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The author presents the results of excavations at Mare Church, North Tr?ndelag. Medieval sources indicate that Mære was the religious centre for Inner Tr?ndelag in pre‐Christian times. It was also the place where the first church (shire church) in Sparbyggjafylke was erected. At Mære if anywhere, therefore, it should be possible to test archaeologically the theory about cult continuity from pagan to Christian times.

Under the present church, which dates from the end of the twelfth century, the remains of an early wooden church surrounded by a churchyard were found, together with vestiges of at least two buildings from pre‐Christian times. On the evidence of loose finds, the oldest of these can be dated to the Migration Period (c. A.D. 500). A series of gold plaquettes were found associated with the later of the two buildings. This find is interpreted by the author as indicating that the building may have been a pagan cult building.  相似文献   

A rare stone statue found in Gorny Altai and associated with the Ancient Turkic culture is described. Most Ancient Turkic statues in the Sayan-Altai and in Central Asia in general represent male warriors. This statue, however, depicts a female. Research is relevant to the understanding of Eastern Turkic funerary ritual.  相似文献   

The present work aims to study surface composition profiles on buried marbles as well as their time evolution. Fifty samples from gravestones, buried for up to 80 years, were analysed by laser‐induced photoluminescence and LA–ICP–MS. The results include profiles of 25Mg, 27Al, 55Mn, 57Fe, 88Sr and organic complexes of calcium, existing in the marble patina. The depth at which 88Sr reaches its bulk value proved to be the best parameter to measure patina thickness. A diffusion model adopted from dissolution studies made on gravestones exposed to the atmosphere was successfully applied to the patina thickness data. The model fails to predict patina thicknesses for ancient excavated objects. However, it seems that ‘Sr alteration depth’ values alone can be used for discriminating ancient from recently buried surfaces.  相似文献   

武德年间的唐突关系与玄武门之变的爆发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武德年间的唐突关系影响深刻 ,甚至决定着高祖朝的政局走向。李世民在唐突关系中扮演了非常重要的角色 ,他既是唐朝与突厥接触、联络的关键人物 ,又是唐朝对付突厥的重要军事将领 ,同时还成功地利用自己与突厥贵族的交情以及突厥的军事入侵 ,长期保持对军队的影响和控制。玄武门之变的爆发与高祖改变对突厥的政策、弃而不用李世民有关。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a collection of nineteen bronze statuettes that take the shape of a small plate from which only legs, arms and head protrude in relief. The main interest of this corpus lies in the fact that these pieces of work, of a kind generally used to portray dedicants, present a new iconographic theme. Indeed, eighteen of them show shackled figures, probably prisoners. A comparative study suggests that this corpus may be interpreted as a set of small statuettes offered in thanksgiving, dating from the end of the first millennium BC and the beginning of the Christian era.  相似文献   

Although the titular nation of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was Turkic speaking and had strong cultural and historical ties with Iran, the Soviet regime constructed a national identity that was divorced from its Turkic and Iranian past. The current literature cannot provide the exact period when this construction was put forward and generally argues that the Azerbaijani identity was artificially created as part of a broader “divide-and-rule” policy that was applied to all the Turkic nations in the Soviet Union. However, this thesis by itself does not explain why this change from a Turkic identity to an Azerbaijani one happened seventeen years after the Bolsheviks assumed power in Baku, and its simple causation makes it sound more like a conspiracy theory, which had a certain popularity in the Cold War era, than a scholarly argument. By presenting a broader view, the paper explains why and when the national identity in Soviet Azerbaijan was altered from Turkic to Azerbaijani. It argues that there were many factors that induced the Bolsheviks to take this extraordinary step in 1937. In fact, the change in defining national identity in Azerbaijan was a result of a combination of developments in the 1930s in Turkey, Iran, Germany, and the Soviet Union. The article concludes that these developments left Soviet rulers no choice but to construct an independent Azerbaijani identity.  相似文献   

The rich hagiographical corpus, charters and privileges of the monastery of Werden on the Ruhr allow unparalleled access to its ninth-century history. This article focuses upon three ninth-century vitae of its founding saint which delineate both the transformations which Werden underwent in the course of the century and the ways in which the monastery attempted to respond and adapt to these changes. In so doing, it illuminates the role that saintly relics and hagiography could play in the formation of Christian communities both within and beyond cloister walls.  相似文献   

