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李学通 《近代史研究》2006,30(6):106-112
在现代科学研究中,科学家之间,不同科学机构之间,乃至不同国家之间开展合作研究,不仅是司空见惯的事情,甚至已经是必不可少的了。其中的必要性、优越性,以及由于良好合作而给科学发展、技术进步带来的种种益处,是人所共知的。科学技术发展史中,也有过不少让人们津津乐道的范例。但是,毋庸讳言,这种合作是存在风险的,即使不是学术研究本身的风险,它往往也是很高的。因合作不愉快而给科学发展造成的伤害,甚至可能超过了合作成功带来的收益。伤害的形式多种多样,有可能是科学家间的个人关系,也有可能是机构之间乃至国家之间的关系,甚至可能是并…  相似文献   

This article analyzes the indoor climate that creates risk of damages in naturally ventilated churches in the cold climate of Estonia. Indoor temperature and humidity were measured over a one-year period and the results were analyzed on the basis of damage functions: mold growth, risk of cracking and fracturing of wooden objects, and delamination of the gesso layer of panel paintings.

In unheated churches, one of the most dominant problems was very high relative humidity throughout the year, creating a high risk for mold and algae growth. Churches may need background heating to avoid freezing during a long cold winter that causes low surface temperatures of massive walls during the spring–summer period. It was found that mold risk was significantly lower in heated churches than in unheated or intermittently heated churches. The risk of mold growth was not decreased by the use of intermittent heating.

In heated churches, overheating (room temperature >+10ºC) causes a RH below 50% during cold periods, and the favorable period for irreversible response of panel paintings was significantly longer, so there is a higher risk that the gesso may crack or delaminate. From the point of view of the cracking and fracturing of wood, indoor climate conditions are in the safe range for most of the year.  相似文献   

Laplacian smoothing spline functions have been used in a detailed spatial analysis of monthly and annual mean windspeed values in Tasmania. The techniques used here have been described in detail by Hutchinson et aL and the present paper significantly extends their results for Tasmania. The windspeed maps are discussed in detail with particular emphasis on their use for the assessment of Tasmania's wind energy potential  相似文献   

This article presents a model of a developing economy with three sectors — industry, agriculture and energy. Industry and energy are assumed to be demand‐constrained, but agriculture supply‐constrained. The model highlights: (a) structural transformation, through labour transfer from agriculture to industry; (b) inflation, driven by the interaction of demand and the supply constraint in agriculture; and (c) the link between energy use and labour productivity. Employing a Kaldor‐Verdoorn productivity rule in industry augmented with energy intensity — energy per unit of labour — as an argument, we emphasize that labour productivity growth is driven by energy intensity rather than energy productivity growth. As a consequence, emissions reduction without North–South technology transfer and financial assistance costs growth.  相似文献   

Global temperature trends on time scales of years to centuries have recently been shown to be related to volcanic aerosols, carbon dioxide levels, and solar activity. The most visible and well-studied indicators of solar variability are dark areas or “sunspots” on the surface of the Sun, with sunspot numbers directly related to the level of solar activity. Prediction of sunspot numbers in advance of the actual event has proven problematic with most methods failing due to nonlinearities in solar activity. An approach using the generation of a feedforward neural network may resolve some of the difficulties inherent in currently utilized statistical and precursor approaches since feedforward networks offer a useful and practical method of approximating nonlinear relations and their derivatives without knowing the actual underlying nonlinear function. In this paper, we show some preliminary findings in using feedforward neural networks for the prediction of peak sunspot cycle amplitude and discuss the climatic implications of the findings.  相似文献   

日本的产业技术扶持政策与实施手段 以太阳能产业为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本经济的核心是日本企业以持续技术革新为基础的国际竞争力。日本企业之所以能持续进行技术革新是与日本政府的政策引导和支持分不开的。本文指出日本政府在国家总体目标之下,利用自身的信息优势和资源优势,根据时代的变迁,制定不同的产业技术政策,通过政策引导,使企业能够明确技术革新的方向,并通过对市场的增进为新技术提供需求,从而促进新兴产业的发展。  相似文献   

Benjamin F. Timms 《对极》2011,43(4):1357-1379
Abstract: “Disaster capitalism” refers to political economic processes that take advantage of mass trauma to impose neoliberal capitalist economic policies, facilitating the redistribution of wealth and exacerbating socio‐economic divisions. Here the basic tenets of disaster capitalism are applied in another context: how natural disasters can be used to impose exclusionary protected area conservation principles with similar socio‐economic consequences and ecological ramifications. The post‐Hurricane Mitch relocation of resident populations from Celaque National Park, Honduras serves as a case study whereby a natural disaster, combined with the effects of neoliberal structural adjustment policies, created the opportunity to implement a universal model of exclusionary nature protection. The resultant displacement and increased semi‐proletarianization of the affected population effectively served the capitalist interests of international conservation and the agro‐export coffee industry and, contradictorily, worked against the proclaimed goals of nature preservation through exclusionary national park policies.  相似文献   

The authors use the method of geographic analogues to predict the influence of the projected Pechora-Vychegda-Kama watershed reservoir on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding territory. On the basis of the climatic influence of the Rybinsk Reservoir, measured by changes in differences of meteorological elements between pairs of stations, the authors expect a 10-km.-wide belt of stable influence around the projected reservoir, with episodic effects in the direction of the prevailing winds up to 30 to 50 km. inland.  相似文献   

The use of renewable hydraulic energy sources by mankind most likely has its origins in the development of the watermills. To understand the functioning of these mills, this article first reviews, through the analysis of different bibliographical sources, the technical evolution of the machinery used since the appearance of the first watermills to grind cereal grain in the 1st century bc.

