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两汉是中国哲学史上黄老思想发展的重要阶段。西汉前期,部分地方黄老学派由隐而显,先后进入朝廷,开创了黄老学由民间学说飞跃而为官方统治思想的局面。汉武帝时期“罢黜百家,表彰‘六经’”虽为黄老学发展的转折点,但仅止于政治意识形态领域,在其他方面黄老学仍然有很大的发展。自西汉前期至东汉后期,有黄老学者或集聚于王公卿相门下讲论“道”“德”,或授徒讲学、著书立说,从而形成了若干地方黄老学中心。司马迁所说“儒道互绌”应是特殊情况下的个别而非普遍现象。司马迁前后学黄老者更多的是儒道兼习而学有所偏。汉魏时期崇习黄老的学者中,不但出现了家庭式、家族式的黄老学者团体,而且出现了对黄老学发展发挥了重要作用的三位女性。  相似文献   

This review essay examines James McFarland's Constellation: Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin in the Now‐Time of History, which stages a comparative reading of the two thinkers’ works and argues that they shared a resistance to the conventions of nineteenth‐century historicism as well as a desire to attend not to causation as a force in history but rather to the importance of each individual “present.” Benjamin's term “dialectics at a standstill” is a formulation only a reader of Nietzsche could have produced, as McFarland ably demonstrates. This review essay also delves into Benjamin's own use of the “constellation” motif, identifying complexities McFarland leaves out of his account. Influenced by Nietzsche's own uses of astronomical and astrological motifs, Benjamin employed the image of the constellation as a symbol not only for temporality (say, of the time it takes for starlight to reach our planet). He also used it to examine our transforming relationship with the cosmos and with nature most broadly, and, in the famous “Theses on the Philosophy of History,” he used it as a figure for the proper relationship historians should establish between their own period and the past; this is what yields an understanding of the present moment as the Jetztzeit, the “time of the now” enjoying its own dignity beyond any causal relationship with the future it may have. However, and as this review essay suggests, Benjamin's uses of the constellation image, and of images of stars, telescopes, and planetariums more generally, were highly ambivalent. They can serve as indices of his shifting views of modernity and of his desire that modern experience, seemingly condemned to alienation, might be redeemed.  相似文献   

The first climax originates from the Eastern Han dynasty and the second is from the late Ming dynasty.These two translation climaxes differ a lot.I will analysis it from three parts which are duration, ways of tranlation and characteristic of the translation.  相似文献   

悬泉汉简ⅡT0214①∶130和ⅤT1611③∶39所载道路里程与路线可以进行比较与演算。简ⅡT0214①∶130所载酒泉郡最东端一置不是表是,而在表是以西;表是县在当时属张掖郡。简ⅤT1611③∶39所载的武威郡治不在姑臧,而可能在番和。简ⅤT1611③∶39所示“东南”驿道,干道经天水通安定,基本上即传统认识的长安至河西的“北道”,并有支路通金城。基于以上结论,大致可以复原出简ⅡT0214①∶130的完整面貌。两简共同反映出西汉某一时期河西的部分驿道与政区情况。  相似文献   

This paper would like to discuss some aspects of current trends in studies on eighteenth-century Eastern Europe. In the first part it addresses recent approaches devoted to the reconstruction of the conceptualization of Eastern Europe at the time of the Enlightenment, which have often been inspired by the work of Edward Said and Martin Bernal. These include Larry Woolf's Inventing Eastern Europe (1994). Michael Confino has provided a detailed critique of Woolf's approach. It can be argued that Woolf is in fact projecting Cold War divisions back into the eighteenth century.

The article argues in favour of a less “Orientalising” approach to the history of Eastern Europe, by proving an alternative overview of the historical dimensions of the eastern (and northern) regions of Europe in the eighteenth century. Eastern Europe was inextricably connected to its western European neighbours. Without Eastern Europe, European history is incomplete and incomprehensible.

In the third part the article argues that the interpretative framework of the “first crisis of the Old Regime”, which Franco Venturi outlined in his Settecento riformatore in the 19870s and 1980s represented a subtle rejection of the East/West dichotomy, and in fact foreshadowed the eventual reunification of Europe after the end of the Cold War.  相似文献   

Catherine Grisé 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):35-43
The conte-en-vers is a narrative dealing with bawdy subjects presented in verse form and with a certain elegance of expression that contrasts markedly with its licentious content. La Fontaine's Contes, provide material through which to explore bawdy stories that were circulating during the seventeenth century. Furthermore, La Fontaine's followers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries afford a rich source from which to glean information about erotic folktales current in France during that period. The conte-en-vers genre is of special significance to folklorists because the authors incorporated current folklore motifs into their tales, making of them an important, though neglected, repository of folklore during three centuries. The conte-en-vers provides a corpus which facilitates the task of filling in Stith Thompson's blank category of obscene motifs, X700-749 “Humor Concerning Sex.”  相似文献   

