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明代大运河的启用,使黄淮运交汇区域成为治水的关键区域。官方为了维护运河的畅通,采取了使水系结构与水情产生变化的措施。明前期的河道基本上沿袭了元代河道多股并流、迭为主次的特点。随着运河、淮河与黄河的治理,特别是筑堤的兴起,黄河各水道有一个从面到线,再从一线到清口一点的集中过程。第一阶段是黄河北流断绝,第二阶段是徐邳河道与上游固定于一线。黄河固定集中于徐邳一线以后,嘉靖年间河多决于徐州的上游,嘉靖四十四年以后,河多决于下游。黄运合一区域的河道治理,从一个跨越南北的扇形面,发展到南部半个扇形面,再集中于一线,最后集中于清口。总体的治理过程,基本上为保运服务。从面到点,从大区域的治理到小区域甚至于一点的工程治理,这是明代黄淮运水利工程的水流控制特色。这种随水环境变迁而进行的治水工程调整,充分体现出古人大区域地利用水环境的智慧,具有鲜明的生态特色。  相似文献   

Europeanization involves the diffusion of European institutions. In Valencia, the system of land development prompted many foreign property owners to appeal to European institutions. The Petitions Committee of the European Parliament took up their case and requested intervention by the European Commission. The European public procurement proceedings provided the strongest foothold for action in Europe and the European Commission instituted infringement proceedings on the selection of private urbanizing agents who are placed in charge of the land readjustment and the servicing and financial arrangements for comprehensive development zones. The European Court of Justice dismissed the action as the Commission did not provide sufficient evidence to show that these relationships were not a service concession, as Spain maintained. This case shows that even in cases that flout European law, it is still European law that decides whether they are exempt and, consequently, that the deliberate construction of practices to keep a case outside the scope of European law may qualify as Europeanization.  相似文献   

吴海涛 《安徽史学》2012,(4):111-116,128
元明清时期,京杭大运河的开通,便利了北方政治中心与南方经济中心之间的联系。特别是在明清时期,大运河漕运事关国计。当时政府的诸多治河措施是为确保漕运畅通,加之明代保陵的需要,更使黄河、淮河、运河之间的关系复杂化。封建政府的决策行为使本自独流入海的淮河改道主要由长江入海,使淮河流域成为十年九灾之区。  相似文献   

The impacts associated with floodplain management adjustments should be understood. This paper addresses this need by describing the perceived and actual impacts floodplain regulations have had on residential land values in a portion of London, Ontario. The institutional arrangements for floodplain regulation and the actual practice of regulation in the City of London for the period 1978–1989 are described. Actual impacts on land values were determined through use of a geographical matching technique based on data obtained from mls sources and permit data available at the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority office. Perceptual data were acquired from a questionnaire survey of floodplain landowners. Findings indicate that most residents perceived that no impact on land values was associated with floodplain regulations. This view was supported by the analysis of actual home transactions  相似文献   

海河水系以"清"为名的大清河其实只是相对于位居其南、其北著名浊流滹沱河与永定河而言的"清"河。历史时期,随着上游水土流失的日益加剧,大清河南系各河含沙量不断增高,干流段决徙逐渐频繁。本文利用历史文献,对先秦以来在自然与人类活动共同影响下的大清河南系的变迁进行了探讨,揭示和总结了两千余年来水系格局变动的基本过程及主要特点。大清河南系又是白洋淀湖群地表径流补给最大的水源,上述研究结论还将是理解和分析这一著名湖群演变不可忽视的重要基础。  相似文献   

清中叶以降,清宫档三汛(桃花汛、伏汛、秋汛)安澜奏本中所见荆江洪水位开始日益上涨,咸丰、同治年间,藕池、松滋决口向洞庭湖分流后,水势稍有缓解,至光绪年间复又急速抬升。不断上涨的洪水位对江北入江河流造成了两方面影响: 其一为河道的变迁,其二为水环境的变化。在沮漳河流域,涉及长江百里洲的变迁,沮漳河入江口的变动,长江主泓迁移,下百里洲靠岸及洲尾东摆引发沮漳河下游延长,以及山水、江水相互顶托造成水环境淤积。在玛瑙河流域,则表现为荆江洪水位抬升对河水的顶托现象,导致入江尾闾沼泽化。  相似文献   

