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20 0 2年 ,长葛市文物管理所征集到一块空心画像砖 ,它以平面剔地浮雕的技法 ,在砖的正背两面雕饰刻出孔雀、云龙、凤凰、武士及其他吉祥画面。这块汉代画像砖的发现 ,为研究汉代的文化艺术增添新内容  相似文献   

《近出殷周金文集录》是继《殷周金文集成》之后的又一部集成性的著作,该书把近年来散见于国内外的铜器铭文进行集中收录并分类编排,极大地便利了研究。但是该书在器物排列、定名、释文、附录方面存在一些问题,本文对此进行了讨论,并提出了不同看法。  相似文献   


The early Donjon at Langeais is among the best-known early medieval buildings in Europe, but has not been systematically studied; this paper is based on a stone-by-stone record and archaeological analysis of the standing building, and presents an interpretation of its structural and functional history. Three major structural phases have been identified. Most of what remains is original (Phase I); the ruin can be reconstructed as a main block of two floors with two tower-like attachments to the east side, probably linked by a gallery. A date of c. 1000 is proposed, but does not allow definite attribution to Fulk Nerra. Considerations of comfort and convenience were more important to the original design than security, although the building had some defensive capacity, and could have been incorporated in a walled circuit; it may have been an entire residence of a type ancestral to the mature multi-storeyed residential donjon, or have been included in an assemblage of low-level buildings, representing an alternative form of domestic planning. In the later 11th or early 12th century (Phase II), the annexes were reduced and the building deprived of any defensive character by the insertion of ground-floor doorways. The 15th century saw the demolition of the west wall, followed by consolidation of the remains, and other modifications (Phases IIIa, IIIb and IIIc). A combination of archaeological observation, recording, remote sensing and historical research shows that the fortified area extended at least to c.200 m west of the donjon in the 11th century, and contained a collegiate chapel.  相似文献   

本文通过对1981年中国考古工作者在吐鲁番柏孜克里克千佛洞遗址发现的一件回鹘文写本的解读,揭示其作为摩尼教史料的价值,藉此摩尼教在漠北回鹘汗国开教的早期过程、漠北与西域的关联等方面获得了新的线索。  相似文献   

米兰佛寺考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林立 《考古与文物》2003,3(3):47-55
一、发掘、调查与研究回顾 1906年,斯坦因于新疆塔里木盆地东南的偏远小镇——米兰发掘了几座佛教寺院,发现早期佛教壁画和文书,著名的如“有翼天使”等佛画,  相似文献   

引言 笔者从1980年代之后,一直从事介绍与研究新疆维吾尔自治区以及中原地区近几十年所发现的粟特文资料的工作.在其过程中,我曾解读了阿斯塔那出土的女奴隶买卖契约文书(公元639年)、柏孜克里克出土的摩尼教粟特文书札三件(11世纪初)、佛教粟特文断片、以及由粟特文字转写的摩尼教帕提亚文赞歌.此外,向学术界介绍了昭苏县石人上所刻的碑文、①库车地区库木吐拉、克孜尔石窟寺院墙壁上杂写的粟特文.2003年,西安史君墓里出土了一块双语墓志,在北京大学荣新江教授的帮助下,挖掘后不久,笔者有幸得到其照片,并能够解读其内容.不久前,笔者解读了吐鲁番盆地巴达木出土的盖有汉字官印的粟特文书札(662年)断片,发现该书札是有关突厥葛罗禄的报告书.此后中国学者指出,该文书与推测于同一地方发现的汉文文书在内容上有重  相似文献   

董华锋 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,4(4):143-152
本文对2005年国内吐鲁番学研究的论文和著作等学术成果加以概述,以展示这一年中国吐鲁番学研究的成果与水平。  相似文献   

本文对青天河峡谷新发现的北魏摩崖观世音的形象、造像背景及其与龙门石窟的关系等进行分析, 并涉及北魏时期的末法思想和刻经活动。此外对于造像题记中提到的“丹道”这一新材料发表了个人的看法。  相似文献   

A number of archaeologists are making significant advances in the historical archaeology of Southeast Asia. The papers presented in this issue, and the one that preceded it, provide new insights and exciting directions for future research.  相似文献   

石窟寺作为石质文物的典型代表,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值,但普遍面临着洞窟及岩体失稳、各种水患、雕刻表面污染以及石雕风化等问题。国家科技部和国家文物局立项的"石质文物保护关键技术研究"项目,以世界文化遗产山西大同云冈石窟为例,针对我国砂岩类石窟寺普遍存在的共性关键技术问题,进一步深入研究了砂岩类石窟病害的机理,研发了监测、检测技术手段和装备以及文物加固、保护材料和工艺,提升了云冈石窟乃至我国砂岩类石窟文物保护的整体水平,研究成果已推广运用于同类石窟寺的保护工作。  相似文献   

敦煌文献记载,敦煌地区寺院每年都举行盛大的行像活动."行像"亦称为"行城"和"巡城",乃指庄严佛像用宝车载之巡行城乡,以纪念悉达太子出家的一种佛事活动.就敦煌行像活动的研究,学者们已经取得了丰硕的成果.罗华庆先生在<9至11世纪敦煌的行像和浴佛活动>中对中土行像活动起源、历史演进及敦煌地区的行像活动做了考察,指出敦煌行像活动具有浓厚的政权色彩和世俗性.  相似文献   


Masculinity as an analytical concept has received limited attention in historical and cultural studies of Asia, and particularly of South and Southeast Asia. Only a small number of works produced in South and Southeast Asian studies address the historical construction and evolution of masculinities in the regions and even fewer offer in-depth inquiries into the extent to which historical forms of masculinity governed social relations. The specific dynamics of the relationship between ideologies and the ways that manhood is interpreted, experienced and performed in daily life in the past and in present times remain underexplored. This essay reviews three recent publications that demonstrate that masculinity has been crucial to ideologies and techniques of rule in colonial, national and globalised contexts and, as such, needs to be placed at the centre of analyses of empire, nation and globalisation. It directs attention to promising areas for future comparative research on masculinities in Asia.  相似文献   

蒨园是清代以圆明园为代表的三山五园中第一座直接写仿江南私家园林的园中之园,始建于乾隆第一次南巡后的1751-1753年间,原型为瓜洲周锦春园。本文借助国家图书馆藏《蒨园图》、王炳绘《蒨园八景图》册等图像资料,结合乾隆御制诗,论证了蒨园仿建锦春园的历史背景、蒨园八景的造景理念。蒨园的江南风致是乾隆南巡后出现的新的园林境界,山水、建筑被以一种更为精致、细腻的组合模式表现出来,其直接取用江南私家园林的主题类型化手法,此后成为皇家园林创作的主流。  相似文献   

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