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本文主要结合新加坡经济发展策略 ,探讨新加坡华人经济近期几个发展趋向。本文认为在世界经济的冲击下 ,特别是在政府经济发展策略的引导下 ,本世纪初的新加坡华人经济将有五个主要发展趋向 ,即华人企业的实力有所加强 ;华人将大力拓展海外发展空间 ;华人企业和人才与外国企业和人才的合作与竞争将明显增加 ;华人企业将更多地涉足知识经济领域 ;独立创业的中青年华人可望增加等  相似文献   

本文介绍著名日籍华人学者游仲勋教授对华侨华人研究的主要贡献 ,着重评述他在华侨华人经济研究领域所提出的重要理论、观点和研究方法 ,以增进国内学术界对国外研究状态的了解。  相似文献   

中国的华侨华人研究与学科建设-浅议“华侨华人学”   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文从中国的华侨华人研究的历史与现状出发,认为现在中国的华侨华人研究已不再是历史研究一枝独秀的局面,而是涉及到政治、经济、文化、历史、社会、民族、人口、国际关系等诸多领域的综合性研究,其研究理论和方法也已广泛地涉及到人文社会科学的诸多基础学科和分支学科,华侨华人研究实际上已成为多学科研究者共同参与研究的“边缘交叉学科”,建立起一门有中国特色的“华侨华人学”势在必行。当前,中国的华侨华人研究应该加强学科意识,在吸收欧、美、日的社会科学理论和研究成果的同时,根据我们本国的国情和社会实际需要,发展自己的研究,在提高学术研究水平的基础上,努力构建中国的华侨华人学。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国六十周年华诞前夕,欧洲华侨华人社团联合会代表团代表200万欧洲华侨华人,赴北京参加盛典。对此我感触良多。中华人民共和国诞生之初,全欧华侨华人总数不过区区万余,加之散居在英、法、德、荷、意等十多个国家,更是微不足道。进入20世纪六七十年代,虽然从香港、印尼、印支三国等地辗转移居欧洲的华侨华人有所增加,但处于当时东西方冷战高压下,欧洲华人大多只能局促于当地经济缝隙中艰难谋生,对政治噤若寒蝉。  相似文献   

论文以调查和访谈资料为依据,阐述了印尼棉兰华人社会发展与历史变迁的过程,并在此基础上总结出棉兰华人因受周边华人社会影响,兼及殖民种植经济传统与移居型城市特点而形成的独有社会特征:政治参与具有华人社会传统特性;坚守中华传统文化并吸收了西方文化、土著文化;闽南语或普通话日常使用较普遍;经济上居于印尼社会和华人群体的边缘,实力有限;与其他族群相处较为融洽;以横向分化为主的华人社会,各群体间互动频繁,边界较为模糊。  相似文献   

本文是第一篇全面介绍黄绍伦教授在华人研究方面成果的文章。在探究了黄绍伦学术志趣的形成和学术经历之后,文章主要介绍和评价了他在华人企业家族主义、文化传统与东亚现代化、移民潮与香港的稳定与繁荣三个领域的主要理论和观点,最后扼要介绍了他领导开展的其他学术活动。作者认为,作为一个社会学家,黄绍伦所强调的理论取向和广博视野,对于提升华人研究的理论层次,更好地与社会科学的理论脉络和发展趋势相衔接,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

论文梳理了中华人民共和国成立70年来中国学者关于欧洲华侨华人研究所经历过的沉默、探索和成长三个阶段,剖析了进入21世纪后相关研究呈现出的主题拓展成果迭出、学科多元立足实证、跨国合作共建平台三大特点。论文就研究存在的不足与缺憾提出三点思考,进而提出欧洲华侨华人社会既往历程所积蓄的经验教训,其未来发展可能面对的机遇与挑战,都迫切需要有更多学者通过深入扎实的研究,在中国移民实证基础上深化理论辨析,并为新时期中国侨务政策的制订提出建设性的意见建议。  相似文献   