谢良 《中国边疆史地研究》2020,(1):35-43,213,214
西汉时期夷夏关系的嬗变是从汉初迫于军事劣势所形成的政治上的“夷夏并尊”到汉武帝时期凭借国力主动“纳四夷于华夏”。汉初,在“并尊”格局下,汉廷想要通过“用夏变夷”和使匈奴“渐染华风”来改变当时的政治困境,并未成功。汉武帝即位后,通过对夷夏关系的反思,采取了“纳之华夏”与“夷夏之防”两种政策。进而认为我国古代的政策一直是南北不同,但总的趋势是在夷夏一体的大格局不变之下,南边逐渐华夏化,北边保持华夷秩序。  相似文献   

The “Adam Smith Problem” is the name given to an argument that arose among German scholars during the second half of the nineteenth century concerning the compatibility of the conceptions of human nature advanced in, respectively, Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and his Wealth of Nations (1776). During the twentieth century these arguments were forgotten but the problem lived on, the consensus now being that there is no such incompatibility, and therefore no problem. Rather than rehearse the arguments for and against compatibility and incompatibility, this paper returns to the German writers of the 1850s–1890s and demonstrates that their engagement in this argument represents the foundation of modern Smith scholarship. It is shown that the “problem” was not simply a mistake best forgotten, but the first sustained scholarly effort to understand the importance of Smith's work, an effort that lacked any parallel in English commentary of the time. By the 1890s British writers, overwhelmingly ignorant of German commentary, assumed that there was little more to be said about Smith's work. Belated international familiarity with this German “Problem” played a major role in transforming Smith from a simple partisan of free trade into a theorist of commercial society and human action.  相似文献   

“The politic” and “the religious” have had many relations with each other in Iranian history and in some cases “the religious” has been defined in a situation beyond the extent of the political power. A case in point is the right of taking sanctuary in Shi‘ite shrines. Throughout Iran's history, subjects could take refuge in Shi‘ite shrines and some other places related to religious and non-religious authorities. Persecution was delayed or the individual was forgiven, though sometimes they were sentenced when exiting the shrine. By referring to religious texts that have reinforced that tradition, this article seeks to trace continuities between early Islam and modern Iran. It focuses on sanctuary taking and sit-ins at shrines and tombs, and on the interplay between those actions and political power, and discusses the changing mobility and dynamisms of those actions at different periods of Iranian history.  相似文献   

Studies on the pre-dynastic claim of the Safavids to sayyid status suffer from a dearth of primary source materials. Scholars have advanced various conjectures, but it is not yet clear when the Safavids began to promote this claim or indeed when the so-called “official” Musavid genealogy was developed. This study presents a genealogical chart drawn in the third quarter of the fifteenth century (most probably in the 1460s) in Iraq (most likely in Najaf), which records the “official” genealogy in an unequivocal manner. This chart is a valuable document in that it testifies to the circulation of the “official” genealogy some three to four decades before the establishment of the Safavid dynasty. A survey of the studies to date on the question of the pre-dynastic claim is also offered in order to clarify the significance of the chart.  相似文献   

风穴寺不可能始建于北魏,更不可能是唐代所建.事实是:东汉费长房时代此地已有遗迹,风穴寺峡谷内的漫山遍野的柏树最初系人工栽植,古香积寺门口的两棵柏树:“一捧伞”“三炷香”系汉代遗留.结合有关典籍记载,风穴寺极可能始建于东汉初平元年.  相似文献   


A program simulating artifact diversity is applied to excavated data front el-Amarna (14th century B.C.), the largest and best-preserved Egyptian town-site of the pharaonic period. The results of the simulation are used to reassess the function and history of two unusual areas of settlement at el-Amarna: the Eastern and Central Villages, which are traditionally known as the “Workmen's Village” and the “Clerks' Houses” respectively.  相似文献   

峡江地区汉晋南朝花纹砖上的车轮纹饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑君雷 《江汉考古》2006,1998(3):60-68,94
文章对峡江地区汉晋南朝花纹砖上的车轮纹饰进行全面检讨。首先将车轮纹饰分为若干种类,其后以发掘报告为依据讨论各类车轮花纹砖的年代,最终归纳出峡江地区车轮纹饰的演变线索。文章以为,峡江地区的车轮花纹砖大约出现在新莽至东汉初期,东汉中晚期至东晋最为流行,南朝仍有发现。文章同时分析了各阶段车轮纹饰的时代特征,并且简要讨论了与车轮花纹砖相关的若干问题。  相似文献   

The American Orientalist William F. Albright (1891–1971) is remembered as a leading voice of twentieth‐century “biblical archaeology,” a field that aimed to demonstrate empirically the Hebrew Bible's substantial historicity. Less well known is Albright's research on Christian backgrounds, which by contrast reflected modernist theology's scepticism about the gospel narratives' literal truth. Drawing ideas from the “Pan‐Babylonian” school of biblical criticism, Albright invoked the influence of ancient Near Eastern myth and folklore on the Christ story, this being the culminating theme of his magnum opus From the Stone Age to Christianity (1940). Originally Albright believed that this mythological interpretation would reestablish Christianity's intellectual credibility in the twentieth century and thus help revive New Testament theology. Yet in the latter part of his career he omitted the mythological thesis from his writings, apparently having concluded that it was harmful to orthodox Christian faith.  相似文献   

