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萨义德在《东方学》中揭示了西方文化支配东方"异文化"的历史过程和文化手段。萨满教作为一种"异文化",20世纪以来,经历了由"迷信"到"民族文化"的身份之变,并因其越来越在现代知识网格和制度体制中占据位置,而被纳入到中国现代性展开的特定历史进程之中。20世纪初中国引介的西方话语与本土具体的生活世界相互塑造,而成为社会文化再生产中最具活力的因素。我们欲以"异文化"萨满教为基点,勘查文化霸权在东方具体的运作逻辑,这在一定程度上从东方主体的角度回应了萨义德解释的东方学实质。  相似文献   

蒙古问题既为中俄复交久拖不决之主要原因,亦因中俄交涉而由舆论之边缘进至中心视野。知识界由友俄到出现联俄与仇俄之争,苏俄对蒙古问题的介入乃是导致这一变化最敏感、最直观之因素。各方对"民族自决"及其基本范畴之不同阐释与论争,将蒙古问题高度意识形态化。随主权话语渐次压倒革命话语,告别"自决"之趋势因以出现。"民族自决"本为被压民族、国家之理想诉求,其流播世界辄成不同势力之政治利器。蒙古问题乃20世纪一二十年代国内首要之民族问题,外来"民族自决"在此遭遇特殊困境,促使其由外交及政治争端,延伸至思想学术领域,并对中国民族学之建构发生特殊影响。  相似文献   

20世纪初年,民族主义成为中国最主要的社会思潮,与此同时,中国史学的话语权也发生了变动,以"史界革命"相号召的"新史学"渐成主流。具有近现代意义的西藏历史研究也于此时启动,体现了现实救亡图存的政治诉求,在历史思想方面实践传统的藩属话语体系向近现代民族国家话语转变,在西藏历史研究文本中近现代民族国家观念得以初步确立。  相似文献   

民族精神是一个民族在历史进程中形成的共同秉赋,是心理状态、价值观念和思维旨趣的集中体现,是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神灵魂。近代以来,伴随着中华民族日益严重的民族危机,国人鉴于民族精神丧失而提出了"陶铸国魂"问题。20世纪初的"陶铸国魂"话语,是适应中国"千年未有之变局"和世界发展大势而进行的民族精神构建,故它必然以反思中国历史传统为特征,以改造国民性为手段,以建构民族国家而实现民族复兴为目标。  相似文献   

正民族精神是一个民族在历史进程中形成的共同秉赋,是心理状态、价值观念和思维旨趣的集中体现,是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神灵魂。近代以来,伴随着中华民族日益严重的民族危机,国人鉴于民族精神丧失而提出了"陶铸国魂"问题。20世纪初的"陶铸国魂"话语,是适应中国"千年未有之变局"和世界发展大势而进行的民族精神构建,故它必然以反思中国历史传统为特征,以改造国民性为手段,以建构民族国家而实现民族复兴为目标。  相似文献   

论 一、总论 中华民国史国际讨论会综述.江沛.近代中国史研究通讯,35从改革到革命,从革命到改革:一个动荡曲折的探寻中国现代性的世纪.张伦.当代中国研究,10(1)  相似文献   

20世纪,革命席卷全球——著名的如俄国、中国、南斯拉夫、朝鲜、越南、古巴以及墨西哥的革命。;可以说,革命是20世纪中国历史发展的主线之一。辛亥革命、国民革命、抗日战争作为民族民主革命的重要组成部分,以及新中国成立后的社会主义革命,大体串起了20世纪中国革命的链条。中国共产党领导的革命历史是中国现代革命史的主要部分。理解中共如何使用“阶级”话语分析中国革命性质,划分革命敌友,开展革命实践,构成了我们理解中国革命的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

城市怀旧是20世纪90年代中国的一个重要文化现象,城市小说作为想像城市的一种方式,通过建构老城市特有的物质空间、精神形态,以及老一代市民生活场景,也自觉或者不自觉地汇入到这种怀旧风潮中。本文试图从“市民精神的追认”、“繁华逝去的挽歌”以及“青春乌托邦的追忆”三个方面,阐述20世纪90年代中国城市小说怀旧书写的形态,运用现代性理论,探讨这一书写方式背后的文学与文化原因。  相似文献   