This article examines the interaction between the emerging and traditional powers in global governance reform, and asks whether we are heading towards an international financial system that is more fragmented, where power is more diffused and national and regional arrangements play a more prominent role, at the expense of global multilateral institutions. It begins with a brief discussion of the global systemic and country‐specific factors that motivate Brazil, China and other emerging countries to accumulate large currency reserves. We find that national arrangements for managing financial and currency crises will continue to hold sway for emerging countries in the wake of the global crisis. However, the actual capacity of regional arrangements in managing future financial crises is uncertain, and the significance of regional alternatives in the emerging architecture should not be overstated. The real capacity of East Asian regional arrangements to manage financial crises, payments problems or currency attacks is still untested, and key thresholds in multilateralization still lie ahead. In South America, multilateral lender‐of‐last‐resort support inside the region is largely confined to the sub‐regional level and is limited by Brazil's reticence. Enduring reliance on bilateral measures for financial crisis management is noted. Where there has been progress in regional solutions, since the global crisis, has been in the role of regional development banks in providing financing for developing countries to enact counter‐cyclical policies. Such support also provides insulation for states in the region against the contagion effects of international financial crisis. We are in the midst of transitioning to a more diverse and multi‐tiered global financial and monetary system. A reformed IMF could have a role to play in addressing global imbalances and encouraging a shift from national reserves to collective insurance, however, it would be preconditioned by significant shifts in the policy, lending operations, and internal governance of the Fund, and willingness among the G20 to strike a new consensus on how to deal with imbalances, and new accommodation on acceptable reserve levels.  相似文献   

This article updates new developments in the evolution of the US Army's controversial Human Terrain System program (HTS). Building upon the recent report on the HTS program by the American Anthropological Association's Commission on the Engagement of Anthropology with the Security and Intelligence Communities, this article discusses how HTS‐type arrangements are becoming part of the US Department of Defense's (DoD's) newest Combatant Command for the continent of Africa, or AFRICOM. Of particular note is the way “human terrain” no longer refers simply to the HTS program, but has acquired expanded reference to describe a broader array of approaches to the leveraging of socio‐cultural knowledge within DoD. Most notably for AFRICOM, this includes moving beyond rapid assessment ethnography to incorporate cultural data into the predictive work of cultural modelling, as this informs the implementation both of counterinsurgency doctrine as well as military humanitarianism in Africa and elsewhere. This article explores the ethical, practical and cultural implications of such a turn.  相似文献   

明后期以降的史籍普遍认为南旺自元代起一直是会通河沿线的制高点“水脊”,元明会通河成败的关键就在于是否选择了南旺“水脊”作为分水口,这种观点不正确。南旺湖原本是梁山泊最后的余绪,地势低洼,明初宋礼引汶水到南旺济运后开始淤积,成化年间确定南旺分水核心地位后,挑出的泥沙堆积在运河和小汶河两岸形成土山地貌,构成明后期以降人们眼中的“水脊”意象。即南旺“水脊”形成于明代中叶,是汶水泥沙淤积和人工挑浚堆积的结果。据此,需重新审视元明会通河成败的原因,讨论明代中叶南旺“水脊”的形成对会通河水源从暴虐黄河水到安稳汶河水的转变的意义及其对明中叶以降治黄原则的深远影响。  相似文献   