世纪之交中国大陆学术界关于华侨华人的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
世纪之交中国大陆学术界关于华侨华人的研究进入一个新的阶段。研究队伍的发展和许多有代表性的著作的出版 ,说明中国华侨华人研究不但在学术成果的数量和质量上已有显著的提高 ,而且研究领域扩大 ,视角拓宽 ,华侨华人研究作为一门新兴学科正在崛起。但中国大陆学者须看到与国际学术界的差距 ,加强对华侨华人的研究 ,在新的世纪把中国大陆的海外华人研究推向国际学术领域的前沿。  相似文献   

20 0 1年 1 2月 2 1日 ,“经济全球化与华侨华人研究”学术研讨会在中国社会科学院会议中心举行。此次会议是由致公党中央海外联谊部、中国华侨历史学会、中国社会科学院侨联联合举办的。来自致公党中央、中国侨联、中国社会科学院、中国华侨华人历史研究所、中央国家机关工委统战部、中央国家机关工委侨联、中国科学院、北京大学、清华大学、中共中央党史研究室、新华社、《人民政协报》、大型文献电视系列片《根》摄制组、华声龙脉网、日本福井县大学等单位的 90多名专家学者及有关人士参加了研讨会。会议分别由中国社会科学院侨联主席黄…  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to obtain a better understanding of the presence of Chinese manufacturing entrepreneurship in industrial districts compared to other Italian local economies. Statistical data are used to uncover where Chinese manufacturing entrepreneurs localize their businesses and to what extent this localization is an innovation within the geographical pattern of industrial districts. Data on Chinese manufacturing micro-enterprises (i.e. with less than 10 persons employed) started up in years 2005–2007 and 2008–2010 are cross-tabulated by industrial districts and other local economies to investigate their change over time. The empirical findings show a dominance of industrial districts: those located in Tuscany are on top and Prato district ranks first.  相似文献   

本文分殖民时期、独立建国时期、新经济政策实施时期、国家经济管制淡化时期和金融危机以后五个阶段,分析马来西亚华商中小企业的发展状况及影响其发展的政策因素。作者认为,华商中小企业一直是马来西亚华人经济的基础,是马来西亚民族经济的最基本成份之一,在推动国家经济发展过程中起着不可替代的作用,应加强对这一问题的研究。  相似文献   

Tu Lan 《对极》2015,47(1):158-178
Since the 1990s, the Chinese apparel industry in Prato has developed from a few stitching workshops into full‐fledged production networks. However, persistent disparity between the Chinese and Italian labor has triggered widespread social tensions. Drawing upon the recent literature of critical labor studies, this paper offers a different perspective to see the disparity in terms of the multiplication of labor across scales. The Chinese labor in Prato is made cheap and flexible by the proliferation of institutional and social borders, which were in turn inadvertently produced by Italian immigration policies, Chinese social norms, and local and regional economic conditions. In particular, the Chinese migrant workers have played an active role in producing social borders and in their own exploitation. Therefore, the labor polarization in Prato can hardly be solved by local institutional arrangements, and Italian trade unions have failed to organize the Chinese migrant labor in Prato.  相似文献   

So far, the relationship between Industrial Districts (IDs; clusters of interconnected local industries) and migrant enclaves (areas with a high concentration of international migrants from a single nationality) has been studied mostly by focusing on the emergence of ‘ethnic enclave economies’ within the district and/or by highlighting racist conflicts that achieved notoriety in the media. In this study, we contend that there is a more general and complex interaction between the two phenomena. This interaction is mediated by the local context, national regulations, and the organization of the international market, among other factors. By focusing on the case of the ceramic ID of Castelló de la Plana (Spain), we show how this ID with a high rate of job formality, combined with other job opportunities and a unique ‘institutional completeness’, set up the conditions for a non-conflictive Romanian migrant enclave that reached 14% of the town’s total population in 2012. Finally, and also considering another case study of ID and migrant enclave (Prato, and its Chinese enclave), we suggest a model of interaction that should be interpreted taking into account the general dynamics of the international organization of value and the requirements of flexibility and reduction of costs that frame IDs.  相似文献   

