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This article inquires into the difference between philosophy as a universal practice and philosophy as a cultural product; its aim is to establish a case for there being Canadian philosophy. Philosophy as a practice can exhibit a dialectical framework. The practice can pursue both universal truths and cultural variations in expressions of those truths. Each philosophical endeavor requires the other to be meaningful. No matter how abstract a “truth” may be, an example always creates cultural relevance. The article introduces the example of an early Canadian philosopher, whose work is documented in the book by Leslie Armour and Elizabeth Trott, The Faces of Reason: An Essay on Philosophy and Culture in English Canada, 1850-1950. John Watson (1847–1939) was the most prolific and well-known contributor to philosophy in early Canada, pursuing universal questions and yet responding to the circumstances of his new home in developing Canada and, in doing so, contributing to Canadian cultural interpretations of philosophical questions. This article uses his example to conclude that the study of philosophy in Canada must include Canadian philosophy.  相似文献   

Since 1998, I have undertaken fieldwork with the Indigenous peoples of the Argentine Chaco, focusing initially on their dances and embodied practices. After this ethnographic research, I began to think more deeply about the relationships between fieldwork and reflexivity and the possibilities of redefining analytical categories in the global South. The purpose of this article is to revisit my emphasis on a ‘dialectical approach to embodiment’ as a starting point for analysing cultural transformation in Latin America. I argue that this methodological approach has been closely linked to the interweaving of conflicting embodied experiences and peripheral geopolitical locations. In this regard I analyse how the contradictory experiences identified in my fieldwork with the Toba people, and also in my intersubjective and geopolitical positions as a Latin American academic woman, led me to a critical re-examination of dialectics. Further, I describe how this methodological approach, while well received among Latin American scholars has to some degree been resisted by (North) American and British scholars, and I explore the geopolitical implications of these disparate academic positions. Through these critical movements, I hope to contribute to rethinking dialectics in postcolonial contexts, adding some embodied voices from the Latin American South.  相似文献   

李成保 《攀登》2011,(6):36-40
恩格斯的晚年书信,阐释和发展了马克思主义关于经济基础与上层建筑的关系原理,重新强调了二者在社会发展中的作用,特别是上层建筑的相对独立性及其对经济基础的巨大反作用,而且驳斥了"经济决定论"的观点,并进而提出历史合力论。这些思想为我们正在进行的经济体制改革和政治体制改革提供了重大的理论依据和有力的现实指导。  相似文献   

邓小平社会主义本质论的十大辩证内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张国宏 《攀登》2001,20(3):13-16
邓小平的社会主义本质论具有鲜明的辩证特性。本从生产力和生产关系及经济基础和上层建筑的辩证统一、解放生产力与发展生产力的辩证统一、目的与手段的辩证统一、共性与个性的辩证统一、效率与公平的辩证统一、理想与现实的辩证统一、既定性与过程性的辩证统一、物质明与精神明的辩证统一、真理原则与价值原则的辩证统一、普遍原理与具体实践的辩证统一等十个方面全面探究了社会主义本质论的辩证内涵。这对于全面而科学地把握社会主义本质论的精神实质具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目前,方志理论的研究出现百家争鸣局面。文章择其资料性与著述性,继承传统与体裁创新,述而不作与述而有作,改革开放集中记述与分散记述,生不立传与人物简介,特载、专记设与不设,突出地方特色升格与不升格,第二轮志书是否复载前志内容等相互对立的理论观点,分析形成发展过程、二者关系、争鸣视角。  相似文献   

Camila Bassi 《对极》2006,38(2):213-235
In this paper I aim to contribute to work addressing the relationship between dissident sexuality and gay political economy by providing a reconfigured Marxist exploration into the ambivalence of commercial gay space. Through the application of a central theme from Marx's Grundrisse—the civilising influence of capital—I propose a means to move beyond an Althusserian view of commercial gay space as a contained ideological incorporation of capitalist hegemony, to that of a capitalist embodiment of constraints and radical possibilities. Focusing on the commercial gay scene of the UK's second largest city, Birmingham, and the survival of a monthly British Asian gay club night therein, I explore the dialectical waves of capitalism. These waves drive conditions which both differentiate identity‐based production/consumption to the assimilative relations of exchange value, and accommodate moments of cultural creativity that feed off this continual differentiation and escape its economic relations in the formation of radically new use‐values.  相似文献   

通过阅读《红楼梦》,我们可以清楚地感受到曹雪芹作为一个杰出的现实主义作家。并不是从自己主观的爱憎好恶出发,进行“非爱即憎,非憎即爱”的简单化概括,从而把人物划分为正面人物与反面人物,而是对人物塑造有着客观性的执著追求,常常不得不违背自己的阶级同情、个人偏爱和主观意愿,遵循当时真实生活发展的必然规律,写出人物自己的“离合悲欢,兴衰际遇”的命运。所以,其笔下的人物很难以纯粹的美或丑的概念来界定,亦难分出纯粹的好人或恶人。在人物塑造上,往往体现出美丑结合、化腐朽为神奇的高超艺术辩证法。  相似文献   

