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This article weaves together analyses of three recent books which, despite their being compiled primarily by scholars outside of the discipline of anthropology, make theoretical and methodological contributions useful to the anthropology of festivals and ritual, both religious and secular. These works demonstrate that spectacle has been ritualized into festive practices of modernity and identity in multiple places, times, and cultural contexts. Greater attention to how this works from a general anthropological perspective is needed.  相似文献   

Green, Edward C., ed. Practicing Development Anthropology. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1986. xi + 283 pp. including tables, figures, and acknowledgements. $26.50 paper.

Banerjee, Diptendra, ed. Marxian Theory and the Third World. New Delhi/Beverly Hills/London: Sage Publications, 1985. 325 pp. including chapter references and list of contributors. No price.  相似文献   

Unlike other scientific fields, anthropology popularizations are as likely as not to be written by scientists who are not themselves experts in the subject. This is because the subject, the scientific knowledge of our origin and patterns of bio-cultural diversity—or more broadly, who we are and where we come from—is the source of our culturally authoritative origin myths, and consequently of broad general interest in and of itself. But anthropology popularizations come with the responsibility not only to get the facts and theory correct, but as well to understand the history and embedded politics in the stories themselves.  相似文献   

Corine Hutt. Males and Females. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1972. 158 pp. Figures, references and index. $2.45.

John Money and Anke Ehrhardt. Man & Woman, Boy & Girl. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. xiv + 311 pp. Illustrations, figures, bibliography, glossary, and index. $3.50.

Ann Oakley. Sex, Gender and Society. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. 223pp. Illustrations, figures and references. $2.95.  相似文献   

David M. Engel. Code and Custom in a Thai Provincial Court: the Interaction of Formal and Informal Systems of Justice. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, The Association for Asian Studies, 1978. 230 pp.  相似文献   

Thurston, Anne F., and Burton Pasternak, eds. The Social Sciences and Fieldwork in China: Views from the Field. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1983. xv + 161 pp. including reference notes. $22.50 cloth.

Watson, Rubie S. Inequality Among Brothers: Class and Kinship in South China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. xiii + 193 pp. including maps, references, glossary, and index. $37.50 cloth.  相似文献   

This special issue contributes to an emerging literature on the materialities of colonial government by considering the changing relations between practices of data collecting, styles of anthropological knowing and modes of governing which target the conduct of colonial and metropolitan populations. Drawing on comparative studies from Australia; the Australian administered territory of Papua; France; French Indo-China; New Zealand; North America and the UK; the papers consider the implications of different forms of knowledge associated with practices of collecting—anthropology, archaeology, folklore studies, demography—in apparatuses of rule in various late nineteenth and early twentieth-century contexts. This introduction outlines the rationale for the volume and elaborates the concept of “anthropological assemblage” which helps focus the authors' explorations of the socio-technical agencements which connected museum, field, metropolis and colony during this period. In doing so, it points towards a series of broader themes—the relationship between pastoral power and ethnographic expertise; the Antipodean career of the Americanist culture concept; and the role of colonial centres of calculation in the circulation of knowledge, practices of collecting and regimes of governing—which suggest productive future lines of inquiry for “practical histories” of anthropology.  相似文献   

Ray C. Rist. The Invisible Children: School Integration in American Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1978. 278 pp.  相似文献   

Blockchain and its related technologies break away from the contemporary dystopian imaginaries of control and exploitation endemic in IT. This editorial considers the relevance of blockchain for anthropologists, why they should care, and what the technology brings. After sketching the evolution of blockchain, we draw attention to its potential as a playground – a plethora of projects reimagining and remaking the basic stuff of political economy, including the meaning of money, collectivities, exchange and voting. Blockchain's utility for rethinking the basic rules of the game in academia also deserves attention.  相似文献   

This guest editorial probes the inflationary use of ‘populism’ and the contribution that anthropologists can make to this field. Although a highly variable phenomenon historically, contemporary populists in locations as diverse as rural Hungary and urban Wales have much in common in their disaffection with the politics of liberal democracy. While the deeper causes must be sought in political economy, emotion and identity are just as important as material interest in populist movements. In describing and explaining populism, anthropologists should heed the populist traditions of their discipline – even at the risk of political incorrectness.  相似文献   

Since 9/11, the US government has arrested hundreds of people, mainly American Muslims and Middle Easterners. Such arrests grow out of control and accusations become the same as guilt. Mob mentality becomes a state of mind, a sociopolitical phenomenon that periodically erupts, fuelled by right‐wing Christian religious extremists and frequent malicious government prosecutions. A key characteristic of interest to anthropologists who study law is that the accused is presumed guilty without due process.  相似文献   

For much of the twentieth century, a chasm divided the disciplines of international relations and international law, with relatively little communication and even less mutual comprehension. In particular, this period saw the increasing exclusion of international law from the study of international relations, with key texts removed from reading lists. Perhaps the most obvious and significant reason for this exclusion was the dominance of the realist, and later, neorealist schools of thought in international relations. This phenomenon was certainly most notable in the United States, where the dominance of realism was most extensive. However, in recent decades, a rapprochement between the two disciplines has been attempted, led in the first instance largely by international lawyers. Despite significant efforts at bridging the gap, however, this article argues that a genuine dialogue has yet to emerge. Using insights from debates in and across each discipline about appropriate responses to mass atrocities, this article offers suggestions for creating such a dialogue.  相似文献   

Still in its developmental stages, the anthropological study of Christianity is unsettled. This essay assesses the study of a faith tradition that has been relatively ignored until recently. The books under review offer examples of the emerging anthropology of Christianity. Four themes receive attention: challenges to the anthropology of Christianity, the comparative enterprise, authority and order, and the nexus of continuity and rupture. These themes provide a glimpse into anthropology's ongoing evolution in its own right and within the larger academy.  相似文献   

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