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But you must also be aware of another distinct bias nearly all of the examples are from the United States, Canada, Britain and Sweden. Is it fair? Are the new ideas to be found almost exclusively in these four countries —what the French call les Anglo-Saxons. Is this where the explosion in modern geography started, and continues to gather its strength? Now I am probably going to make myself extremely unpopular around the world but I am going to answer Yes to those three questions with a bit of a caveat here and there—which is the Latin word for a loophole you can wriggle out of if you have to  相似文献   

Nik Heynen 《对极》2006,38(5):916-929
Hunger stole upon me so slowly at first. I was not aware of what hunger really meant [emphasis added]. Hunger had always been more or less at my elbow when I played, but now I began to wake up at night to find hunger, staring at me gauntly … this hunger baffled me, scared me, made me angry and insistent … I would grow dizzy and my vision would dim. I became less active in my play, and for the first time in my life I had to pause and think of what was happening to me. ( Wright 1977 )

This article looks at Horace's two Books of Satires, Books I-III of the Odes and the First Book of Epistles in the perspective of the following thesis. One of the most important themes of Horace's poetry is happiness, and measure and moderation are the means to bring about and secure a happy life. In the various poetry books this ethics of measure and moderation undergoes certain variations. The message of the Satires is that you are happy if you are content on the basis of moderation. The Odes of the first edition convey the idea that we are happy if we live in peace and friendliness, founded on the principle of moderation. The First Book of Letters is focussed on the central notion that I am happy if I am free and independent, and again, the precondition for that is moderation. The point of the article is thus, first, that it underscores an aspect of the unity of Horace's poetry: the search for happiness, and, second, that it offers an account of the diversifications of that unifying theme in the different genres of poetry and different phases of the poet's life.  相似文献   

I want to start by offering you two quotations. Both are from Harlan's famous dissent from Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, when the rest of the Justices held that it was constitutional to segregate people according to their race. The first quotation is famous; the second is not well-known—in fact, some of you may have never heard it before. Here is the first quotation:  相似文献   

"A Good Judge"     

This compilation of German research in history of science, technology, and medicine for the years 1997 to 2004 will continue the previous ones. Researchers of the institutions have given us these information, however, only up to ten indications were requested by the national committee of the IUHPS/DHS. More research results may be found on the homepages of the larger institutes and of most of the individual researchers. The list adheres to the alphabet of the authors names, no longer to that of the institutions. After this note you will find the survey of them. A new national data base is proceeding very slowly and completion might still last some time in a country where this kind of research is considered to be of regional importance only …! This compilation was again supported by the national German science foundation (DFG), which we appreciated very much. The compilation work was mainly done thanks to the efforts of Verena Witte MA, Bochum.  相似文献   

This article reflects on Hayden White's understanding of the subject and explores how best to move forward discussions in theory of history after his arguments about narrativity. To do so, I reconsider his arguments in light of more recent feminist and queer theorizations. Through a reconstruction of the current international new wave of feminism and LGBTQ+ activism as a rich and complex social movement that involves a narration of its own (practical) past, I will recontextualize and revaluate White's insight from the perspective of Judith Butler's theory of subject formation. The argument will unfold in four parts. First, I will recall White's ironic and existential stance on language and narrativity in the representation of reality and in relation to social beliefs. Second, I will again raise the question of the value of narrativity, as framed by White, in the context of the publication of a recent feminist manifesto. It is here that another issue will emerge as crucial: the relationship between the limits of linguistic self-consciousness and the question of the subject. In the third part, my argument will take a partial turn “against White” and toward Butler's subject formation theory. My claim will be that there is a residue of the belief in the sovereign individual in White's insistence on self-consciousness. However, I will also show that his suspicion regarding the psychological impulse toward narrative closure can be re-elaborated as the challenge Butler is facing with their theory of subject formation: that of critically resisting the belief in our being coherent and self-sufficient individuals. In the fourth part, I will present Butler's refiguration of the thesis of the subject's opacity in terms of the primary relationality that binds human beings to one another, and I will offer a new understanding of the individual, norms, agency, infancy, and ethics. Finally, I will conclude that we are bodies in history and that theory of history can find a promising line of research through this conception of the subject, a conception that reframes how we understand the intimate links between political consciousness, historicity, and embodiment. I also claim that this line of research constitutes an ethics for our historical undoing.  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss the 2016 Brazilian surf movie Um Filme de Surfe by Bruno Zanin and Leandro Dora, featuring surfers Yago Dora, Yuri Gonçalves and Lucas Silveira. This small group of Brazilian surfers and their camera crew travel on a chartered boat to an island in the Indian Ocean to catch an incoming swell, where they pretend to find an unknown surf paradise. While doing so, they orientalise the local Indonesian culture as an exotic, pre-modern ‘other’ who they, the ‘translocal’ modern surfers, encounter and teach about modernity. I will also examine how they perform a ‘bro’ masculinity that forms a ‘fratriarchy’ based on hijinks and pranks. In Um Filme de Surfe, the Brazilian surfers neglect to establish a dialogue with the local Indonesian islanders. They do not represent themselves as postcolonial subjects visiting a fellow culture from the global South; they are the cosmopolitan translocal surfers and the locals are mistaken for Polynesian islanders. I will then discuss how this film broadly reflects the challenge of representing non-white, non-Western surfers in the genre of surf films.  相似文献   

