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Clyde M. Woods and Theodore D. Graves. The Process of Medical Change in a Highland Guatemalan Town. Los Angeles: Latin American Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 1973. vii + 61 pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, and index. $2.95 (paper).  相似文献   

Considering recent formulations of geopolitical culture in combination with concerns that environmental change be included in contemporary geopolitical analysis, this paper examines the implicit geopolitical formulations in recent Canadian federal political discourse both in Stephen Harper's Conservative government and the subsequent Liberal administration. Contrasting earth system science ideas about global transformations with Canadian nationalist rhetoric concerning petroleum production and notions of unlimited resource extraction as parts of national identity sharply highlights the contours of Canadian identity. If sustainability is to be taken seriously, the official nationalist formulation will have to be drastically changed, but as the widespread rejection of the LEAP manifesto suggests, such ideas of a sustainable mode of globalization have yet to substantially influence Canadian political discourse, despite the rhetorical support offered to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change by the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau.  相似文献   

自我国改革开放以来,人民的物质生活和精神生活得到极大丰富,思想意识领域空前活跃。国家、城市、行业、单位甚至个人都渴望在社会面前重塑形象。文博工作一向被视为比较特殊的行业,在交融与整合的新经济条件下,积极应对社会变革,树立“有为才能有位”的观念,已势所难免。 一、问题:文博业能形成市场 经济条件下的服务理念吗 服务理念是一个行业、一个个体立业立身的最根本的理念。它包括两个方面的内容:一是内在的,包括服务意识、服务态度和服务质量;二是外在的,就是社会对这种服务的认可程度。此二者究竟哪个更重要?只看社会…  相似文献   

Emblematic artifacts, which signify personal or social identity, are potentially valuable sources of information about social organization. To date, however, there has been little comparative study of the social contexts that give rise to use of different kinds of emblems, nor of the ways in which the social significance of emblematic artifacts may change over time. This paper is specifically concerned with the emergence and changing use of hereditary emblems in stratified societies. The histories of lineage devices in western Europe and Japan exhibit a number of similarities which suggest that, in complex societies, hereditary emblems are likely to appear in the presence of unstable systems of social rank. Once introduced, such emblems may acquire additional, nonhereditary, significance without undergoing noticeable iconographic change. The cases examined here suggest a series of general propositions about evolutionary relationships between hereditary emblem use and socioeconomic factors. Although we currently lack a well-developed methodology for identifying hereditary emblems archaeologically, it is clear that the key to their identification lies not in stylistic analysis, but rather in their contexts of use and patterns of association with other items of material culture. Hypotheses derived from consideration of the evolution of lineage emblems in western Europe and Japan are applied to the interpretation of shield decorations of the Archaic and Classical periods in Attic Greece.  相似文献   

综合分析近数十年来发现的大量考古资料,广泛参证相关文献资料,似乎可以得出这样的认识,在原始社会末期,成都平原的土著先民已经创造出较为发达而具有文明因素的“宝墩村文化”,建立了以渔猎经济为主的父系氏族社会;夏、商至西周,从汉水上游迁徙而来的巴蜀人兴建了虽然仍以渔猎经济为主、但农业经济比重日益增大的古蜀王国,创造出由“三星堆文化”和“十二桥文化”所反映的文明相当发达的“早期蜀文化”;东周时,楚人鳖灵取代蜀王杜宇建立开明王朝,兴农开国而致使蜀国成为以农业经济为主、渔猎经济为辅的富裕国家,致使“晚期蜀文化”成为楚、蜀糅合、多元一体的混融型文化。历秦入汉,基本上华夏化并且体现出华夏文化发展趋向的蜀文化,也就很快消融在汉文化的统一体中了。  相似文献   

从官办到民营——日本明治政府殖产兴业方针的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本着民富国强的原则,明治政府从早期的官办为主,迅速转变到以发展民营经济为主体的阶段,为此他们采取了官办示范、官督民办、官助民办等多种形式并举的政策,多方扶植诱导。在民营经济成长壮大之后,他们又果断地低价出售国企,结果在很短的时间内,缔造了明治维新的奇迹。  相似文献   

The timing and origin of reindeer domestication has been highly debated. Recent molecular analyses show several mitochondrial lineages of domestic reindeer across Eurasia suggesting different origins of Fennoscandian and Siberian domestic reindeer. In order to investigate the origin of domestic Fennoscandian reindeer, we sequenced a mitochondrial control region fragment of 68 ancient reindeer remains from archaeological sites in Finnmark, the major county for extant reindeer husbandry in Norway, spanning from ca. BC 3400 to AD 1800. The majority of the Stone and Iron Age reindeer assemblages in Finnmark are from settlements in the eastern part of the county, in the Varangerfjord area. The reindeer remains from these settlements show affiliation to the large and complex Beringian haplotype cluster, found in extant reindeer from the Kola Peninsula to north-eastern Russia. A distinct haplotype shift is observed in the late medieval period, when the typical haplotype signatures of extant domestic Fennoscandian reindeer appeared in coastal regions of both eastern and western Finnmark. These haplotypes were not found among the Stone and Iron Age wild reindeer samples of Finnmark, suggesting that this population was not ancestral to extant domestic reindeer of Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

Denmark was one of several European nations which vied for West African trade between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. The Danes established more than thirty forts, trading lodges and plantations on the Gold Coast, and they played an important role in the development of African-European relations in the region. Traces of Danish outposts and the results of recent excavations at the Daccubie plantation are briefly surveyed. The available data illustrate the circumscribed nature of African-European interaction on the Gold Coast, providing insight into the context in which culture change occurred within African populations. The archaeological record of European expansion in Africa and elsewhere is used to illustrate the varying nature of European contact.
Résumé Le Danemark était l'une des nombreuses nations européennes qui rivalisaient pour le commerce avec l'Afrique occidentale entre le dix-septième et le dix-neuvième siècles. Les Danois établirent plus de trente forts, comptoirs commerciaux et plantations sur la Côte de l'Or, et jouèrent un rôle important dans le développement des relations afro-européennes dans la région. Des traces de postes coloniaux danois et les résultats d'excavations récentes à la plantation de Daccubie sont brièvement passés en revue. Les données existantes illustrent le caractère limité de l'interaction afro-européenne sur la Côte de l'Or, donnant des indications sur le contexte dans lequel un changement culturel se produisit parmi les populations africaines. Les témoignages archéologiques de l'expansion européenne en Afrique et ailleurs servent à illustrer la nature changeante du contact européen.

There has been a gradual shift in historical archaeology towards interpretive approaches to material culture, including recognition of the potential for multiple functions and meanings in local contexts. It is argued here that artifacts can also maintain multiple, fluid origins and identities that affect our understanding of the nature of cultural persistence and change among migrant, indigenous and other ethnic groups. However, predefined classification schemes are often rigid and do not allow for this kind of fluidity, including the potential for artifacts from one culture to be indigenized into another. Data drawn from recent research on Japanese migrants in British Columbia, in conjunction with an approach rooted in transnationalism and diaspora, are used to highlight the nature of these ambiguities and to suggest methodological and theoretical means of overcoming them. These solutions include the need to develop contextual classification schemes that incorporate multiple artifact identities and to conduct detailed material culture histories that trace shifting origins and identities both before and during periods of migration or displacement.  相似文献   

高度重视德育工作是邓小平一贯的战略理论思维。从目标、内容、功能、方法等方面,探讨邓小平德育思想的理论特色和培养途径,指出邓小平德育思想是新时期全面加强德育工作的行动指南,对指导新时期切实做好德育工作具有重大的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

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