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陈德军 《史学月刊》2004,5(6):60-64
南京政府所谓的“青年问题”实质上反映了它们对1920年代和1930年代中国政治继续动荡的恐惧与抵制。民初以来的高等教育,其文科与实科的比例结构与社会需求之间严重失衡倾向的日益积累,导致了越来越多游离于社会生产结构之外的文科学生成为批判现实的社会科学最为热情的接受群体。当他们的切身遭遇在学理上被引向对社会制度的道德质问时,社会科学表现为20世纪30年代具有颠覆性的一种时尚。这些学生也由此为抗议南京政府的政治组织所吸纳,从而掀起了此起彼伏的让南京当局头痛的政治风浪。  相似文献   

旅游文学研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张璟 《旅游科学》2009,23(2):55-61
从20世纪90年代中期开始,国内对旅游文学研究在研究基础、内容、方法以及应用上都有很大的拓展和深化。在查阅国内十余年来众多相关研究文献的基础上,从旅游文学的专著和教材、内涵和发展、旅游与文学的关系和旅游文学的应用价值、研究的时空范围和学科边界、作家作品及专题研究等方面进行了系统的总结。最后提出旅游文学未来研究和发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

环境解说评估研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔚东英 《旅游科学》2010,24(5):84-94
环境解说评估具有导向、鉴定、改进、管理、调控以及服务功能。国外的环境解说评估注重运用定性与定量分析结合的方式,研究内容包括:游客对解说媒体满意度和偏好、环境解说评估的方法和效果、环境解说的综合评估、环境解说评估标准等。国内相关研究起步比较晚,研究内容多为探讨解说效果和游客满意度,也有少量关于环境解说评估的理论思考以及评估方式探讨。本文认为,需要进一步扩展环境解说评估的对象,丰富环境解说评估的方法,加强前期评估和阶段评估的研究,并建立起环境解说标准。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine how federal financial support of academic scientists shapes their collaborative behavior. More specifically, it investigates two questions: (i) are there threshold sizes of federal grants that have effects on collaboration? and (ii) do the threshold sizes differ by discipline? To test and model these questions, this paper uses data collected in a 2004–2005 survey by the Research Valuing Mapping Project (a project based at Georgia Tech and led by Barry Bozeman) of 2,086 academically based research scientists and engineers. The analysis in this paper reaffirms the positive relationship between federal funding and collaboration seen in previous works, but the findings suggest that there is in fact a threshold effect—as the positive relationship has a diminishing influence. The findings of this paper are more limited with respect to how academic disciplines’ threshold levels differ. The results indicate a difference in the threshold levels between disciplines for three of the eight models.  相似文献   


Two long-term sci–art research projects are described and positioned in the broader conceptual landscape of interdisciplinary collaboration. Both projects were aimed at understanding and augmenting choreographic decision-making and both were grounded in research conducted within a leading contemporary dance company. In each case, the work drew upon methods and theory from the cognitive sciences, and both had a direct impact on the way in which the company made new work. In the synthesis presented here the concept of an audit trace is introduced. Audit traces identify how specific classes of knowledge are used and transformed not only within the arts or sciences but also when arts practice is informed by science or when arts practice informs science.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theory of the role of culture in collaborative policy networks. It builds on the literature that analyzes the factors related to the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of collaborative arrangements by demonstrating the importance of hitherto undertheorized cultural factors. Cultural theory indicates that actors with different cultural viewpoints have distinct and predictable biases in terms of their expectations of collaboration and their preferences concerning how collaborative policy networks are structured. These biases, in turn, shape how collaborative partners are chosen and how collaborative relationships are maintained over time. The theory is illustrated with a case study of the rise and dissolution of a coalition within a housing policy network in Los Angeles. The case illustrates that cultural differences can impede collaboration even when organizations share similar policy goals.  相似文献   

