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舍利崇拜与遗骨崇拜密切相关,它们影响到纳骨习俗。本文以“佛舍利”为中心,在历史的演变过程中考证了印度、中国及日本“佛舍利”崇拜的演变传播过程,进而阐明了日本“遗骨崇拜”及“佛舍利”信仰的关系,并阐释其背后的思想根源。  相似文献   

在古罗马,托加经历了一个演变的过程。它起初是古罗马民族的服装,其后成为男性公民的典型衣着,并逐渐发展为仪式性的外袍。托加不仅具有遮盖身体的实用功能,而且也有其文化象征意义。它不仅显示了古罗马人的身份地位,亦反映出他们的社会性别观念。  相似文献   

通过对高句丽时期的各种佛教造像自身信息的分析,以及具有明确信息佛像与其他佛像的对比,尤其是通过与佛教相关知识的联系,对这些佛教造像进行了准确的辨析和认定,从而使我们对高句丽所崇拜和信奉的佛教造像有一个更加清晰的了解和认识。  相似文献   

黄素敏 《民俗研究》2005,(4):258-272
中国历史上的民间信仰,由于受到“神道设教“的影响,大多具有明显的国家意识.不过,在民间信仰的传承过程中,神灵的象征意义是极为复杂多变的,不同的社会阶层各有不同的理解和解释;对普通民众而言,灵异传说与乡土观念构成了地方神崇拜的主要动力.因此,深入考察民间信仰的象征意义与传承过程,有助于揭示区域社会文化的发展机制.本文试图通过对明溪显应庙莘夫人崇拜的历史考察,分析地方官、士绅与乡民对待莘夫人崇拜的不同态度,对民间信仰的象征意义与传承过程作一初步的探讨.……  相似文献   

猪在史前文化中的象征意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
猪在中国新石器时代文化中占有重要的地位 ,因为它曾经是地母的动物化身和象征物 ,当时的人们用猪作随葬品 ,实际上是借助猪或地母的繁殖力与生命力使死者复活的一种巫术手段。尽管后来的父权制文化对它作了变形和改写 ,但它在史前先民心目中所具有的精神象征意义不容忽视。  相似文献   

钟维维  裘瑜  陈佳颖 《神州》2013,(8):161-161
Colors are embodied with different meanings and symbols in different countries. Not only should we understand their basic and literal meanings, but also we should focus on their deep contents in symbolic meanings, because their symbolic meanings vary from culture to culture. The differences in the symbol of colors are due to different cultures and history backgrounds as well as aesthetic psychology. This paper, mainly based on the Chinese and western culture, approaches the symbols of colors represented in the two different cultures through analyzing the different understanding of colors, which can help us understand culture difference in colors better during intercultural communication.  相似文献   

一、前言 佛教大众化歌曲的运用,主要在于布教、仪式、引领日常行仪的活动,这些活动虽然是佛教展现在大众面前的"表象",却也是作为传播教理,进而深植人心,甚至融入社群生活的重要媒介.而透过佛教歌曲的歌辞内容与实际演唱的声情表现,可顺引行仪进行,引导大众进入宗教感应的氛围,进而得让教理转应于俗情,引导大众反思生活境遇,接纳对应于人生的教理.  相似文献   


This special issue contains eight essays on the liturgy celebrated in the Latin East in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The papers as a whole demonstrate how the study of the liturgy can open up the religious and cultural history of the crusades and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, reveal crusade spirituality and practice, and trace how the Latins of Outremer expressed through their liturgy their historical consciousness and awareness of contemporary realities.  相似文献   

当中国北方草原地带的历史跨入公元前第一个千年后,由于种种的原因,发生于新石器中晚期的农业扩散对北方地带的深远影响渐渐终结。主要由于气候变化的原因,此前已渐变为畜  相似文献   

本对丹达神崇拜的产生、发展、衰落过程作了考述。认为丹达神源于清乾隆十八年入藏的云南参军彭元辰殉职于丹达山。后这一崇拜为清朝倡导,遂向拉萨、成都及康藏交通线传播;至辛亥革命位于拉萨和成都的丹达神庙才逐渐废弃,而边坝的神庙香火一直持续到20世纪30年代中期。  相似文献   


