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秦丽霞 《神州》2012,(4):96-96
教师是课程的实施者。新课程标准要求教师在实施课堂教学的同时,转变其角色,要成为学习的组织者,学习引导者,反思性实践者,课程开发者和研究者。所以教师是我们新课程标准实施的关键。  相似文献   

屈怀红 《神州》2012,(1):147-147
新课程改革的重要任务之一就是改变教师的观念和教学方式,大力倡导自主、合作、探究的教学和学习方式。如何看待教师在学生语文学习中的角色,以及怎样恰到好处地发挥教师的作用,对课堂教学效率和语文教学质量的提高起着至关重要的作用。这就要求我们教师要转变自己的教育观念,亲密接触新课程,走进新课程,继而成功实施新课程。因此,在新课程改革过程中,语文教师所扮演的角色也应随着新课程的实施而转变。  相似文献   

王喜泽 《神州》2013,(12):130-130
初中数学新课程实施好几年了,已逐步走入了新课程的轨道。教师们更新理念,积极探索、勇于实验,数学课堂教学发生了可喜的变化:如学生主动地开展观察、实验、猜测、验证、推理与交流等数学活动。在新课程改革的实施过程中,一线教师作为课程的建设者、教学的研究者在课堂教学探究活动中面对学生的变化、课程变化、教学形式的变化,考试变化中有着太多的疑问、太多的困惑。  相似文献   

新课程改革实施以来,教师们在教学理念、教学观念、教学策略、教学手段以及课堂教学组织形式等方面都悄然发生了变化。面对严峻的高考,如何拓展课程资源,进行高效教学;如何通过多媒体教学手段,达到教学效果的最优化,已成为教师们关注的话题,以及迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

赵娜 《神州》2012,(7):167-167
在实施新课程的背景下,身为历史课程组织者和实施者的历史教师应该怎样来迎接高中历史新课改的挑战呢?教师在教学过程中扮演着重要的角色,教师角色越成功,教学的成效也就越大。下面笔者谈谈教师如何从理论和实践两方面来适应高中历史新课程改革。  相似文献   

杨铁柱 《神州》2012,(23):192-192
"信息技术与课程整合是指在学科教学过程中把信息技术、信息资源和课程有机结合,建构有效的教学方式,促进教与学的最优化。"〔1〕如何做好历史学科和信息技术的整合,成为实施新课程的高中历史教师面对的一个重要课题。一、历史和现代信息技术的学科整合是新课程实施的必  相似文献   

陈时军 《神州》2012,(19):112-112
新一轮国家基础教育课程改革,强调学校和教师创造性地实施新课程,形成具有良好适应性的新的教学模式。这就需要在很大程度上开发课程资源。课程资源是课程建设的基础。它包括教材以及学生家庭,学校,和社会生活中一切有助于学生发展的多种资源,以人为本,开发学生的学习潜能,开发学生自主性,让数学课堂多元化。  相似文献   

南想花 《神州》2012,(19):273-273
伴随着基础教育课程改革浪潮,在大力推行新课程改革的今天,贯彻新理念、执行新课标、实施新课程,给课堂教学注入了前所未有的生机。新课程的实施使教师的教学观念进一步得到转变。同时,观念的转变还带动了教学方式和学习方式的转变。学生在教师指导下主动而富有个性的学习已成为课堂教学改革的努力方向。让学生学会认知,学会思维,学会创新,  相似文献   

胡亮 《神州》2013,(31):50-50
新课程改革后,课程资源的开发被提到一个非常重要的地位。《语文课程标准》对课程开发提出了很多建议,要求利用学校和周边区域的现有资源,创设语文学习情境,增强学生学语文、用语文的意识,多方面提高语文能力,真正在语文教学中体现素质教育的实施。同时,新课标确认语文课程是教师和学生共同探讨新知,平等对话的过程。这就要求教师要转变角色,让学生选择适合自己特点的学习方法,放弃传统意义上作为知识权威的“话语霸权”。  相似文献   

王娟 《神州》2011,(6X):46-46
人类文化学认为,人类社会的各种实践活动本质上是一种文化活动。分析课程实施的影响因素对推动课程改革的发展来说十分重要。本文对从新课程本身的特征、宏观社会以及学校内部三个层面出发,分析了影响新课程改革的若干主要因素。课程实施是课程改革的关键性环节。而影响课程实施的因素又是多方面的,不仅包括现有的教育体制、改革措施,而且还有执教者的素质及社会环境等。深入探析这些因素,有利于促进我国当前基础教育新课程改革与实验的进程。  相似文献   

