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Dimensional analysis is introduced, and applications of it to human geography are considered. Primary and secondary dimensions are selected; techniques of dimensional analysis are used to derive and check a functional relationship drawn from central place theory, to test the dimensional implications of a power function (the Pareto gravity model), to disaggregate a theoretical parameter (the exponential distance decay coefficient), and to simplify a complex system of variables in agricultural location theory to a system of dimensionless products. Difficulties inherent in the application of dimensional analysis to human geography are discussed.  相似文献   

The fiftieth anniversary of Geographical Analysis occurs for many quantitative human geographers at an exciting era of new and exciting sources of data and computational advancements. However, it also represents a crossroads where excitement to quickly capitalize upon these new data sources and methods risks reverting the discipline back to its abstraction‐rich and overly generalized roots, erasing much progress made in the pages of this journal that advocated for the recognition of individual differences and need for alternative and even qualitative data sources. In this commentary, I reflect on what we can do over the next 50 years to ensure that the journal is producing research that is socially impactful and better able to explain the messiness of social reality.  相似文献   

Bifacially worked tools, which are formally categorized as handaxes, are increasingly found in Korea (present-day South Korea). By reviewing recently updated literature, this paper argues that Korean handaxes are unlikely to be true Acheulean handaxes from west of the Movius Line (ML), only partly sharing morphological affinities. A growing body of archaeological data in Korea provides an opportunity for a close examination of the enduring questions, although it does not offer straightforward answers. Korean handaxes show juxtaposed features; variables do not consistently match the pro and cons of affinity of the handaxes from west of the ML. The partial overlap of shapes with the specimens from the neighboring region and from west of the ML is not evidence for cultural transmission of tradition; therefore, the historical lineage across time and space ought to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Crabb, Cecil V., Jr., and Pat Holt, eds. Invitation to Struggle: Congress, The President and Foreign Policy. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1980. Pp. xii, 234. $9.75, paper. Franck, Thomas M. and Edward Weisband. Foreign Policy by Congress. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. ix, 357. $15.95, hardbound. Spanier, John, and Joseph Nogee, eds. Congress, The Presidency and American Foreign Policy. New York: Pergamon Press, 1981. Pp. xxxii, 211. $30.00, hardbound; $10.95, paper. Whalen, Charles W., Jr. The House and Foreign Policy: The Irony of Congressional Reform. Chapel Hill, N.C.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1982. Pp. x, 207. $18.95, hardbound; $9.95, paper.  相似文献   

论日语请求行为得体性的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
请求行为普遍而且敏感,它是人类交际中不可避免的社会活动。得体性作为请求行为所必须遵循的礼貌原则,既牵涉到语言自身,又牵涉到许多诸如风俗习惯、价值观念、社会地位、人际关系、环境、地点、时间等社会文化因素。本文通过分析中国学生运用日语表达“请求”这一言语行为时出现的语用失误,探讨中日两种文化在语言语用和社交语用方面存在的差异,旨在找出隐伏在这些失误背后的、易引起误会和冲突的文化因素,并在此基础上,提出对策,以帮助日语学习者自觉改变和调整固有的框框,提高语用能力。  相似文献   

The effects of groundwater flow and biodegradation on the long‐distance migration of petroleum‐derived benzene in oil‐bearing sedimentary basins are evaluated. Using an idealized basin representation, a coupled groundwater flow and heat transfer model computes the hydraulic head, stream function, and temperature in the basin. A coupled mass transport model simulates water washing of benzene from an oil reservoir and its miscible, advective/dispersive transport by groundwater. Benzene mass transfer at the oil–water contact is computed assuming equilibrium partitioning. A first‐order rate constant is used to represent aqueous benzene biodegradation. A sensitivity study is used to evaluate the effect of the variation in aquifer/geochemical parameters and oil reservoir location on benzene transport. Our results indicate that in a basin with active hydrodynamics, miscible benzene transport is dominated by advection. Diffusion may dominate within the cap rock when its permeability is less than 10?19 m2. Miscible benzene transport can form surface anomalies, sometimes adjacent to oil fields. Biodegradation controls the distance of transport down‐gradient from a reservoir. We conclude that benzene detected in exploration wells may indicate an oil reservoir that lies hydraulically up‐gradient. Geochemical sampling of hydrocarbons from springs and exploration wells can be useful only when the oil reservoir is located within about 20 km. Benzene soil gas anomalies may form due to regional hydrodynamics rather than separate phase migration. Diffusion alone cannot explain the elevated benzene concentration observed in carrier beds several km away from oil fields.  相似文献   