国外遗产旅游与遗产管理研究--综述与启示   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
遗产旅游与遗产管理是国外旅游研究领域的热点之一。本文从文献综述的角度对遗产与遗产旅游的起源、发展进行了阐述,并进一步就遗产旅游与遗产管理研究的主要内容进行了总结,然后在此基础上探讨了国外遗产旅游与遗产管理对我国遗产旅游与遗产管理研究的启示。  相似文献   

朱璇  吕帅 《旅游科学》2007,21(4):72-78
越来越多背包客的出现冲击着我国传统的大众旅游方式,而面对这一另类旅游大潮,我们的反应却迟滞无力.本文通过回顾世界各国针对背包旅游市场所采取的政策和措施,分析了他们发展背包旅游的战略、策略和学者们的相关建议,评述了这些应对给予我国的启示,期望能够给当前国内背包旅游的建设提供有益的思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

21世纪初至今,文化遗产的概念日渐为国人所认识、接受并实践,与此同时,文化遗产学的建构不断为学者、业者所关注与探讨,蔡达峰、潘如丹、曹兵武、杨志刚、苑利、孙华、贺云翱、李志超、彭兆荣、徐嵩龄、李军、张廷皓等专家学者发表了诸多论著,探讨了文化遗产学的学科体系、学科性质、研究对象、研究方法以及文化遗产的概念、文化遗产的保护等,有效推动了文化遗产学的学科建设与理论体系的构建。  相似文献   

Research in coupled human and natural systems can be quite a cross‐disciplinary endeavour, requiring the combination of diverse concepts, methods, and approaches. While there is a wide recognition of the importance of incorporating different viewpoints, perspectives, and disciplines in achieving positive environmental and social outcomes, the methods through which such research is designed, specifically the processes engaged in, are largely absent from the literature. This presents challenges in research training for students in the field. This paper uses the example of a recent student project examining the management of Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone to consider how research training might address project design, conceptual challenges, and methodological choices. The goal of this project was to build improved understanding of the role of context in the adaptive management of these endangered ecological communities from Commonwealth to micro‐local scales. The paper explores the complexities of integrating approaches and methods drawn from both social sciences and environmental sciences. Rather than providing a definitive ‘how to guide’ for conducting integrative cross‐disciplinary research, it offers food for thought on the processes involved in creating a research project which transcends boundaries between social science and environmental science that are easily entrenched in research training that is compartmentalised along discipline lines.  相似文献   

1928年发掘殷墟揭开了用考古资料探讨中国早期文明的序幕。但是探索中国文明起源主要是新中国成立以后展开的,可以划分三个阶段:早期阶段,20世纪50年代至70年代;研究的热潮阶段,20世纪80年代至90年代;新进展与新问题阶段,2000-2011年。学术界已经形成共识,开展文明起源研究的主力军只能是考古学,田野考古才是解决问题的关键。对国外考古学研究文明起源的成果缺乏深度了解也阻碍了中国文明起源研究的深入进行。目前已有学者自觉地认识到要主动开展多学科合作研究。探源工程,相对而言在专项研究上,容易得出新的认识,可是在宏观上做总结性的概括则有待不断地解读、探索。  相似文献   

邓小平高度重视哲学社会科学的战略地位。邓小平认为 ,中国的哲学社会科学还存在许多不足 ,应该积极发展。邓小平认为 ,哲学社会科学必须坚持正确的发展方向 ,坚持马克思主义的指导 ,必须处理好对中国传统文化和外来文化的吸收借鉴与批判继承 ,还必须发扬理论联系实际的学风。邓小平主张尽快培养哲学社会科学人才 ,并营造良好的学术环境 ,建立良好的人才队伍管理体制。  相似文献   