We examine whether organized crime affects firms’ performance (defined using Total Factor Productivity growth) both directly and indirectly, by downsizing the positive externalities arising from the geographic concentration of (intra‐ and inter‐industry) market‐related firms. The analysis uses a large sample of Italian small‐ and medium‐sized manufacturing firms over the period 2010–2013. The results highlight the negative direct effects of organized crime on firms’ productivity growth. Any positive effect derived from industrial clustering is thoroughly debilitated by a strong presence of organized crime, and the negative moderation effect of organized crime on productivity growth is greater for smaller than for larger firms.  相似文献   

本文研究近20年来中国移民进入新加坡的原因、过程和发展趋势,并根据历年新加坡人口统计中的常住人口和非常住人口数量、华人出生率、移民数量和族群比例等数据,推估出新加坡的中国移民新数据。结论是,近30年来,新加坡政府大规模吸收高素质移民,以弥补人口数量不足,确保华族占总人口75%和发展高新产业。进入新加坡的移民总数达164万人,占2009年新加坡居民总数的近33%。其中,华人移民约占80%,主要来自马来西亚和中国。从1990年到2009年,进入新加坡的中国移民潮逐渐加速,总量约50~60万人,约占新加坡总人口的10%~12%。  相似文献   

This article contributes to an ongoing dialogue on the causes of migration and emigration and the relationship between migrants/emigrants and their homelands by investigating historical materials dealing with the Chinese in Chicago from 1870s to 1940s. It shows that patterns of Chinese migration/emigration overseas have endured for a long period, from pre-Qing times to today’s global capitalist expansionism. The key argument is that from the very beginning of these patterns, it has been trans-local and transnational connections that have acted as primary vehicles facilitating survival in the new land. While adjusting their lives in new environments, migrants and emigrants have made conscious efforts to maintain and renew socioeconomic and emotional ties with their homelands, thus creating transnational ethnic experiences.  相似文献   

During 2004–2011, Italian cinema intervened in the ongoing public debates about Chinese immigration to Italy with 15 notable films, which provided a window into the moral and ethical practices of the filmmakers and those of the fictional characters, or interviewees, in their films. This migratory phenomenon, in turn, offered filmmakers a variety of stimuli and perspectives from which to contemplate the moral stakes in screening Chinese migrants in Italy in films. Italian-Chinese films, insofar as they address the self–other relationship, lend themselves to an ethical analysis. I show that Italian documentary films genuinely feature the lives of Chinese migrants through restrained and socially conscious creative means. In contrast, relevant feature films often center on the plight of marginalized native Italian characters, adopting artistic license appropriate to their market-oriented production ethos.  相似文献   

苏多杰  严维青 《攀登》2007,26(5):160-163
意大利环境管理和可持续发展体系具有政策务实、执法严格、层次化管理、市场化运作、全民参与、注重科技进步和科技创新等特点,这些成功经验为我国提供了很多可资借鉴的范例,值得我们认真思考和学习。  相似文献   

论文通过中英文原始资料,追述了芝加哥唐人街历史,论证了19世纪70年代至20世纪30年代的芝加哥华人社区在跨国移民与商业网络中的重要作用。认为芝加哥所拥有的水陆空交通枢纽的优越地理位置让城中的华人杂货业得以扩大生意范围;芝加哥的国际化氛围还培养了中餐精致饮食文化的先驱;城内的华人洗衣业也成为美国中西部城镇洗衣业的典范。这些特征都表明了芝加哥城内的华埠社区是美国中西部地区跨国移民与商贸中心的一个重要枢纽。华人企业家们不仅仅为他们个人商业的成功做出了贡献,同时也为美国中西部地区华人社区及家乡父老的集体生存、发展与成功做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

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