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区域发展理论与当代经济地理学的发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
赵媛 《人文地理》1998,13(3):30-34
本文系统地阐述了区域发展理论发展进程的三个阶段,分析了每个阶段最有代表性的关于区域发展的理论,及其对当代经济地理学的影响。指出,区域发展理论在经济地理学研究领域中的广泛应用,有力地推动着学科的发展进程。  相似文献   

In his thought‐provoking book, Alex Mesoudi argues for an evolutionary, unifying framework for the social sciences, which is based on the principles of Darwinian theory. Mesoudi maintains that cultural change can be illuminated by using the genotype‐phenotype distinction, and that it is sufficiently similar to biological change to warrant a theory of culture‐change based on evolutionary models. He describes examples of cultural microevolution, within‐population changes, and the biologically inspired population genetics models used to study them. He also shows that some aspects of large‐scale (macro‐evolutionary) cultural transformation can be studied by using ecological models and phylogenetic comparative techniques. We argue that although Mesoudi's evolution‐based perspective offers many useful insights, his ambition—the unification of the social sciences within a Darwinian framework through the use of the methods and models he describes—suffers from a major theoretical limitation. His reductive approach leads to overlooking culture as a system with emergent processes and features. Mesoudi therefore does not engage with any of the central past and present theories in sociology and anthropology for which the systems view of culture is central, and he does not analyze the emergent, high‐level properties of human cultural‐social systems. We suggest that a systems perspective, using some analogies and metaphors from developmental biology, can complement the evolutionary approach and is more in tune with a systems view of society. Such an approach, which stresses feedback and self‐sustaining interactions within social networks, and engages with the insights of sociological and anthropological theories, can contribute to the understanding of cultural systems by highlighting the evolution of processes of social cohesion, and by making use of the mathematical approaches of complexity theory.  相似文献   

Pompeiian-style (hourglass) grain mills are common at many Roman sites within the circum-Mediterranean countries. Three examples are known from Corfe Mullen, London and Hamworthy in southern Britain. Petrographic examination, chemical and microprobe analyses indicate that the Corfe Mullen millstone and the London donkey mill were imported from central France into southern Britain. The Hamworthy mill should be designated a ‘flat donkey mill’, and represents a recent (post-Roman) import from a volcanic source in Sardinia. There is no evidence of importation of Roman donkey mills from Germany or for transportation of such mills (or stylistic derivatives) north of London.  相似文献   

GIS与人文地理学的发展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本文初步分析了GIS兴起的背景及其主要功能,在剖析信息社会中人文地理学发展所面临的机遇和挑战基础上,就GIS在人文地理学中的作用和发展方向进行了阐述,并就加速GIS与人文地理学的结合提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

开发区建设对中国城市发展影响作用的聚类分析评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李俊莉  王慧  郑国 《人文地理》2006,21(4):39-43
本文以中国48个国家级经济技术开发区和53个国家级高新技术产业开发区及其所在的65个城市有关数据资料为基础,从产业规模、空间规模、经济外向度、税收、就业等多个方面,就开发区建设对中国城市发展影响作用进行了综合分析评估;并运用系统聚类分析方法、依据影响作用综合强度以及各方面影响作用的均衡程度,将开发区对城市发展的影响贡献模式分为相对均衡型、高水平高效益型、空间影响超强型、空间影响主导中等水平型、经济影响主导中等水平型五种类型,并指出了各类型所对应的城市组群。  相似文献   

东部企业投资、兼并与东西部地区协调发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈计旺 《人文地理》2002,17(5):89-92
东部企业进入西部地区投资、兼并,是实现东西部地区协调发展的主要方式。对于东部地区来讲,企业的对外投资和兼并可以加快丧失优势产业的退出、产业结构升级,以及进一步增强企业的竞争能力。对于西部来讲,则有助于使潜在的优势转化为产业优势和经济优势,并使现有资产得到充分有效利用。同时东部企业这种跨地区投资、兼并行为,能够使东西部地区的优势都能得到发挥,并有利于我国地区结构的调整和优化。  相似文献   

新区域主义的发展及对中国区域经济发展模式的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汪涛  曾刚 《人文地理》2003,18(5):52-55
在当今全球化与区域化趋势并存的时代,新区域主义以其强调区域竞争、保护地方经济社会多样性的主张,引起学术界的广泛兴趣。新区域主义源于20世纪80年代后期,这一期间国际社会经济环境的激烈变动,导致新旧区域主义在政治经济、国际贸易、经济系统、区域发展目标等方面存在根本的差别。在全球化和后冷战结构的制约下,新区域主义主要表现为大区域主义、小区域主义及国家内部的各类区域组织三种形式。论文针对中国现行的区域发展模式在新区域主义的冲击下,暴露出的薄弱环节,提出中国的区域经济发展战略应从三个层次展开。  相似文献   

Thigh‐spinning and spindle‐spinning, methods for making yarn and string, have been used through the millennia to produce substantial quantities of yarn for textiles. Productivity data were gathered in a replication study of thigh‐spun and spindle‐spun yarns and were recompiled from the literature. Calculated production rates allow comparison of the spinning methods. Factors influencing production rate include intrinsic fibre properties, fibre preparation and particular details of spinning technique, as well as the experience and motivation of the spinner. The role of efficiency in technology transition between thigh‐spinning and spindle‐spinning is discussed.  相似文献   

