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北欧,斯堪的纳维亚半岛。几个世纪以前,这里是著名的海盗窝。每当一次出海凯旋,海盗们总会大摆筵席大肆庆祝。但,对海盗来说,当时就餐的繁文缛节只是有所耳闻,他们不习惯甚至不了解,相反,他们要的只是尽兴!于是撇开各种对束手缚脚,到摆满食物的桌子上自选、自取享用的方式,大受欢迎。最初这被上流社会排斥的就餐方式,在18世纪被法国得到兴起,并且迅速在欧美各国流传开来。之后的西餐业者将它文明化和规范化,便有了今天的"自助餐",有时,也称冷餐会。  相似文献   

Maza, Sarah C. Servants and Masters in Eighteenth‐Century France. The Uses of Loyalty. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983. xiv + 368 pp. including illustrations, appendices, chapter references, sources and bibliography, and index. $32.50 cloth.

Dudden, Faye E. Serving Women. Household Service in Nineteenth‐Century America. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1983. viii + 344 pp. including chapter references and index. $19.95 cloth.

Rollins, Judith. Between Women. Domestics and Their Employers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1985. viii + 261 pp. including chapter references and index. $24.95 cloth.

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. Issei, Nisei, War Bride. Three Generations of Japanese American Women in Domestic Service. Philadelphia: Temple Uni‐verity Press, 1986. xviii + 290 pp. including appendices, chapter references, and index. $29.95 cloth.

Stanley, Liz, ed. The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick. Victorian Maidservant London: Virago Press, 1984. vii + 327 pp. including illustrations, appendices, and notes. £5.95 paper ($25 available through Rutgers University Press).

Gordon, Suzanne. A Talent for Tomorrow. Life Stories of South African Servants. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1985. xxvii + 294 pp., including glossary, bibliography, index, and photographs by Ingrid Hudson. $16.95 paper (available through Ohio University Press).  相似文献   

Porter, a dark style of beer that was the staple of London in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, is conventionally addressed as a discrete invention, suited to large‐scale production, whose appearance led rapidly to enclosure of the trade by a few industrial‐scale producers. This paper by contrast presents the capitalist industrialization of brewing as co‐extensive with, and reinforced by, the long‐term emergence of a consensus definition of porter; the invention story is a retrospective construct that telescopes a century or more of technical change. Balancing established economic accounts, I address the role of product identity as a rhetorical device. London’s greatest brewers were in part assisted in capturing smaller competitors’ trade by the enshrining of large‐scale production as a ‘secret ingredient’ in its own right, essential to the nature of the ‘true’ product.  相似文献   

Amazonia became an important laboratory of inquiry and evangelization for Franciscans and Jesuits in the early modern Spanish Empire. The missionary endeavours depended upon knowledge friars acquired and produced about the rivers, landscapes, and societies of their new home in the tropical lowlands of South America. Friars were particularly interested in finding and naming the axis of this new territory. ‘Amazonas,’ however, became an untameable fluvial entity that defied unitary conceptualization. Whereas the sixteenth-century concept of the river revolved around the dimensions of its estuary, seventeenth-century missionaries focused on length, volume, and headwaters to define Amazonia. The attempts to define the river produced a dispute between the two religious orders and indeed within each group, as Franciscans and Jesuits sought to make their ‘Amazonas’ normative. The present study explores this debate and asserts that hydrography became a language of authority and contention among early modern missionaries of Amazonia.  相似文献   

李致忠 《文献》2007,(4):3-7
关于中国雕版印刷术的发明,古今中外很多学者参加了讨论,提出了种种说法,但迄今尚无绝对令人信服的结论.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2007,26(1):13-19
In this essay, I emphasize that politics does exist at a global scale, though it exists in a non-conventional way, far from the times, places, people, and objects by which we are used to analyzing its existence. Geography can be used as a vehicle or a special lens to ensure that these emerging realities are not missed.  相似文献   

