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青铜器饕餮纹研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
饕餮纹是商周青铜器上最为常见的纹样,具有鲜明的宗教文化特征。近百年来,学术界从不同的角度对其进行了较为全面的研究,成果与结论甚众。这些论述在一定意义上都有着其自圆其说的合理性,但从整体上考察却都不完善,或是臆断的因素较多,值得我们加以深入研究,以期得出更为合理而全面的结论。本文从名实、源流、型式及内涵等几个层面对前人的研究成果进行了系统地梳理与分析,并试图对其学术价值进行一种历史地评判,以期为后继研究提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   


Wombling is a method for discovering boundaries in a collection of continuous variables observed at the same geographic localities. We extend this method to categorical data. A categorical wombling statistic Ci, which identifies areas of rapid change, is defined for every pair i = 1,…, n of adjacent localities, and is equal to the average number of category mismatches at i. We use both simulation and theory to consider the order statistics of Ci under null hypotheses of randomness, and of spatial autocorrelation for each variable, but independence between variables. Graph-theoretical statistics derived from Ci investigate whether areas of rapid change resemble boundaries. Computer simulation is used to study the distributions of these under the two null hypotheses. The methods are applied to linguistic data in three European areas. Other potential applications exist in biology, linguistics, anthropology, and other social sciences.  相似文献   

Personal construct theory was used to study potential tourists' appraisive images of the major Australian domestic tourist destinations. Seven main evaluative constructs (bipolar discriminations) were identified as being commonly used to appraise destinations. The second stage of the research involved the scoring of places on those seven constructs by potential tourists. Principal components analysis of the resultant matrices showed that construct space generally comprised one main dimension which was labelled favourable - unfavourable. An exception was that older women used two dimensions when appraising destinations. These dimensions were labelled frenetic - relaxing and dull -exciting. Respondents distinguished clearly between destinations and the distinctions made were remarkably consistent over different groups of respondents defined on the basis of age, sex, and location.  相似文献   

Maps and power     

Models to investigate categorical data can be divided into preprocessing, limited parameterization, and formal logit models. To illustrate the advantages of preprocessing and limited parameterization models they are applied to a data set of tenure and type of housing choice before the data are examined with hierarchical logit and nested logit models. The preprocessing approaches are useful in selecting optimal subsets of independent variables with respect to the dependent variable. The ease of application and interpretation of a limited parameterization approach extends the clarity of the results from the preprocessing approaches. Because some variables are only relevant at specific levels of other independent variables, nonstandard (nested) logit models are necessary to understand the nested relationships.  相似文献   

The author reviews the group of geological maps in national atlases, comparing the form and content of geological-stratigraphic, tectonic, mineral-deposits, lithological-petrographic and Quaternary-deposits maps and making recommendations for greater uniformity of such maps in national atlases.  相似文献   

There are, as yet, no pragmatic or fully acceptable behavioural models of the housing search process. It is suggested that past studies lack concern for the functionally discrete nature of an individual's active and passive search procedures. Further, contemporary residential search and choice studies often mask social differences essential to understanding relocation decisions. The present study is an empirical investigation of renters' residential search behaviour. It emphasizes the importance of evaluative criteria and choice parameters during an individual's housing search. It also gives explicit recognition of the social contexts of renters' search behaviour .
Jusqu'ici il n'existe pas de modèles pragmatiques ou en-tièrement acceptables sur la dynamique des pratiques de recherche en matière de logement. jusqu'à maintenant, les etudes se sont peu souciées de la nature de fonctionnement discrete des pratiques actives et passives de recherche d'une personne. Bien plus, les études comtemporaines sur la recherche et le choix de résidences masquent souvent des differences so-ciales essentielles à la comprehension des decisions de relocalisation. La présente étude se penche de façon empirique sur les pratiques de recherche de residences par les locataires. Elle met l'accent sur l'importance des critères d'évaluation et des paramètres qui carac-térisent le choix durant la recherche d'un logement par une personne. Elle reconnait aussi de façon explicite I'importance des contextes sociaux dans les habitudes de recherche des localaires .  相似文献   

The author finds that population maps in national atlases should, as a minimum, treat population from four aspects: population numbers and density, geography of settlements, social and economic characteristics, and ethnographic characteristics. He notes that published national atlases generally slight the social and economic aspects in favor of strictly demographic characteristics of population.  相似文献   

A complete climate section of a national atlas should contain maps, tables and graphs presenting data on climate-forming factors, the temperature regime, moisture supply, climatic regions and typical weather situations. Published national atlases are analyzed and recommendations for the treatment of climate are made. Particular importance is attached to the integrated presentation of several climatic elements on a single map. The value of climatic maps for various segments of the economy (agriculture, construction, transportation) is emphasized.  相似文献   

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