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本文从西方学者们对收藏在各大博物馆和私人手里的成化和正德时期的数组风格相似、并有明确汉藏文题记的唐卡的研究成果入手,厘清了迄今为止各种学术观点的对与错,并在此基础上,综合性地提出了自己的观点,指出汉藏艺术风格(或藏汉艺术风格)从明初以来到明正德时期衰变的过程,不仅是此前相关研究的盘点和总结,而且推进了此研究向深度和广度的进一步发展。  相似文献   

卫刘华 《攀登》2003,22(1):22-24
确立“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”的基本治国方略,标志着中国共产党的执政方式由人治到法治的重大转变。以毛泽东为代表的第一代领导集体的基本治国思路是政策治国,倾向于人治。以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体强调治国方略的民主与法制化,摈弃人治,确立了走法治之路的基本方针,以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体最终确立了“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”的基本方略,这对于建设中国特色的社会主义具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

甘松是汉、藏药学中的一种药用植物和常用香料,具有浓郁的香气。作为以甘松为代表的芳香植物的产地,以甘松岭为中心,在今甘肃省迭部县、四川省松潘县及九寨沟县等地形成了大量的甘松类古地名,如甘松、甘松郡、甘松县、甘松防、芳州、恒香郡、恒香县、常芬县、常芳县、松州、甘松岭等,沿用至今的是松潘。这些地名有些以甘松植物命名,有些得名于甘松等植物的香气。本地土著族群很早即因其香气特征而命名这一地区,汉文文献中的甘松属、芳香属地名继承自羌藏族群的命名。甘松之"松"与藏文的bsung对音,表示香气,相关地名的释名揭示了本地源远流长的生态文化。山口瑞凤等认为古典藏文文献中提到的"松域"(sum yul)有时指这一地区,甘松地名的释名为此提供了佐证。  相似文献   

The context of this article is the surge in large‐scale land acquisitions of African lands by local and foreign investors for commercial food, livestock, oil palm and carbon trading purposes. Involuntary loss of rural lands at scale is not new to Africa's majority rural poor, nor is it driven by a single factor. Historically inequitable land relations within communities, compounded by a century of capitalist transformation, take their toll. This study argues, however, that the weak legal status of communal rights is the most pernicious enabler in their demise, allowing governments to take undue liberties with their citizens’ lands, and particularly those which are unfarmed and by tradition held in common. While international acquiescence to abusive domestic law helps entrench the diminishment of majority land rights, the domestic laws themselves are principally at fault and necessarily the target for change. This legal vulnerability is explored here through an examination of more than twenty African land laws.  相似文献   

马珺 《史学月刊》2008,14(3):39-45
清朝末年制定的<大清民律草案>被史学界称为<民律一草>.它第一次打破了诸法合体,民、刑不分的旧体例,是中国民法法典化的开端,为以后国民政府民法典的制定提供了借鉴依据.在其起草制定过程中,既引进了大量西方先进的法理原则与制度,也保留了不少中国固有的传统制度,充分表现出外来法与传统法的冲突.  相似文献   

Samples drawn from marriage registers in Birmingham and rural Norfolk, England, which report the occupational status for both the groom and his father, were matched with the 1851 and 1881 English censuses, which also contain occupational information. After performing several checks for selection bias, the author concludes: First, although most occupational mobility took place within 10 years of marriage—when the groom was roughly between the ages of 25 and 35—some continued after he turned 50. Second, approximately 35 percent of the men in each area eventually had an occupational status different from their fathers, and about 30 percent changed occupational status over their careers, belying the stereotype of impenetrable walls between classes in Victorian England. Third, upward occupational mobility seemed to slow in both regions as the period under consideration progressed. Fourth, although occupational mobility rates overall were comparable in these urban and rural areas, it was much easier for an individual to rise from an unskilled to a skilled status in Birmingham than it was in Norfolk. Fifth, and perhaps most surprising, literacy had a greater effect on social mobility in rural Norfolk than in urban Birmingham.  相似文献   

本主要讨论了《正字通》原本及古音注释问题。《正字通》原本为《字汇辨》,作张自烈而非廖英。这些事实可以从方以智与张自烈交往和相关献中得到证明。《正字通》在注音上类聚了大量的献中的古音,并纠正了《字汇》在这方面滥取叶音的错误。在古音观念上,张自烈反对叶音说,认为只有一字多音而无叶音。在清代古音学建立之初,其研究有可取的一面。  相似文献   

Recent survey (AES and ISSP) data and public opinion polls show an interesting dynamic at work in public opinion on environmental issues in Australia. Environmental concerns lose urgency, detach themselves from environmental groups, their established issue-carriers, and further bifurcate into distinct 'green' and 'brown' issue clusters. These shifts in patterns of concern accompany changes in forms of public expression and in the diffusion of concerns. However, public concerns about the environment in Australia do not simply wane, but become 'routinised', that is, increasingly differentiated, independent of green groups, and linked with conventional institutional issue carriers.  相似文献   

姚斌 《满族研究》2003,(2):60-64
董鄂部女真的历史是满族历史的组成部分,对研究满族史有重要作用。但字资料不多,这是被忽视的原因。利用这些简单的资料整理董鄂部女真的历史。说明宽甸、三江流域自古以来就是满族的住牧之处。  相似文献   

Alfred Marshall believed that, while the benefits of clusters resulted from cooperation between firms, competition was an important driving force. In contrast, contemporary theories of clusters place most emphasis on collective action. This article seeks to distinguish processes of competition and cooperation within clusters, through a critical reading of different theoretical approaches. This distinction has important implications for the scale and nature of public policy. An emphasis on competitive processes implies a more macro-economic role for public agencies in seeking to raise investment in innovation while the fostering of cooperation implies measures to support decentralized public-private research collaborations.  相似文献   

A collaborative research project entitled “Nested Dynamics of Metropolitan Processes and Policies” was initiated at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in 1982. The ultimate objective is to enhance our primitive understanding with respect to interacting metropolitan change processes which are operating at significantly different speeds. In this introductory paper, some aspects and results of the project are summarized prior to a short discussion of the three related papers which follow in this volume.  相似文献   

Audie Huber 《Archaeologies》2007,3(3):449-452
Audie was struck by how far many had come to attend the meeting at Stanford, making the time together all the more precious. He discusses the challenges of first, determining what WAC stands for by identifying core concepts and foundational principles, many of them embedded in existing WAC documents and, second, of where the organization should draw lines when faced with the contradictions that are a part of most ethical dilemmas. A Code of Ethics would not be expected to draw these lines, but to bring these conflicts and contradictions into sharper focus and provide a dialogue and forum for their discussion. One of the many things Audie contributed to the meeting was a discussion and definition of consultation with Indigenous peoples, based on his many years of experience. Another was helping us put our ideas in a visual form that enhanced our understanding.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study how globalization impacts on the structure and governance patterns of value chains and on the resilience of local clusters. We study the value chains related to two Basque (Spain) companies in the wind energy industry, Iberdrola and Gamesa, and the local cluster to which they belong. We find that firms within the cluster have different types of relationships with lead companies depending on their competences and the complexity of their products. As a consequence, firms also present different potential for growth and/or resilience: some have the capacity to internationalize their operations and/or shift to the offshore wind market, others are vulnerable to competition from providers in the emerging countries. Against this context, we discuss how the cluster responds to these challenges and the role of policy.  相似文献   

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