This article uses historical data on inventor and firm researchand development (R&D) lab locations to examine the technologicaland geographic structure of corporate knowledge capital accumulationduring a formative period in the organization of United Statesinnovation. Despite the localization of inventive activity aroundthe labs, one-quarter of inventors lived outside a 30 mile commutingradius of the nearest facility of the firm they assigned theirpatents to. A strong positive effect of distance from a labon technological importance is identified, especially for inventorsfrom large cities that were geographically separated from afirm's; labs. A patent case–control method helps explainspatial sourcing by showing that the average quality of externallyavailable inventions was high. Firms selected complementary,not substitute, inventions from non-lab urban locations, suggestinga link between the organization and the geography of innovation.  相似文献   

Landscape took on a new meaning through the new science of plant geography of Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1857). In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, “landscape” was foremost a painterly genre. Slowly, painted landscapes came to bear on natural surroundings, but by 1800 it was still not common to designate sites as “landscapes.” Humboldt looked at plant vegetation with a painterly gaze. Artists, according to him, could suggest in their work that an abstract unity lay hidden underneath observable phenomena. Humboldt projected painted landscapes on nature and found its ecological unity. By doing so, he ultimately stripped the concept of landscape from its primary visual meaning.  相似文献   

The black reaction, invented in 1873 by Camillo Golgi (1843-1926, was the first technique to reveal neurons in their entirety, i.e. with all their processes. This important development passed unnoticed at first and only received wide international attention after a long delay. The Golgi stain was widely employed for almost thirty years and was directly responsible for major advances in our knowledge of the microscopic anatomy of the nervous system, as well as in other fields of study. In the hands of other researchers, the black reaction provided vital evidence that helped to establish the neuron theory. The Golgi stain was almost forgotten in the period between the two World Wars, but the introduction of the electron microscope to neurocytological resarch revived its use around the middle of the twentieth century. Today, the black reaction is still used extensively not only in combination with electron microscopy, but also as an autonomous technique in studies on the evolution, ontogeny, and organization of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Postcolonial linguistics has shown that African languages emerged from a complex figuration of missionary, scientific and colonial practices. The article interprets this emergence as the result of an existential onto-epistemological dislocation stabilised through the hegemonic project of colonialism. It rests on an apparatus of modernity that separated nature and culture/society and stabilised this new order with a particular notion of language as an autonomous object. In the nineteenth century, language enters a conjunction of territory and culture, which played out in Europe in the terms of a nationalist, hegemonic trajectory and in Africa as the fractionation of ethnic/linguistic groups and the pervasive linguo-ethnification of contemporary societies. Thus, language can be understood to be an apparatus productive of nationalism as well as ethnicity. In an attempt to demonstrate the plausibility of this conceptualisation, I show how today these trajectories have effects in that Afrikaans in South Africa as ethnified language loses and Swahili in Tanzania as national language gains ground at the respective universities. Both languages compete with global academic English, which despite its colonial heritage appears as a deterritorialised, culturally neutral language.  相似文献   

Manuel Schramm 《Folklore》2013,124(1):64-76
This article attempts to historicise the concept of “folk art” using the example of wooden toys from the Erzgebirge mountains to show that it was invented by cultural élites as a marketing concept at the beginning of the twentieth century in order to support a domestic industy caught in structural crisis.  相似文献   


This article is an investigation into the attempt by the federal Conservative government of Stephen Harper to securitise the Canadian polity through re-enchantment. Through the strategic use of discourses and the shaping of the regime of signification, the article explains how the Harper government attempted to re-enchant national myths of Anglo-conformist nationalism, militarism and loyalism. Using discourse analysis of government documents and speeches, the article examines three sites of discursive intervention: (1) National Museum and Archive policy, specifically, the renaming of the Canadian national museum; (2) the militarisation and royalisation of national institutions and commemorations, notably the renaming of the Canadian navy and (3) the privileging of anglo-centric and loyalist tropes in the performance of citizenship rituals, and associated with this, reforming Citizenship legislation. The article concludes with an analysis of the reasons for the overall failure of the Conservative government’s attempts to securitise through re-enchantment.  相似文献   

Many Australian observers see Australia and India as ‘natural’ partners whose strategic perspectives are likely to become ever closer in coming years. This article will examine recent developments in the Australia–India security relationship and consider some possible limits to the strategic convergence of Australia and India, particularly in Indian Ocean security. It argues that Australia's challenge in coming years will be not only to address areas of common interest but to also actively engage with India on the interests and expectations of littoral states and extra-regional powers in the security of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

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