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渤海上京城内寺庙较多,在上京龙泉府遗址各寺庙址附近发现数量较多的渤海佛像.尤其是石佛、金佛、铜佛、铁佛、泥佛等遗物从一个侧面反映了渤海国时期佛教文化的繁荣景象.不同质地的佛像中泥佛像比其它的少一些,而且比较珍贵.70年代两件泥佛像发现于上京城内的寺庙遗址附近,现收藏于黑龙江省博物馆.  相似文献   

本文对六道沟铜矿冶遗址进行了专项冶金考古调查,收集整理了一批铜矿开采及冶炼的遗物标本。通过对矿石与冶炼炉渣的检测分析,认为该遗址已经能够使用冰铜冶炼技术冶炼高含硫矿石,进而揭示出渤海国已经掌握了"硫化矿——冰铜——铜"炼铜工艺,对揭示东北亚地区古代冶铜技术提供了新的科学依据。  相似文献   

近年学界在对渤海上京城进行系统研究的同时,也有人论及渤海上京城遗址早期调查与著录方面的有关内容,这是值得称道的。但应该指出的是持论者在论及渤海上京城遗址早期调查与著录时,多谓起始于本世纪的外国学人。笔者认为,这种观点与事实不符,故暂将清初几位著名流人对渤海上京城遗址的调查与著录情况简略介绍如下,以供学界参考。  相似文献   

长期以来,关于渤海上京城宫城、皇城、郭城的营建时序,学术界始终存在认知分歧。文章以文献中留存的渤海国行政建制为切入点,同时结合新时期的考古发现,对渤海上京城三重城建置的营建时序进行了全新的学术解读。  相似文献   

<正>渤海上京城是唐代渤海国的都城,其故城址位于今黑龙江省宁安市渤海镇,东北距宁安市35公里,西南距镜泊湖13.4公里。现今遗址内有渤海镇及其所属的土台子村[1]、白庙子村、双庙子村、西地村等。2010年11月,当地村民在基础建设过程中,对渤海时期遗址造成了一定程度的破坏,并发现舍利石函及相关遗物。黑龙江省文物考古研究所随即对此区域进行了调查、清理、测量与钻探,共发现建筑基址2处、墙址1处及石函函身,后又追缴回铁函残  相似文献   

1997年以来,随着渤海上京城遗址大规模系列的调查、发掘,考古测绘成为了重要的技术手段。通过总结渤海上京城遗址测绘的技术要求、仪器选用,论述了遗址测绘地形图、平面图、剖面图的方法和流程,讨论了考古测绘与常规测绘工作的异同。  相似文献   

渤海国上京城又称渤海上京龙泉府,史称忽汗城。是唐代渤海国(698-926年)五京之一,在渤海国存在的229年历史中,其两次为都长达160余年之久。该城遗址1961年被国务院公布为第一批国家重点文物保护单位,2003年被联合国科教文组织中国全委会初选,列入申报世界文化遗产名录预备名单。  相似文献   

2004-2008年,我们对位于蒙古国布尔干、中央等省境内的契丹时期(公元10-12世纪)的城址进行了考察.通过考古发掘从位于图拉河中游的一些城址中发现了渤海类型的遗物(图一).这种类型的遗物以往多发现于俄罗斯远东地区、滨海边区和中国东北地区的遗址中,而如今这类遗物在蒙古国中部地区的发现引起了学术界的关注.本文拟对蒙古国中部的杭盖山脉东麓地区发现的一些渤海风格遗存的地理位置、类型、特点等方面进行阐述.  相似文献   

雨珩 《考古》2012,(12):85
《渤海上京城考古》由赵虹光著,科学出版社2012年12月出版发行。该书为B5开本,正文276页,约35.3万字,文后附彩色图版14面,定价98元。该书将1980~1985年、1997~2007年于渤海上京城遗址进行的两次大型田野发掘工作尽可能的完整展现,对相关考古发掘  相似文献   

