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This article examines the development of expanding support for worker ownership in the United States. The authors provide a brief review of the various types of legislation, both at the state and federal levels, drafted on worker ownership. They also provide a discussion of the problems in establishing and maintaining a worker-owned firm such as worker access to the idea of worker ownership, time to evaluate, discuss, and learn about the proposal, and judge if it is applicable to their situation. Other problems include training workers for new skills, such as management, and improving productivity. Finally, the authors present various requirements for implementation of wide-scale workers ownership. The requirements include consulting groups which can help workers design, establish, and evolve participation in worker-owned firms, the development of worker ownership programs in all unions to identify ownership opportunities, and the development of federations of worker-owned firms to identify common problems, work to loosen credit sources and even evolve their own banks for capital.  相似文献   

In the confines of the study of politics, public policy analysis involves a shift from pure to applied research, a shift which intensifies the problem of the fact-value split inherited from positivist behavioralism. While early public policy literature concentrated on empirical policy-making processes bypassing moral criteria, some recent writings have elaborated on policymaking and policy evaluation as a type of normative inquiry; significant steps in this direction have been undertaken by Duncan MacRae and especially by Jurgen Habermas in the context of “critical theory.” According to Habermas, policy evaluation requires a critically reflective “practical discourse” open not only to experts or policy analysts but to the public at large. The paper argues that such discourse is a valuable remedy against the technical-instrumental bent of applied science, but that recovery of a fully non-instrumental “practical” judgement presupposes an evaluation not only of concrete policies but of the status of “policy” itself.  相似文献   

Social science, including human geography, is in uneasy ferment and in need of regeneration. Its researchers are subject to significant pressure to make their research policy-relevant, to link theory with practice, and to focus on solving societal problems or at least help manage messes. This paper comments on the discussion on policy relevance, the legacy of positivism in geography and policy practice, and the suggested roles and responsibilities of geographers. It also reviews ideas and experience regarding the use and relevance of social science research in public policy. Finally, it recommends one path toward regeneration, suggesting five themes requiring attention as necessary conditions. It promotes a movement toward the cases-and-interpretations mode of explanation and the method of reflection-in-action. Les sciences socials, y compress la géographie humaine, se sentient inconfortables dans l' état d'effervescence où elles se trouvent présentement, et ont un grand besoin de se regénérer. Leurs chercheurs subissent de fortes pressions pour luau plan des politiques leurs recher-ches acquièrent plus de pertinence, pour que la théorie soit davantage liée à la pratique, et pour qu'ils concent-rent leurs efforts sur la recherche de solutions aux prob-lèmes sociaux, ou tout au moins, sur la gestion du gâchis. Cet article se veut une contribution àpropos de cette question de la pertinence en recherche, sur l'hérit-age du positivisme dans les domaines de la géographie et de la politique, et sur les rôles et les responsabilités qui mombent aux géographes. lI examine aussi les idées et les expériences dans le domaine de la pertinence de la recherche en sciences sociales et de leur utilrsation dam l'intérêt du public. Enfin, il ouvre une voie vers la régénération en proposant, comme conditions essentielles, cinq thèmes qui devraient faire l'objet d'une réflexion. II encourage le recours à des études de cas comme moyen d'explication et à ta méthode de réflexion dans l'action.  相似文献   

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