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This article discusses some textual questions in Ajax leading to the following conclusions: I. 54 add ?τ?? after λε?α?. – II. 208 the emendation ?ρεμ?α? (“rest”, “quietude”) suggested by Thiersch. – III. 405a–b the proposal κρ?τη / μοι to fill the lacuna. – IV. 476 defence of the line as transmitted. – V. 546 τοσ?νδε to go with ??νον. – VI. 719 ?νδρε?, ??λον τι πρ?τον instead of ?νδρε? ??λοι, τ? πρ?τον. – VII. 869 instead of με write γε. – VIII. 951 ?σ?ν? ?χθο? as a reference to Tecmessa’s heavy burden of woe.  相似文献   

In bundesdeutschen Agglomerationen zeichnen sich Tendenzen ab, da? sich der suburbane Raum aus der engen funktionalen Verflechtung mit der Kernstadt abkoppelt und eine zunehmend eigenst?ndige Entwicklung vollzieht. Empirische Belege dafür sind bisher eher selten (u.a. Brake et al. 1997), auch wenn diese Entwicklungen schon Mitte der 90er Jahre beobachtet wurden (Aring 1996, Müller/Rohr-Z?nker 1997, Burdack/Herfert 1998). Die Plausibilit?t der These einer Abkopplung wird nachfolgend für die Filderregion anhand von Daten aus empirischen Untersuchungen der Jahre 1998 bis 2001 untersucht; den Schwerpunkt bilden dabei die Gemeinden der „engeren” Filderregion, die rund um den Flughafen gelegen direkt an die Kernstadt Stuttgart angrenzen: Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Filderstadt und Ostfildern. Die Untersuchungen vereinen Methoden qualitativer und quantitativer Art, neben schriftlichen Befragungen mittels standardisierter Frageb?gen wurde über teilstrukturierte Interviews in Betrieben ein direkter Zugang zu den Einsch?tzungen von unternehmerischer Seite gew?hlt. Eine der Untersuchungen konzentrierte sich auf unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungsbetriebe ( Eisenreich 2001), eine zweite erfa?te in einer „Wirtschaftsdatenbank” wichtige Strukturdaten von Unternehmen aller Wirtschaftszweige in Leinfelden-Echterdingen verbunden mit Einsch?tzungen der Betriebsleiter ( Schenk u.a. 2000); derzeit l?uft eine dritte Studie zur Dynamik des Einzelhandels in der polyzentrischen Siedlungsstruktur des engeren Filderraums ( Bartenbach u.a. 2002). Correspondence to:Dirk Eisenreich Correspondence to:Winfried Schenk  相似文献   


Jernvinna på M?sstrond i Telemark (Bloomery Ironmaking in M?sstrond, Telemark). I. Martens, En studie i teknikk, bosetning og ?konomi. A. M. Rosenqvist, Kjemiske og mineralogiske unders?kelser. Norske Oldfunn XIII. Universitetets Oldsaksamling. Oslo 1988. 189 pp., 55 figs.  相似文献   


Arne Skj?lsvold: Slettab? i Ogna. Forel?pig orientering om en boplass med bosetning fra yngre steinalder og bronsealdet. (Slettab? in Ogna. Preliminary publication of a settlement from Late Stone Age and Bronze Age). Viking XXXVI 1972. 74 pp. 30 Figs. English summary  相似文献   


In this issue of NAR the development of the agrarian landscape and the farm structure in the Iron Age in Southwest Norway ‐ especially in the district of Jæren ‐ is taken up as a subject for discussion. Two publications by Bj?rn Myhre (Funn, fornminner og ?degårder. Jernalderens bosetning i H?yland Fjellbygd. Stavanger Museums Skrifter 7,1972 and The Iron Age Farm in Southwest Norway. NAR 6, No. 1, 1973) are commented upon by Björn Ambrosiani, Arnvid Lillehammer, Sven‐Olof Lindquist, Perry Rolfsen and Ulf Sporrong. Bj?rn Myhre's reply to the comments closes the discussion.  相似文献   


The 'doubling of the self' is a phenomenon that appears in entries of private diaries and consists in the division of the diarist's self into two: the self that acts and the self that observes and writes. This phenomenon can be found in Dragoumis' ?υλλα ημ?ρολογιου, Seferis' M?ρ?ζ and Theotokas' T?τραδια ημ?ρολογιου. There are entries where the doubling of the self occurs in practice and entries where it is described, discussed or analysed. All these reveal the three Greek diarists' contradictory feelings about the doubling of the self, but also the latter's significance for the private diary.  相似文献   


Istoria gîndirii ?i creatiei ?tiintifice ?i tehnice române?ti (Histoire de la pensée et de l'oeuvre scientifique et technique roumaine), Academia Republicii Socialiste România, vol. I, ?t. Pascu et collab., Ed.Acad., Bucarest, 1982, 391 pp.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):126-127

This is a response to Slavoj ?i?ek, which carries the debate between us forward. This debate is published as The Monstrosity of Christ edited by Creston Davis and published by MIT Press, 2009.  相似文献   


Bente Magnus and Bj?rn Myhre: Forhistorien. Fra jegergruppe til h?vdingsamfunn. Norges Historie, Bind 1 (Prehistory. From hunting groups to a society of chieftainships. The History of Norway, Vol. 1). J. W. Cappelens Forlag A.S., Oslo 1976. 448 pp., 233 Figs.

