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文献材料中,"闪电"这一词义,上古汉语用"电"、"列缺"表示,汉朝开始用"闪"表示。汉语双音化致使隋代时出现了"闪电"这个双音词,并一直使用至今。本文通过分析"闪电"的词义演变过程,考证了"闪电"词义演变的时间、原因。  相似文献   

程宜 《收藏家》2012,(9):61-66
佛山木版年画是华南地区著名的民间木版年画,因在广东佛山镇生产而得名。明清时佛山曾是全国年画生产和批量销售中心之一,特别在清代乾隆、嘉靖年间至抗日战争前,发展最为鼎盛。  相似文献   

姜夔师事单丙文考辨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周密在《齐东野语》卷十二《姜尧章自叙》后补充了一条姜夔与单炜交游的材料,由于他对原材料审核不精,沿袭了前人的一些错误,把两个"单丙文"混为一谈。我们依据南宋人所作的行状、序跋、字帖等第一手材料,发微显幽,还原了姜夔与两个"单丙文"交游的真相。  相似文献   

张彩萍 《丝绸之路》2009,(16):84-85
在麦积山石窟的洞窟形制中,有一部分是仿照北朝时期的木结构建筑开凿和修建的,是对当时建筑形式的一个直接反映,对了解北朝建筑史有重要价值。另外,在洞窟壁画中也有单体建筑和建筑群的反映,如城池、民居等,都是非常珍贵的研究资料。本文分门别类地对这些建筑以及其与世俗建筑之间的基本关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

浙江籍海外新移民研究初论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
浙江在最近 2 0年出现了空前的移民海外高潮 ,其新移民数量已位居全国各省市前茅 ,其源流、成因、结构等方面表现了独有的特点 ,并对海外华人的分布结构和浙江侨乡的发展产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

As the most visible element of the marketing communications mix, advertising has had its critics and, given the choice, developed countries usually select a self-regulatory approach to deal with unacceptable or irresponsible advertising. This article reviews the literature in this area and incorporates thoughtful contributions from research conducted with New Zealand's Advertising Standards Authority. This approach helps bridge the gap between theory and practice and assists advertising practitioners and regulators concerned with advertising control to eliminate undesirable features of such systems in the future. Findings indicate that practice differs from theory in the areas of complaint acceptance procedures and code enforcement. A challenge for future research lies in addressing these two key components of the model in more detail and less breadth.  相似文献   

大足石刻造像数量众多,内容丰富,遐迩闻名,尤其是“宝顶山”,堪称我国名石窟胜地。本对此作了介绍和考述,认为“宝顶”就是“金刚顶”之意。  相似文献   

今年四月九日,小泉首相在东京曾举办过一场盛大的赏樱会,出席者近九千余人之众,除了政府官员、海内外新闻媒体外,还有各国驻日本的外交使节等。当时,患有严重花粉过敏症的小泉用手绢捂住鼻孔,在樱花丛中显现出痛苦的表情,表示“今天要忘记让人心烦的政治”。这位首相确实面临不少让他心烦意乱的事,比如,包括中国、韩国在内的亚洲国家和地区不断出现所谓“反日示威”的群众运动,这些自发的群众运动抗议日本右翼势力篡改历史教科书,抗议小泉接二连三地参拜供奉甲级战犯的靖国神社。在日本国内,由加藤周一、大江健三郎、井上厦等九位贤达发起的日本“九条会”则抗议日本政府以及右翼势力试图篡改和平宪法第九条,以在日本全面复活超国家主义乃至军国主义,等等。  相似文献   

Searching, gathering, organizing, and retrieving data are basic tasks for historians. As long as historians work by themselves, decisions concerning data format, data exchange, computer platform, and the like remain secondary. Teams of historians often use relational databases for centralized data storage. However, fundamental risks are implicit when one uses databases. Among technical considerations, the process of transformation between the source and the database is a deciding factor. For those who gather data, the effective use of such possibilities as data exchange, compatibility, and simplicity of survey and the reuse of the data in other contexts and platforms becomes increasingly important. In contrast, the user's needs include the possibility of data verification and use of the data for more than one question. Many relational databases have considerable shortcomings because the stored data lose the visual characteristics, the syntax, and the semantics of the original source. The EuroClimHist database environment is a part of the NCCR Climate project. It uses a data tool, written in Java for the gathering of documentary data, which generates extensible markup language (XML) files for data exchange.  相似文献   

《述善集》是西夏后裔唐兀崇喜编的一部集,其内容主要记述西夏遗民唐兀氏迁居濮阳前后的事绩。书后附有《伯颜宗道传》。《述善集》保存了西夏一支遗民的完整历史;它是民族融合的典型;它保存众多名人资料;尤其《伯颜宗道传》更具学术价值。当然,《述善集》中存有浓厚的封建糟粕,必须批判和扬弃。  相似文献   

我国历史上有一个很好的传统,就是由朝廷或地方官府出面组织编修地方志。现在校点的这部《陕西通志》,是明嘉靖二十一年(1542),由时任陕西巡抚赵廷瑞主修、陕西三原籍著名学者马理等人编纂的一部省级地方志书,共40卷。不过,当时的陕西是一个很大的行政区划概念,  相似文献   

A case of disability in the Metal Period of the Philippines, likely requiring healthcare from others, is presented to explore aspects of group dynamics in this period of antiquity. B243, a middle‐aged man excavated from the Napa site in the central Philippines, suffered severe trauma to the right leg resulting in considerable restrictions to mobility and self‐maintenance of survival‐related behaviours such as food provision and hygiene. It is likely that B243 required assistance from others to survive for some period of time prior to eventual death. The bioarchaeology of care method was applied to assess the types of healthcare that B243 likely required and to consider potential social and biological impacts to both B243 and his community. Provision of healthcare practice in this case suggests that B243's community had access to health‐related resources, knowledge on the treatment of his injuries and underlying values in the group for sustaining human life in the case of injury and disability. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈涴 《史学集刊》2002,(2):41-46
南汉山城之战是中韩(朝)关系史上一次大的战役,如何正确认识和评价这次战役,于研究中韩(朝)关系史、清史、边疆史等关系甚大。从性质上看,这次战役是朝鲜抵御邻国边疆少数民族入侵的反侵略战争,不过,特别应当明确,交战的朝、清双方的矛盾以至引发战争之焦点是朝、明关系,清要求朝鲜背明而臣属自己,朝鲜则坚持与明友好而不承认清,当时明廷作为中央政权无疑是中国国家的代表.所以,这次战役从国家角度而论,不是中、朝两国之间的侵略与反侵略战争.而正是两国为维护长期友好的国际关系所进行的正义战争.这次大战的结果使对敌的明、清双方力量的对比发生了变化,使原来朝、明联合抗清的格局改变成了朝、清联合对明的格局,从而对中国内战战略形势的改变产生了影响.  相似文献   

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