La arqueología ya se reconoce como una fuente crítica para desarrollar la herencia en áfrica. Sin embargo, la instrucción arqueóloga tiene escasos recursos monetarios. Esta presentación se?ala algunos de los retos y oportunidades para desarrollar arqueología pública en áfrica usando los ejemplos de Botswana y Sur áfrica.
Résumé L'archéologie est maintenant reconnue comme une source importante pour le développement du patrimoine en Afrique. Toutefois, l'enseignement de l'archéologie est extrêmement peu financée. En se servant d'exemples au Botswana et en Afrique du Sud, ce papier met en relief quelques uns des défis qui attendent l'archéologie publique en Afrique ainsi que les opportunités qu'elle aura de se développer.

You will not be able to stay home brother You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out The revolution will not be televised The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox In 4 parts without commercial interruptions The revolution will be no re-run brothers The revolution will be live (Gil Scott-Heron, http://gilscottheron.com)

This phrase is adapted from Gil Scott-Heron's poem “The Revolution Will Not be Televised” (http://gilscottheron.com) and I acknowledge its inspiration of my conviction of the importance of teaching African archaeology.

This article was prepared while I was a visiting Senior Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge. I thank my sponsors the Smuts Memorial Fund and Wolfson College for their support. I thank the reviewers of this article and acknowledge their contributions. The University of Botswana granted me leave to pursue my research.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):81-90

This article is principally intended to argue something that is counter-intuitive, namely that despite the socialist values of a number of radical liberal Christian and post-Christian writers the philosophical outlook and language of this phase of religious thought focuses upon some key ideas which find important parallels in Conservative philosophy. This is not in any way to imply that these ideas do not find parallels in other political philosophies, it is merely to highlight a set of relationships which appear to go unnoticed in debates on politics and theology. Subsequent to this principle argument I hope that it will become clear that there is more to the interaction between Conservative and Christian thought than the promotion of right-wing social authoritarianism—the raison d'être of most Conservative organizations and thinkers promoting ‘Christian’ values.  相似文献   


The theatrical production of Baroque Iberia exhibits an obsession with wildness that remains to be fully explored. By the time Segismundo takes the stage dressed in animal pelts in Calderón’s La vida es sueño, the wild figure had already enjoyed a long history on the Spanish stage, first appearing in Lope de Vega’s El nacimiento de Ursón y Valentín in 1588. Enduring popularity until Bances Candamo’s 1693 comedia, La piedra filosofal, this steady preoccupation with the concept of wildness offers unique insights on the evolving landscape of Baroque ideologies over time, which are rarely considered diachronically. Dramatic representations of wildness signify the transgression of a prescribed norm—be it social, political, racial, or otherwise—which leads to its necessary elimination to resolve the conflict of a given play. In this article, I will plot the trajectory of dramatic conventions in their diminishing ability to resolve the recurring problem of wildness, thus offering a literary history of the comedia’s social efficacy as it struggled to sustain the weight of its own ideological commitments. Furthermore, I will examine the implications of my approach on longstanding debates on the ideological function of Baroque Iberian drama by analyzing the theoretical problem inherent in the existence of the marginal terrain wildness inhabits. My approach considers who stands to benefit from social order and those who, like the wild figure, find themselves excluded. At a time of renewed energy for exclusionary ideologies, aspirations of encompassing the marginalized are as important today as they were in 1588.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between religion, secularisation and nationalism in Quebec and the Basque Country using a comparative approach. I will first outline the ethnic‐religious origin of these nationalist movements. Second, I will examine the extent to which the ‘new’ secular and violent nationalism (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna and Front de Libération du Québec) that emerged in the 1960s was fuelled in its origin by a transfer of sacrality. Third, I will address an aspect that has led some theorists to view religion and nationalism as analogous phenomena, in which nationalism is construed as a religion of blood sacrifice. Fourth, I will examine another aspect that leads to this view of religion and nationalism as analogous phenomena, as the latter also provides a framework of transcendent meaning through an imaginary of continuity between the different generations. The article concludes with a series of general considerations on the relations between nationalism, secularisation and religion.  相似文献   

