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"拉面经济"--青海省化隆县解决"三农"问题的一种有效模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙发平  马桂芳 《攀登》2005,24(2):63-67
“三农”问题是当前全部工作的重中之重,增加农民收入是解决“三农”问题的核心。本在调查研完的基础上,对化隆县“拉面经济”模式的基本特征、理论渊源、实践基础及其在解决“三农”问题中的效应进行了归纳和分析,旨在对全省类似化隆县这样的贫困地区脱贫致富提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

“五一”黄金周,你是不是不想出远门?那么,向你推荐十条省内周边短线,二三天的出游,既轻松又惬意。[编按]  相似文献   

丝绸古道有一些支线从青海经过。这里的自然风光雄奇壮美,具有青藏高原特色,古墓群,古寺庙,古岩画,古城堡等名胜古迹众多,这里生活着汉,藏,回,蒙古,土,撒拉等民族,有着悠久的历史和优秀的文化传统,  相似文献   

董丽红 《南方文物》2002,(1):88-89,84
“文化”的内涵相当复杂,从大的范围说,自地球有了人类,就有了人类文化。文化的内容很丰富,有广义文化和狭义文化之分。总的说来,文化是指人类历史上人们所创造的物质文明与精神文明的总和。我们今天所讲的“文化”主要是讲精神文明。按照马克思主义的基本原理,经济是基础,文化属上层建筑,经济基础制约着上层建筑,什么样的经济决定着什么样的上层建筑,以文化来说,资本主义经济滋生和孕育出资本主义文化;社会主义经济自然孕育出的是社会主义文化。我们还必须看到,文化发展是历史发展和社会进步的先导力量。  相似文献   

郑和于明永乐三年至宣德八年(1405-1433年)的28年间,率领舟师近3万人,先后七下西洋,航行于太平洋、印度洋的惊涛骇浪之中,行程10万余里,到访亚非三十几个国家,揭开了世界大航海的序幕,其历时之久,规模之大,航程之远,足迹之广,造船与航海技术之先进,都是当时任何国家无可比拟的,比欧洲航海家哥伦布、达伽马的远洋航行时间早了半个多世纪。郑和七下西洋是中国对于人类世界的贡  相似文献   

笔者认为,长乐郑和下西洋旅游系列产品的开发近期可以从以下几个方面着手。  相似文献   

在纪念红军长征胜利70周年之际,我们一行于2005年10月20日随杜云峰副主席赴江西赣州开会。会后,考察了素有“江南望郡”“、文章节义之邦”美称的吉安,亲眼目睹了独具魅力吉安风采,感受红土地的壮丽雄姿,和悠久的历史文化。“千里来寻故地”——井岗山上井岗山,去亲身感受红土地博大而伟岸的身躯,亲耳聆听“革命摇篮”的动人故事,这个沉积多年在心的愿望,终于得到实现。初上井岗山,远远望去,山峰层峦叠嶂,雾霭重重,青翠欲滴。当年毛泽东同志率部挺进井岗山的羊肠小道还依稀可见。这里的一山一水,一草一木,仿佛都在向远到的人们诉说动人的革…  相似文献   

东方庞贝--喇家遗址   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,人们一直认为中国的西北地区相对贫穷落后、明不发达,但近年的一些考古发现对此提出了否定,地处中国青海省和甘肃省交界处的喇家遗址则是其中一个有,力的证据。大量而精美的物出土,不仅证明了早在4000多年前的史前时代,中国西北的  相似文献   

李祥 《云南史志》2000,(6):23-27
在中央实施西部大开发的号角声中,大姚县委响亮而坚定地提出一个战略目标,即:建设“生态经济大县,资源开发强县,民族文化名县”。这个新世纪发展战略,既符合中央西部大开发的精神和省委加快民族文化大省建设的步伐,同时,又符合楚雄彝州建设文化大州和大姚县的实际,也是大姚人民的共同愿望。怎样建设“民族文化名县”?用民族文化产业推动全县政治、经济、社会的全面进步和发展,这是一个必须把握和值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

