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Conservation activities have been carried out during the four years of the UNESCO project for the Preservation and Restoration of the Ancient City of Otrar, an archaeological site located in a loess clay area in southwest Kazakhstan at the confluence of Syr Darya and Arys rivers. The paper focuses on certain conservation activities carried out at the site, including documentation of observed deterioration phenomena, authentication of surviving mudbrick and fired brick structures, and the repair of structures using an earth-based repair mortar specially developed for the site. The paper summarises the main achievements of the project in terms of conservation, documentation, training, promotional activities and master plan preparation.  相似文献   


In 1935, N. C. Nelson raised the possibility of a prehistoric trans-Beringian migration. His hypothesis was unique in that it was based upon specific artifactual evidence. New data from northern British Columbia and comparative technotypological analysis of microblade core production provide additional support for Nelson's hypothesis. It is possible to recognize a Northeast Asian-Northwest American Microblade Tradition (NANAMT) and to define several subtraditions. The distribution of NANAMT manifestations through space and time indicate the spread of the tradition from its presumed origin in southern Siberia/northern China to other parts of Asia and across Beringia to the New World.

The “spread” of the culture complex may have been brought about through diffusion, migration, or both. In evolutionary terms, it seems to be the Advanced Palaeolithic-Mesolithic northeast Asian equivalent of southwest Asia's microlithic industries.  相似文献   

Koren', T. N., & Suyarkova, A. A., 1994:03:28. Monograptus deubeli and praedeubeli (Wenlock, Silurian) in the Asian part of the former Soviet Union. Alcheringa 18, 000–000. ISSN 0311-5518.

During the last decade the sequence and composition of the later Homerian (Wenlock) graptolite fauna has become comparatively well known in many regions of the world. A complete and detailed graptolite biozonation has been elaborated in Europe, and partly confirmed in Australia and Arctic Canada. Valuable new data have been obtained from several widely scattered areas within the Asian part of the former U. S. S. R. M. praedeubeli Jaeger (rare) and M. deubeli (common) have been found in the Homerian sequences in the Novosibirsk Islands and Novaya Zemlya, as well as in the southern Urals and the Turkestan-Alai Mountains of central Asia. In sections studied here, especially in the Alai Range, both species have well defined stratigraphic ranges in a variety of pelagic and hemipelagic facies. Their well established taxonomy based on sicular shape and thecal structure allows their recognition in material of different preservation. They belong to a single phylogenetic line and can be used as important biostratigraphic markers for interregional correlation, especially considering the distinct differences in the composition of associated monograptids. Thus, members of the Pristiograptus idoneus—Lobographu? claudiae lineage parallelling the development of M. praedeubeli and M. deubeli in the Homerian of central Asia, Australia, Arctic Canada and Arctic Russia are unknown from European and northern African sections.  相似文献   

Despite rapid industrialization since World War II, Central Asia is still far from exhausting its potential for industrial development based on abundant mineral resources, fuels and energy, and on the most favorable manpower supply of any of the Eastern regions of the USSR. The only limiting factor in economic development is water. In light of the region's resource situation, future development should focus on a diversified industrial expansion involving activities with limited water and metal needs (in the absence of a major regional iron and steel plant) or medium or high energy and labor requirements. This would include nonferrous metals, chemicals (except for those posing a water pollution problem) and expansion of the region's cotton-based production complex, ranging from irrigated cotton culture to finished fabrics.  相似文献   

成立中央财政经济委员会及其后的政务院财政经济委员会(两者均简称为中财委)是中共中央在建国前后,为适应各大解放区财经统一需要,顺利实现由革命战争到经济建设的转变,所采取的一项重大组织措施。中财委在中央人民政府中有着重要位置,是国民经济恢复时期组织实施中共中央、政务院一系列重大财经方针和政策的重要领导机构。本文从中财委机构的前身、成立过程、组织构成和人员、工作机制的确立四个方面,对该组织进行了研究。  相似文献   

以华人网络、国家和亚洲地域秩序为切入点,分析和反思了海外华人研究中若干关键性的理论和方法论问题;探讨了华人网络与市场、社会与国家、地方化与全球化的互动关系;解构和重估了华人社会和商业网络的历史性、空间化、制度性和局限性,华人网络在与国家和市场的频密互动中发挥作用,并在这一进程中调适自身的机制和功能。  相似文献   

秦汉以来,我国野生亚洲象主要分布在南岭以南的广东、广西两省和福建省的东南角,以及云南省的南部和西部的部分地区。明清时期,其数量和分布区迅速缩小,这与人类的捕杀和栖息地的破坏关系甚大,其中的农业开发、砍伐森林所导致的栖息地破坏是根本原因。  相似文献   

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