Men's history—masculine history, if you will—begins when we redefine our usual notion of historical significance and when we shift our usual frame of reference. Once we have made these two conceptual adjustments, we uncover some secrets hidden in the familiar landscape of the past. More often—and ultimately more important—as we shift our angle of vision, we recognise new meanings in the evidence that lay in front of our eyes all along.1 A man would never set out to write a book on the peculiar situation of the human male. But if I wish to define myself I must first of all say: ‘I am a woman’; a man never begins by presenting himself as an individual of a certain sex, it goes without saying that he is a man.2  相似文献   

Low rates of internal migration in many European countries contribute to the persistence of significant regional labor market differences. I use the Mikrozensus, a large annual sample of households living in Germany, to further our understanding of the underlying reasons. This paper makes two main contributions: first, the paper quantifies the disutility of migrating. To this end, I estimate conditional logit models of the migration decision across the German federal states. Second, I then focus on the differences between immigrants and natives. I find significantly higher responsiveness to labor market differentials in the immigrant population than in the native population. Unobserved moving costs for immigrants are estimated to be only about 31 percent of this same cost for natives. The findings bear on the assessment of the economic impact of immigration, and the paper contributes to the current immigration‐related policy debates that feature prominently in many European countries, and that likely will continue to be important in light of the ongoing EU expansion and the resulting east–west migration.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between changes in interest group resources and the proposal and adoption of state policy? Using a dataset of proposed and enacted teacher policies across five legislative cycles in all 50 states and measures of interest group relative and absolute resource strength, I estimate a series of within-state fixed effects models that gain identification from changes in interest group resources and teacher policy over time. I find that legislatures propose more unfavorable and fewer favorable policies toward teachers' unions in states where teachers' union opposition interest groups are expending more election (but not lobbying) resources over time. Further, I find that more unfavorable and fewer favorable policies are adopted in states where teachers' union opposition groups are growing in election resource strength. Expanding on prior empirical work, this study suggests that interest group resources matter for policy change and highlights the importance of capturing interest group resource dynamics over time.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(1):73-81

About a year ago, an argument broke out during a good dinner at Cape Town. We were all part of WAC4, the meeting of the World Archaeological Congress, and one night some of us gathered in a fish restaurant on the waterfront as guests of the publisher Edward Milford.

It was one of those dinners where you can move around and sample new company as you wait for the next course. So I did not hear this particular argument begin, and tuned in only when it was well underway. There were two main contestants, though others occasionally chipped in. One was Professor Susan Keech McIntosh, from Rice University in Texas: her main work as a field archaeologist has been in Mali, with its shocking history of cultural plundering by Westerners. Her opponent was Professor Aron Mazel from Cape Town, director of the South African Cultural History Museum.

Susan McIntosh was proposing that a creature known as the Good Collector should, could and did exist, and that archaeologists should take the species seriously. Aron Mazel remained steadily sceptical. Their debate, conducted amicably, none the less went to the heart of the problem which inflames everyone concerned with public archaeology: the trade in illicit or unprovenanced antiquities, and the scientific and ethical minefields which surround it. This, it seemed to me, was exactly the sort of controversy which Public Archaeology was designed to pick up and run with.

I asked Susan McIntosh to make her point in more detail, and invited others to comment on her thesis.  相似文献   

北江是珠江的三大支流之一, 对广东省有着重要的意义。黄宗羲《今水经》以“浈水”的名义, 对其加以记载, 但其中错误甚多。本文试图通过考证的方式, 对北江的源头、支流、入海情况一一辨正之, 试图把一个完整的北江水系呈现在读者面前, 为进一步进行对北江的历史地理研究做基础性的工作。  相似文献   

When you're young it's easy to streak appeals across the sky like rockets. But as you get older you feel increasingly esponsible for those traveling the road your rocket lights. What if you've led them wrong? You grow wary of making reckless appeals, and a sense of responsibility must be tempered above all with analysis and reflection. Relentless analysis alone, not childish shouting, embodies the true appeals.1  相似文献   

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