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AuthoredbyTubdainPuncog,thisbooktellsofthehistoricaldevelopmentofThebookrecordstheexperienceofthescientificsurveyteamsentbytheChineseAcademyofSciencestotheQinghai-TibetPlateau.Theteamwascomposedofthreegroupsofpeo-Wewe(k-)uthoredbyTubdainPUncog,thesbookLte…  相似文献   

井石 《中国土族》2005,(1):20-21
地处青藏高原的柴达木盆地是祖国四大盆地之一,它曾将珍贵的原生状态保持到20世纪50年代初。而后,人们突然发现“养在深闺人未识”的柴达木盆地居然处处是宝,于是千军万马便开进这个“聚宝盆”,开发矿山,开垦农场,建立新的行政管理机构。我和我的同学们是70年代初从学校分配到柴达木的,  相似文献   

2018年11月,藏医药浴法被联合国列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。随着这一消息,藏医药浴走进公众视野,被国内外所熟知。在西藏范围内,藏医药浴认知度、普及度颇高,但是对于它的前世脉络,人们却知之甚少。刘英华是中国藏学研究中心北京藏医院特聘专家、副研究员,通晓古藏文,研究藏医药学已有20年,2007年至2017年10次赴印度、6次赴尼泊尔学习梵文和梵文医典《八支心要集》。  相似文献   

在欧洲商业组织引入中国以前,中国的实体股权长久以来一直依靠文化的以及法律习俗所支撑。在缺少法典化、系统化的私法惯例之下,深深植根于日常惯例之中的契约文化和使私人契约生效的政府维持了商业的日益增长。类似的惯例满足了商界寻求方法聚积资本并长久维持商行的需求。这些习俗的发展有助于解释西方式的公司法颁布之后中国对西方判例的适应性以及中国习俗自相矛盾的存留状态。  相似文献   

Tibet covers a land area of1 .2 million square km. In 1953,when the PRC conducted itsfirst national census, the thenTibetan government told theCentral Government Tibet had apopulation of 1 million. Today, after the passage ofseveral decades, there are 2.615million people in the TibetAutonomous Region. Theyinclude 2.41 million of theTibetan ethnic group (92.2 per-cent of the total), 155,300 whoare Han (5.9 percent), and 59,000of other ethnic minorities (1.9percent).  相似文献   

A Tibetan Mastiff-Tanggya When I was a teenager,my family had a baby mastiff.Because a lock natural of white hair decorated the mastiff's chest,he was given the name"Tanggya".I remember Tanggya was a big dog when I was still a little girl. Whenever he stood on his hind legs,he seemed as tall as my father.When guests came to visit,he always jumped on them and barked constantly. Only my father could briefly calm him down,and nobody amongst our siblings dared to get close to him.Tanggya was never released u...  相似文献   

Tibetan Knives     
The style of Tibetan knives comes in four kinds:knives unique to the Lhasa and Xigaze areas,Gungbo area,Amdo area and Kham area.Lharze and Namling Tibetan knives are what people always talk about as being representative of the knives found in the Lhasa and Xigaze aareas.Craftsmen in the Lharze and Namling areas pay much attention to the steel-making fire when making the knife‘s edge.  相似文献   

Tibetan Football     
In general view,people always believe that the“roof of the world“at 4000 meters above sea level would never have any connection with football.However,the fact is that football is no less popular in Tibet than it is in any other place.Particularly in recent years, on the snow-capped plateau,the residents increasingly love football.An ordinary football match can attract a big group of fans.Whenever  相似文献   

说到糌粑,先要说说青稞。关于青稞,笔者有一个意外的发现,这种青藏高原上特有的农作物,是随同藏族跨省区分布的,而在非藏族的区域,就很少见到这种农作物。同样是这种情况的,还有牦牛和藏马。这种人与自  相似文献   

Tibetan Football     
In general view,people always believe that the"roof of the world"at 4000 meters above sea level would never have any connection with football.However,the fact is that football is no less popular in Tibet than it is in any other place.Particularly in recent years, on the snow-capped plateau,the residents increasingly love football.An ordinary football match can attract a big group of fans.Whenever  相似文献   

Tibetan Mastiff     
About twenty or thirty years ago,the Tibetan mastiff served only as a shepherd dog for Tibetan herders,but today it has a five,six or seven-figure Yuan worth.  相似文献   

Tibetan Knife     
The Tibetan knife is essentialto Tibetan people's life. It alsohas high art value as a form ofethnic handcraft with a long-standing good reputation athome and abroad. The typical Tibetan knives ofthe Xigaze area are from Lhazeand Xietoinmen, which hasbecome a very fashionable sou-venir or gift for tourists to takehome. The shinning bright knifeis a completely handmade of  相似文献   

在西藏东南部的原始森林中,栖息着一种以西藏命名的大型蛱蝶。它多年以来一直被认为是西藏蝴蝶的名片之一,众多昆虫爱好者都希望能一睹其真容,它就是西藏俳蛱蝶。分类位置:鳞翅目,歧蝶科,线缺蝶亚科,俳蛱蝶属。描述:中大型蛱蝶。前后翅均狭长,前翅顶角尖锐;背面棕黑色,前翅具1条鲜黄色的宽中带,后翅具1条白色的宽中带,外缘饰有1列锈红色环纹。  相似文献   

Keeping Abreast with Religious Advancement
The chapel in the Tashilhunpo Monastery for the stupa of the 10th Panchen Lama was built in 1993. I found the woodcarving art was my newly discovered complex art. When and where from does Tibetan woodcarving originates? I have not yet to make any conclusions from all my research. Notwithstanding, academic circles generally conclude that the origin and advancement of Tibetan woodcarving art was keeping abreast with the dissemination and development of Buddhism in Tibet. That is to say woodcarving was included when Songtsen Gampo built the Tubo Kingdom in the 7^th Century.  相似文献   

藏医药学是一门古老的医学科学,它是藏族先民们在漫长的历史长河中,不断与自然界和各种疾病进行斗争的经验总结。藏医学在发展中充分开发和利用高原独有自然条件和药物资源的同时,还借鉴地吸收了兄弟民族以及周边国家(东亚各国)医药学的精华,博采众家之长,通过不断研究总结、反复实践,逐步提高,从而形成的一门传统医学,具有鲜明的民族特色和高原特色。藏医学不仅历史悠久,理论完整,内容丰富。在现代医学高度发达的今天,藏医学在某些疾病的治疗方面都还有着其独特的方法和显著的疗效,在某些治疗领域尚没有理想的替代方法。藏医学的临床价值,历史价值和学术价值等也越来越多地被人们了解和认知。今天,藏医学已和中医学、古印度医学和西方传统医学并称为世界四大传统医学。  相似文献   

辛梓 《中国土族》2004,(2):27-29
藏族历史上有很多关于绘画的趣闻轶事。这些趣闻轶事既反映了藏族人民创造精神财富的聪明才智,又可以看出藏族绘画的起源和发展的来龙去脉,能给人以启发,给人以智慧,给人以鼓舞。在这里,笔者想从如下几个侧面做点介绍: 趣闻之一:牧羊人首创绘画的传说 长江源头的通天河畔有个草原名叫“梅朵隆洼”,翻译成汉话就是“花的草原”。据说古时候这片草  相似文献   

History and geography combine to make Tibet and otherTibetan-inhabited regions different from others in thecountFy.How to study these differences and then work outpolicies in line with the Western China development program istherefore,an important topic.  相似文献   

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