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吕朋林先生的《〈水浒传〉中约数的称法》一文,详细考察了《水浒传》约数的各种类型,分析其性质,并总结了从古代经近代到现代约数称说法的演变规律,结论大多是可信的;但有三点值得商榷:一是关于三个数字相连的约数用法;二是“五七”用于抽象事物问题;三是《西游记》和《红楼梦》中“五七”用法及《红楼梦》后“五七”用法问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction, architecture, planning and design of New Towns in the Pontine Marshes, south of Rome, in the 1930s, analysing the discourses which contributed to their shaping and settlement. It focuses specifically on the plans and architectural characteristics of the city of Sabaudia as the best example of fascist urban utopias in the area. The paper also moves beyond an analysis of architecture and planning to consider the human beings who were slated for occupying what were viewed as ideal, utopian fascist spaces. This is done through an investigation of Italy's ruralization and internal colonization policies, which aimed to tackle a ‘demographic problem’ defined through recourse to statistics and sociological analysis. These policies were animated by colonists, and their families, chosen by the regime's institutions to take part in the Pontine Marshes project. Italian fascism's structuring of a new urban environment, which stretched from grand systemic designs to the measurement of mosquito net dimensions in colonial houses' bedrooms, justified the attempted social and political control of fascism's experimental urban subjects.  相似文献   

The results of a recently completed inventory of Australian estuaries and enclosed marine waters are summarised The inventory was compiled to gain a national perspective on the ecological status of estuaries and to ufentify research and management priorities The database shows that most estuaries in northern and western Australia have been relatively unaffected by human activity. In contrast estuaries in eastern and southern Australia generally have lower water quality and greater catchment clearance and a high percentage face real threats to their conservation values The estuaries in N.S. W. and VicroM have the most ertensive literature available. The results suggest that, given clearly defined management priorities, many representative and important features can still be adequatety conserved in a national system of estuarine reserves Subject areas where more research is needed include individual catchment characteristics, water quality, fihehs and conservation values and more detailed mapping. especially for seagrass beds and intertidal mud banks.  相似文献   

1 温泉婚礼:天地良缘爱在君澜 选定海南君澜热带雨林温泉酒店度蜜月,不仅仅是酒店与热带雨林、野溪温泉自然融合,更在于她精心准备的“天地良缘”和“爱在君澜第二季”这两个套餐,吸引了众多新人前来度假。  相似文献   

This paper examines exchanges of navigational knowledge between Tahitian navigators and European explorers in the mid‐18th century. Although Tahitian and European sailors accomplished way‐finding at sea in ways based on very divergent assumptions about the ocean, the cosmos and persons, Tahitian navigators were able to board European ships, and pilot them safely through the islands. At first each side drew upon their own familiar practices to make sense of the other; using ostension or pointing, linguistic exchange and experience of each other’s vessels as bridgeheads to produce a kind of rough intelligibility. Much was lost, however, in these partial and approximate exchanges. Here, exchanges between European and Tahitian sailors and their very different knowledge systems are used to explore the intricacies of cross‐cultural encounters.  相似文献   

钟维维  裘瑜  陈佳颖 《神州》2013,(8):161-161
Colors are embodied with different meanings and symbols in different countries. Not only should we understand their basic and literal meanings, but also we should focus on their deep contents in symbolic meanings, because their symbolic meanings vary from culture to culture. The differences in the symbol of colors are due to different cultures and history backgrounds as well as aesthetic psychology. This paper, mainly based on the Chinese and western culture, approaches the symbols of colors represented in the two different cultures through analyzing the different understanding of colors, which can help us understand culture difference in colors better during intercultural communication.  相似文献   

