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The Ruhr area has advanced to the largest university region in Germany – often unnoticed within and outside. At the same time scientific institutions have become a major economic factor. Because of the higher and extra-university research institutions about 2.5 billion euros are effective as a demand potential in the region. 1.7 billion euros of this amount are directly associated with investments and operating expenditures of the scientific institutions as well as consumptions of employees and students. Additional 770 million euros result in revenues of many branches such as trade, housing, gastronomy sector, handcraft industry etc. It should not be underestimated that higher and extra-university research institutions generate with their research activities particular funding from the European Union or the rest of Germany for benefit of the region. Each euro spent by the state government for basic funding creates 39 cents third-party funding. These regional-economic effects result in noticeable employment impacts within the region. Around 25,000 people are directly employed in higher and extra-university research institutes or student unions (Studierendenwerke), about 22,000 jobs in other economic sectors are ensured or created by the induced demand. Science has thus become an important economic factor and represents an essential counterbalance to employment decline in shrinking industries of the region. The specific inclusion of science in a regional development strategy and targeted relining with appropriate measures to strengthen the science creates therefore an effective starting point for the design of structural change.  相似文献   

Für die frühe nach-exilische Zeit, also die formative Phase des Judentums und des Alten Testaments rücken vor allem die Innovationsleistungen der judäischen Gola-Gemeinde in den Blick der Forschung. Es existierte aber in nach-exilischer Zeit ein weiterer bedeutsamer monotheistischer Jahwismus im palästinischen Kernland, nämlich in Samaria. Dieser wird in seiner Prägekraft für die nach-exilischen theologiegeschichtlichen Entwicklung kaum berücksichtig, was damit zusammenhängt, dass die Zeit vom 6.-2. Jh.v.Chr. gegenwärtig noch als Konfliktzeit zwischen Juda und Samaria beschrieben wird, der samarische Jahwismus im Grunde als judäische Deviation marginalisiert wird. Hier werden die Evidenzen durchgegangen, die für die nach-exilische Zeit ein völlig anderes Bild der samarisch-judäischen Beziehungen zeichnen: In der Levante gab es zu nach-exilischer Zeit zwei gleichwertige Jahwismen in Juda und Samaria die ko-exisiterten. Daher ist nicht nur Juda sondern auch der Norden in der formativen Phase mit einzurechnen.

Research on the early post-exilic period (the so called formative period of Judaism and the Old Testament) is primarily occupied with the innovative achievements of the Judean Golah community. However, a further important aspect of monotheistic Yahwism existed in post-exilic times in the heartland of Palestine, namely in Samaria. Nevertheless, little attention is devoted to its formative developmental influence on the history of theology in the time after exile, something which can be explained by the period from the 6th to the 2nd century B.C.E. still currently being described as a period of conflict between Judah and Samaria, with Samarian Yahwism essentially being marginalised as a Judean deviation. This article examines evidence which offers an entirely different picture of Samarian-Judean relations in the post-exilic period: In the Levant in post-exilic times there were two homologous Yahwisms in Judah and Samaria which existed side by side. It is for this reason that, in the formative period, due consideration should be given not only to Judah, but also to the North as well.  相似文献   

The Junior University, a University for children and youth in the city of Wuppertal, offers science courses that target children and youth from all socioeconomic backgrounds. The first evaluation study done by the University of Wuppertal in 2013 aimed at examining whether the Junior University has achieved this goal. The main challenge of our analysis was to approximate missing individual information on socioeconomic status by using spatial data. Therefore, we georeferenced address information of the Junior University students and linked those results to different characteristics available for about 2800 city blocks in the city of Wuppertal. We found out that indeed the Junior University succeeds in attracting children and youth from all socioeconomic backgrounds. The results show that many of the students live in poor neighborhoods or in neighborhoods with a high share of immigrants.  相似文献   

Abstrakt Den Problemen peripherer Regionen stehen Chancen gegenüber – eine davon kann Tourismus sein. Die Europ?ische Route der Backsteingotik (EuRoB) gibt dem Kulturtourismus rund um die Ostsee Impulse. Sie greift das einmalige hanseatische Kulturerbe auf und vernetzt St?dte und Regionen in sieben Staaten. Damit tr?gt sie dazu bei, einer strukturschwachen Region touristisches Gewicht zu verleihen. Touristische Entwicklung ist wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Das er?ffnet Perspektiven für die Bev?lkerung, eine Grundvoraussetzung für soziale, ?konomische und demographische Stabilisierung. Für die St?dte wiederum, die sich dadurch weiterentwickeln, ergeben sich Chancen im Wettbewerb, der zunehmend globaler wird und ganze Landstriche abzuh?ngen droht.  相似文献   

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