吴怀祺 《安徽史学》2006,10(4):5-13
20世纪中国社会发生变动,受到西方学术思潮的影响,中国史学进入到近代化时期.西方学术话语处在强势地位,在这样的大背景下,近代史学理论、思想的争论,基本是按照西方的史学理论的热点而展开,也随着西方史学理论的热点的变动而变动.这对扩大研究视野、深化相关的史学认识有一定的意义,但另一面是,民族史学的重要思想失去应有的地位.传统民族史学思想、理论具有重要的价值,是西方史学理论不能完全替代的;民族史学话语权的失落,对于中国史学发展是不利的.进入到21世纪,史学理论发展不能忽视中国民族史学思想的研究".认真总结民族史学思想遗产,对于当代史学具有重大的意义,是振兴民族史学的重要工作,也是民族史学走向世界的基本要求.  相似文献   

西文部分一、论文(一)总论Farquhar,Mary;Berry,Chris:“SpeakingBitterness:History,MediaandNationin TwentiethCenturyChina”,HistoriographyEastandWest,Vol.2,No.1讲述苦难:历史、媒体和民族在20世纪的中国Brown,ShanaJulia:“Twentieth CenturyChina:NewApproaches”,ChinaReviewInter national,Vol.11,No.220世纪的中国:新观察Pang,Laikwan:“MagicandModernityinChina”,Positions:EastAsiaCulturesCri tique,Vol.12,No.2中国的神奇与现代性Qiu,Jin:“HistoryandState:SearchingthePastintheLightofthePresent…  相似文献   

沈寂 《安徽史学》2008,45(1):54-63
在1903年的拒俄运动中,中国知识分子由爱国而革命,在运动中所形成的军国民教育会,是我国知识界革命团体的先行.它的运动员回国组织发动了一次武装起义,同时创导暗杀朝廷官员,对社会造成巨大震动.1905年在东京,主动与孙中山合作,组织中国同盟会,是我国近代革命的里程碑.  相似文献   

Chinese historiography of modern China in the 1980s and 1990s underwent a paradigmatic transition: in place of the traditional revolutionary historiography that bases its analyses on Marxist methodologies and highlights rebellions and revolutions as the overarching themes in modern Chinese history, the emerging modernization paradigm builds its conceptual framework on borrowed modernization theory and foregrounds top‐down, incremental reforms as the main force propelling China's evolution to modernity. This article scrutinizes the origins of the new paradigm in the context of a burgeoning modernization discourse in reform‐era China. It further examines the fundamental divides between the two types of historiography in their respective constructions of master narratives and their different approaches to representing historical events in modern China. Behind the prevalence of the modernization paradigm in Chinese historiography is Chinese historians' unchanged commitment to serving present political needs by interpreting the past.  相似文献   

赵立彬 《安徽史学》2006,27(4):111-114
孙中山于1920年代初分别为合肥阚氏和蕲春詹氏撰写族谱序言,即<合肥阚氏重修谱牒序>、<五修詹氏宗谱序>.孙中山借为族谱作序,将革命思想与现代观念援入族谱,并试图从传统家族观念中,剥离出有助于现代民族、民权、民生的内容,以改造后的家族观念服务于国族构建,使家族建设具备现代国家建设的宏大意义.  相似文献   

在中华各民族的发展史上,苗族也是一支历史悠久,有着灿烂文化、延续着古老和现代文明,与其他各兄弟民族一样,对中华民族的团结和中国革命的成功作出过重要贡献的一支少数民族。在新民主义时期,贵州有大量的苗族优秀儿女就对中国的革命事业奉献出他们的青春甚至生命,这才有了后来的革命成功以及我们今天的幸福生活。本文中提及的几位人物,就是其中的优秀代表。  相似文献   


