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本文通过对韩氏家族两个支派的华文和马来文族谱和相关地方文史资料的研究,分析阐述了18世纪中叶到18世纪末爪哇韩氏家族的人物关系、社会结构、融合情况及其在当地经济中的作用,旨在更好地了解东南亚华人移民家族的融合与文化适应模式。  相似文献   


This article argues that the ‘Lancashire lobby’remained a vital presence in British politics in the 1930s,not relegated to the political sidelines by ‘gentlemanlycapitalists’ at Westminster. The region's strength, inConservative circles especially, was based not on its numericalstrength in MPs, or in its economic might, but in the symbolicimportance Lancashire had for Conservatives. As this articledemonstrates, this was most evident during the debates overthe Government of India Bill between 1931 and 1935, when theparty's leadership made great, and successful, efforts to keepthe region's representatives from opposing the Bill, and potentiallyswinging many other Tories into opposition as well.  相似文献   


In modern societies the more obvious risks have already been reduced to level which are acceptable to the public, but there is a growing realization that serious error may be present in the allocation of resources to improve public and industrial safety. There appears to be considerable additional potential for saving many human lives, as well as large sums of money, by more rational and better-informed policies in the field. To reach this better understanding, it is necessary to compare risks and benefits for a set of alternatives and carry through a cost-effectiveness analysis for each proposal. It rapidly becomes more and more expensive to produce equal increments of risk reduction and, beyond a certain level of investment, further expenditure on safety actually increases the number of deaths and injuries, and becomes counter-productive.  相似文献   

中世纪欧洲村庄的自治   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵文洪 《世界历史》2007,33(3):85-98
中世纪欧洲许多村庄具有自治性质。它们独立管理自己的事务:有自己的法律——村规;有自己的最高权力机构——庄园法庭和村民会议;有自己选举出来的管理人员;有些村庄还有自己的军事防务。中央政府和领主承认许多村庄的自治。  相似文献   

癿文 《中国土族》2007,(4):32-34
互助土族自治县是全国唯一的土族自治县,她有着一个富有诗意的名字——"彩虹的故乡",为一探"彩虹的故乡"名称的来历,农历六月的一天,我们专程到丹麻镇采风,巧的是,正好赶上了丹麻镇每年一度的"花儿会"。我们从县城中心古朴威武的钟鼓楼下出发,向东驱车行驶,一路仿佛在彩色的画廊里穿行,公路旁、  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1993,12(3):287-295
The Politics of Religion in Restoration England. Edited by Tim Harris, Paul Seaward and Mark Goldie
From Persecution to Toleration. The Glorious Revolution and Religion in England. Edited by Ole Peter Grell, Jonathan I. Israel and Nicholas Tyacke.
The Restoration Church of England, 1646–1689. By John Spurr  相似文献   

Military and humanitarian interventions have become commonplace in recent years, provoking some to suggest that the right to intervene in the face of an emergency has become a new global norm. Emergencies and interventions pose unique challenges for political and legal theories of sovereignty, legitimacy, and democracy. Political anthropologists and other social scientists have focused on critiques of sovereign power and military and humanitarian interventions, but more attention to the cultural aspects of how emergencies operate and to the positive and negative effects they might have on political and social life is needed.  相似文献   

This article argues that governance can be best analysed within modes of vigilance. Where recent work on the post‐colonial state has emphasized the symbolic and practical constitution of the state through surveillance and spatialization, so in counterpoint, this analysis illustrates that social engagement with the state is based on conceptions of vigilance and practices of counter‐surveillance with both spatial and temporal dimensions. Drawing on an ethnography of Annang youth associations in southeastern Nigeria, this analysis outlines how the micro‐politics of vigilance are based on knowledge of the states' patrimonial ‘ways of operating’ and processes which define internal, localized rights, registers and styles of action. This argument is based on an analysis of popular responses to disorder which contribute to an ‘insurgent’ construction of the public realm in which groups marginalized and excluded challenge the logic, locations, patterns of discourse and constructions of the public good.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of failed states might be expected to lead to the development of mass–based social movements to address the typically ensuing social problems. This article explores the general failure of reformist insurgencies to develop in failed states, using analyses of Nigeria’s Bakassi Boys and Oodua People’s Congress, and references to other armed groups. The cause of this failure is found in the legacy of patronage politics, especially the strategies of rulers who monopolized economic opportunities as a way of controlling people. As centralized patronage networks fragment, popular movements develop to challenge this control. Local political entrepreneurs, however, continue to dominate local markets, including clandestine ones, and use this social domination to buy off members of mass movements. As their new patrons give them access to weapons and protection against rivals, the organizational position of members who pursue individual economic interests is enhanced, while the people with more overt ideological agendas are marginalized.  相似文献   

南漳漫云古村落是全国第三次文物普查的新成果,其独特的景观价值、文化价值引起社会的广泛关注.其设计理念,建造方式体现了“天人合一”核心思想,具有浓厚的地域特色,是鄂西北建筑的代表.本文以南漳漫云古村落为例,对古村落的发展演变、结构布局、建筑特点以及保护现状进行分析和研究.并根据古村落的发展特点,探讨当前形势下南漳漫云古村落发展与保护.  相似文献   

<正>在瑞士旅行,你会感叹,上帝实在是太偏心了,他有点太过钟情于这个国家了。在这片算不上辽阔的土地上,星罗棋布地铺陈着高山、河流、湖泊、森林、小镇……一切都是那么的美丽,让你仿佛一直置身于童话般的仙境之中。不知道你有没有发现,每当人们要形容一个风景秀丽、湖光山色令人神往的地方,都会不自觉地用"小瑞士"来比喻。不论你在世界哪个角落,一看到蓝绿的湖泊、纯净的雪山、静谧的小镇,你第一时间都会惊叹道:这里太像瑞士了!  相似文献   

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