Many Western universities are responding to the demands of globalisation by attempting to internationalise their curricula—that is, to introduce an element of multiculturalism. This project derives its rationale from three assumptions: (1) the globalisation process is a viable agenda for a sustainable and just future for all people; (2) it is the responsibility of the university to respond faithfully to current demands of Western society—that is, in this case, to the demands of globalisation; and, (3) given the first two assumptions, internationalisation of the curriculum is a logical response. It is argued that the first two assumptions need to be explicitly recognised and then rigorously questioned. This must be done by academics themselves, and as a joint project with students in the classroom. This questioning amounts to challenging the foundational concepts of contemporary Western civilisation. New directions for the future may thus emerge from the classroom. The core concepts of other cultures may be seen as an asset in this process, giving an entirely new meaning to the term ‘internationalisation of the curriculum’.  相似文献   

The increasing scope of the Internet into all spheres of life has become an added burden for educators, requiring that they incorporate Internet use into the school curriculum. Exploiting the Internet to support the educational process presents an opportunity as well as a challenge. A plan to support the Arabic curriculum has been presented at the Al‐Bayan Bilingual School. Its potential success and adoption by other schools represents an opportunity for improving the educational process in Kuwait.  相似文献   

The chairman of the Department of General Physical Geography and Paleogeography reviews the history of the curriculum of the Geography Faculty and proposes reforms. These are designed to train geographers for both academic and applied research, to provide a sound specialization against a background of general geographic courses, to make appropriate use of the exact sciences, to reduce the number of lecture hours and encourage more independent work by students, and to encourage geophysical, geochemical and other cross-disciplines to insure an integrated approach to geography.  相似文献   

Teaching Experiential Learning in the Urban Planning Curriculum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The urban and regional planning profession demands the training of practical planners who have some experience with community development, citizen participation modules, and conflict resolution skills. Community outreach in curricula provides needed exposure to practical applications of textbook lessons and exposure to group dynamics, community clients, and complex problems. The recognised need for practical training in any planning curriculum is most often addressed through community outreach-based courses such as planning studios, practicum or in lectures interwoven into seminar courses. The basic structure of all of these classes typically supports teams of students working with a particular community on a specific planning-related activity. These outreach courses, however, pose some of the greatest teaching and learning challenges in the entire curriculum. This paper assesses the challenges and successes in teaching the practicum course and provides insights for others teaching similar courses.  相似文献   

我国会展专业的课程设置与人才培养   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
马勇  肖轶楠 《旅游科学》2005,19(1):75-78
本文以新世纪中国会展业发展为背景,对目前我国会展教育发展的特点及存在的问题加以解析,从会展业发展对人才需求的素质要求入手,提出了我国会展专业课程设置的一项原则、两种能力、三大层面、四个定位以及五个模块,旨在为我国会展专业设置与人才培养提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Greening the University Curriculum: Appraising an International Movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The declaration of the ‘United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (ESD), Resolution 57/254, February 2003, provides the best yet occasion for higher education institutions (HEIs) to ‘green’ their curricula. The idea for the Decade emerges from a progression of high-level international conferences, beginning with Stockholm, 1972, that have seen ESD thinking move from general statements of intent to increasingly detailed specifications for action. There has also been a growth in awareness that the changes to the curriculum for sustainable development must suffuse all areas of education provision. They cannot be restricted to the environmental disciplines or ‘ecoliteracy’ modules or even to the classroom, but must be demonstrated by the whole of an HEI's approach to the world. Obstacles to implementation include: funding and perverse subsidies, departmental and disciplinary barriers, ivory-tower traditions in teaching that externalize and objectify the subjects studied and persistence of the obsolete mind-sets of the ‘industrial age’. These barriers may mean that change in HEIs will have to be driven by external processes, such as the transformation of primary and secondary education where the fragmentation of knowledge is less entrenched. However, there now seems to be growing agreement that HEIs should equip all their students with ‘environmental literacy’ and that sustainability should be central to concerns both in HEI curricula and in operational practice.  相似文献   

This article discusses attempts to revive gender in the context of the geography curriculum at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The reluctance of Dutch geography/-ers to embrace gender geography is related to the way in which the discipline has been understood and practised in the past and by whom as well as to the neglect of gender issues at the societal level. Both trajectories may account for a lack of awareness by students and staff of the relevance of gender to Dutch geography.  相似文献   

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