对石达开出走天京责任问题的辩证思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐修宜 《安徽史学》2002,(3):33-35,38
1857年6月,石达开率部出走天京,给太平天国以巨大损失,成为太平天国命运的又一转折。本文针对学术界把出走责任强加给石达开之说,提出质疑。认为,对出走事件的责任研究,不仅要排除“唯君独尊”传统观念的干扰,还要区别开石达开出走与出走责任两者之间的关系。同时,还必须找出出走事件中的主要矛盾方面和次要矛盾方面。据此,石达开出走的责任不应由石达开负,而应由洪秀全负。  相似文献   

In the wake of ecological crises, there has been a resurgence of interest in the relation between dialectical thought and nature. The work of Herbert Marcuse and Murray Bookchin offers unique approaches to this question that remain highly relevant. In the first half of the article, we engage with Marcuse's application of the dialectical method in which he gestured to the “vital need” to push beyond the appearance of “the real” and yet lamented the loss of the ability for negative thinking to pierce the dominance of the “technical apparatus” that tied humanity to this “radical falsity”. Here, we suggest the need for a more holistic dialectical understanding of the social totality—one that is directly located within, and takes as foundational, the environmental conditions of human society. In the second half, we examine Murray Bookchin's conception of “dialectical naturalism” as a more thorough engagement with the human/nature relation that surpasses Marcuse's late engagements with ecologism. In particular, we offer critical reflections on the concept of “nature” in the contemporary ecology movement and illustrate how dialectical naturalism is capable of not only transcending dualistic conceptions of “man/nature” but in expanding our awareness of the potentialities of history along what Bookchin terms the “libertory pathways” to a restorative relation between human “second nature” and biological “first nature”. We posit that systemic, interconnected and accelerating ecological crises (climatic, biospheric and oceanic) form the objective and absolute contradiction of contemporary global social life that compels an awareness of the potentialities of an ecological society. Only through this awareness can we break through the reified “solutions” that have often plagued the ecology movement, bringing about the urgent social and ecological transformation that our species requires for its liberation and long‐term survival.  相似文献   

社会主义建设在中国是一项前无古人的开创性事业,毛泽东在探索符合中国国情的社会主义建设道路的过程中,逐步形成了运用“两点论”和“重点论”相统一的原理处理社会主义经济建设中诸如解放生产力、发展生产力与保护生产力的关系,东部、中部与西部之间的关系,平衡与不平衡的关系,速度与比例的关系,积累与消费的关系,中央和地方两个积极性的关系,消灭资本主义与发展资本主义的关系,国家、集体和个人三者利益之间的关系,必须给人民以看得见的物质福利与思想政治工作的关系,以自力更生为主与学习外国的关系等方面的思想。这些思想中内含的立场、观点和方法至今还具有重要的理论和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议,于2021年11月8-11日在北京举行。全会审议通过的《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》是中共百年历史上的第三个历史决议,同党的前两个历史决议既一脉相承又与时俱进,具有内在的辩证关系。从总体上把握我们党百年历程中制定的这三个历史决议及相关重要文献。  相似文献   

乾隆十三年(1748年),乾隆因“粮政”政策受挫而要求建立义仓系统,试图利用义仓之名再次推动乡里民间积储体系建设。这种由依靠官仓向民仓转变的行为,是乾隆统治政策整体收敛并由“养民”向“教民”转变的一种体现。畿辅义仓体系很好实现了赈济和管制的完美结合,直隶的稳定成为头等重要的事。在全国废除留养资送制度的大背景下,唯有通过留养局体系,才能最大可能减少流民对京师的压力。留养局系统的设立是乾隆对现实的一种无奈妥协和让步。留养局的空间分布特征受交通、自然环境因素的影响。在乾隆十三年统治政策转变这一历史大背景下来看,直隶义仓、留养局系统的建立中,灾害、环境与慈善这三方面的因素以相反相成的形式交织在一起。  相似文献   

我国的改革是从农村实行家庭承包经营制度大面积铺开的。30年来,党和政府十分重视农业、农村和农民问题,先后出台了一系列政策、措施。中共中央国务院《关于2009年促进农业稳定发展农民持续增收的若干意见》于2009年1月发出,这是改革开放以来关于"三农"工作的第11个"一号文件"。抚今追昔,回顾前面10个中央"一号文件",对于认识农村改革与发展的历程,加强农村制度建设、发展现代农业、发展农村公共事业,在新形势下推进农村改革发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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