This article is an exploration of preaching on the cross very broadly from the time of Ambrose of Milan and Augustine of Hippo onwards. After a brief examination of some early medieval examples, the discussion focuses on Rabanus Maurus and a sermon attributed to Odilo of Cluny. The discussion then centres on the High Middle Ages: sermons by Bernard of Clairvaux, Alan of Lille, an anonymous Cistercian abbot, the vita of Marie d'Oignies, Alexander of Ashby, and model sermons by Humbert of Romans. Before concluding, it explores opposition to the cross, as expressed in inquisitorial documents. The essay also includes crusade preaching, as well as liturgical preaching on the cross or involving the cross, and sermons on the cross that could serve for more than one purpose.  相似文献   

两汉以来阳鸟崇拜的图像学研究——以佛教造像资料为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安忠义 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,2(2):127-134
从两汉以来,以凤凰为代表的阳鸟崇拜全面兴盛,佛教传入之后自然也渗透到佛教艺术当中,但反映的仍然是中国本土的思想观念。只是到了后期,源于佛教中的妙音鸟(迦陵频加)才取代阳乌大量出现在佛教图象中。本文即对佛教石窟中出现的阳鸟崇拜作一考察,并对其中的思想内涵进行探讨。  相似文献   

在抗战时期的流亡生活中,丰子恺的日常意义思考,涵蕴了诸多异于承平时代的元素.战争凸显了"活着"的价值;面对无可闪避的肉体灭失,丰子恺发展起个体生命的社会延续思想,并将"活着"的原始价值置于人类文明的坐标中进行充分估量和合理定位.战争将个体生存的方式汇聚于身外之物;在丰子恺眼里,日常生存之道不过是"本身之物"与身外之物的比较、身外之物的取舍与满足,而这一切与个体生存成本基本没有关系;战时外交关系触发了丰子恺的思维灵感:在不同的时空域中,私密的人际交往与社会交往具有不同质的意义.战争唤醒了共同体归依意识;背离世代植根的乡井,丰子恺获得了对共同体要素和时空特征的清晰意识,并将之在"家"的怀想中集中表达出来.  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable features of the earliest surviving liturgy for a feast of the Virgin Mary from seventh‐century Iberia is its incorporation of polemical material directed against Jews. This polemical dimension is explored here in the context of contemporary theological polemics and Visigothic law, particularly in relation to attempts to baptize Jews by force. Evidence that ecclesiastical leaders opposed the policy but had to come up with strategies to prevent those baptized from apostatizing raises the possibility that the Marian liturgy was intended to communicate Christian doctrine and warn against Jewish error among recent converts, as well as to assert episcopal control over Christian identity in the Visigothic kingdom.  相似文献   

李裕群 《文物》2022,(1):52-61+1
仝家湾北魏邢合姜墓石椁四壁、顶部及椁门外两侧均绘有佛教壁画,模拟了作为礼拜供养场所的佛殿或佛殿窟。从椁门外两侧的护法门神开始;之后是椁内礼拜的中心——正壁释迦多宝佛和两侧佛像,突出了《法华经》信仰和法华观法;接着为左右壁的佛像;最后为前壁上方的七佛,为礼拜者观佛、获得佛心作证,下部的二神兽则作为镇墓兽。石椁壁画的构成与绘画技法主要与炳灵寺第169窟西秦壁画有密切关系,推测其粉本可能源于长安。另外石椁壁画也有凉州系统石窟壁画的因素,甚至包括西域的影响,充分反映了丝绸之路与平城地区的佛教文化有着频繁的交流和密切的关系。  相似文献   

This article offers a canine history of the “critical period” concept, situating its emergence within a growing, interdisciplinary network of canine behavior studies that connected eugenically minded American veterinarians, behavioral geneticists, and dog lovers with large institutional benefactors. These studies established both logistical and conceptual foundations for large-scale science with dogs while establishing a lingering interdependence between American dog science and eugenics. The article emphasizes the importance of dogs as subjects of ethological study, particularly in the United States, where some of the earliest organized efforts to analyze canine behavior began. Further, the article argues that the “critical period” is important not only for its lasting prominence in multiple fields of scientific inquiry, but also as a historiographical tool, one that invites reflection on the tendency of historians to emphasize a particular narrative structure of scientific advancement.  相似文献   

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