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Traditionally, the systematics of the Seymour Island fossil penguins has been based on Wiman's groups defined by the robustness and size of isolated postcranial bones. However, current evaluations of fossil penguins necessitate that new species be established when the specimens include at least a tarsometatarsus or in some cases a humerus. Accordingly, neither of the two species reviewed herein (Orthopteryx gigas and Ichtyopteryx gracilis) are represented by remains sufficiently complete to validate a new taxon. Orthopteryx gigas is based on an isolated synsacrum lacking diagnostic characters. Ichtyopteryx gracilis is based on a tarsometatarsus but with insufficient preservational quality to justify discrimination of the species. For these reasons both Orthopteryx gigas and Ichtyopteryx gracilis should be considered nomen dubia.  相似文献   

光绪二十一年三月二十三日李鸿章在《马关条约》上签字画押。①条约规定,从签画到换约,限期二十一日,即截止四月十四日夜十二点钟,“两帝国政府彼此不允批准和约,无庸告知,即将此约作为废止”②。这短暂的21天为清政府的换约决策提供了思考的时间。其间,清廷一度谕令前敌主帅刘  相似文献   

学界对于传统中国城市空间近代转型相对缺乏关注。通过对上海县城的研究发现,在人口压力增加、城市用地紧张、环境恶化及租界示范效应的多重作用下,明清治所城市空间结构不再适用于20世纪初的上海县城,城市空间亟待改造。上海县城市政机构的设立为解决这一需求提供了制度保障与财力支持,故县城得以开展前所未有的大规模建设,包括道路、排水、桥梁、码头、义冢迁移、公地改造、市容清理等,以不同以往的空间结构重塑了上海县城。这种因人地关系紧张带来的适应性改善不限于上海一地,而具有普遍性的意义。  相似文献   

Fragmentary remains of the first long snouted temnospondyls from the Triassic of Queensland are described. One is the first vertebrate fossil from the Glenidal Formation, while the other adds another member to the extensive fauna of the Arcadia Formation. Both specimens are placed provisionally in the Family Trematosauridae.  相似文献   

少昊、帝舜与大汶口文化(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常兴照 《文物春秋》2004,2(1):1-10,59
本文依据文献及前人的论证,认为太昊、帝喾、帝俊及帝舜的名称是不同地缘和时代对同一文化集团的称谓;太昊与少昊是有着亲缘关系的两大部族,在长期的发展过程中或分或合,相互替代,最后合为一体 结合对大汶口文化分期与类型的分析,论定大汶口文化早期刘林类型是少昊的发源地,之后在庙底沟文化的介入下在汶泗流域建国,在大汶口中期前后统一了东方 文章对太昊、少昊诸族的考古文化属性做了初步的推测和认定,论述了大汶口晚期昊族文化的崛起,进而大举西进南征的大致过程,认为由于昊族文化的西迁,推动了中原地区社会的发展和进步,从而形成了一个全新的时代——文明社会的到来  相似文献   

Lu, J.-F., November 2015. Morphological analysis of Ozarkodina prolata Mawson and Ozarkodina midundenta (Wang & Ziegler) (Emsian conodonts) from South China. Alcheringa 40, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

Investigations of conodonts from Emsian (Lower Devonian) strata at Bahe, Liujing and Daliantang in Guangxi and Yunnan, South China, provide new data on the morphological variability and phylogenetic affinity of Ozarkodina midundenta, a species initially assigned to Pandorinellina but transferred to Ozarkodina herein. Morphological analysis suggests that O. midundenta probably developed from O. prolata by progressive fusion of denticles in the middle third of the blade above the basal cavity in the Pa element.

Jian-feng Lu [], Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China. Also affiliated with University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, PR China.  相似文献   

天亡簋新韵新读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江学旺 《史学集刊》2000,(4):72-75,77
《天亡簋》所押应是阳韵,或者是上古不乏其例的阳耕合韵。铭文中的“贝力”是一个表示繁多、懿美之类意思的形容词;“食”即《说文》“邈”字;“(厂幕)”当有过“若香”一读,可以跟阳部字押韵。郭沫若所谓“阳冬合韵”说实际上是由于错误地将本该属下读的冬部“降”字连上读所致。  相似文献   

杨奎松 《史学月刊》2003,14(12):48-55
四 第二次炮击金门:直接对美,间接对苏 从莫斯科回到北京,毛泽东马上主要开始着手做两件事情。这两件事情都和他试图调整中国的对外政策有密切的关联。 第一件事就是开始批评和平共处,加强对外政策中的斗争性。据吴冷西记述,毛泽东率中国党政代表团于11月21日回到北京后,第二天晚上就召集了政治局常委会。他在着重介绍了代表团在莫斯科如何宣传和坚持中国党在斯大林问题,以及和平过渡等问题上的原则意见  相似文献   


Transdisciplinary environmental research (TD research) seeks to solve problems arising at the point of interaction between ecological systems, the economy, and society. It seeks to enhance problem-solving capacity through interdisciplinarity and knowledge transfer between scientific and non-scientific actors. The article assesses how far the prerequisites for knowledge transfer are met in transdisciplinary projects on integrated water resources management (IWRM), particularly in post-socialist transition countries. It examines two relevant case studies, in Ukraine and Mongolia, which share a similar institutional and cultural background, and use some of the same methods closely related to knowledge transfer. It is shown that, in each case, knowledge transfer was achieved more or less effectively in both directions — from science to society and vice versa, despite the additional obstacles posed by a common post-socialist legacy. The paper concludes with a number of recommendations for designing and implementing similar TD research projects in the field of IWRM.  相似文献   

