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This essay surveys responses to Macpherson’s Ossian in Irish literature, alongside analysis of the development of literary Celticism. Despite being a key text behind the development of Celticism in Irish writing, Ossian is consciously rejected in Irish Romanticism and in the Celtic Revival. However, Ossian becomes a symbol of literary recycling and mental fragmentation in Irish Modernism. Texts studied in this essay include Owenson’s The Wild Irish Girl, Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, and Beckett’s Murphy.  相似文献   

古钱币系列是中国历史经济现象的载体,亦是承载时代进程的脉络与脚印。其见证了不同时期因政权更替的兴盛与衰败。在华夏古代文学宝库里,有关货币的诗话占有独特的重要地位。  相似文献   

Imaginings and uses of place in Northern Ireland are characterised frequently by sectarianism, leading to the strict territorialisation of space along cultural, political and religious dividing lines. It is argued that such geographies underpin the six counties' ongoing intercommunal conflict. Extrapolating from the work of feminist economic geographers J. K. Gibson-Graham, this paper suggests that in order to fracture the monolith of spatial sectarianism, attention must be paid to imaginings and uses of place which sidestep or move beyond the tendency to exclude. Here I examine poetry by Michael Longley and Sinéad Morrissey for its alternative envisaging of place, and argue that these particular instances of opening out a spatial imaginary are of import both in a Northern Irish context, and further afield.  相似文献   

A unique red calcite generation, which fills fractures/cavities, is hosted by Mesozoic carbonates in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. Solid inclusions are located along growth zones of calcite. Hematite, the most abundant solid inclusion, gives the red colour of it. Outcrop‐scale geometry, mineralogical features and detrital mineral assemblage (hematite, gibbsite, goethite, kaolinite, smectite, illite, Cr‐spinel, monazite, xenotime, zircon, apatite and Ti‐oxide) of calcite precipitates suggest strong correlation between the calcite and nearby karst bauxite deposits. Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry (< 50°C; salinity from 0 to 0.17 NaCl eq. w%) of primary fluid inclusions, and the stable isotope trend of the calcite, following the meteoric water line, clearly indicate vadose and phreatic meteoric origin in a near‐surface karst system. The late Cretaceous to mid‐Eocene unconformity‐related cavity‐filling deposits occur close to the surface; indicating that the most recent Quaternary exhumation re‐exposed those surfaces that existed at the time of calcite mineralization. Thus, red calcite precipitates are interpreted as being speleothems, vestiges of the subterranean part of the pre‐Middle Eocene karst. The infiltrated, fine bauxite particles enclosed by the calcite are the witnesses of the once areally extensive pre‐Middle Eocene bauxitic blanket that became partially eroded by the time of the deposition of the cover beds. Red calcite when found in core samples may provide good evidence on bauxite formation associated with the overlying unconformity, even if it was later removed by erosion. Therefore, presence or absence of red calcite may be used as distinguishing criteria between karst episodes with or without bauxite formation.  相似文献   


This article examines the art writing of the poet, critic, and curator John Hewitt in mid-twentieth century Ireland and Northern Ireland. Hewitt’s promotion of modern art and artist collectives in Ulster through shifting definitions of internationalism and regionalism will be linked to the art writing of Herbert Read and the late poetry of W.B. Yeats. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to Hewitt’s poetry and art writing reveals the sustained imbrication of politics, poetry and the visual arts in his thinking. Hewitt’s ottava rima poem in response to Yeats, “The Municipal Gallery Revisited, October 1954”, will be reassessed with recourse to the context of the Municipal Gallery in Dublin and its mid-century sculpture collections. By identifying artworks within the Municipal Gallery poem, the article illustrates Hewitt’s broader dialogues with the late Yeats and the art scene in Ireland.  相似文献   

This article examines Heaney's preoccupation in District and Circle (2006) with international political events during this ‘new age of anxiety’, and how he initially approaches these circuitously through a return to originary, boyhood experiences. Such momentous acts as the attacks of 9/ll, the ‘War on Terror’ and the London bombings are filtered through, juxtaposed with and illuminated by episodes both from the ancient past and Heaney's family history. In attendance, as always, throughout the latest volume is the poet's diverse literary ancestry, a reminder of how his work exemplifies core claims made in ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’ (1919), where Eliot argues that ‘what makes the writer most acutely conscious of his own place in time’ is ‘the historical sense’, ‘a feeling for the whole of literature’ from Homer onwards. Thus, alongside its detailed address to politics and such crucial literary matters as structure, form and metaphor, the essay repeatedly returns to the intertextual ‘presences’ which haunt and animate Heaney's continuing creative project.  相似文献   


No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists. You cannot value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead. (T.S. Eliot)  相似文献   

宋人乐语和致语中的附诗被称为“口号”,它是宋人诗歌创作中的重要组成部分。《全宋诗》作为一部宋代诗歌全集,收入了大量宋人乐语和致语中的口号,然亦有疏漏之处。本文从宋人别集中辑录了59首口号,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。  相似文献   

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