清代以来,黄河河患频仍,政府出于保护漕粮运道和维护政治秩序的考虑,以合法继承者的姿态积极应对洪水风险造成的影响,希求掌控辖境内水文环境信息,以便实现有效的管理。清政府在沿黄河等堤岸滩坝工程之上普遍设立了志桩,用来观测洪水水位涨落尺寸等水势情况。上游部分志桩所测水情信息通过国家驿传体系传递至下游,并最终以奏报的形式递至中央。本文考察了清代志桩的设立情况,并通过万锦滩志桩的设立过程、制度规定,以及相关河印官员在"水报"中的配置和作用,对清代志桩"水报"制度的运作过程进行初步研究。  相似文献   

1980~1991年中国证券市场的复苏和起步,得益于理论认识的突破、市场导向改革的开启和社会融资结构的第一次变迁、金融体制改革和市场演进规律的推动。在12年艰辛曲折的演进历程中,证券发行市场初步形成,证券流通构架基本成型,市场监管框架雏形初现。证券市场发挥了筹资、“反哺”、示范和导向等作用,但也存在结构不均衡、运作不规范、制度安排不健全等问题。这些成就、问题与缺陷,成为证券市场后续成长与突破的历史起点与逻辑前提。  相似文献   

The construction of a large dam is often a contested and controversial matter. Delicate aspects related to the dam construction business such as the resettlement of peoples, environmental impact and financial costs, can trigger popular discontent and hinder the realisation of a particular project. By advancing the notion of the hydropolis, a reinterpretation of Hannah Arendt (1958) definition of the polis, this paper will explore how ruling elites can manipulate the public opinion to politically construct a large dam as a foreign policy matter. This, it will be argued, serves to conceal the negative consequences of a dam so that issues related to its social and environmental impact are removed from the national political debate. Specifically, the case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Ethiopia will be used to illustrate how a large dam can become a geopolitical object grounded on the friend/enemy distinction, in the context of the longstanding geopolitical tensions in the Nile River Basin.  相似文献   


The amphitheatre at the Gallo-Roman sanctuary in Grand (France, Département des Vosges) is an outstanding example given its non-Mediterranean location. The clearing of rubble from its remains, between 1963 and 1977, led to the masonry deteriorating rapidly due to weathering. The installation over part of the monument of a protective covering, incorporating tiers of seating, constitutes a technological first, as it is made of glued-laminated softwood constructed to demanding specifications. The covering serves to protect and reconstruct part of the amphitheatre, in which it is now intended to hold cultural events. This type of development requires careful planning regarding practical arrangements, marketing strategy and artistic issues.  相似文献   

明朝初年,国脉皆仰东南,为解决南方粮财物的北运问题,宋礼和白英受命组织修建了大运河山东段南旺分水枢纽。该枢纽主要包括引汶济运、导泉补源、设立水柜和置闸节流四个组成部分。其中,引汶济运是工程之重点,包括戴村坝、小汶河、南旺分水以及配套工程等四个子系统。这些水利设施组成一个和谐的系统工程,保证了该段运河的水量稳定充足,从而实现了大运河500余年的正常通行。南旺分水枢纽代表了我国古代运河水工的最高科学技术成就,堪称世界水利史上的一大经典范例。  相似文献   

