychology, or geography that do not help clarify the meaning or signification of a literary text. We begin this article by giving a review of the main theoretical and critical positions regarding space in literature from the second half of the twentieth century. We do this in order to evaluate the main results those studies have attained. Later on, we propose a methodology that may clarify the significance of space in a literary text. The concept topoiesis (as far as we know, it has not been used in the humanities) represents for us a key word. It helps us to distinguish one main process where space can turn from a signification practice to the production of meaning in a literary text.  相似文献   


In the production of a sculpture, practical and technical considerations have a large influence. Some of these are here reviewed as seen through the author's eyes and as based on his personal experience. Such materials as concrete, cast iron and stainless steel are discussed, classical and contemporary fashions are compared, the importance of linking straight lines and curves in sculpture is emphasised, and the design process is outlined. The review concludes with a discussion of the heart of all artistic work, inspiration.  相似文献   


In 1981 the four space agencies Intercosmos, ISAS, NASA and ESA formed the Inter-Agency Consultative Group for Space Science (IACG). The objectives of the IACG are to maximise opportunities for multilateral scientific coordination among approved space science missions in areas of mutual interest. The IACG is a multi-agency international forum in which space science activities are discussed on an informal basis among representatives of the member agencies. It concentrates on a single discipline area of approved space science projects as a focal point for a number of years. Until 1986 the IACG coordinated the six space missions to Halley's Comet: Vega 1 and Vega 2 from Intercosmos, Suisei and Sakigake from ISAS, ICE from NASA and Giotto from ESA. Since 1986 the IACG has been coordinating 13 projects involving 20 spacecraft in solar–terrestrial science.  相似文献   


This review defines applied informatics and indicates its use in tbe public sector. It distinguishes different sector of public endeavour and different types of information systems with regard to the informational infrastructure in a country. For this purpose recent literature from a number of developed countries is surveyed and abstracted from a variety of different disciplines. The relations between technological and methodological developments on the one hand, and organizational and administrative developments on the other are especially discussed. Some general trends are tentatively discerned. The main conclusion is that the potential use of applied informatics as a tool of administration is insufficiently realized, both in politics and in academic research.  相似文献   


This paper's review of relevant Australian writing critical of theory and practice concludes that official protection of the nation's heritage is a prejudicial, narrowly conceived system in the sense that it is not readily embraced by the public at large, and does not relate well to vigorous public concerns for the environment. Heritage remains too securely tied to the historic artefact. Much broader, vital concepts are needed. A ‘social and environmental relations’ model is proposed. Ideas related to such a concept are explored, including examples where heritage is integrated with aspects of community development. Practice in some communities is argued to be blazing paths well in advance of some of the heritage professionals. In support of such initiatives, research directions for historically‐based disciplines that are in accord with the proposed model are outlined.  相似文献   


The Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, commonly called Star Wars, is here critically analysed. The almost inconceivable destruction caused by nuclear war and the following nuclear winter are described, along with the various difficulties of intercepting Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, ICBMS, are discussed in technical detail. Reference is made to battle stations in space, the use of lasers from space and from Earth, pop-up defence; and the major issues of deterrence, computer power and the alternative delivery of nuclear weapons are emphasised. The alternative to Space War, Space Peace, can only come through trust and truth, and it is concluded that the noncommitted nations should combine to form an International Monitoring Satellite Agency to launch 'PEACESATS'. The information from these satellites, available to all nations, would bring about an Age of Transparency and an end to nuclear war.  相似文献   


This paper examines Marlene Nourbese Philip's 'Dis Place—The Space Between' to argue that black women's bodies are troubled by Philip in order to reconceptualize and reinvent location, corporeality, subjectivities, and dominant historical narratives. In situating blackness and black femininity within a displaced, or 'anywhere' framework, Philip scrutinizes and redraws the places of black women's bodies in the New World so that we might reconsider the geographical and historical importance of blackness. This paper therefore analyses how Philip takes up the chaotic in between-ness of black womanhood in order to embrace discourses and spaces of 'elsewhere' and possibility, while also acknowledging sites of racism, sexism, memory and struggle.  相似文献   