There is no discussion about the historic relevance of I. Sechenov for physiology and neurosciences as the "father of Russian modern physiology". But he is relevant for modern natural science too because of his basic epistemological and ontological work. He did not accept the up to now basic paradigm of "Ignorabimus" which can be seen as the reason to exclude even the generalizable aspects of individuality, creativity and spontaneity from natural science. He developed techniques for empirical based science to deal with materialistic and idealistic aspects of the comprehensive person the "ignoramus" according to the actual stay of knowledge and the acceptable ontologies. He demonstrated that ontologies ("paradigms") can be used as tools according to the given problem which should be solved. So Sechenov can be seen as a precursor of the so efficient philosophical positions of Einstein and Th. Kuhn. The stay of the art in physiology and neurosciences changed since the time of Sechenov dramatically. Therefore the philosophical positions of the 19th century should be discussed. Maybe this is indispensable for the needed linkage between materialistic and idealistic aspects of a person. For this the proposals of Sechenov are helpful up to now but nearly unknown. There is no discussion about the historic relevance of I. Sechenov as the "father of Russian physiology." But he is relevant for modern natural science too because of his epistemological and ontological work. He did not accept the up to now basic paradigm of "Ignorabimus" that can be seen as the reason to exclude even the generalizable aspects of individuality, creativity, and spontaneity from natural science. He demonstrated that ontologies ("paradigms") and epistemology can be used as tools according to the given problem. So Sechenov can be seen as a precursor of the so efficient philosophical positions of Einstein and Th. Kuhn. The state of the art changed dramatically. Therefore, the philosophical positions of the nineteenth century should be questioned. Maybe this is indispensable for the needed link between materialistic and idealistic aspects of a person as a whole. In this respect the proposals of Sechenov are helpful for medical science in the twenty-first century too but nearly unknown.  相似文献   

喀喇沁旗位于内蒙古赤峰市南部,西拉木伦河以南,燕山山脉以北,七老图山脉东北麓,与冀北、辽西毗邻。境内古遗址、古墓葬分布较密集,古遗址中尤以夏家店下层文  相似文献   

QIAO, X., SHIH, C.K. & REN, D., December 2012. Two new Middle Jurassic species of orthophlebiids (Insecta: Mecoptera) from Inner Mongolia, China. Alcheringa 36, 467–472. ISSN 0311-5518.

Two new species of the extinct family Orthophlebiidae, Orthophlebia nervulosa sp. nov. and Orthophlebia stigmosa sp. nov., are described and illustrated. These well-preserved specimens were collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation near Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China. Morphological characters shown in these well-preserved specimens highlight the diversity of orthophlebiids during the Middle Jurassic and provide data for future phylogenetic studies of orthophlebiids.  相似文献   

An historical geographer and a Tibetan philologist combine their talents in an effort to interpret and date two ancient Tibetan maps, one in the Iranian-Tibetan tradition and the other in the Indian-Tibetan tradition. The Iranian-Tibetan map, though drawn in an unusual stylized fashion, is found to reflect a level of precision and areal coverage superior to Greco-Roman maps. The Indian-Tibetan map, though more concerned with cosmological matters of the Buddhist tradition, also reflects, in the authors' opinion, an unusual range of knowledge whose precise origins remain obscure.  相似文献   

Scholars have applauded and critiqued the "equity" dimensions of the four-year mayoral administration of Harold Washington in Chicago (1983–1987). Much of the debate has centered on haw to assess the progress of equity planning and implementation in specific contexts, whether it has produced concrete outcomes for poor communities, become institutionalized, or changed civic decisionmaking structures. This article attempts to capture the contested and emergent quality of equity planning in the Washington administration by examining its focus on jobs in some detail. The jobs goal–derived from neighborhood experience of economic change–became a central element of Washington's 1983 mayoral campaign and one of the key development goals of the administration. The administration pursued an array of jobs policies and programs, attempting to link economic development with employment services, hold accountable those firms receiving public incentives, retain manufacturing, and provide equitable access to city resources. By the end of Washington's first term, many economic development accomplishments had been achieved but the administration also experienced dilemmas that challenged the jobs goal and its equity potential–for example, the connection between local investment and regional and national economic policies. Consideration of the early experiences of the Washington administration in Chicago in formulating and implementing job policies and programs clarifies the difficulties of a broad-based and sustainable equity program. These lessons are particularly useful today as many low-income advocates, municipalities, and states struggle to reform workforce and economic development systems.  相似文献   

虽然近年来华侨华人研究在国内外学术界不断升温 ,欧洲亦是战后东南亚华侨华人再移民以及中国大陆改革开放以后“新移民”的主要前往地之一 ,然而有关欧洲华侨华人的研究一直是侨史学界 ,特别是国内侨史学界的薄弱环节 ,至今尚未有欧洲华侨华人史或欧洲某一华侨华人的国别史专著问世。1 999年 1月 ,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学出版社出版了一部颇引人注目的研究欧洲华人移民的英文专著 :《我们需要两个世界———活跃在西方社会的华人移民社团》 (WeNeedTwoWorlds:ChineseImmigrantAssociationsinaW…  相似文献   

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