Anders Hagen: Norges oldtid. Ny utgave. (Norway in Ancient Times. New edition.) J. W. Cappelens Forlag A.S., Oslo 1977. 332 pp., 86 Figs.  相似文献   


Spencer, Frank. The Piltdown Papers 1908–1955. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. xii + 282 pp. including references and name and subject indices. $65.00 cloth

Spencer, Frank. Piltdown: A Scientific Forgery. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. xxvi + 272 pp. including references and name and subject indices. $24.95 cloth

I?can, Mehmet ?a?ar, and Kenneth A.R. Kennedy, eds. Reconstruction of Life from the Skeleton. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1989. xv + 315 pp. including chapter references and index. $49.50 cloth.  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(1):17-46

This article examines the works of four writers of Croatian, Slovene, Serbian and Bosniak literature in the period of National Revival, in their literary, historical and discursive contexts: Pre?ern’s Krst pri Savici, Ma?urani?’s Smrt Smail-age ?engi?a, Njego?’s Gorski vijenac and Ba?agi?’s Abdullah Pa?a. Three of the four authors were also statesmen, and all four are considered canonical national writers. There is a striking similarity between their otherwise different works, resulting from speeches by priests who either demand and justify conversion, or vehemently oppose it and call for vengeance. In all four works, the enemy is not a foreign conqueror, but an apostate who sides with the conqueror by accepting his faith. Although in all four works the values of the epic and heroic world are pronounced dead, epic action — a ’sword’ — is still very much alive. Though the central act of conversion is accompanied by religious symbolism which gives rise to the impression of a clash of religions, in all four works conversion does not have a religious meaning, it is purely political.  相似文献   

Michael V. Angrosino, ed. Do Applied Anthropologists Apply Anthropology? Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1976. 136 pp. $4.50 paper.

John H. Bodley. Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems. Menlo Park, California: Cummings Publishing Company, 1976. 246 pp. Bibliography and index. $4.50 paper.

Peggy Reeves Sanday, ed. Anthropology and the Public Interest: Field‐work and Theory. New York: Academic Press, 1976. xxviii + 363 pp. Figures, tables, and index. $19.50.  相似文献   


Σ?ρμα ε?κ? κεχυμ?νων ? κ?λλιστο? κ?σμο?.

The fairest order in the world is a heap of random sweepings.

Heraclitus D.124

This article examines the ways in which the perennial philosophy of Heraclitus becomes a site where the battle between modernist and postmodernist poetics unfolds. Seferis and Elytis exploit the Heraclitean doctrines of change, unity of opposites and the all-permeating logos in a manner that allows them to conceptualize and present what Lyotard calls the ‘modernist sublime’. Fostieris mobilizes the very same doctrines within his poetry, flouting the logical law of contradiction as Heraclitus did. By using and abusing the very concepts he challenges, Fostieris interrogates the modernist quest for master narratives and universal consensus, bringing forward the illusory character of such endeavours.  相似文献   


Thorleif Sj?vold: Åse‐anlegget på And?ya. Et nord‐norsk tun‐anlegg fra jernalderen. (The Åse‐complex on And?ya. An Iron Age House‐Site Complex in North Norway). Acta Borealia. B. Humaniora, No. 12. Universitetsforlaget, Troms?/Oslo/Bergen 1971. 34 pp. 14 figs  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(4):299-315

An attentive examination of the impressive finds of the mausoleum uncovered in 2007 in Herodium has demonstrated that these are not in accord with the characteristics of Herodian architecture as postulated by the late Prof. Ehud Netzer. The following four arguments show that this monument, which was indeed built by Herod, did not serve as his eternal resting place: ? Its moderate dimensions.

? The absence of an appropriate gateway to the burial ground, and an adequate assembly space around the tomb.

? A stratigraphic argument: The stairway leading up to the palace-fortress on the hilltop leaves the mausoleum ‘in its shade’, being also overlaid on top of the single irrigation pool that served the small garden that had surrounded the tomb.

? The absence of any correspondence between the axis of symmetry of the mausoleum, and that of Greater Herodium, indicating that these two were entirely different building projects.

Two alternative proposals are presented for the possible locations of the tomb, which might have disappeared.  相似文献   


Gro Mandt Larsen: Bergbilder i Hordaland. En unders?kelse av bildenes sam‐mensetning, deres naturmilj? og kulturmilj? (Rock pictures in Hordaland. An analysis of the composition of the pictures and of their ecological and cultural background). Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen. Hum. Serie 1970, No. 2. Bergen 1972. 158 pp. 73 Pl. 6 Maps. English summary  相似文献   


Historians of all kinds are beginning to return to temporally expansive studies after decades of aversion and neglect. There are even signs that intellectual historians are returning to the longue durée. What are the reasons for this revival of long-range intellectual history? And how might it be rendered methodologically robust as well as historically compelling? This article proposes a model of transtemporal history, proceeding via serial contextualism to create a history in ideas spanning centuries, even millennia: key examples come from work in progress on ideas of civil war from ancient Rome to the present. The article concludes with brief reflections on the potential impact of the digital humanities on the practice of long-range intellectual history.  相似文献   


A major Norwegian archaeological work will be presented in each number of NAR. The author's summary will be followed by comments from invited specialists who have studied similar problems to those treated in the publication in question. Arne Johansen's study of a Stone Age material from the Norwegian mountains (H?yf jellsfunn ved Lærdalsvassdraget I. Den teoretiskc bakgrunn og det f?rste analysefors?k) was chosen as the subject of discussion in this issue of NAR. Comments are written by Carl Cullberg, Svein Indrelid, Knut Odner, Povl Simonsen and Stig Welinder. Arne Johansen's reply closes the discussion.  相似文献   


Andrea Ellmaier and Béla Rásky, ed. Veronika Ratzenböck, trans David Westacott and Susanne Watzek, Cultural Policy in EuropeEuropean Cultural Policy? Nation‐State and Transnational Concepts Vol. 5 of Schriftenreihe der Österreichische Kulturdokumentation, Internationales Archiv fur Kulturanalysen, Vienna 1998  相似文献   

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