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唐宋开封的气候和自然灾害   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
6至 10世纪处在中华 5 0 0 0年气候变迁过程中的第三个温暖期 ,开封的温暖气候从隋唐经五代 ,一直持续到北宋初年。公元 10 0 0年左右 ,开封气候转寒。与气候的前后变化相伴随 ,唐宋开封的水、旱、蝗、风沙等自然灾害也不断出现 ,但这些灾害并不能从根本上改变温湿的总体气候特征。  相似文献   

For a set of geographical units in the Cartesian coordinate system, the locus of the standard deviation of the x coordinates of the set forms a closed curve as the system is rotated about the origin. This curve, often referred to as “standard deviational ellipse” (SDE), is not in fact an ellipse. The actual shape of the curve has remained unclear since the issue was mentioned initially by Lefever in 1926. In the present paper this closed curve, referred to as “standard deviation curve” (SDC), is clarified mathematically, and some of its applications in spatial analysis are discussed. The shape of SDC changes from a single circle to double circles when the distribution of the set of geographical units changes from an even condition to a straight line. The shape of SDC is determined explicitly by the ratio of its minor axis to its major axis. This ratio, therefore, is a useful index to show to what extent the distribution of a set of geographical units is circular, or linear. In addition, the size and radius of SDC can be used to indicate the distribution density of geographical units. The major axis of SDC, whose angle is determined explicitly for the first time, indicates the major orientation of geographical units. A program has been developed to apply SDC to spatial analysis (mean center, major orientation, distribution density, circular condition, etc.). The program is available from jx_gong@hotmail.com . It is written in the MapBasic language, and runs under MapInfo.  相似文献   

《信誉 :在从猿到人转变过程中的意义》一文缺乏跨学科研究的学术规范。从事跨学科的学术研究 ,首先必须掌握所跨学科的基本常识 ,正确理解其基本理论 ;其次 ,利用所跨学科研究资料时应如实反映 ,准确理解 ,尤其是引用外文资料 ,更要认真阅读 ,客观引用 ;第三 ,跨学科研究要遵守一般的学术规范 ,经得起学术检验。  相似文献   

志书质量是一个综合概念,其标准体系是一个多元的体系。志书内容的真实准确是决定性的质量标准。本文对志书的质量要靠什么来检验、志书质量标准的确立要避免政治化、教科书的倾向,志书如何体现科学化等问题进行了思考,并提出对志书质量标准体系的基本内容:观点正确,资料准确翔实,特色鲜明,体例严谨,文字精炼,出版物精美无误。  相似文献   

关于历史评价标准的反思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
历史评价标准的产生和来源,有两个前提,一个是历史评价主体的需要和利益,另一个是历史评价客体的属性。历史评价标准有诸多种类,可以从历史评价主体的存在状态、历史评价标准的规范、历史评价主体的阶级属性、时间的角度等方面进行划分。这诸多评价标准的是非好坏,一是取决于它在多大程度上客观全面地反映了评价容体的内容与属性,二是取决于它在多大程度上满足、符合了评价主体具有普遍意义的合理需要。  相似文献   

志书质量标准应是一个整体性的概念 ,包括观点正确、资料翔实、体例完备、特点突出、文风端正、装帧印刷精美等。志书质量标准的核心是真实准确 ,这是由志书性质、功能决定的 ,也是历代修志的优良传统 ,更是共产党党性、宗旨所要求的 ,同时 ,现代科技也为志书的真实准确提供了保证。在把握志书标准时 ,要坚持实事求是的原则。  相似文献   

Vertebral compression fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women. Notwithstanding, its clinical diagnosis remains ambiguous. In paleopathological studies, vertebral fractures and/or deformations are frequently disregarded. When observed, vertebral compression fractures are usually recorded without the support of quantifiable and comparable protocols. As such, Genant's semi‐quantitative method for vertebral compression fracture assessment was applied to a large sample (N = 196) from the Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collection, Portugal, and the reliability of the method was tested. Vertebral fracture scoring agreement was evaluated with the kappa statistic and the per cent of agreement. Intra‐observer agreement was almost perfect, whereas inter‐observer agreement was substantial to almost perfect. The Genant's semi‐quantitative scoring methodology is easy to apply and highly reproducible; as such, it should be adopted as the standard method to score vertebral fractures in any paleopathological investigation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

绿营兵与清代云南移民研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿营兵的招募、调遣、汛塘分布及其变化 ,清王朝对边疆地区统治的不断加强 ,决定了绿营兵与清代的移民问题有着必然的联系性。绿营兵及其家属不但在云南形成了三种移民类型 ,造就了三十八万多人的移民 ,而且还对清代民间移民产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

李正华 《收藏家》2009,(5):41-42
乾隆九年,清廷在故宫太和殿、乾清宫及午门前陈设了嘉量。嘉量,俗称“官斗”,是体现皇权的重要陈设,象征着皇帝在空间和时间上都是公正无私的,对天下百姓都是坦诚、平等的。  相似文献   

1978年真理标准问题的讨论中,邓小平是全党思想解放的先导。大讨论开始后,他坚决支持讨论的开展,为中央工作会议和十一届三中全会召开准备了条件。全会后,他领导全党全国深入开展真理标准问题的讨论补课,进行思想路线教育,进一步促进了思想解放,推动了全党工作重心的转移。  相似文献   

建立志书质量标准体系是构建志书质量“放心工程”的一项重要建设,它应该包含志书质量评价标准体系与志书质量控制标准体系。对保证志书质量而言,核心在于建立志书质量控制标准体系。这个体系应包括4个子系统:编写子系统、审稿子系统、出版子系统、监督子系统。同时要大力推动体系的环境建设,包括法制环境、学科环境、人才环境。  相似文献   

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