哈大产业带产业结构调整优化及重点产业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈大产业带是东北区的人口和产业密集带,是东北区的核心地带。文章分析了该产业带的产业发展优势,指出了产业发展存在的问题。根据产业结构调整优化原则与重点产业选择原则,结合定量分析,制定了产业结构调整优化方案,选出了重点产业。哈大产业带重点产业是农业及农产品加工业、机械工业、石化工业、高新技术产业、第三产业,本文探讨了各重点产业的发展思路与发展重点。  相似文献   

The construction of the Baykal-Amur Mainline, which began in 1974 and is scheduled to be completed in 1983, is expected to have a profound impact on the economy of the Soviet Far East, whose development has long lagged because of lack of transport access to regional resources. The BAM is expected to foster the development of new industries, such as coal and steel, oil and gas, hydropower, metal fabrication and chemicals, and stimulate the expansion of traditional activities, such as gold and tin mining, fisheries and forest products. The BAM is also expected to play a key role in expanding trade between the Soviet Far East and the countries of the Pacific basin and the Indian Ocean. In light of the complex aspects of the BAM project, it is suggested that integrated planning procedures encompass not only the transport aspects of the project, but all economic activities to be generated as a result of the construction of the new railroad. In view of the labor shortage, a high level of labor-saving technology is recommended. Concern for the local environment is expressed in view of the extensive construction activities in permafrost. (Previous articles on the BAM appeared in Soviet Geography, April and October 1975.)  相似文献   

广西林业资源丰富,用材林珍稀树种、特种材、优质材树种多,蕴藏量丰富,有国家一级保护植物18种,二级保护植物32种,三级保护39种;经济林名、优、特品种多。合理开发利用,资源稳步增长。进一步开发应向产业化、基地化、生态型发展。  相似文献   

古代佛教旅游发展及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了历史时期佛教旅游发展以及佛教寺院作为旅游吸引物功能转换过程。研究认为佛教旅游作为人类历史上重要的旅游活动形式之一,在不同发展时期,佛教旅游活动表现为不同的形式与内涵。佛教寺院在满足日常宗教活动同时,也采取"顺俗"措施,其作为佛教旅游核心旅游吸引物的各项功能也在不断完善。历史时期佛教旅游发展对现代宗教旅游开发有着重要启示:本质上现代佛教旅游是古代佛教旅游发展和延续;适应现代旅游业发展需求是佛教发展所必须面对的问题;调整佛教寺院旅游功能是促进佛教旅游健康发展的重要现实途径。  相似文献   

The delta of the Volga River on the Caspian Sea is a highly dynamic form, whose growth has been affected by a combination of physical and human factors. Rapid delta growth in recent years has resulted in a deterioration of both physical and economic conditions (navigation problems, inadequate moisture supply, overgrowing of shallows with vegetation, loss of spawning grounds). Regression analysis yields a number of relationships between the inflow of water and suspended sediments, on the one hand, and delta growth, on the other hand, with a distinction between periods of a lowering of the Caspian Sea level and relative stability. The regression equations are used to project the likely future evolution of the delta. The only combination of conditions that is likely to limit further delta growth by the year 2000 is the stability of the Caspian Sea level and a period of average moisture supply. In all other cases, the delta is likely to continue its undesirable advance.  相似文献   

李玲 《人文地理》1996,11(1):70-73
本文简析加拿大人口发展与人口迁移过程,以及人口迁移对加拿大人口增长、种族、语言构成、人口分布及未来人口增长的影响。  相似文献   

林琳  许学强 《人文地理》2004,19(1):52-57
骑楼作为近代出现的底层有廊道可行人的沿街店屋式建筑,在广东及其周边地区城镇具有广泛影响和地域特征。从地域空间看,骑楼形成了不同的传播圈层,在东南亚一带以及我国的广东、广西、海南、福建、台湾等南海沿岸地区广有分布;从时间上看,广东骑楼的发展经历了形成发展到衰弱复兴等七个阶段;从文化方面看,它凝结了东方文化和西方文化的元素,成为南中国城镇具有特殊历史意义的典型景观形象。本文通过分析骑楼发展的时空过程,揭示了骑楼地域文化的形成和发展是"自下而上"的驱动力和"自上而下"的管治力双重作用的结果。  相似文献   

从地理学角度看,湖泊都有自然沼泽化的趋势。人类活动可以加剧或者减缓这种趋势。杭州西湖就是由于人们古往今来的长期良性开发,才得以保存至今而且成为著名风景胜地的。在阐明这一原理的基础上,本文分析评价了近20余年来人们对此湖的开发行为,结论是:良性和非良性开发都在持续。这一结论对国内许多同类湖泊而言具有一定普遍性或代表性。  相似文献   

张跃西 《人文地理》1996,11(1):56-58
作者认为,旅游城镇的布局与发展,必须谋求空间节约与风景生态环境保护的统一,在风景区旅游业发展的不同阶段,旅游城镇的发展也呈现出不同的特征。  相似文献   

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