On the basis of archaeological and alluvial records, this paper presents the first spatial analysis of artefacts in relation to the evolution of the Rhine River, at the Gallo-Roman site of Oedenburg, during the first four centuries AD. The dataset consisted of several thousand Roman artefacts found by pedestrian prospecting over the last twenty years, over half of which were coins. This dataset was used together with high-resolution topography and geomagnetic mapping, to reconstruct settlement evolution, both on the terrace and in the floodplain. A comprehensive monetary chart has been compiled for the Oedenburg site, which highlights four major phases of settlement. These results provide a possible causal link connecting historical factors and alluvial events with intra-site evolution. Therefore, while changes observed during Phases I (until AD 68), II (AD 69 to AD 180) and III (AD 180 to AD 295) seem largely related to historical and societal events, Phase IV (AD 295 to AD 402) shows patterns of abandonment of the lower part of the floodplain that may well be related to an unusually humid period in the fourth century. These results are set in a broader context, from the Rhine catchment area to the Alps, and are in agreement with the wet conditions also documented in alluvial, lacustrine, geomorphological and palynological records in Germany (Lahn River, Lake Constance, Lake Nussbaumen, Kaisersthul area and the Black Forest). Studying the intra-site spatial distribution of artefacts with high temporal constraints, at a long-lived site with contrasted topography, opens new avenues for the detection of discreet events such as a higher water table, affecting only the lower zone.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the spatial development problem of university-led innovation in peripheral urban areas. Highlighting issues of proximity, uneven geographic development, and multi-scalar urban governance as weaknesses of the regional innovation systems literature, we provide a novel synthesis of regional economics, innovation policy, and critical urban studies to assess the development roles of universities in concrete contexts. A comparative investigation of Naples and Newark, NJ captures the functional operation of regional innovation and urban development as a contested product of discourses, technologies (material and governance), and territorial arrangements. Our analysis demonstrates the significance of multi-scalar relationships in structuring innovation policy and practice in peripheral urban areas. The architecture of innovation is not simply rolled out into pre-determined spatial containers in places lacking established ‘institutional thickness’ or urban centrality. The spatial development of university-led innovation is a social product: material and governance infrastructures are essential components of the urban fabric and are essential to its co-constitution. Universities are shown to contribute differing resources dependent on their institutional strategic goals and the capacities and spatial imaginaries afforded to them by their situation in broader territorial governance regimes. We conclude by drawing comparative lessons and identifying directions for future research.  相似文献   

沉城之灾是水环境变迁引发的极端事件,湖市蜃楼以祥瑞的幻景方式重复着沉城的灾难记忆。黄淮运交汇区湖泊水系众多、河工频繁,为明清时期蓄清、刷黄、济运的水利核心区。尤其清代以后,治河无须兼顾护陵,湖泊环境的剧烈变迁引发洪泽镇、泗州城等沉入水底,给当地环境社会带来深远影响。史籍中有关湖市蜃楼的记载多见于湖面急剧扩大的清代,在洪泽湖、高宝诸湖上均有发生;蜃景发生时多被与时间空间上最近或影响最大的沉城事件联系起来。沉城再现的湖市蜃楼固然不可信,但幻景中包含了百姓的灾难记忆,提醒人们历史需被记忆,灾难不应遗忘。  相似文献   


The Gallo-Roman site at Grand (France, Département des Vosges) is famous for its amphitheatre and mosaic remains. Grand's development project (1990–9) has been made possible by its inclusion in the ‘Five-year Programme (1988–92) for French Monuments’. In 1990 hydrogeological work discovered that the original function of the site, until then a mystery, was as a water sanctuary, a major religious centre in eastern Gaul. The development project, having seen visitor numbers rise steeply, has addressed issues of visitor reception and management, and the provision of information in various forms. The aims of the project locally are to promote cultural tourism in a remote rural area and to develop the economy of the village of Grand.  相似文献   

This article examines the complexity and diversity of women's informal financial practices using data from surveys conducted in Senegal. It suggests that these practices are at the centre of a constant dialectic between short‐term and long‐term horizons, between the requirements of daily survival and the demands of community solidarity, and between personal aspirations and collective constraints. These practices also clearly illustrate a desire among the women in Senegal to impose a form of financial self‐discipline, and to create situations that will oblige them to earn income. The socio‐economic diversity among these entrepreneurs is also underscored. Informal financial arrangements are both a product and producer of gender inequalities and inequalities among women, as reflected in the research. This has direct policy implications, especially for microfinance products. If they are to be effective, microfinance services must develop beyond a standard, one‐size fits all model and become more innovative and adaptable to the diverse demands of women. They must be combined with complementary measures that challenge the systemic causes of inequality. Microfinance programmes should draw on informal financial arrangements while challenging their tendency to perpetuate inequality.  相似文献   

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