This article examines NATO's transformation from the Cold War to the present and offers a framework of interpretation. Transformation has entailed a downgrading of territorial defence and an upgrading of out‐of‐area crisis management, as well as diplomatic engagement and partnership. NATO has thus become a more diversified and globalized alliance. The article traces the evolution post‐1989 of the principled policy areas for the alliance—defence, crisis management and partnership—and explains difficulties of development within each area. It also enters into the controversy of interpreting NATO. It explains NATO as an outcome of America's enduring need to engage in the management of Eurasia's rim and Europe's equally enduring need for outside assistance in organizing a concert of power inside Europe. NATO has historically been strong when Europe's and North America's power capabilities and concepts of order are in equilibrium and thus when NATO governments have defined the geography of the Atlantic peace in such a way that both pillars can contribute to it in substantial ways. The article puts this perspective in opposition to two mainstream frameworks of thinking—liberal idealism and retrenchment realism—and applies it in a critique of the diversified and globalized profile that the alliance has developed. The article finally offers a moderately positive assessment of NATO's September 2014 Wales summit as a contribution to renewed geopolitical equilibrium, and it suggests how this contribution could be further strengthened.  相似文献   


There are three distinct reasons for interdisciplinary work in development studies. First, specialists in different disciplines may work together on a specific practical planning problem. Second, assumptions, concepts or method evolved in one discipline may yield fruitful results when applied to the problem previously treated by another. Third, the concepts, model and paradigms may have to be recast so as to encompass variable previously separated in distinct disciplines because of tbe demand of the social reality of a different culture. This is illustrated with the concept ‘capital'. There is a conservative and a radical version. In the former, new wine can be poured into old bottle; in the latter, wholly new concepts and models must be constructed.  相似文献   


D’Arcy Thompson’s views on the forms of biomaterials are assessed in the light of current thinking on biomorphology in selected areas of biology. It is clear that his guiding concepts — that biological materials are structured in response to physical forces, and that the biological and abiotic realms share many common features — remain valid. Advances in the physical and biological sciences are discussed, from quantum mechanics and molecular biology to liquid crystalline materials and macroscopic forms. These reveal Thompson’s clear-sighted view of the role of physical and mathematical sciences in biology, as well as his blind-spots.  相似文献   


The epistemological basis of the participatory action-research (PAR) methodology in the so-called 'paradigm of complexity' is plagued with misconceptions, imprecision and significant omissions. The appropriate and contextualised translation of concepts from the natural sciences for use in the social sciences is particularly necessary in qualitative-structural and participatory-dialectic methodological trends. This paper focuses on the concepts of 'entropy', 'complexity' and 'strategic action'. Based on a general notion of complexity relating to the consideration of uncertainty, innovation and the contextualisation of systems, performance-related aspects indicative of actions implied by this paradigm may be highlighted. Thus, it is argued that the conceptualisation of operations such as 'acting in order to know' and 'act knowing/know by acting', encompassed in the notion of 'strategic invention', complement and exceed the scope of typical planning operations and even self-planning ('knowing in order to act'). In short, these definitions are coherent with an ecosystemic perspective of social and natural reality, in which it is necessary to contextualise what is more or less complex in the world, in our knowledge of the world and in our practical actions when acting in the world. Consequently, participatory action-research methodologies should adopt this complex ecosystemic epistemological perspective, and be designed through a 'strategic invention' approach, in order to clarify the concepts imported from other scientific disciplines.  相似文献   


The Russian-born artist Naum Gabo (1890–1977) often employed new materials and techniques which demonstrate how his spatial conceptions developed towards a sculptural expression of lightness, balance and equilibrium. These principles reverberate with concepts of optimum structures, in which minimum-weight design is achieved through removal of redundant material. Not only formal aspects of his sculptures correspond to this concept, but also Gabo's shared aesthetic and structural concerns with twentieth-century architecture and engineering, in terms of transparency, spatial openness, efficiency and lightweight design are consistent with this idea. Similar notions surfaced in prevailing interests in nature's sense of order and perfection as the basis of biologically-inspired design, which Gabo encountered especially in the work of the biologist D'Arcy Thompson and the art critic Herbert Read. This paper investigates the aesthetic and structural affinities Gabo's sculptures bear with these notions, highlighting how these informed his sculptural conceptions. His oeuvre demonstrates how his constructive technique enabled Gabo to convey an aesthetic that would be appropriate for a modern, industrial society. The aim of this paper is to offer a new way of looking at Gabo's sculptural aesthetic by identifying analogies with theoretical formulations of minimum weight frame-structures, as encountered in the theory of the scientist engineer A.G.M. Michell (1904). Consistent with his historical context, this work demonstrates how Gabo's sculptures convey an aesthetic of balance, equilibrium, and lightness precisely because his sculptural language is rooted in principles of optimum structures to which he responded in visual as well as structural terms.  相似文献   


