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With acceptance of the responsibilities of a founder member of the League of Nations - including assuming an international mandate in the Pacific - the prospect of a distinctive New Zealand international role and awareness emerged, thus laying the foundation for a local version of international studies. The early figures in the field were a group of intellectuals trained in history, law, or economics, often with experience of British higher education. Members of the League of Nations Union, the Institute of Pacific Relations, and later the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, their activities and publications sometimes challenged the boundaries of Empire-centric discourse. An avowed Internationalism - though sometimes compromised by racial anxieties - was a strong theme in their work; the impact of US foundations especially stimulated a knowledge of the importance to New Zealand of extra-Imperial issues in the Pacific and Asia. Although only intermittently engaged with policy, their influence is nevertheless discernible, especially from 1935.  相似文献   

The journal Archaeometry and its first co‐editor Martin Aitken played key roles in the development of archaeomagnetism. This paper briefly reviews all papers published in Archaeometry, and a few others, dealing with archaeomagnetic secular variation, archaeomagnetic dating, archaeointensity studies and related applications of magnetic studies to archaeology, to indicate some of the major developments over the past 50 years.  相似文献   

The Catholic campaign against contraception in New Zealand during the 1930s is usually interpreted from the perspective of the promoters of birth control, who accused the church of exercising undue influence over the Labour government (1935–49). This paper argues that while Catholics were the most outspoken opponents of contraception, their opposition to the dissemination of birth control information and contraceptive devices was shared with other influential groups, notably the Protestant churches, the medical profession, journalists, and politicians. It was the combined strength of these conservative interests, not pressure from Catholics alone, which discouraged the Labour government from establishing birth control clinics. Catholics and many other New Zealanders feared that increased access to contraceptives would reduce the birth rate, leaving New Zealand vulnerable to non-British migration or even invasion. There was also widespread concern that the promotion of birth control would encourage sexual promiscuity. Since Catholics sought a compete ban on artificial contraception, however, they were unable to cooperate with non-Catholics who, accepting the restrained use of contraceptives, sought only to limit their availability. Catholic influence reinforced the efforts of other conservative interests but was not strong enough to secure legislation reflecting distinctively Catholic principles.  相似文献   

Previously published data on the chemical compositions and microstructures of copper‐ and cobalt‐blue frit, glass and faience from the New Kingdom site of Amarna in Egypt ( Shortland 2000 ) are summarized. The data are then used to infer the raw materials and processes employed in the production of these vitreous materials. The results suggest that crushed quartz pebbles were the source of the quartz for all the materials, but that different sources of alkali, both natron and a range of plant ashes, were used in the production of each material. It seems probable that the cobalt‐rich alum colorant was pre‐treated before use by precipitating cobalt hydroxide from a solution of the alum by the addition of natron. It is further hypothesized that cobalt‐blue glass was produced by melting the cobalt‐blue frit together with additional plant ash and possibly quartz. Finally, it is suggested that, in glazing the cobalt‐blue Variant D faience first produced in the 18th Dynasty, the efflorescence or application method was selected according to object type.  相似文献   

Archaeometallurgy is one of the earliest manifestations of archaeometric research, using science‐based approaches to address cultural–historical questions. This review first outlines the extent of the field, defining in some detail the main branches of archaeometallurgy, and their specific methodological approaches. It then looks at some of the early publications pioneering archaeometallurgical research, to set the scene for the publication pattern of archaeometallurgy in general, and the role that Archaeometry played in publishing archaeometallurgical research. The analysis of archaeometallurgy‐themed publications in Archaeometry, their change over time and their relationship to the total range of work done in the field indicates that there is a rather narrowly defined and specific type of archaeometallurgy that gets published in Archaeometry, initially with a strong focus on coin and object analysis, often combined with method developments. The more recent developments in isotope‐based studies in archaeometallurgy find only a limited representation in the journal, despite the leading role that the Isotrace Laboratory played in this discipline, for some considerable length of time. More recently, this Archaeometry‐specific ‘flavour’ of archaeometallurgy seems to weaken, with an increase of papers on iron and on primary production in general, subjects still much under‐represented.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that Iznik pottery differs from other Islamic stonepaste pottery in that its stonepaste bodies contain lead oxide as well as soda and lime, and that a significant proportion of the tin oxide in its glaze is present in solution rather than as tin oxide particles. In order to better understand these distinguishing features, the chemical compositions and microstructures of Iznik pottery and tile samples, together with those of lumps of glass found in association, were investigated using both scanning electron and optical microscopy. These data have been supplemented by the study of replicate lead–alkali glazes produced in the laboratory with a range of different compositions. The results demonstrate that separate soda–lime and high‐lead glasses were used in the production of Iznik stonepaste bodies, and that the total glass contents of the bodies were significantly higher than those quoted by Abū’l‐Qāsim, who was writing in about ad 1300. The very high purity of the lead–soda Iznik glazes indicated that the alkali flux used was either a purified plant ash or an as yet unidentified mineral source of soda. Replication experiments established that the high solubility of tin oxide in the glaze was due to the high purity of the glaze constituents. Furthermore, it is suggested that tin oxide was added to the glaze in order to give it a very slight opacity and thus obscure any blemishes in the underlying body.  相似文献   

M. S. TITE 《Archaeometry》2008,50(2):216-231
The contribution of the physical sciences to the reconstruction of the production technology (i.e., processing of raw materials, forming, surface treatments and firing methods) for earthenwares, stonewares, porcelains and stonepaste bodies are summarized. The organization of production and the reasons for technological choice are considered. Provenance studies based on both chemical analysis and thin‐section petrography are discussed, with the investigation of Minoan and Mycenaean pottery being taken as the case study. The approaches to determining how pottery vessels were used in antiquity are outlined. Finally, future developments in ceramic studies are briefly considered.  相似文献   

沈旻 《旅游纵览》2014,(6):64-69
<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

This article examines the reception of revivalism inspired by the work of Dwight Moody and Ira Sankey in the Wanganui‐Manawatu region of New Zealand in the 1870s and 1880s. The success of Moody and Sankey's 1873–75 British campaign inspired interest in revivalism, and led to rapid and widespread adoption of their distinctive methods. Though it aroused opposition in some quarters, Moody and Sankey style revivalism became established as a significant feature of New Zealand religiosity at that time. Some aspects continued to appeal well into the twentieth century. This article traces the rise and growth in influence of this form of revivalism, and considers reasons for its appeal in late nineteenth‐century New Zealand.  相似文献   

正如果有人要问我,新西兰南岛自驾给我留下最深的印象是什么,我会毫不犹豫地回答两个字:冰川。新西兰南岛西海岸有着世界上最容易接近的冰川。这里的弗朗兹·约瑟夫冰川和福克斯冰川从海拔3000米的南阿尔卑斯山脉南麓淌下,一直延伸到海拔270米左右的温带雨林。由于海拔较低,气候温暖,人们可以用各种方式去亲近冰川:冰川终端徒步、冰川行走、直升机空中观光等等。  相似文献   

<正>如果有人要问我,新西兰南岛自驾给我留下最深的印象是什么,我会毫不犹豫地回答两个字:冰川。新西兰南岛西海岸有着世界上最容易接近的冰川。这里的弗朗兹·约瑟夫冰川和福克斯冰川从海拔3000米的南阿尔卑斯山脉南麓淌下,一直延伸到海拔270米左右的温带雨林。由于海拔较低,气候温暖,人们可以用各种方式去亲近冰川:冰川终端徒步、冰川行走、直升机空中观光等等。  相似文献   

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