公元6—8世纪,随着突厥的兴起和突厥汗国的建立,漠北地区开启新一轮族群变动浪潮,即突厥化的进程。活动于漠北的粟特人,在融入突厥游牧族群的过程中,既凸显出突厥化的表征及趋向,同时又保留了若干本民族的传统文化因子。游牧帝国的盛衰起伏和游牧生活的迁徙流动,使粟特人的突厥化过程并未彻底完成。中古漠北地区粟特与突厥之间的族群互动、交融景象,显示出北方游牧社会内部的族群认同,相对于定居农耕的汉地文化圈而言,似乎更为脆弱易变。  相似文献   

Social and economic factors significantly influenced grave-marker choice in southern California cemeteries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Gradual changes in the American way of death since Victorian times underwent punctuated shifts in mortuary attitudes, commemoration practices, and funerary materials following moments of extreme social and economic duress. While the form of gravestones slowly evolved from large monuments to smaller flush markers during the late 1800s and early 1900s, they collectively experienced a pronounced shift during the 1920s, reflecting American responses to the devastating human losses of World War I and the 1918–19 influenza pandemic. Financial conditions directly affected decisions regarding those materials selected to mark the deceased as well. Although overall trends reveal that granite gravestones gradually replaced marble as the marker of choice in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, pronounced fiscal struggles during the 1907 Bankers’ Panic and the Great Depression were evinced in distinct surges in less expensive marble and metal grave markers.  相似文献   

The following article explores aspects of a Christian world view found in late Anglo-Saxon England, seeking to put such phenomena as magic, miracles and charms in their proper Christian perspective. Previous criticism has had a tendency to accentuate the pagan aspects of the charms and to confuse a modern definition of magic with that of the early medieval Christian view. The view of nature found in Ælfric's sermons, for example, reveals a particular attitude towards magic, miracles and natural remedies such as charms. Magic and miracles are at opposite extremes, while charms are part of an intermediate category of practices not specifically condemned as develish magic, nor fitting into the Christian interpretation of miracles as signs from God.The second part of the article turns to an examination of the charms themselves to demonstrate how they do fit into a Christian view. Charms having to do with elves, as found in the Leechbook, contain large amounts of Christian material. There is an especially strong correlation between these charms and the use of the mass to counteract the influence and effects of elves. Thus the charms, far from being examples of the remnants of paganism, are evidence of the integration of popular material into a Christian view of the world.  相似文献   

The expression of millennial beliefs in Australia has been little studied, perhaps because of the slight impact of adventism on the general religious experience. This essay surveys the millennial ideas current in nineteenth‐century Victoria. Both Protestant Christian sects and the mainstream churches of British origin are considered; fringe groups which drew inspiration from Christian concepts are also noticed. An outline of the prophetic concerns which emerged in England late in the eighteenth century and refined in detail thereafter is followed by a discussion of the introduction of those ideas to Victoria. Special attention is given to a number of millennial sects that established a presence in the 1850s. This is followed by a consideration of the millennial beliefs employed later in the century by the mainstream denominations, especially as they were faced with threats from liberals, doubters, and freethinkers. In conclusion, the impact of liberalism and moral enlightenment on the Christian faith is discussed and related to the decline in church membership during the twentieth century.  相似文献   

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Peter Chel?ický was one of the most interesting figures of the Hussite movement, whose distinctive views on the organisation of Christian society have been unjustly neglected in the west. He criticised the traditional division into three estates: the clergy who had pastoral duties, the knighthood who provided protection, and the peasants who produced the food. Chel?ický argued that this division was pagan in origin and should be given up by Christian communities. He rejected the tripartite division on the grounds that it was a hierarchical arrangement in which the two upper estates lived off and dominated the third estate of ‘working people’. He rejected too not only war and aggression, but also the use of force in general. He believed that no Christian should have power over another Christian, a view which led him to the repudiation of all institutionalised authority as inconsistent with the faith and the way of salvation. His influence continued well beyond his lifetime: Tolstoy, for example, was a great admirer.  相似文献   

