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李喜所 《史学月刊》2004,(11):49-56
20世纪30年代前后的现代新儒家队伍中有相当数量的归国留学生。这和百年来中国留学生的思想化走向不大协调。本选择冯友兰和吴宓两个典型,通过对他们出国前的化观的解析以及出国后的思想走向和化追求的具体考察,旨在说明出国留学何以反而让他们步入了化保守主义的行列,从而以个案研究的方式来探讨中国留学生与现代新儒家的关系。  相似文献   

Benedetto Croce was the author of the most important and original theory of history in the 20th century. His theory was that of ‘absolute historicism’, and this necessarily entailed an acute critique of inherited ideas about the Enlightenment. This article studies both Croce's theoretical analysis of Enlightenment and his historical analysis of the Neapolitan Enlightenment. Croce's interest in the Enlightenment had political as well as philosophical roots. All over Europe in the 1920s and 1930s historical and theoretical research was occurring into in the Age of Enlightenment. The broad goal of such research was to bring forth a new concept of reason, which would have purchase in the contemporary debate about rationalism and irrationalism. This debate, which flourished in the era of totalitarian regimes, raised a series of further questions: What was culture? What was the task of culture in the fight against political irrationalism? What was the relationship between culture and the growth of public opinion? With respect to the latter relationship an important role was played by intellectuals, as evinced by the works of Benda, Max Weber and Croce himself. The genealogy of the modern intelligentsia led again to Enlightenment. In the third part of the article Croce's position on this issue is discussed in the light of his historical researches on Enlightenment by reference to his correspondence with two young historians, Delio Cantimori and Franco Venturi.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):167-182

This paper explores the shape that a socially-engaged philosophy of religion might take. Against the backdrop of the so-called "Age of Austerity," questions are being asked about the relevance of academic subjects to the world outside the academy. A functionalist view of education may well be resisted, but pursuing the question of what makes philosophy of religion relevant enables an account of the discipline to emerge that is rather different from the model that dominates analytic forms of the subject. I suggest that returning to existential themes offers a way forward for the discipline that makes it not just relevant but particularly important for current public discussions of what makes for a well-lived life.  相似文献   

中世纪盛期西方理性主义的盛行及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在信仰至上的西方中世纪时代 ,理性主义不仅一直存在 ,而且从弱到强 ,并最终导致普遍理性在中世纪盛期的确立与盛行。同时 ,一股追求个体的自主的理性的潜流也逐渐萌生。而 1 3— 1 4世纪的拉丁阿维罗伊主义、新奥古斯丁主义以及经验科学精神作为一股日益强大的思想潮流不仅导致理性与信仰的分离 ,为某种程度的思想自由和个体的自主的理性发展打开了一条通道 ,而且还使重视观察、实验和数学的近代科学精神得以孕育 ,从而为文艺复兴和宗教改革提供了思想来源。  相似文献   

The terms "philosophy" and "religion" sometimes arouse the suspicion of Orientalism.Fortunately,the editors and authors gathered here do not engage in controversies about whether China did or did not have religion and/or philosophy.Instead,they delve right into the thick of things.The volume comes neatly accompanied by a second one on Interpretation and Literature,which includes an article by Poo Mu-chou蒲慕州,the title of which,"Justice,Morality,andSkepticism in Six Dynasties Ghost Stories," points to the great volatility of our concepts of literature,philosophy,and religion.  相似文献   

Ideologi‐ye Nahzat‐e Mashrutiyyat‐e Iran. By F. Adamiyyat. Tehran: Payam, 1976/1355.

Shicism and Constitutionalism in Iran, A Study of the Role Played by the Persian Residents of Iraq in Iranian Politics. By A. H. Hairi. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1977.  相似文献   

Religion and Politics in the Howard Decade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between religion and politics is varied, complex and often heated. It involves constitutional issues, voting behaviour, party composition and electoral competition, faith-based public administration, advocacy and lobbying by churches, mutual criticism by churches and the state, and the public presentation of religious values. This article is a comprehensive mapping and discussion of a range of the major religion and politics issues in Australia since the election of the Howard government in 1996. This has been a decade in which religion has had a higher political profile than at any time since the 1950s Labor Split. One feature has been the rise to prominence of Catholics in the Coalition parties, whereas they featured heavily on the other side during the Labor Split. It is a more intellectually interesting decade than the 1950s because the influence of religion has crossed denominational and faith boundaries from the mainstream Christian churches to the newer Evangelical Christian churches and to non-Christian religions such as Islam. The overall impact of religious intervention appears to have favoured the Coalition parties, but many unanswered questions remain about the motivation and impact of these developments, and there are numerous opportunities for further research.  相似文献   

论古代埃及阿玛纳宗教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭丹彤 《世界历史》2007,(5):99-108
阿玛纳宗教是在十八王朝早中期独特的历史背景下形成的.阿玛纳宗教中的阿吞神是世界的创造者、万物的眷顾者、宇宙的统治者、具有真实生命力的活着的神,他自我创造,并通过国王埃赫纳吞和他的"教谕"以及太阳圆盘来完成对世间万物的启示.正是基于阿吞神的众多功能,阿玛纳宗教的一神教本质才得以显现,从而也为犹太教提供了一个仅仅认同一位神的实例.  相似文献   

长期以来,国内史学界在研究和探讨美国革命时,大多从政治、宪法、经济、贸易、黑奴和民族等视角阐述美国革命的渊源和意义,鲜有宗教因素方面的考量。北美殖民地与英国宗主国在两大宗教问题上存在着冲突,宗教在推动殖民地走上美国革命之路方面发挥了重要作用。法印战争结束后,随着英国在宗教和政治上加大对北美殖民地的干预和控制,宗教自由和政治自由成为一枚硬币的两面,两者不可须臾缺一。正是在这个意义上,殖民地争取宗教自由的斗争促进和推动了美国革命的爆发和发展。  相似文献   

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