In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the concept of sociability was used mainly to refer to the putative range of primary human qualities or capabilities that preceded—or existed independently of—the formation of political societies. This article is an examination of the impact of Rousseau's thought on this then standard usage. Its initial focus is on Rousseau's concept of perfectibility and its bearing on the thought of Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet, and Friedrich Schlegel. Its broader aim is to show how their respective responses to Rousseau were part of a more deep-seated transformation of the concept of sociability itself.  相似文献   

War on the Mind     

The new biology, a formidable triad of the disciplines of biochemistry, genetics and cell biology, has given an entirely new insight into disease processes. It is forcefully argued here that this interdisciplinary approach should be applied to tropical diseases. The detailed strategy and possible engineering of a malaria vaccine, as developed at the author's Institute, are cited as an example. But finally, society must decide if the new biology is to be used for research on the diseases of the rich or the poor peoples of this planet.  相似文献   


Quantitative methods of content analysis have become established in most subfields of political science, but remain relatively unutilized in studies of political theory, despite the exclusive focus of that subfield on textual sources. This article develops a variation of content analysis—termed usage analysis—and employs it to resolve a standing debate in scholarship on Cicero's political theory regarding the synonymy of the major Latin terms for the state (civitas and res publica). The resulting distinction between these concepts then informs an exposition of Cicero's ideal state not as the Roman Republic itself or the mixed constitution alone, but as a universal, everlasting political society supported by justice, a mixed constitution, and active citizenship.  相似文献   


In this paper the famous saying in Jer 31,29–30 is discussed taking the images of sour fruit and numb teeth as parts of metaphorical language. The two images should be classified as parts of two different root-metaphors: “sour fruit” falls under the tree “you are what you eat”. “Numb teeth” stand in the field of “demolition and ruination”. Their unexpected merger together with the aspect of time—as referred to by the nouns “fathers” and “(grand) children”—suggests that two concepts are communicated: (1) the idea of postponed retribution, and (2) tragic fatalism, The abrogation of the saying should be interpreted as an indication that “in the days to come” people can no longer blame others for their wrongdoings. Within the historical context of exile and return, the abrogation of the saying should not be interpreted as a sign of the rise of individualism, but as a feature of a symbol system that stresses personal responsibility as part of Israel's identity within the immense Persian Empire.  相似文献   

Much fuss has been made of the “spatial turn” in recent years, across a range of disciplines. It is hard to know if the attention has been warranted. A confusion of terms has been used—such as space, place, spatiality, location—and each has signified a cluster of often contradictory and confusing meanings. This phenomenon is common to a range of disciplines in the humanities. This means, first, that it is not always easy to recognize what (if anything) is being discussed under the rubric of space, and second, that over‐extended uses of the cultural turn have stymied meaningful engagement with (or even a language of) materiality in discussions of space. This article shows how materiality has been marginalized both by a casual vocabulary and a vigorous a priori epistemological holism on the part of scholars, and how the spatial turn has been too closely linked to the cultural turn to allow it to develop its fullest explanatory potential. It demonstrates how historians might profitably theorize the significance of place and space in their work (borrowing techniques from geographers and anthropologists, and referring to the phenomenological tradition), and sets out some challenges for using space more effectively in explanatory systems. Inspired by environmental history, sociology, and science and technology studies, I propose a way of establishing space as different from conventional historical handling of materiality, and end by identifying some methodological problems that need to be solved if we are to proceed on a surer footing.  相似文献   


This paper presents a review of industrial archaeology literature and offers some initial thoughts on how this literature relates to my research on public perception and experience of Cornish mining landscapes. A brief summary of the development of industrial archaeology is given, which reflects on its amateur origins, its 'identity crisis' and its slow integration into university archaeology departments. The reasons for the transformation of industrial sites into industrial heritage is then examined and temporal models of change presented which relate to both an acceleration of the past into the commodity heritage as well as an affective progression from disdain to acceptance. The public's attitude to industrial archaeology is then discussed — which raises complex questions over the nature of such sites including, the importance of time and aesthetics as well as the phenomenological nature of perception and experience.  相似文献   

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