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In Italian classical archaeology, the definitive adoption of the stratigraphic excavation method occurred later than in other European countries. This methodological shift took place in Italy in the 1970s. We aim to scrutinize some points of the established historiographical reconstruction. We focus on three scholars regarded as “key figures” in the birth of Italian stratigraphic archaeology, yet all of the first half of the twentieth century, Giacomo Boni, Nino Lamboglia, and Luigi Bernabò Brea. We examine the origin of their stratigraphic approach and thus their relationship with prehistoric research. This is also an opportunity to reflect upon the conceptual and methodological transfer from one type of archaeology to another. In general, through comparison of these scholars, we aim to highlight some key factors in the establishment of a stratigraphic method in the history of archaeology.  相似文献   

The first systematic study of archaeological objects with muonic X-rays is reported. In this analysis every element is recognized. The elemental composition of Celtic glasses from Bavaria and Roman coins has been determined. By selecting the primary muon energies appropriately my part of the specimen, including interior parts, can be non-destructively in estigated. Additionally surface layers may be analysed. Typical accuracies of quantitative analyses are a few per cent of elemental abundance.  相似文献   

C. GAFFNEY 《Archaeometry》2008,50(2):313-336
Geophysical survey techniques are a highly visible part of the scientific toolkit that is now used by archaeologists. In this paper, the history of the use of geophysical techniques in archaeology will be discussed, as will significant research themes associated with the most widely used prospecting devices. It is apparent that while the use of geophysical techniques is at an all‐time high, there are many key areas where prospecting is rapidly developing. Some of the advances relate to fundamental aspects of the techniques, while others dictate how we undertake survey in the future. There is a movement away from pre‐gridded survey areas towards real‐time GPS for navigation. This allows greater integration, or fusion, of disparate data sources using visualization techniques derived from associated disciplines. The analysis of landscapes has become a major component of the application of new technology and there are many challenges to be tackled, including how to analyse and interpret significant archaeology within large‐scale, data‐rich, multi‐technique investigations. The reflective nature of the review acknowledges the important role of Archaeometry in the development of archaeological geophysics.  相似文献   

This article deals with the univeral problem of chronological versus social change and discusses the methodological foundations and the scientific functions of chronological studies, exemplified by the Nordic Bronze Age, a classic example of the development of a chronological system. First the universal validity of the premises of typology and seriation are questioned. Secondly, there is a discussion of the chronological implications of the many possible relationships between the period of production, the period of use and the period of deposition of artefacts. Thirdly the foundations of chronological change is analysed and finally the place of chronological studies in the research process is discussed.  相似文献   

Theory is crucial but has become boring and unintelligible; it is often ignored by most professionals. Archaeology must include a foundation of culture history, processual science, and postprocessual imagination and counteraction of bias. Further, all archaeology should aim for public aspects and practical applications. Theoretical writing must be clear and avoid pretension. Gender bias in Southeastern archaeology is one of the worst distortions of the prehistoric record for what were probably matrilineal societies. Diverse humanistic approaches from many (including non-archaeological) viewpoints can provide worthwhile avenues for investigation with new scientific tools. Narrow interpretive frameworks should be avoided in favor of the delightful banquet of multiple simultaneous or blended approaches.  相似文献   

This paper considers the presentation of the results of the mechanical analysis of cave sediments, suggesting that the use of grain size parameter scatter diagrams is preferable to the older method of cumulative percentage frequency graphs. A sequence of samples was taken from an ideally-situated cave, the Badger Hole at Wookey, and first subjected to the standard soil analytical tests, followed by a detailed mechanical analysis. It is hoped that this preliminary work will encourage a more quantitative approach to granulometric analysis for archaeological purposes, leading eventually to the extraction of more precise environmental data from cave sediments.  相似文献   

The author raise several significant problems involved in plans to establish resort functions on the Apsheron Peninsula, which together with its major metropolitan areas (Baku and Sumgait), serves as a center for oil refining and petrochemical production based on significant offshore oil drilling in the Caspian Sea. Among these problems are the fact that part of the area of greatest resort/recreational potential (northern coast) is also the area of highest SC2 concentrations (reflecting chemical production in Sumgait), and that another promising location (southern coast) exhibits high levels of NO2 (largely attributed to automobile traffic and power generation in Baku) (translated by Andrew R. Bond).  相似文献   

This paper introduces a collection of seven papers on archaeological theory in the southeastern United States, originally presented as a plenary session of the 2012 meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I explain the original idea for the session and present the instructions given in advance to the participants.  相似文献   

L. MOL  P. R. PRESTON 《Archaeometry》2010,52(6):1079-1095
Natural processes are known to cause significant damage to archaeological monuments. In fact, the key to understanding the decay of building materials is the internal movement of water through the mineral matrix, which influences the distribution of chemical, physical and biological deterioration processes. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was traditionally used as a surveying tool within archaeology, but a new high‐resolution technique that accurately traces the movement of moisture in building materials could provide a vital tool for understanding the decay of many archaeological monuments. This paper considers current progress, the shift of ERT from soil to rock research and the impact that this development could have on future conservation, using Hertford College (Oxford) and Neolithic rock art (Golden Gate Reserve, South Africa) as case studies.  相似文献   


This paper presents an overview of Sousa Viterbo's contribution to industrial archaeology. This Portuguese historian and archaeologist not only employed and printed both the terms ‘archaeology of industry’ and ‘industrial archaeology’ in the late 19th century, but also left behind a number of writings which secure his place as a true ancestor of the current industrial archaeology. Selected excerpts of three of Viterbo's texts written between 1896 and 1902 are here translated into English for the first time.  相似文献   

霍巍 《考古学报》2021,(4):463-474
目 次 一 救亡图存与重建古史:早期中国考古学的历史选择 二 从考古学文化到区系类型:中国考古学的探索与发展 三 坚定文化自信:新时代考古学的历史使命 习近平总书记"9·28"重要讲话深刻阐述了我国考古工作取得的重大成就和重要意义,为新时代中国考古事业发展指明了前进方向,也为如何构建中华民族历史、认识中华文明丰富内涵、坚定文化自信提供了理论依据[1].考古学在中国是近代化的产物,从它自西方传入中国、并且植根于中华大地这片沃土伊始,一方面在学术目标、理论建设和田野实践等环节就不断形成自身的历史传统,不再是西方考古学的翻版,而是努力朝着建设中国特色和中国风格的考古学体系迈进;另一方面,在不同的时代,中国考古学者也承担起不同的历史使命,不断续写新篇,继往开来,为中华文明和世界文明做出了独特贡献.回顾百年中国考古学史,每当时代发展的重大转折关头,中国考古学都在顺应历史变革、引领社会思潮、坚定文化自信上起到重要的历史作用.  相似文献   

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