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吴仰湘 《清史研究》2020,118(2):144-150
“戊戌政变”后迅速问世的《翼教丛编》,曾经风行一时,影响极大,是中国近代史上的重要文献。学界一直将《翼教丛编》视作研究戊戌维新运动和晚清思想文化等重大问题的基本史料加以援引,却对该书版本、编者等基本问题不太措意。本文就《翼教丛编》的初刻本、重刻本和翻刻本及其源流作一探讨,并藉以略窥“戊戌政变”后康学遭受广泛而持续批驳的情况。  相似文献   

正社会科学文献出版社2016年3月出版,39.3万字,65元晚清重臣荣禄在甲午战争后重新崛起,在戊戌变法、己亥建储、庚子事变、清末新政等重大历史事件中,起着举足轻重的作用。但是,既往学界对他的研究和评价大多停留在策划戊戌政变、创办武卫军、围攻或“保护”使馆等具体问题上,对荣禄一生的事迹缺乏整体观照。由于史料过于分散,旧说先  相似文献   

关于清末戊戌政变的史料,有关近代史书籍多有记载。一些艺作品,如电视连续剧《走向共和》等,也充分发挥了编导的想象力,演义得轰轰烈烈、悲壮无比。我因藏有先祖徐世昌的笔札等,翻阅之中,发现尚有一些细节记述,从中可以看到历史事件发展中的小插曲。我以先祖记述的字为依据,结合部分史料,讲述一下戊戌年间发生的故事,希望能对近代史的研究提供一点帮助。  相似文献   

最近,由于工作的关系,翻阅了故宫博物院明清档案部所藏总管内务府、宗人府和军机处的部分档册,发现一些有关慈禧(叶赫那拉氏)入宫的档案史料。这些档案史料从各个不同的方面直接或间接地说明  相似文献   

本文讨论的题目在今日中外广东近代史的研究上基本是一个空白,这主要是因为有关日文史料较难查找。本文利用北京所藏有关的史料,对上述内容作一初步探讨,以期引起进一步的研究。限于篇幅,在此只能略述大要。应当指出的是:日本驻广州总领事馆的档案因1945年8月日本投降而留在了大陆,现藏北京图书馆。这些史料值得我们认真发掘整理,这不仅将为本题目的研究提供丰富的史料,对于广东地方史、抗日战争史、中国外交史、韩人在华史研究都是有一定意义的。  相似文献   

《端肃遗事密札》,人称“热河密札”,是研究慈禧、慈安两太后于一八六一年暗中勾结恭亲王奕訢策动北京政变(亦称辛酉政变)的珍贵史料。之所以珍贵,不仅在于这些史料的真实性已为现存的清代档案所证实,而且在于其中很多内容为当时的官文书所不载,补充了档案史料的不足,因而密礼一直受到史学工作者的重视。热河密札,绝大部分是由入值热河的汉军机章京给北京同僚的信件。这些信件是在辛酉政变前夕,政局异常微妙,形势十分复杂的情况下产生的。这些信件的一个共同的特点是,无论寄书者还是受书者,以及信札涉及的其他有关人物,都没有直书他们的姓名,而是使用了  相似文献   

懋勤殿本《淳化阁帖》是故宫博物院所藏众多《淳化阁帖》中最为知名的一部。本文由《石渠宝笈》著录入手,结合实物特征,确认懋勤殿本《淳化阁帖》曾经《石渠宝笈续编》著录。又据《清宫内务府造办处档案》中相关史料,推断懋勤殿本《淳化阁帖》于雍正十二年(1734)入藏宫廷,并被重新装裱。此后于乾隆三年(1738)鉴定为宋代拓本,被列为上等。由此基本厘清了懋勤殿本《淳化阁帖》入藏清宫的经过。  相似文献   

戊戌变法中维新官僚之杰出代表,礼部尚书李端棻所涉及的滥保匪人罪及七月连续告假这两个问题,严重地影响了对其整个变法中历史功绩的评价。对此,我们曾在《关于李瑞棻在戊戌变法中的几个问题》①一文提出过初步意见,本文拟再从法律角度上进一步予以探讨,并以此纪念戊戌变法一百周年。戊戌政变后,定李端棻滥保匪人罪之说,渊源于胡思敬。胡思敬其人。为当时之守旧人士,政变后不久,即撰写《戊戌履霜录》一书,对戊戌变法予以抨击,影响甚大。戊戌前夜及戊戌变法期间,光绪皇帝一再谕饬各省督抚荐举通达时务之才以堪时用。戊戌政变后,…  相似文献   