This article engages debates on emotional geography and non-representational theory by considering fear as a distinctly mobile engagement with our environment. Parkour, or freerunning, has exploded into public consciousness through commercial media representations and films. It is depicted as a spectacular urban sport that either can or cannot be done. Through ethnographic research with groups of parkour practitioners I consider what has been excluded from these representations: the emotions involved in trying, experimenting, and gradually learning to be in places differently. In parkour places are ‘done’ or mobilised in tentative, unsure, ungainly and unfinished ways which can be characterised by a kind of play with architecture. I argue that this play is contingent upon an array of fears, which, rather than being entirely negative, are an important way in which practitioners engage with place. Here fears can manifest differently, not only restricting mobility, but in some cases encouraging imaginative and playful forms of movement.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):211-238

In 2003, the Hadrian's Wall National Trail was opened, providing a 135 km (84 mile) public footpath along the length of the Roman frontier from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway. Each year, thousands of visitors walk the Trail from end-to-end and many more make day trips to visit specific locations within the wider World Heritage Site. In the second of two related papers (see Witcher, 2010), consideration turns from professional and popular visual representations of Hadrian's Wall to the ways in which visitors physically experience the monument and its landscape. The paper explores how embodied and sensory encounters produce and reproduce understandings which are charged with cultural and political meaning. Specifically, the elision of visitors and Roman soldiers through a process of embodied empathy/sympathy is outlined. It is argued that the way in which Western society assumes familiarity with an ancestral Roman Empire actively reduces the interrogative potential of encounters with the monument and limits visitors' ability to reflect on the significance of the Wall. The paper goes on to consider alternative modes of visual and physical engagement, drawing inspiration from virtual communities including geocachers who have used Information Technology such as Global Positioning Systems and Web 2.0 functionality to develop innovative modes of representation and encounter.  相似文献   

In this article we wish to explore the political possibilities of video games. Numerous scholars now take seriously the place of popular culture in the remaking of our geographies, but video games still lag behind. For us, this tendency reflects a general response to them as imaginary spaces that are separate from everyday life and ‘real’ politics. It is this disconnect between abstraction and lived experience that we complicate by defining play as an event of what Brian Massumi calls lived abstraction. We wish to short-circuit the barriers that prevent the aesthetic resonating with the political and argue that through their enactment, video games can animate fantastical futures that require the player to make, and reflect upon, profound ethical decisions that can be antagonistic to prevailing political imaginations. We refer to this as social irrealism to demonstrate that reality can be understood through the impossible and the imagined.  相似文献   

The exploitation of natural populations of red deer forms an important land use in large areas of the Scottish Highlands, especially the highest and most rugged parts of the region. Despite its areal significance red deer land use has been the subject of very little geographical investigation.

The ecology of red deer is an important factor in the Highland land use situation, and environmental controls on the characteristics of the red deer resource are strong. Wide spatial variations exist both in deer population densities and in stag weights. Considerable difficulties arise in regard to the availability of comprehensive population and weight data, but despite these difficulties certain areas, particularly in the borderlands between Inverness‐shire and Ross‐shire, stand out as the most productive deer areas.  相似文献   

本文对画像砖中的左手弹琴问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

河北是历史上修筑长城最多的省份之一,在2300多年前的战国时期,燕、赵等国的统治者就开始在此修筑长城,此后历代统治者为了防御的需要,一直绵延不绝地修筑。本文依据近几十年的考古调查情况,结合文献记载,对河北历代长城的发展、修筑情况分别做了梳理和论述。  相似文献   

巫咸"考──兼论良渚文化向中原的传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巫咸是商代大戊时期的巫师,他出身长江下游虞山,供职于商王朝,凭"家相"之位参与朝政,成为商代著名贤相。作为巫师,他将良渚文化中的筮卦、祭天礼地的璧、琮,璧琮之上的兽面纹饰,以及相关的思想文化带至中原,因而《世本》称他"作筮",《天官书》称他"传天数",巫咸成了我国上古时代巫文化的象征。  相似文献   

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