The female body has been in the foreground of nation-building in Iran especially since the 1930s projects of modernization, when unveiling women and adaptation to Western clothing became a crucial factor of bolstering modern Iranian national identity as opposed to a religion-based national identity. After the 1979 Revolution, the Islamic dress code became compulsory and female imagery depicting modesty and piety became a source of national identity. Although the representation of women's bodies in nationalist discourses has been subject of different studies, women's representation in official online outlets is still understudied. This article discusses how women's bodily appearance and representation in official online outlets feed into the nationalist discourses in Iran. Three key cases between 2014 and 2017 are addressed: (i) actress Leila Hatami kissing a man at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival; (ii) the public debate on women's entrance to sports stadiums in 2014–2015; (iii) the public revelation of actress Taraneh Alidoosti's tattooed forearm in 2016. Data were collected from multiple Iranian official online platforms and a critical discourse analysis was undertaken to analyse different forms of discursive articulation regarding women's bodies and national identity. Drawing on feminist literature inspired by the Foucauldian concept of biopolitics, the article discusses the ways in which women's bodies are discursively constructed to illustrate a uniform Islamic nationalistic discourse.  相似文献   

Razi T 《家族历史杂志》2010,35(4):395-415
Although the Jewish community of Palestine was an extremely family-oriented society and the institute of the family played a major role in the establishment of the new Zionist nationhood, the historiography has henceforth paid little attention to its role, images, and functions. This article will examine the diverse and often contradictory perceptions and influences that have shaped the Zionist period. Traditional Jewish perceptions intertwined with modern, bourgeois, and revolutionary notions of the family, whether national or socialist. These contradictory perceptions were manifested in the contested professional and public discourse regarding the many dysfunctional urban families in Tel Aviv, who were treated by welfare authorities and mental health specialists during the 1930s and 1940s.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the change of discourse related to the inculcation of national pride through archaeology in the first 15 years of the Turkish Republic. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, archaeological knowledge was used by Turkish scholars in the propagation of national identity and pride by illustrating that Turks were an ancient people with a long and remarkable past. After the commencement of the first Turkish excavations in 1934, archaeology assumed a different role. More than the data produced, the practice of archaeology itself became a source of national pride because it was an important indicator that Turkey was a modern country that could contribute to international scholarship. This change of discourse can be followed in archaeological field reports and in the papers presented at the first two meetings of the Turkish Historical Society in 1932 and 1937.  相似文献   

1921年底,余日章和蒋梦麟作为国民外交代表参与华盛顿会议。他们对中国政府代表团进行舆论监督,力促政府代表早日提出山东问题。当会外谈判成为现实后,他们又力促政府代表早日解决山东问题;并利用各种渠道构建一个舆论宣传网络,努力维护中国的国家形象,揭露日本侵略中国权利的实际情形。余日章、蒋梦麟在华盛顿会议期间的国民外交活动堪称1920年代初期中国精英利用公众舆论影响政府外交的一个典型。  相似文献   


Mid-twentieth century Mexican hospitals – the buildings themselves and their interior and exterior walls – became stages that depicted national hopes and aspirations. Hospitals and clinics became ideal spaces that married science and medicine with the state’s version of a triumphant social revolution. Visitors and patients to hospital waiting rooms, lobbies and auditoriums would see, indeed be surrounded by, depictions of the complicated hopes placed on science and medicine as interpreted by politicians, architects, and artists. Hospital walls became contested spaces where art depicted Mexico’s embrace of modern technology and medical practices while also showcasing, in vivid color, citizens challenging the government’s broken revolutionary promises, especially the right of all to health and social security.  相似文献   

从现代化的角度来看,洋务派、改良派和革命派对近代中国人的现代化的探索经历了这样的历程:洋务派以实业救国的认真努力翻开了近代中国批判理性成长的第一页;改良派在总结洋务派失败的基础上,在变革政体的过程中,发现了民族自身强大的药方,即改造民族精神,造就新一代新国民;而革命派则以强烈的勇气冲击着一切阻碍革命前进的国民劣根性,它与改良派相互辉映,把辛亥革命前中国先进人批判理性的恩潮推向一个高蝰.  相似文献   

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