亚克西姆·纳德考(Joachi m Radkau)不仅是德国最重要的环境史学家,而且代表了一代人对1970年代环境事件的看法。本文意欲从更加年轻一代的观点出发,补充亚克西姆·纳德考的观点。1970年代的环境保护主义者经常用他们那个时代的议程作为自我证据,但是年轻一代的环境保护主义者倾向于采取一种更加批判的态度来看待此问题,即从后来发生的事实的角度来看待。因此,过去的环境议程常常被年轻的一代看作是强迫的和错误指导的议程。环境保护主义者经常从一个宽泛的环境问题中选择几个问题给予特别的关注,而历史学家需要仔细地研究是什么指导了环境保护主义者的选择。因此,不仅仅将环境保护主义看作是知识分子的事业,而且看作是他们的一种生活方式,并且进一步考察环境议程与环境保护主义者的日常生活是如何联系起来的。这是一件有意义的事情。此外,环境史学家需要注意环境争论中不同的国家特色。许多国家都发展出了完全不同的具有国家特色的环境保护主义,尽管近年来世界环境保护主义出现了趋向一致的倾向,但是这些不同的国家发展道路还没有褪色到足以被忽视的地步。最后,本文呼吁,要对环境意识从一代向下一代的转变给予更多的关注。将来的环境保护主义也许与今天的环境保护主义有相当大的区别,或许环境保护主义将来根本就不存在了。进一步仔细观察,环境保护主义是一个不稳定的、脆弱的事物。  相似文献   

敦煌文书与吐鲁番文书对于“舍”的记载内容存在很大差异,仅就敦煌文书而言,其在不同时期对于“舍”的记载格式也有所不同。敦煌文书与吐鲁番文书记载内容的差异,反映了两地居民在各自特殊地理条件下的居住形态及田地经营方式的不同;而敦煌文书记载格式的变化,则反映出不同政权统治下敦煌地区均田制实施情况的差别。此外,敦煌、吐鲁番文书中的“舍”具有不同的用途,明确这一区别,有助于更加深入地理解中古时期两地居民的社会生活状况。  相似文献   

日本夫妇的不同姓问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代,日本社会掀起了要求夫妇不同姓的运动,这是对已有百年历史的夫妇同姓制度的挑战。就夫妇姓氏问题,日本内阁府先后进行了多次舆论调查。整体上看,赞成自由选择夫妇“同姓”或“不同姓”者逐渐增多。但目前,“夫妇不同姓”仍未得到法律的认可,“夫妇同姓”依然是取得合法婚姻的必要条件。本文在阐述日本夫妇姓氏历史变迁过程的基础上,分析了日本夫妇不同姓问题提出的背景、实现的阻力及意义。  相似文献   


The attractive properties of gold have long been taken for granted without any questioning of the basic chemistry that lies behind them. Today, chemists are beginning to find the reasons for gold's unique position among the family of elements. After a general introduction to gold chemicals and a review of some of the element's unusual facets, the author, who has contributed much himself to this research, explains that only through a consideration of relativistic effects has a deeper understanding of the chemistry of gold emerged. These theoretical advances have led to the preparation of a multitude of novel gold compounds characterised by clusters of gold atoms which can incorporate carbon and nitrogen atoms. In the light of these modern concepts of bonding and structure, the chemistry of gold is now a subject of research in many laboratories and its literature has exploded.  相似文献   

中日两国近代化殊途探因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗肇前 《史学月刊》2001,2(6):88-92
日本和中国一样,都是被动地接受了西方文化。不同的是,日本的戊辰革命扫除了腐朽势力,以全新的面貌励精图治,奋发求强,迅速崛起;中国的太平天国战争虽然冲击了腐朽统治,但没能建立新的革命政权,只是促使清统治集团改组,旧势力仍很强大,对洋务运动投入有限,社会经济发展缓慢。可以说,明治日本发展速度快于晚清中国最根本的原因在于革命。  相似文献   

朝贡制度曾是中国历代王朝处理民族关系和对外关系的主要模式之一。源自先秦的华夏中心意识、大一统理念及“事大字小”的交邻之道虽为朝贡制度的建立提供了理论依据,但朝贡制度如何实施并在多大程度上奏效,则与当时局势和国力的强弱密切相关。因此,朝贡制度具有不同的时代特征。  相似文献   

经过检阅多种总集、别集、选本、方志、馆藏目录及目录学著作,可以考录出至少一百七十九家历代湖北词人的词集馆藏情况及零散之什的具体来源。为力求其全,于仅知其有词或词集而暂未之见者,亦酌情予以著录。  相似文献   

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