What happens to people's concept of the person when their ‘dividuality’ engages with the Christian concept of the ‘individual’? According to Vanua Lava kastom, when people die they go to sere timiat, the place of the dead. But do they still go there when the person had been a Christian during their life time? Where is the Christian heaven and hell? Is there a separate Christian ‘soul’? Will the dead be eternally separated from each other and their ancestors? Can kastom and Christian concepts be reconciled? Depending on denomination and degree of conversion (devout, nominal, or ‘back‐slider’) people have found multiple answers that help them conceptualise their final resting place. Their answers are of relevance for theoretical debates in anthropology about dividuality, individuality and engagement with modernity.  相似文献   

The results of an archaeometric study on gravestone production in Aquileia (northeastern Italy) during Roman Republican times are reported here. The artefacts are made of limestone, quarried from the sedimentary sequence of the Trieste Karst (Carnican Alps, northeastern Italy), as testified by historical sources which refer to the ‘Roman Quarry’ at Aurisina. The rock types used for the gravestones are petrographically, geochemically and geochronologically homogeneous, and display similar faunal assemblages. In addition, their age is restricted to the Santonian – Lower Campanian. Comparisons between archaeological finds and rock specimens from various active and inactive quarries in this area suggest that quarrying during Roman Republican times was limited to a specific stratigraphic horizon of the sedimentary sequence, corresponding to the higher part of the ‘Roman Quarry’.  相似文献   

In England and Wales there exists a corpus of unprovenanced and unrecorded antiquities; a corpus adrift from archaeological context and now ebbing and flowing across the antiquities market and which could be described as ‘floating culture’. This corpus includes illicit antiquities and also antiquities found legitimately but not recorded and subsequently sold with or without the landowner’s knowledge. The definition of floating culture as ‘traces of the human past not fixed on one position, place or level’ presents a way of conceptualising what is, in essence, a transnational issue. This paper explores floating culture and suggests that the impact of non-reporting of antiquities remains a significant ethical and legal challenge both for heritage protection policy and the antiquities market in the U.K. and beyond. Attention is given to the Code of Practice for Responsible Metal Detecting in England and Wales, and to the landowner-finder search agreement as potential ways of mitigating the flow of unrecorded antiquities of uncertain legal status. While neither document is enforceable, both have potential to improve the protection of the archaeological record. Many of the themes conceptualised by ‘floating culture’ are relevant to the wider discussion on heritage protection and the global trade in illicit antiquities.  相似文献   

"贺兰"是古突厥语驳马ala-hala复数形alan-halan的音译。驳马部别名曷剌是古突厥语ala-hala的复数形alat-halat的音译。驳马部别名遏罗支是古突厥语ha-la-??>a-la-??(有驳马者)的音译。古突厥语ala-hala最初是斑驳色马匹之义,后衍生出斑驳色之义。  相似文献   

Secularisation is a concept with many meanings making it difficult to analyse historically. Yet it is the default master narrative in much Australian historiography. Secular historians typically criticise the role of religion in history as being either too unengaged or, if engaged, too intrusive and negative in its impact. This article challenges both assumptions, taking five “nodal points” in Australian history and arguing that they are better given a “Christian” than a secular interpretation. Australia's first European settlement was a high‐minded reform experiment, based partly on a humanitarian Christian vision. The Church Acts gave the population ready access to Christian influence, resulting in a highly “Christianised” nation. When federated, that nation refused to give ascendancy to any one Christian denomination, but largely assumed that its polity was that of a “Christian commonwealth.” Out of its Christian commitment, in the middle of the twentieth century, it withstood control by atheistic communists of its industrial and political life. In the first decade of the present century, a surprising number of politicians have sought to define its national identity largely in terms of its Christian heritage rooted in the Classical/Christian tradition.  相似文献   

The tapetum is described by Johann Christian Rell (1759–1813). It is formed primarily by decussating fibers in the splenium of the corpus callosum that arch over the atrium of the lateral ventricle and course inferiorly in the lateral wall of the posterior, and somewhat into the temporal horns, of the lateral ventricle. The term of tapetum was discussed from etymological and anatomical points of view.  相似文献   

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