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THE single-arch bridge over the lower mill stream at Waltham Abbey was excavated in advance of roadworks. The bridge had three double-chamfered ribs set skew to the abutments. The springers were of Caen stone; the ribs and ashlar facing of the abutments were of Kentish ragstone. The abutments were set on oak sill-plates and staggered rows of elm piles. Bank revetting and coffer-dam timbers were also found. The bridge is compared with the near-by single-arch Stony Bridge. A mid 14th-century date is established by dendrochronology. Documentary study has enabled phases in the development of the watercourse system to be postulated.  相似文献   

三道沟遗址位于凉城县厢黄地乡三道沟村北约1.5公里处,曾被称为马鞍桥山遗址①.遗址地处山地南麓缓坡上.1988年9月,内蒙古文物考古研究所和北京大学考古学系联合对该遗址进行了试掘,揭露面积100平方米(图一),另外清理房址和墓葬各1座.此将试掘情况介绍如下.  相似文献   

巴东店子头遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
店子头遗址位于巴东县北部西南角的长江南岸,化层厚度1.3~4.1米,包含有新石器中晚期、夏代、东周等多个历史时期的化遗存,而以新石器中晚期遗存为主。新石器中晚期遗存中出土的大量打制石器和动物遗骸,为探讨新石器中晚期该地区的自然环境、实物来源、经济类型提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

IN THE LAST decade knowledge of Salin's Style I Ornament in East Scandinavia has increased through the studies of Erä-Esko and through the remarkable finds at a workshop site at Helgö in Uppland. A characteristic feature of East Scandinavian Style I is the frequent use of small ornamental fields bordered by high ridges. In this article it is suggested that the ridges served to canalize the heat of the melted bronze during casting, and so prevent the mould from cracking. This was specially important in East Scandinavia where high-tempered bronze seems chiefly to have been used. That the fragility of the moulds was a real problem is hinted at by the relative numbers found at Helgö. The majority are for casting relief-brooches—which are comparatively rarely found cast. There are fewer moulds for the more frequently found cast bronzes, such as clasp-buttons; because the moulds for these were smaller, they were probably less prone, to damage during casting.

Because of the small size of their ornamental fields and the extensive corrosion which characterizes the bronzes found in East Scandinavia the ornament has often been misunderstood and described as highly degenerate. Through the systematic work of Erä-Esko we now know that East Scandinavian Style I was highly developed and deliberate. The rich finds from Helgö when fully interpreted will probably emphasize further the international character of this style. This appears of greater importance when it is realized that the style seems to have flourished at a time immediately preceding the Vendel period, which is specially rich in East Scandinavia.  相似文献   

1993年6月,我们对辽海屯北山遗址进行了重点勘探与试掘,发现房址、窖穴、灰坑等遗迹14处,出土了一批具有特色的陶器和石器.陶器的种类有鬲、鼎、甑、甗、盆、罐、碗等,其年代约在西周时期.  相似文献   

案板遗址位于陕西省扶风县城东约4公里处。是关中西部重要的新石器时代遗存之一,面积达70万平方米,文化堆积较厚,内涵丰富。扶风县城关镇下河村地处遗址的西南边缘,绛法汤公路恰从这里穿过。绛法汤高速公路是经过绛帐连接汤峪森林公园与法门寺的旅游专用公路。为  相似文献   


Plasters constitute an important component of many ruined architectural and archaeological sites. Methods for their in situ conservation have lagged far behind the field treatment of other materials due to their ephemeral nature and the lack of programmatic laboratory and field research. A preservation strategy involving documentation, stabilization, interpretation and maintenance offers a methodological approach adaptable to most contexts. A pilot conservation programme is described for the stabilization and interpretation of the lime plasters within the nineteenth-century adobe ruins of Fort Union National Monument in New Mexico. Methods of documentation, emergency stabilization, injection hydraulic lime grouting and mortar repairs are described.  相似文献   

河北涞水渐村遗址发掘报告   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
<正> 渐村属石亭乡,南距涞水县城12公里(图一)。遗址位于村北0.5公里的台地上,由于修公路,遗址的东部已被破坏,从现存遗址东部的断崖上可以发现断续的文化层和灰坑,地面散布陶片,地势西北高,东南较低,文化层的下面便是页岩。1987年3月,保北考古队对其进行了发掘,由于遗址大部分已被破坏,而且现存文化层亦不连贯,故所布探方和探沟比较分散。这次发掘,开5×5m探方七个(T3—8、11),2×5m探沟二条(T9、10),3×6.75M探方一个(T1),4×1.5m探沟一条(T12),2×10m探沟一条(T2),发掘面积为242平方米。  相似文献   

河南巩义市黄冶窑址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年,河南省文物考古研究所、中国文物研究所等单位联合对巩义市黄冶窑址进行了四次发掘,发掘面积2429平方米,发现窑炉10座、作坊5处和淘洗池、澄泥池等遗迹。出土瓷器、三彩、白釉绿彩器皿和各类窑具等遗物3000多件,为了解黄冶窑的文化面貌提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   

In September 1920, a French translation of Lady Gregory's 1906 play The Gaol Gate was staged in a Parisian drawing room. The play's original setting outside the gate of Galway Gaol was transferred to Mountjoy Prison at a time of republican hunger strikes. The drama's central character of Denis Cahel – refusing to inform on his neighbours and hanged as a consequence – gained contemporary currency with Terence MacSwiney's hunger strike and impending death as both men had turned their bodies into a political tool. With a focus on the concept of the political body, this article illustrates the power of The Gaol Gate by tracing the play's provenance and production history, demonstrating its flexibility through performance in a particular historical context.  相似文献   

在博物馆建筑的保护下,尽管避除了由于风蚀、雨淋、日晒等有害因素所导致的土遗址裂隙、崩塌等病害现象,但是可溶盐迁移及霉菌滋生导致的表层风化等一系列危害会造成土遗址本体破坏和信息损失 ,所以进行这方面的研究尤其重要且迫切。本文主要综述了可溶盐、霉菌的破坏作用、产生原因、影响因素、防治措施等,并探讨了遗址博物馆内土遗址防治可溶盐及霉菌危害的可行性保护研究方法。  相似文献   

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