<正>2010年3月29日—4月9日,应中国社会科学院文学研究所民间文学研究室和北京师范大学文学院民俗学与文化人类学研究所的共同邀请,德国著名民俗学家和欧洲民族学家、柏林洪堡大学欧洲民族学研究所所长沃尔夫冈·卡舒巴(Wolfgang Kaschuba)教授前来北京进行学术交流,并先后在北师大和社科院举行了四场学术报告。  相似文献   

Rayna R. Reiter, ed., Toward an Anthropology of Women. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1975. 416 pp. Bibliography. $15.00.  相似文献   

The Iron Age necropolis of Alfedena has been well-known since the last century. In this study 10 non-continuous traits of the cranial skeleton are examined in a series of 94 adult individuals (54 males and 40 females). The division of the Alfedena necropolis into tomb circles has permitted the investigation of the possible existence of familial segregation. Our analysis has shown us that the individuals inhumated in the different tomb circles have a common genetic substrate probably attributable to the strong endogamy present in this population.  相似文献   

Maurice Roche. Phenomenology, Language and the Social Sciences. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973. x. + 361 pp. Bibliography and index. $15.50.  相似文献   

This paper employs geographic information systems (GIS) to analyze the relationship between environmental context and social inequality. Using recent archaeological data from the political center of the Inka Empire (Cuzco, Peru), it investigates how material and spatial boundaries embed social differences within the environment at both local and regional scales. In doing so, the paper moves beyond conventional archaeological GIS approaches that treat the environment as a unitary phenomenon. It develops a methodological and theoretical framework for the examination of a political landscape—the distinct spaces and materials that differentially shape people’s social experience and perception of their environment.  相似文献   

试论宋朝的羁縻州管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了唐宋两朝时羁席州管理的同异,认为宋朝羁腐州的管理总体上趋向于灵活和宽松,其原因主要与宋朝一贯的文治政策有关。指出:宽松的羁廉政策,虽然在客观上对稳定边疆社会、发展边疆经济有一定好处,但宽松过度,却又使宋朝丧失了沿边羁康地区的边防藩篱作用。  相似文献   

This paper describes the research and training infrastructure that is needed if disability policy is to flourish as a viable field of inquiry. Due to its interdisciplinary character, no one discipline or academic field has adopted disability policy as its own, and as a result, has not developed the infrastructure needed to give disability policy the visibility and focus it deserves. This paper explores the reasons for the field's underdevelopment and proposes several developmental steps essential to its future success, Inparticular, the paper proposes (a) an academic home for disability policy, (b) the development of curriculum, (c) graduate and post-doctoral research opportunities, (d) recruitment of students with disabilities, and (e) the establishment of policy research centers. The paper notes achievements already in place, such as a policy journal and the development of professional organizations. Finally, the paper notes the important role of both private and public funding.  相似文献   

The effect of identity, as socially constructed by race and gender, on social policies has been widely examined in policy analysis. Policy analysis would be improved by a wider discussion that includes the influence of social‐psychological constructs on social provision. We fill this gap by drawing on the theory of the “belief in a just world” and link this theory to attitudes toward the support of controversial government programs. We argue that this theory is a critical antecedent to the previous research on social construction. We hypothesize that citizens who perceive that the world is just and that opportunities are equal between groups are much less likely to favor government interventions altering market outcomes. We find that after controlling for race, sex, and political ideology, respondents who believe that luck is the primary determinant of success (low belief in a just world) are more supportive of preferential hiring programs for African Americans and women.  相似文献   

The popularity and prevalence of strategic alliances for problem solving has been well documented in research on the corporate sector and public policy. However, there has been limited work to date on building a comprehensive theory about the evolutionary process of alliances. The purpose of this article is to synthesize current research on alliance development in order to develop a model of strategic alliance evolution. The theoretical model is built with ideas from prior research as well as findings from our own recent research on alliances in education. We conducted a national study of strategic alliances in charter schools focused on uncovering the process of evolution—including how alliances are initiated, operated, and evaluated—and the various internal and external factors that influence alliance development and progress. Our findings offer a model of strategic alliance evolution and provide direction for future research.  相似文献   

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