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试论清代涉外司法中的“一命一抵”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸦片战争之前,司法领域的争端与冲突始终伴随着中西之间的交往。清朝统治者基于特定的政治目的,在处理华洋刑案时采用了一系列特殊的处理方式,由此激化了双方的外交矛盾。最为典型的事例就是清朝在处理华洋命案时确立的"一命一抵"原则。本文对这一特殊原则的实施与实效性进行了分析,以期揭示它在早期中西关系发展中的历史影响。  相似文献   

乔登云 《文物春秋》2004,20(6):1-15
本文对20世纪邯郸考古工作做了全面梳理与回顾,总结了邯郸现代考古出现以来经历的三个阶段,概述了20世纪邯郸考古的主要发现及重要研究成果,并就21世纪邯郸考古所面临的主要任务、重要课题及发展方向作了综论及展望。  相似文献   

During Britain's so-called ‘golden age of bodybuilding’during the 1950s and 1960s, Oscar Heidenstam, through his NationalAmateur Bodybuilders Association (NABBA) and Health and Strengthmagazine, elevated the annual Mr Universe Contest in Londoninto the world's most prestigious physique competition. Whatmade this achievement so remarkable was Heidenstam's commitmentto the Victorian ideal of the gentleman amateur. Eventually,however, this outmoded approach prevented him from staying abreastwith the times and resisting countervailing societal forcesthat were commercial, American and modern. Tradition and parochialismprevailed as NABBA, the Mr Universe Contest, and British bodybuildingwent into ‘relative decline’ in the 1970s. And California,home of the rival Weider organization and Arnold Schwarzenegger,displaced London as center of the bodybuilders’ universe.  相似文献   

During the mid-nineteenth century, east-central Vermont supported two major copper mines and their associated villages. In order to wrest thousands of tons of copper from the earth these mines, the Elizabeth and Ely mines, hired and housed thousands of miners, laborers, and their families. Both mines pursued the same resource in the same environment during the same period, but the Ely Mine developed a centralized village, while the Elizabeth Mine housed its workers in isolated housing clusters. The causes of these differences in worker housing can be traced to differences in scale, setting, and managerial philosophy, and can be analyzed within the larger historical context of Improvement and the larger ethnographic context of paternalism in mining communities.  相似文献   

The author examines a series of sociocultural, ethnographic, and socioeconomic indices for the Russian Federation's constituent ethnic-based territorial units to assess prospects for the country's disintegration along ethnoterritorial lines. The sociocultural indices feature measures of linguistic russification, intermarriage, and assimilation; the ethnodemographic ones, measures of relative demographic weight; and the socioeconomic ones, various measures of urbanization, education, and occupational status. Dimensions of a “North-South” divide with respect to national consciousness, resistance to assimilation, and desire for independence/autonomy are investigated. 1 table, 19 references.  相似文献   

许多考古学家都期望,最终会有一种统一的世界考古学,那将是一门客观的、价值取向自由的学科。对他们而言,达不到这点就意味着未能取得科学实践的一种起码准则。我认为,这是对考古学现状与未来过于简单和错误的看法。一个多世纪以来,这个学科的某些方面已经有效地国际化了,但其他方面仍有很大差异。除非世界上消除了国别、阶级或性别的差异,这种差异似乎在可见的未来都不会缩小。  相似文献   

<正>挑灯夜战为汇演对于泉州、晋汀和漳州木偶剧团的第一印象,记者都是从观看三个剧团紧张的汇演节目排练产生的。剧场中锣鼓声一齐奏响,三米高台上的十来个演员排成一列,俯身操纵着各自的提线木偶,自如地在高台上逆时针走动。在他们身下灯光照亮的舞台上.小木偶们从两侧幕布后鱼贯而出,手舞足蹈。台上正在排练的是重新编排的传统剧目《卢俊义》,泉州市木偶剧团打算以此剧目参加马上来临的福建省文艺汇演。在同一时间,晋江市掌中木偶艺术保护传承中心和漳州市木偶剧团也在排练着各自的剧目,晋江已经排练完毕,开始练最后的谢幕,而漳州则在最后打磨一些技术和音乐细节。  相似文献   

The electronics industry in Malaysia was assigned a central role in creating urban jobs for the indigenous Malays and restructuring their employment from low- to high-paying activities. The initial labour-intensive phase generated jobs but failed to provide openings for Malays higher up in the occupational hierarchy. In the current phase, a buoyant economy makes job creation per se less important; but the growing technological sophistication in the industry threatens to undermine the restructuring of Malay employment because many Malays lack the critical skills necessary to take advantage of this development. This article reviews these issues and suggests policy initiatives.  相似文献   

This study analyses the future goals of population development in Shanghai from the viewpoint of population carrying capacity and ecological footprint. The population carrying capacity is one of the fundamental factors researchers and policy-makers need to take into account in managing and planning the development of a country or a region. This study focuses on the case of Shanghai, based on previous ecological footprint analysis, and builds a comprehensive index evaluation model. By applying basic principles of multi-goal decision-making analysis and operating methods of system dynamics, it calculates population carrying capacity corresponding to different standards that resource-economic factors can support. It further explores issues related to population change in the metropolis and relevant policy measures.  相似文献   

Despite its analytic deficiencies and the doctrinaire purposes it has been made to serve, the rational choice approach to political analysis can have considerable explanatory value. Three examples are given of the utility of the sub-field of rent-seeking analysis in illuminating how public resources for agricultural development are allocated in developing countries: rural-urban relations, resource allocation among agricultural services, and irrigation policy.  相似文献   

2010年5月,万众瞩目的上海世界博览会大幕即将开启。这是世博会诞生百年以来首次来到中国,也是继2008北京奥运会之后,又一个在全球面前展现中国的机会。本届世博会的主题是——城市,让生活更美好,是自1933年美国芝加哥世博会首次设定主题以来,世博会第一次出现"城市"主题。据说其灵感源自于古希腊先哲亚里斯多德的一句话:"人们来到城市是为了生活,人们居住在城市是为了生活得更好。"  相似文献   

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