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Mughr el-Hamamah (Jordan) Layer B contains an Early Upper Palaeolithic stone tool assemblage dating to around 39–45 kya cal b.p. This assemblage is unusual in that it samples human forager activities around the ecotone between the Transjordanian Plateau and the palaeo-lake (Lake Lisan) that filled much of the Jordan Valley during Late Pleistocene times. This paper describes that assemblage, comparing it to other Levantine Upper Palaeolithic assemblages of equivalent antiquity. The Mughr el-Hamamah Layer B assemblage appears most similar to Early Ahmarian assemblages, but it departs from typical such assemblages in ways that may reflect local conditions’ influence on human activities carried out in and near the cave. Mughr el-Hamamah raises new questions about changes in residential mobility, off-site provisioning and foraging activity, and on-site task diversity in the Early Upper Palaeolithic period.  相似文献   

DONALD F. LACH and EDWIN J. VAN KLEY. Asia in the Making of Europe: Volume III: A Century of Advance. Book One: Trade, Missions, Literature. Pp. lxxvi, 597. $85.00 (us); Book Two: South Asia. Pp. Ivii, 601-1,110. $75.00 (us); Book Three: Southeast Asia. Pp. liii, 1,111-1,561. $65.00 (us); Book Four: East Asia. Pp. cxii, 1,563-2,077. $85.00 (us). Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993. $300.00 (us), die set.  相似文献   

姜德福 《世界历史》2004,4(2):88-98
近代早期英国贵族的富裕程度是英国贵族研究中的一个重要问题。以往的研究存在不足和偏颇之处。本文认为 ,近代早期英国贵族的经济状况呈下降趋势的观点值得商榷。这一时期 ,英国贵族的收入形式多样化 ,收入水平提高 ,消费能力和消费水平也大大超过以往 ,虽然乡绅和工商业者的经济地位不断提高 ,但在工业革命前 ,尚无人能够企及贵族的富裕程度。  相似文献   

一、“瓯语”概说方言是语言的地域变体,也是民俗语言的组成部分。方言在现代语言学中分为社会方言和地域方言。本文所讲的方言专指地域方言,或称地方话。《礼记·王制》云:“五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。”东汉王充《论衡·自纪篇》说:“经传之文,圣贤之语,古今言殊,四方谈异也。”可见,在我国,汉语方言及地域文化差异,古已有之。  相似文献   

The saludadores, charismatic healers specialised in the curing of hydrophobia, represent one of the most exceptional mythical complexes of the Iberian Peninsula. The myth emerged abruptly in the last decades of the fifteenth century. The evidence suggests that the complex of the Iberian saludador refers to an archaic substratum of Mediterranean beliefs, related to the immunity to poisonous animals attributed to certain ethnic groups or charismatic healers. In the western Mediterranean, at some later moment, the belief fused with the cult of the saints, thus acquiring its original traits. This combination with Christian mythology endowed the saludador healers with some characteristics typical of European folk possession-systems. Once the belief in the Iberian saludadores' complex was firmly in place at the beginning of the sixteenth century, many local cunning-men succumbed to the temptation of trying to incorporate the mythical subject of the saludador. By assuming some of the most spectacular features of the mythical subject, they sought to legitimise the various services they rendered to the rural communities.  相似文献   

作为一类食品的名称,"茶食"一词的出现已经有千年的历史了。《大金国志·婚姻》记载:"婿纳币,皆先期拜门,亲属偕行,以酒馔往,酒三行,进大软脂小软脂,如中国寒具,次进蜜糕,人各一盘,曰茶食。1"《北辕录》中亦云:"金国宴南使,未行酒,先设茶筵,进茶一盏,谓之茶食。2"从这里看,所谓茶食,最初应是指佐茶的点心。女真人是以肉、奶为主食的游牧民族,非常喜欢消食除腻的茶。而  相似文献   

The rock‐cut tomb of Bolores in the Portuguese Estremadura dates primarily to the Late Neolithic/Copper Age (2800–2600 BC) and, in a series of recent excavations, has yielded thousands of fragmented, commingled human bone specimens. The primary goals of the present study were to determine the minimum number of individuals interred in the tomb and to analyse spatial patterns in fragmentation intensity to identify natural and anthropogenic taphonomic processes. To investigate these research questions, the authors employed a simplified version of an established method in zooarchaeology to the study of human remains. Human bone specimens were recorded by the presence of osteological landmarks rather than the zones used in similar studies. This recording system allowed for calculation of the minimum number of individuals (further refined through dental analysis) and generated the NISPs (Numbers of Identified Specimens), minimum number of elements, fragment counts and landmarks sums essential to the conjoining and fragmentation studies. Fragmentation analysis led to the identification of four possible use areas in the tomb: two for primary inhumations and two for secondary deposits created by cleaning out the burial chambers at Bolores. We found that the application of multiple zooarchaeological methods to the study of commingled human remains has the potential to provide a more fine‐grained understanding of site biography and taphonomy than human osteological methods alone. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文根据南京大学社会科学评价研究中心提供的"中文社会科学引文索引数据库(CSSSCI)"中1998-2007年的有关数据,对<近代史研究>的发文概况、主要作者、高被引文章和作者、研究主题的变化等方面进行统计分析,并进一步剖析<近代史研究>的学术影响力及其发展变化,可为读者了解<近代史研究>的办刊特色和中国近代史研究的状况提供一定的参考.从相关统计数据分析看,<近代史研究>在史学界享有较高的学术声望,其在发表近代史研究的优秀学术成果、推动史学理论和方法的创新、拓展和深化研究领域、培养学术新人等方面作出了较大的贡献.  相似文献   

王霏 《安徽史学》2015,(6):128-133
叙利亚现代民族国家构建可分为三个历史阶段:法国委任统治阶段(1920—1946年)、独立的探索阶段(1946—1963年)与复兴党统治阶段(1963年至今)。其构建过程有三大特征:其现代民族国家构建与中东的民族思潮及民族独立运动紧密相联;其民族国家构建过程中族群、部落、区域冲突等问题错综复杂;复兴党的统治为其民族国家构建带来了极大的独特性。  相似文献   

梁启超刊发于《清议报》的大量文、论,清楚展现了他提出近代国家思想的内在逻辑。戊戌政变发生后,梁启超被迫流亡日本,“效申包胥之哭”,乞师日英,终以失败告终。以此为契机,梁启超开始关注日英对华政策,充分认识到保全即瓜分的本质。而后,他以西方的近代国家思想为理论基础,果断提出依靠国民实现国家独立的全新命题,《清议报》遂成为梁启超输入并阐发近代国家思想的园地。但作为“康党”的“机关报”,《清议报》同时并存着保皇尊王与依靠国民两条不无紧张的独立路径,这既是其“党报”性质使然,也显示出该报的过渡特征。  相似文献   

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