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Sans résumé Ses recherches portent sur l’histoire des idées du XVIII e au XX e siècle, sur la méthodologie philosophique et l’épistémologie. Elle a récemment publié, sous sa direction, Comparatismi e filosofia, Naples, Liguori, 2006. à propos du recueil Les Mots de l’histoire. Le vocabulaire historique du Centre international de synthèse, édition établie, présentée et annotée par Margherita Platania, trad. de l’italien rév. par Catherine Rutili, Naples, Bibliopolis, 2000, 497 p. (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Serie Testi, XIV). Ce texte est issu d’une conférence prononcée le 3 mai 2002 au Centre international de synthèse, à Paris (H?tel de Nevers, salon de Madame de Lambert).  相似文献   

The site of Les Pradelles has an important mousterian stratigraphic sequence. In the lower levels, the very low density of artefacts as well as the carnivores scavenging of carcasses abandoned by the neanderthals point to short-term human occupations; the introduction of finished tools (made on non-local, good quality flint) later highly curated, together with an expedient strategy on strictly local flint, suggest a task-specific location, within a low mobility pattern. The large faunal sample (mainly reindeer) underlines the preponderance of hunting activities. A range of butchering activities took place on the site and the abundance of filleting marks may be an indication of the processing of meat for transport to another settlement. The hypothesis of “specialized hunting” during Middle Palaeolithic is assessed with this new data set.  相似文献   

From the 16(th) 16 to the 18(th) century, a plurilingual manual attributed to No?l de Berlaimont, a schoolmaster in Anvers, met with unprecedented success. This article sheds light on the role and evolution of this type of manual by looking at its social and cultural context - the transformation of commercial and urban culture. This transformation triggered a revolution in the material shape of knowledge, and plurilingual textbooks were both symbols and engines of this transformation.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between trust and reputation, legal and informal rules in the process of quality identification of products and economic agents. After a discussion over the main approaches and conclusion reached by historiography, sociology and economics, we shall study the wine market in XIXth-century France. We shall stress the role rules and trust played during the last quarter of the XIXth century, in response to phylloxera, on the one hand, technical progress and the development of the international markets, on the other hand. We shall further consider the debates over individual and collective wine trademarks and their practises all along the XIXth century. This analysis will lead us to consider the question of the link between the legal protection of private property, trust anchored to a given territory and market dynamics. Our main conclusion is that rules, trust and reputation act much less as substitutes than as complements in the market dynamics. Trust has to be included in a given cognitive and institutional framework without which it could not intervene in the market coordination process.  相似文献   

Friend, J.W., The Linchpin. French‐German Relations, 1950–1990 (Praeger, 1991), xxi+135pp., $40.00, ISBN 0 275 94257 0

McCarthy, P., ed. France‐Germany, 1983–1993. The Struggle to Cooperate (St Martin's Press, 1993), xi+212pp., $50.00, ISBN 0 312 08524 9  相似文献   

En 1808, Napoléon 1er crée une nouvelle noblesse vouée à servir son régime et ses héritiers. Entre 1814 et 1870, la plupart de ces aristocrates abandonnent la cause bonapartiste afin de préserver leurs titres et leurs intérêts. L'identité de la noblesse napoléonienne se brise ainsi rapidement. Et si bien des anoblis se rallient finalement à Louis‐Napoléon après le coup d'Etat de 1851, la renaissance impériale ne permet pas pour autant une reconstitution de l'unité initiale du groupe.  相似文献   

French medical journals take the lead among the 1 385 titles of the statistical survey (15.4%). Efficient tool in communication, with an important publishing market, linked to the rise of medicine in the 19th century, prosperity of medical journals do not only mean rise of specialties. Monthly periodicals dominate quickly the publishing market which is also characterized by complex links between generalist and highly specialized medicine, public health and professional training.  相似文献   

一这是一个古老的国都,人们叫它曼勐撒,意思是长乐的京城。今天正是赕佛的日子,城边那高耸入云的象牙塔、椰树簇拥着的奘房都装点得更加金碧辉煌。潮水一样的人流,跟随着象脚鼓声,从四而八方汇集到象牙塔下的草坪。在这虔诚而又欢乐的人群中,一个背着一捆七弦琴的穷苦青年,缓步来到象牙塔下,一看便知这是一个漂游天涯的卖人。他名叫宰西,他今天不是来卖场,而是和别人一样,怀着虔诚的心来赕佛,祈求佛祖赐予幸福和吉祥。当人们在象牙塔下一排排下跪合掌时,他也尾随在后,把包头放在地上,仰望着金塔,向佛祖表白自己纯洁的心  相似文献   

This article examines the meaning of nostalgia and some of the reasons why the France of the 1930s was prone to nostalgic longings. It then considers why the colonial film lends itself to the expression of these nostalgic feelings whilst also pointing to some of the paradoxes attached to such an endeavour. Finally, the article offers a study of Les Hommes nouveaux which focuses exclusively on the ‘biopic’ element of the film and on the kind of past that is reconstructed through the figure of Marshal Lyautey, as well as on the exclusions necessary for the preservation of ideological harmony.  相似文献   

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