Structural characteristics of social networks have been recognized as important factors of effective natural resource governance. However, network analyses of natural resource governance most often remain static, even though governance is an inherently dynamic process. In this article, we investigate the evolution of a social network of organizational actors involved in the governance of natural resources in a regional nature park project in Switzerland. We ask how the maturation of a governance network affects bonding social capital and centralization in the network. Applying separable temporal exponential random graph modeling (STERGM), we test two hypotheses based on the risk hypothesis by Berardo and Scholz (2010) in a longitudinal setting. Results show that network dynamics clearly follow the expected trend toward generating bonding social capital but do not imply a shift toward less hierarchical and more decentralized structures over time. We investigate how these structural processes may contribute to network effectiveness over time.  相似文献   

近二十多年来,社会史新颖的视角使史学研究趋向丰富和深入,但这并未引起蝗灾史研究者的重视。本文以蝗灾与社会的互动关系为线索,在梳理蝗灾史研究的发展脉络的基础上,对目前的研究不足提出几点看法,并就蝗灾史研究中应该引入新的视角和方法、挖掘新的历史资料等方面做出展望。  相似文献   

国内旅游空间结构研究述评   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
尹贻梅  陆玉麒  邓祖涛 《旅游科学》2004,18(4):49-54,61
旅游空间结构是旅游活动在空间上的投影,体现了旅游活动的空间属性和相互关系。通过对旅游空间结构基本要素的调控,可以将区域旅游发展调整到最佳状态。我国旅游空间结构的研究始于20世纪80年代,研究的内容可谓非常广泛和细致,涉及了各个层面和角度。本文在分析国内旅游空间结构研究的基础上,回顾了这一领域的研究状况及研究内容,将其进行了系统的归纳和分类:旅游地空间形态组织、旅游地空间结构演化模式、旅游流空间规律、旅游地空间相互作用,并逐一对其存在的不足和今后努力的方向进行了评述。  相似文献   

岳钦韬 《史学集刊》2012,(1):113-120
抗战爆发后,传统的社会心理因素与国家政权的压力阻碍了部分民众抗敌意识的形成,抗敌意识薄弱是通敌行为的重要前因。通敌行为包含着主动与被动的复杂动机:主动方面包括借机恢复地位、伺机为非作歹、出面"保护"地方、"曲线救国"任务、经济利益驱使、人际关系与情感因素等;被动方面有现实生活压力、无知与盲目、日伪强权压迫、时间因素等。总体而言,大多数民众终究还是回到对现实生活的诉求,将个人生存放在首要位置。  相似文献   

近代以来,城市发展引领着中国社会转型,社会转型以城市发展为先驱,为中心,为标识,为推力。而社会转型的过程,同样对于城市发展有着反馈与推动的作用。在城市化问题和社会转型话题愈来愈受人们普遍关注的当下,出席东华大学与上海市档案馆联合主办的“近代城市发展与社会转型”学术研讨会的学者们,以城市史与社会史复合研究为视野,分别就城市发展与社会变迁、城市管理与城市文化、工商金融与城市比较、社会群体暨重要人物、重大事件等方面进行了深入研讨,试图探寻历史的经验和教训,为现实提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

旅游研究中的三种社会心理学视角之比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
彭建  王剑 《旅游科学》2012,26(2):1-9,28
旅游是一个新兴的研究领域,需要从其他学科引入相关的理论和方法来推动自身的成熟与发展。旅游感知、态度和行为是旅游研究的重要领域之一,直接关系到旅游业的健康持续发展。在过去数十年间,社会心理学的社会交换理论和社会表征理论为这一领域的研究提供了有力的理论支撑。相对剥夺理论是一种二战以后逐渐发展起来的社会心理学理论,在社会弱势群体的心理失衡和疏导机制研究方面有较强的解释能力。本文通过对旅游研究中的既有社会心理学视角剖析的基础上,分析了相对剥夺的内涵和旅游发展中的相对剥夺现象,进而比较了相对剥夺理论与既有社会心理学理论视角的独特性和互补性。作为一种新的社会心理学视角,相对剥夺理论在旅游地相对剥夺感的表现形式、成因、疏导机制和定量测量等方面有较大的应用价值和潜力。  相似文献   

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