渤海上京城仿唐长安城存在"三朝"制建制.渤海上京城以宫城正南门为元旦冬至日之朝(仿古之外朝),以宫城1号殿为塑望日之朝(仿古之中朝),以宫城2号殿为常朝日之朝(仿古之内朝).渤海上京城"三朝"制主体建筑的年代当完成于渤海第十一代王大彝震之世.  相似文献   

李自奇是李牟的父亲。李仲号大亮,是李岩的二哥。康熙元年李自奇卖地契,十二年李仲买地契,与康熙五十五年《李氏家谱》中有关记述可相互佐证,既为研究清初豫北土地买卖提供了具体资料,也为研究明末李自成军中的李牟、李大亮提供了佐证资料。  相似文献   

中华书局标点本《清史列传》给学术界提供了极大方便,但个别地方的标点尚有待于商榷,略举四则:其一、李光地传载彭鹏劾李光地疏;其二、康熙三十九年二月李光地上康熙帝疏;其三、张履祥传;其四、颜元传。  相似文献   

在近代中国仁人志士探索国家出路的大背景下,李四光作为一位新式知识分子,在时代的号召下亦曾投入到革命洪流之中,参与辛亥革命。这充分体现了时代与个人的互动关系。在时代的号召下,他接触革命党人,接触革命思想,实现思想转变,走上革命救国道路,而革命党人的思想也对李四光的一生产生了深远影响:在辛亥革命后,面对辛亥革命的失败,他积极参与实业建设,力图实业救国,走上了科学救国之路。  相似文献   

Lithium (Li) concentrations of produced water from unconventional (horizontally drilled and hydraulically fractured shale) and conventional gas wells in Devonian reservoirs in the Appalachian Plateau region of western Pennsylvania range from 0.6 to 17 mmol kg?1, and Li isotope ratios, expressed as in δ7Li, range from +8.2 to +15‰. Li concentrations are as high as 40 mmol kg?1 in produced waters from Plio‐Pleistocene through Jurassic‐aged reservoirs in the Gulf Coast Sedimentary Basin analyzed for this study, and δ7Li values range from about +4.2 to +16.6‰. Because of charge‐balance constraints and rock buffering, Li concentrations in saline waters from sedimentary basins throughout the world (including this study) are generally positively correlated with chloride (Cl), the dominant anion in these fluids. Li concentrations also vary with depth, although the extent of depth dependence differs among sedimentary basins. In general, Li concentrations are higher than expected from seawater or evaporation of seawater and therefore require water–mineral reactions that remove lithium from the minerals. Li isotope ratios in these produced waters vary inversely with temperature. However, calculations of temperature‐dependent fractionation of δ7Li between average shale δ7Li (?0.7‰) and water result in δ7Liwater that is more positive than that of most produced waters. This suggests that aqueous δ7Li may reflect transport of water from depth and/or reaction with rocks having δ7Li lighter than average shale.  相似文献   

对历史哲学的研究是李大钊在学术研究领域中探索的最主要方面。他对历史哲学的地位进行科学的解说 ,并对历史本体论、历史认识论作了研究 ,为建立历史哲学的中国学派做出了贡献。李大钊是中国马克思主义历史哲学的开创者  相似文献   

《周礼》的内容、行文特点及其史料价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨天宇 《史学月刊》2001,(6):44-50,56
《周礼》前五篇的内容和职官结构各有其特点,也包含着许多矛盾、错综和不合理处,而导致这种情况的原因,主要因为《周礼》是一部未完成的著作。《考工记》的内容和体例则与前五篇不同,自成一家。《周礼》前五篇的行文有如下特点,一是各篇前皆有一《叙官》,二是以职官联系制度,三是兼记有关的经验、技术或人们对某些问题的认识,四是互文见义,故读《周礼》贵在会通。《周礼》虽出于战国人之手,但其中保留了大量有关西周的珍贵资料,只要善于择别,并参以先秦其他文献和出土资料,即可为我们研究古史、特别是研究西周史所用。  相似文献   

