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淮建利 《史学月刊》2007,(11):37-45
宋朝的配军制度,是建立在配隶法基础上的强制罪犯充军的集兵制度,是宋代兵制中于募兵制之外又一个值得注意的特点。配隶法自宋初实行以后,逐步成为一个内容繁杂、适用于各种犯罪的刑种。两宋时期的厢军是配军数量较多的军种,配军不仅集中分布在厢军的牢城营,而且在厢军其他重役军分和一般军分中都有较多分布。由于配隶法适用范围的泛化和枉法滥配现象的大量存在,宋朝牢城等配军军分的溢额成为一种常态,配军数量十分庞大。宋统治者之所以将罪犯配隶充军,很大程度上是为了直接控制一批能够服兵役和劳役、随时听候国家调遣的人力资源,配军的存在也因此具有了其自身的社会经济价值和军事价值。  相似文献   

From the geographical point of view, urbanization is treated as a result of economic development as it affects the settlement through the spatial structure of the economy. The spatial structure of the economy and the settlement patterns determine the character of land use in particular physical environments. The urbanization process gives rise to a new, urbanized environment, involving both settlement forms and an altered physical environment. Geographers can make a contribution in urbanization research by focusing on three groups of questions: (1) an analysis of the spatially expressed factors of urbanization to gain an understanding of the mechanism by which an urbanized environment is created; (2) study of settlement and the physical environment as they change in the course of urbanization; (3) investigation of the impact of urbanization on man in terms of mobility, employment, education, etc. Separate indicators need to be developed for each group of questions, crowned ultimately by an integral, synthetic indicator (or indicators) that would offer a generalized characterization of the urbanization process as a whole.  相似文献   

Located some 160 km northwest of Lhasa, Damxung is a county where people live on herding. Some 300 years ago, however, it was the camping ground for the Eight Banners of the Mongolian military.Why the Camping CroundIn the early 15th century, the Gelug Sect emerged in Tibetan areas. Founded by Tsongkapa much later than its counterparts, the sect developed by leaps and  相似文献   

The author formulates conditions required for a territorial model of productive forces that is constructed out of regional units rather than the sectoral units of the national economy. The regional units themselves are delimited in the process of optimization of the regional structure of the national economy. The over-all model is constructed out of a system of four preliminary models. They are: a territorial model of a single-product industry, a model of transport flows, a model of a regional unit and a model of the division of labor among regional units. The author examines interactions between the models and the criteria of optimality of each of the four models as well as other formally stated assumptions.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence on an aspect of privatization that is increasing in popularity yet rarely considered in the literature: the effect that private-sector task forces have on privatization efforts. It uses case studies from Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina, to provide evidence on the role of task forces in reengineering government and suggests how future privatization efforts can benefit from this knowledge. Specifically, it suggests that task forces need to establish realistic timetables, understand that there are fundamental differences between the public and private sectors, and work without predetermined biases to achieve desired ends. In addition, they need to identify services that are appropriate for privatization, understand the nature of privatization, and accept both the strengths and weaknesses of it. While the results of privatization endeavors may vary, they may be enhanced by adopting a new awareness of how private-sector task forces influence privatization efforts.  相似文献   

A review of Soviet research in medical geography stresses that in addition to study of the geography of disease and its causes of propagation, Soviet medical geographers are also concerned with identifying the natural factors that have a beneficial effect on the health of man. Five current research trends are outlined. For previous material on medical geography, see Soviet Geography, October 1962.  相似文献   

Annual plant production and total plant mass are calculated for 106 types of soil and plant formations of the world, grouped in turn by major thermal belts and bioclimatic regions (humid, semiarid, arid) within these thermal belts. Aggregate magnitudes of annual growth and total plant mass by thermal belts and their bioclimatic regions follow a sequence of alternating high values in humid regions and low values in arid regions that bears a similarity to the periodic law of geographical zonality. Maximum plant production is associated with the Tropical belt, where combinations of heat and moisture favor maximum intensity of the physical-geographic process. A related paper, by Bazilevich and Rodin, appeared in Soviet Geography, January 1971.  相似文献   

IN 1959 Mr. Dudley Waterman published the first modern summary of Anglo-Danish artifacts found in York1 and it says much for his work that very little needs adding or modifying. This paper examines some aspects of Danish York which were not discussed by Waterman and records information which throws more light on the nature of everyday life in the Anglo-Danish city. This has been made possible by the considerable advance in knowledge on a national scale of 10th- and 11th-century pottery, and by recent developments in York. Intensive study of the history, architecture and archaeology of York by investigators of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments has developed the first tentative ideas of the nature of the city defences, and of the street plan, and has thus led to greater knowledge of its economic life.2  相似文献   

古希腊历史学家色诺芬所著《希腊史》是希腊城邦危机时代的产物。这样的历史背景在很大程度上决定了作者对历史事实的取舍以及对历史人物的评价。色诺芬对西方古典史学的贡献主要有:完成了修昔底德的未竟之作,公元前5世纪末到公元前4世纪中期希腊史的主要史料,主要是有赖于色诺芬的记载而流传下来;对经济史、政治史、战争史、社会生活史等均有独到的分析和阐述;在史书编撰体例方面,特别是对于传记体史书,具有开创性贡献;对西方历史文学及军事文学也有重要贡献。当然,色诺芬史学也确有其不足和局限性。  相似文献   

"台独"势力的"日本情结"问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“台独”分子有一个共同的特性,就是都具有浓厚的“日本情结”,这也是驱动“台独”势力长期不遗余力从事分裂祖国活动和造成台湾问题久拖不决的重要因素。究其原因,主要有二:1、日本对台湾50年的殖民统治,特别是它所发动的“皇民化运动”的久远影响,是导致“台独”势力“日本情结”产生的历史原因;2、“台独”势力出于台湾“独立”的欲求,急需取得外部势力特别是与台湾渊源甚深的日本右翼势力的支持,这是“台独”势力“日本情结”产生的现实原因,也是主要原因。  相似文献   

THIS ARTICLE compares our very fragmentary knowledge of large medieval timber bridges with the respectable body of evidence now available, and here summarized, about bridges at castles and moated sites, which, it is suggested, may be relevant to larger bridges. Nearly all the moat-bridges, from the late nth to the 16th centuries, are structurally similar in that their posts are not earth-fast but tenoned into transverse sole-plates, but the enduring type, with lateral braces, or shores, symmetrically disposed, does not appear until the ijth century. Parallel with these are various specialized forms which are stabilized by additional, longitudinal plates. In the British Isles earth-fast piles were of very limited use in minor bridges but may have become usual in major bridges in the late middle ages.  相似文献   

A certain measure of agreement is found between rates of urbanization and industrialization, with the agreement far greater with total growth of urban population than with the concentration of urban population in big cities. This finding is thought to be significant support for those who contend that limitations on big-city growth are desirable and will not have an adverse effect on industrial development. Migration from the countryside continues to be the main source of urbanization, although its significance has greatly declined as natural increase of the urban population has risen. Migration in general is thought to be desirable because it helps redistribute the able-bodied population between the agricultural and industrial sectors of the economy and provides a channel for social mobility of rural youth. However, the magnitude and composition of rural-urban migration in some regions is having an adverse effect on the economy and requires more effective regulation.  相似文献   

Efficiency and Equity Aspects of Optimum Location   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite problems of defining efficiency and equity, it is useful to assess the equity and efficiency implications of various optimal location strategies. Most location criteria have been efficiency oriented, and if there is area variability in density or income, or very strong returns to scale, equity may be well sacrificed.  相似文献   

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