江苏邳州车夫山汉墓是一座绘画内容繁缛、雕刻精美的画像石墓。该墓墓葬形制较为完整,砖石混合结构,有东汉中晚期墓葬特点。对图像资料的内容进行了分类和阐释。  相似文献   

Rammohun Roy, the great 19th‐century intellectual, was the first Indian to respond to western ideas. His approach was selective, rejecting what he felt to be incompatible with the needs of Hindu society. This paper deals with his response to Western religious ideas. Roy sought to reform Hindu religion by claiming to restore the original monotheism of the ancient vedic‐Upanisadic period by cleansing Hinduism of its later corruption, as represented by 19th‐century Hindu Idolatry. This paper argues that firstly, Roy's claim rested on the appropriation of the Enlightenment discourse contra orthodox Christianity, for he too, like deists and freethinkers, sought to undermine institutional priesthood. However, the fundamental issue here is Roy's claim that Vedic‐Upanisadic religion was monotheistic. Monotheism is a doctine entirely rooted in the traditions of the Religions of the Book, which believe in the total “otherness”; of God, thus setting up a binary opposition between monotheism and polytheism. Hinduism, on the other hand, is more relativistic in its conception of divinity, and monotheistic tendencies in Hinduism, if it is possible to speak of Hindu “monotheism”;, are looser and more flexible. In fact, Roy's “monotheism”; is a modern reinterpretation in the light of the monotheism of the people of the Book. But while Roy was expounding his “monotheism”;. Western conceptions of monotheism were undergoing profound transformations, under the impact of the newly‐discovered Eastern religions. In other words, modern conceptions of monotheism are informed with the cross fertilisations of Eastern and Western religions.  相似文献   

The roadside shrine, and similar such objects of devotion, are a characteristic feature of Hinduism and the Indian city. The distribution of such shrines is examined in Pune city for the early nineteenth century just prior to the British conquest. Evidence from vernacular Marathi documentation is available to map shrines by Pune's traditional neighbourhoods. Distinctions are drawn between the major temples of the high Sanskritic Hindu tradition with their subsidiary shrines and shrines of regional and folk deities. The relation of Muslim shrines to Hindu places of devotion is also considered. Analysis reveals shrines in the ritual, ceremonial and political core of Pune with a strong degree of place rootedness. The evolving suburban neighbourhoods however show a prevalence of new shrines of regional and folk deities.  相似文献   

姜生 《安徽史学》2015,(6):49-55
文章通过对韩凭故事原本形态的考证表明,故事的核心应是颂扬韩凭夫妇以生命复贞信,此世不可处,乃相踵讬死赴太阴,终成尸解仙。贞信守节、重义轻死,是汉代死后尸解成仙的标准。汉代画像石和铜镜等出土金石资料,说明韩凭夫妇的夫信妇贞、至死不渝品格所造就的爱情故事在汉代广为流传,并引起强烈共鸣。韩凭夫妇殉情而死及死后化作梓树、鸳鸯之说,实际上是汉晋时期盛行的以墓室为"炼形之宫"、经历"太阴炼形"、最终变形而仙的尸解信仰的一种仙话表达。图其形于古圣贤、忠孝、节义、贞烈、英雄之伦,意在示其同臻仙域,藉以讴歌春秋大义。应在汉墓画像的系统配置和更为宽广的汉代思想和信仰背景中去寻求对汉画中韩凭夫妇故事的合理认知。  相似文献   

史籍所见尧都之“平阳”是一个地理区域概念。“平阳”在今山西临汾市西南一带是可以肯定的。“王文”所采信的皇甫谧《帝王世纪》“帝尧始封于唐, 有徙晋阳, 及为天子, 都平阳。平阳即今晋阳, 即太原也”之说法根本就是错误的。考古学提供的一条重要线索, 陶寺遗址的地理位置与古文献记载的“尧都”地望相合, 其放射性碳素年代 (距今4200—4400年之间) 也与古史传说中“陶唐氏”兴盛的年代基本一致。先秦“太原”指晋南, 现在的太原是战国末期才出现的地名。太原始称晋阳则是汉以后的事。太原之“晋阳”没有早于春秋之前的考古发现。太原之“晋阳”与唐叔虞之封地无涉, 与“尧都平阳”更无涉。今临汾塔儿山周围的汾浍平原地带就是当年“唐尧”统治的“唐国”属地, 其“帝都”之墟当为今考古发现的山西襄汾之陶寺遗址。  相似文献   

The article examines the parameters of the irregular army in Qajar Iran, including its assembly, numbers, and provisions, as well as the army's organizational structure: its administration and the divisions of the ad hoc forces (provincial militia and tribal cavalry) and of the standing forces (the shah's bodyguard and artillery corps). Until the creation of the so-called regular army units in Iran at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the irregular army was regarded as the only military force in the service of the Qajar dynasty. Despite the existence of a “regular army,” irregular forces, particularly tribal cavalry, continued to play a significant role in Iran's military system throughout the nineteenth century. By understanding the features of the irregular army—its role in Qajar society, its organizational and social structures, its ethnic composition, and other characteristics—we can better understand the character of the state itself.  相似文献   

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