晚清漕粮海运与李鸿章的关系密不可分.他通过恢复海运扩大漕粮海运的参与省份,调整海运规章、抚恤海运群体,扶植轮船招商局、促进漕粮运输工具近代化等方式,对漕粮海运的变革产生了全方位影响,成为推动中国社会走向近代的重要人物.  相似文献   

The Guanlong Bloc has been widely believed to have enjoyed significant advantages in the dynasties founded between the Western Wei and the Tang. Based on an analysis of the sociopolitical framework and geo-strategic factor before the Taiyuan Uprising, this article aims to explain how in order to strike a severe blow against the Sui. Li Yuan, a core member of the Guanlong Bloc, made use of forces alienated by, or simply unrelated to, the establishment. In addition to showing their considerable resentment against the establishment, a substantial number of meritorious officials collaborating with Li Yuan during the Sui were not directly affiliated with the Guanlong Bloc in terms of family and regional backgrounds; some of them were from humble origin or even desperados not tolerated by the establishment. Amongst the desperados, some were originally members of the Guanlong Bloc but committed crimes while the others were local bandits and chivalrous swordsmen. During his time governing Taiyuan and leading the troop to march towards Chang’an, Li Yuan had managed to recruit local bandits and chivalrous swordsmen. During the medieval era, aristocratic elites played a dominant role in shaping both politics and society; class differentiation was considered a major feature characterized by aristocratic preference. This prevailing mindset, however, did not seem to place any restrictions on Li Yuan in his efforts to recruit locals from humble origin. This practice was instrumental in drawing local supports, thus tremendously strengthening his military force to overthrow the establishment. The method adopted by Li Yuan highlights the point that despite his deep connection with the Guanlong Bloc, he adopted a policy of drawing on local human resources rather than relying on the military strength of the Guanlong region in the process of establishing his own authority. Another major point of discussion is the weakening of the Guanlong Bloc during the Sui. Yang Jian and his sons had counted heavily on those who were not the Guanlong Bloc members; some members of the Bloc had even become the target of purges during the reign of Yang Guang. In this sense, the strategy of using forces outside the establishment to overthrow it was not Li Yuan’s creation; instead, Li simply followed what Yang Jian and his sons had been doing in their endeavors to overthrow the existing order. The above historical facts are sufficient to cast doubt on the advantageous position that the Guanlong Bloc was supposed to be enjoying during medieval China. As a whole, similar to all other military and political blocs in history, the Guanlong Bloc passed through the stages of both establishment and transformation before stepping out of the historical arena.  相似文献   

在李鸿章一生所致力的洋务事业中,铁路是最重要的内容之一,从1863年至1901年,他始终与中国铁路事业的发展休戚相关。1890年代,李鸿章以北洋防务为核心目标,以“俄患日亟”为由,筹议和兴筑中国第一官办铁路一关东铁路;他凭借着个人努力和与海军衙门的良好关系,初步解决了筑路经费;他坚持“权自我操”,抵制外人对路权的干涉。甲午战争尽管打断了李鸿章兴建关东铁路的步伐,但其对铁路的认知与实践,为中国早期的铁路建设提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

本文以档案为依据,叙述、考证了李秉衡在义和团运动中的表现。慈禧决定对列强宣战后,急切召李秉衡进京,京师的守旧势力嚣张一时,而希望李氏进京的均为顽固派官僚。李秉衡率部北上途中,攻毁教堂,入京后,迟迟未赴前线,先后五次被慈禧召见,并与义和团一起围攻使馆。本文引用清档,论证李秉衡陷害主和派,导致慈禧、徐桐、刚毅等顽固派,将许景澄、袁昶等杀害的重要事实。本文认为,李秉衡在义和团运动中的行为,与守旧派的愚昧排外政策,有着千丝万缕的联系,如肯定李秉衡在义和团运动中举动是爱国的,则又要面对如何评价支持、重用李秉衡的慈禧、徐桐、刚毅等人的难题。  相似文献   

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