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陈才训 《民俗研究》2002,(4):184-187
椒,即花椒,是自然界中一种极为普通的植物。然而,由于其种籽天然的生理结构特点和众多的实用价值,使它在历史发展过程中被赋予丰富的文化内涵。椒房之称便集中地体现了椒所包含的文化意蕴。  相似文献   

H. L. Jones 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):118-130
Reconsideration of three published reports about the ruined church at Stone-by-Faversham is shown to lead to some new interpretations of its structure and history 1 especially when account is taken of evidence hitherto left latent in the building and of evidence as yet unpublished from an investigation in 1926. Moreover a new weapon for interpretation of the sequence of the several phases of the building has been developed by study of the extent to which material .from the earliest phase has been used in the fabric of later phases; and reasons are given for re-interpreting as nave-altars the masses of masonry which have in the past been regarded as part of a very confosing east wall of the first stone nave. Plans and .floor-levels are shown for the four principal phases of development 1 and we make a suggestion for a small change in the way the monument is displayed 1 in order to make its history more easily understood and also to protect its most ancient parts .from unnecessary risks. The substance of this paper was delivered to the Institute at its meeting on 11 February 1981.  相似文献   

耶律羽之墓志铭考证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对契丹国太傅耶律羽之墓志铭进行了全面的考释。探讨了其先辈所历官职、契丹东丹国官制、东丹国迁都时间及其夫人重衮的谱系等问题,从而纠正了文献中的某些阙误。  相似文献   

乌丙安 《民俗研究》2002,(3):164-167
《民间俗信与科学文化》这本书,一看题目就觉得新鲜,而且难度很大,如何认识许多人不敢贴近的这个问题,到公开直面这个问题,是需要很大的学术胆量的。中国民俗学自五四运动产生以来,《民间俗信与科学文化》这本书是第一本敢于将民间俗信与科学文化并列在一起的一本书。  相似文献   

敦煌献自问世以来,就不断有学人对其进行分类录校,其中台湾王三庆先生《敦煌类书》则对类书进行了全面的汇集录校,本则对其中的《励忠节钞》一校注中脱漏或待考的40余条进行校补。  相似文献   

W. S. W. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):134-138
Excavations just inside the main West gate of the town, a plantation of probably the later twelfth century, confirm that parts of the town that were intensively occupied in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries were abandoned as the settlement shrank and diminished in status from the later fifteenth century onwards. The earliest buildings, founded on earth-fast posts appear to have been replaced by ones of sill-beam construction during possibly the later thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. One structure was converted into an ironworking smithy in the fourteenth or fifteenth century, to which a corn-drying kiln was attached. Charred remains of cultivated plants are dominated by oats, most of which probably represents crop processing activity.  相似文献   

The present article examines the chronology of the various types of halberd in Europe with particular attention to those from the Iberian Peninsula. An older substrate of halberds is identified which originates in Ireland and Great Britain. From there the design of the Breaghwy type was distributed to the Continent, where the idea and the design were soon imitated in the form of the Rouans, Carrapatas and Variant 6 Continental types. The success of the idea of the halberd is explained by its high prestige character.  相似文献   


沈阳市南郊的白塔堡白塔,在1905年日俄战争中被毁,久 已不存,因此不知其年代。近日有文章考其为明塔,并又说当地正在复建。因此事有关沈阳 的历史文化问题,故笔者根据往年对这座被毁白塔的考古调查,并结合有关文献记载,考证 其为辽代所建,应是一座很高大精美的辽塔,而非明塔。  相似文献   

王窈姿 《民俗研究》2007,(4):137-161
一、前言楚帛书出土于湖南长沙东郊的木椁墓中(1942年),内容依主旨分为三篇,其中,雹戏的神话记载于《四时》篇1,描述其创世背景与功绩,内容包涵了当时对于宇宙形成的想象与观念。万物的生成和雹戏疏通山陵之作为有密切关系,根据学者的考证,雹戏所施之二气为熏(炅)气与百(仓)气,即热气及寒气相对之气2。此  相似文献   

This paper expands upon a GA 50th Anniversary panel presentation made at the 2018 New Orleans American Association of Geographers meeting. It notes that retrospectives for this topic already exist, both in terms of the journal and the sub‐discipline. This paper presents discussion about the following selected prominent transitional themes bridging the past and the future of geographical analysis: space–time data; geographic uncertainty and error; and, dimensional reduction spatial statistical modeling. It also presents discussion about the following three themes that are expected to receive considerable future attention: negative spatial autocorrelation; synergies between spatial statistics and spatial optimization; and, big spatial data. The first two of these topics essentially have been ignored in the literature to date.  相似文献   

翟华丽 《民俗研究》2005,(2):245-249
曾在《历史知识》1981年第六期拜读过方诗铭先生的一篇文章,名为《顾颉刚先生与(文史杂志)》。文章陈述了《文史杂志》办刊的艰辛,并且不无遗憾地告知《文史杂志》六卷由于“十年浩劫,保存下来仅是第六卷第三期一册了。这一册可能是海内孤本”,可见《文史杂志》六卷之稀有珍贵。  相似文献   

汉语、汉字与汉文化联系十分紧密,极为广泛,汉字不仅反映了先民的礼仪、制度、风俗、艺术,而且通过汉字记录的汉语词汇折射出汉民族灿烂的历史文化。  相似文献   

眼睛的神话--从彝族的一目神话、直目神话谈起   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一 彝族、纳西等族的一目或独目神话 西南少数民族的神话中常出现一个主题:最初的人类在体质上与今天的人类有明显的差异,相传那些先人在洪水前后逐渐淘汰、繁衍与现代人无异,成为我们的祖先;这个主题在彝语支等藏缅语族诸民族中最为明显。  相似文献   

刘秀 《丝绸之路》2010,(22):120-121
本文结合笔者教学实践,主要分析了当前中小学汉字教学的现状、存在的问题,并有针对性地从教师和教学方法两个层面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

试论中国文字的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯时 《四川文物》2008,(3):46-49
中国文字的起源具有多源特点,不仅要关注汉字的起源问题,也要关注黄河、长江流域古代先民所使用的非汉字系统文字的起源问题,这样有助于对中国早期文字的发展状况获得新的认识,进而建立起与己知的甲骨文体系或异或同的有关文字起源的研判标准,并寻找出正确的研究方法.  相似文献   

日本是原本没有文字而至今还根深蒂固地借用别国文字的少数国家。汉语对日语的影响有几千年的历史,其最主要的特点是对汉字和汉语词汇的借用。日本人可谓是学习汉语的最优等生,借用汉字的同时不断地把它融入自己的语言之中,假借汉语给与日语的读音,有时还给它增添新意,使之成为日语中不可缺少的重要部分。本文以实例对日文借用汉语的历史演变过程和特点进行了综述和分析,进一步对这种现象的发展进行了理论性的推测。通过这种研究可以揭示日语形成过程中的文化性特点。  相似文献   

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