Secondly, a particular area of the south-west of Spain, Alcalá de Guadaíra, has been selected for study, whose strategic location as well as its hydrological characteristics gave rise, firstly, to an intensive milling industry, and, later, a famed baking industry, from the late Middle Ages until recent decades. The huge development of these two industrial activities has made Alcalá de Guadaíra an exceptional example in Spain, with 40 watermills in the early 18th century.

Extensive work on site allowed the analysis of the state and types of watermills that still exist in this area, identifying their similarities and differences. Unfortunately, after they fell into disuse, only 28 of these mills remain today; 12 of them are in a relative good state of preservation, seven in an alarming state of ruin and, of the other nine, only some unrecognisable vestiges remain. Some of these mill buildings have been restored recently, although their machinery is missing. Only from old photographs or by visiting mills restored in other areas is it possible to determine how these watermills worked.

Due to the lack of financial resources to carry out physical restoration of the industrial heritage missing in these flour mills, a virtual model of one of them has been developed. This work provides, at least virtually, a reconstruction of the traditional mills which helps promote technological studies and shows how they worked, as part of virtual exhibitions. In addition, a computer application of augmented reality has been developed that any visitor can install on a mobile device to display the virtual reality of the machinery, generated by 3D models, so they can visualise the physical reality that they would have found in the mill.  相似文献   

史前考古遗址中出土的软体动物贝壳中的氧碳同位素值是生长时期气候变化的良好指示器,对有比较确切考古学年代的贝壳的分析,有助于建立史前气候变化的序列。  相似文献   

The coverage provided by the existing solar radiation monitoring network for British Columbia and adjacent areas in western Canada is assessed and found to be inadequate. It is generally advantageous to use a numerical solar radiation model at available sites to augment the observed values, although this is not a complete solution to the problem. It is also shown that the ability to extrapolate solar radiation data from measurement and modelling locations is strongly determined by the general nature of the synoptic weather conditions. In addition, the use of solar radiation extrapolations is restricted by problems involving homogeneity and isotropy assumptions.
Les auteurs presentent une evaluation de la distribution des stations en Colombie britannique et les aires adjacents du Canada de I'ouest mesurant la radiation solaire; ils en concluent que le reseau actuel est inadequat. 11s soulignent I'avantage d'emprunter un modele numerique pour caracteriser la radiation solaire aux sites disponibles, afin d'aug-menter les donnees observees. Neanmoins, cela ne represente pas pour les auteurs une solution complete du probleme. 11s demontrent que le caractere general des conditions meteorologiques synoptiques determine fortement la possibilite d'une extrapolation de la distribution de la radiation solaire, derivee des donnees mesurees et des modeles adoptes aux sites specifiques. Finalement, ils etablissent que certains problemes concernant les hypo-theses d'homogeneite et d'isotropie imposent leur tour des limites a I'utilite de la methoded'extrapolation pour decrire la radiation solaire.  相似文献   

蒋介石的手令制度具有以下几项特色:第一,蒋的大量颁布手令,仅为战争时期的权宜措施,1950年以后所颁布的手令即大为减少;即使在1950年以前,蒋也再三督促所属尽量不以手令形式颁布命令,因此实难谓蒋无尊重体制之心。其次,蒋所颁布手令的内容包括极广,越级指挥者并不多见,少数越级指挥且出现弊端较为严重者,仅为有关作战方面的手令。第三,军事将领喜好越级指挥作战,乃是在长期指挥小兵团的环境中所养成的习惯,加以缺乏指挥大兵团作战的训练与经验所致,因此好越级指挥作战者,绝非仅限于蒋一人,而是一种普遍现象。更有进者,如将蒋的大量颁布手令放在战时中国艰困的物质环境下观察,可以发现除此之外,似乎也没有其他更好的选择。  相似文献   

This study examines how corporate governance of climate change is developing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong), Asia's leading financial centre. It situates corporate actions within the broader framework of urban multi-stakeholder climate governance. In the absence of international obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and government regulation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the majority of companies in Hong Kong have yet to tackle climate change. However, a small number of proactive corporations are acting to reduce climate change induced risks and reposition themselves to take advantage of climate change opportunities. Focusing on these leading corporations, this study identifies the motivations for and barriers to action. It concludes that corporations are only one of the necessary players in addressing climate change at the city level. Corporate climate change governance could be improved in Hong Kong by developing a stronger institutional framework and broader civil society support.  相似文献   

过去30年里,中国历史气候的研究取得了世所瞩目的成就。这一研究领域中每次重要的进展,都伴随着资料的开拓和方法的创新。有鉴于此,本文主要对近三十年来历史气候研究中文献资料的收集整理、资料中存在问题的甄别和处理,温度序列、干湿序列的重建及其它相关历史气候研究领域中研究方法的进展做了回顾总结。指出研究方法的进步主要体现在更有效地提取和利用历史文献中的有效信息,尽量减少重建过程和结果的不确定性。而一定的方法总是适用于一定的资料。并认为新资料的继续开拓和集成方法的发展完善将进一步推动研究的进步。  相似文献   

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