再论戊戌政变中袁世凯的"告密"问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭卫东 《清史研究》2002,3(1):31-40
戊戌政变中袁世凯的“告密”是聚讼百年仍未能定谳的疑案。是案历经政治、道德和学术的评判阶段,具体而微地映证出近代学界在重大“问题人物”的研究中所走过的颇具共相的曲折历程。关于是案,笔者既不同意八月初五日(9.20)袁世凯回津告密是引出次日政变原因的旧说;也不接受袁世凯告密并没有引出政变而只是引出“戊戌六君子”被害的新解。笔者以为:袁世凯是告密了,但不是在初五日返回天津之后,而是在见到谭嗣同后的初四日(9.19),袁告密是造成慈禧提前回宫发动政变的最直接原因。  相似文献   

刘芳 《民国档案》2016,(3):139-143
美国国家档案馆所藏的与近代以来中国相关的外交档案,是研究近现代中国外交史、中美关系史、中华民国史的重要史料。本文基于笔者在该档案馆长期的蹲点考察,对当下其所藏近代以来与中国有关之外交档案作一综述简介,时间横跨晚清和民国,希冀引起学界同仁重视,并方便未来研究者。  相似文献   

Policy processes are ongoing phenomena without beginning or end. Accordingly, a major focus of research has been on questions of stability and change. This paper continues in this tradition by examining advocacy coalition stability, belief change, and learning. This paper draws on three waves of policy actor surveys that compare panel and non-panel samples. The data were collected in 2013, 2015, and 2017 in the context of oil and gas development in Colorado, USA. The findings mostly confirm that coalitions and beliefs tend to be stable and that learning leans toward reinforcement rather than change in beliefs. However, although rare, some instances of belief change, change in coalition membership, and changing policy positions occur. This paper makes theoretical and empirical contributions to the study of stability, change, and reinforcement of advocacy coalitions and their beliefs and charges policy scholars to look more at the exceptions to the evidence rather than the confirmations.  相似文献   

Employing a wealth of detailed evidence, the author of the book portrays an ambitious picture of gender relations in the roughly five centuries from late-Tang to late-Yuan. In order to make the incredibly complicated picture more organized, Bossier divides the book chronologically into three time periods, the Northern Song (with a little part touching on the late Tang), the Southern Song, and the Yuan. Within each time period, Bossier analyzes three major categories of women---courtesans, concubines, and wives--in that sequence. Such arrangement is a clear sign of her argument: from Song to Yuan, writings on men's romantic relationship with courtesans gradually gave way to wives' fidelity and obligations, which was being applied more generally to all women, including courtesans, courtesan-concubines, and concubines. The application of wifely virtue to all women promoted the status of concubines within the family, as they were expected to behave and be treated like respectable wives. As a consequence, wives' authority declined, especially when sons produced by wives and concubines received equal treatment. Such a practice stressed the importance of paternal side while ignoring the maternal one, hence greatly intensified the patriline.  相似文献   

Recent discussions on state rescaling have pointed towards the need for a greater focus on how and why state activity may change over time in order to generate insights into the provenance, trajectories and outcomes of rescaling in different global regions and national state spaces. Consequently, this paper explores the dialectical and recursive relationship between the concepts of “statecraft” and “scalecraft” to explore the evolving sites, objects and mechanisms for urban planning within two key urban centres in different parts of the world—Birmingham, UK, and Brisbane, Australia. It is illustrated how a range of actors—from the national to the local level—have sought to craft and reshape the strategies and structures for urban planning according to different imperatives. In turn, the implications for a tighter specifying of the process of state rescaling are considered, as well as the subsequent nature of urban planning arrangements.  相似文献   

Jim Glassman 《对极》2003,35(4):678-698
Working in the wake of theoretical tendencies that became prominent within geography during the 1980s, many studies of resistance have either bracketed or ignored structural power, with some versions of poststructuralism simply denying that structural power is a useful concept in a world where power is putatively highly fluid and dispersed. These sorts of approaches, exemplified by the recent works of J K Gibson-Graham, Stephen A Resnick, and Richard D Wolff (GGRW), limit the ability of studies of resistance to articulate the conditions under which political and social struggles might transcend resistance and succeed in liberating groups of humans from the oppressive conditions against which they struggle. In this paper, I discuss issues surrounding analysis of structural power in the wake of poststructuralist critiques of "structural Marxism," presenting an alternative to GGRW's interpretation of Louis Althusser's concept of "overdetermination." Overdetermination is a crucial concept, because it is rightly seen as the key to a noneconomistic Marxism and has been championed as such by GGRW. I re-examine the roots of Althusser's concept in the writings of Lenin and Mao, arguing for a way of reading overdetermination that is both noneconomistic and compatible with a notion of structural power.  相似文献   

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