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One of the main theses of sociobiology is that between human beings and the so called 'social' animals there are no qualitative differences, and it is for this reason that it is possible to identify in human beings and social animals essentially similar behaviours, all of which are genetically determined. Sociobiologists often take this idea as a basis for the belief that there exists in the universe an ontological unity that can be understood by means of the scientific empirical method. In this sense, sociobiologists attempt to build a model of human nature in which the fundamental goal of all human action is biological survival, to be understood in terms of the preservation and transmission of genes. In this paper I present a critical approach to these sociobiological theses. Employing a dialectical method, I start from the idea that human beings are qualitatively different from the social animals. Without denying their biological foundations, I affirm that human behavioural characteristics should be understood as products of historical–cultural relations. Even phenomena considered to be the most basic and essential for biological survival, for example diet, rest, and sexuality, possess a fundamental cultural character in which biological survival does not necessarily play an important role. The same can be said of human attitudes towards death and pain. Sociobiology underestimates this historical–cultural dimension of human existence and, despite being a discipline grounded in the theory of evolution, it takes for granted a series of essential principles as unchangeable realities. In this way sociobiology produces an ideological discourse on human nature, a false representation of the world which can be of great utility for legitimising many oppressive and discriminatory practices.  相似文献   

This paper explores the way in which the languages of space and time condense and how the values of spatiotemporal fluidity and fixity are gendered. It considers several narratives from South Pentecost, Vanuatu, stories of primordial beings and of more proximate ancestors which alike stress women's association with flight and flood. Such narratives are situated in the context of labour migration in colonial history and more recent patterns of migration to towns. Here too, the movement of men and women is differentially constructed. These processes are considered in the context of recent feminist theories of the relation of spatiality and temporality, in modernity and ‘postmodernity’.  相似文献   

Various recent developments and events in Africa, including the involvement in 2002 of the Prime Minister of Australia in Commonwealth initiatives in relation to Zimbabwe, have made it timely to review the nature and extent of Australia's relations with African countries. This commentary describes current Australian policies on Africa, including trade relations and aid programs, against the background of the political and economic situation in Africa in the new millennium. In conclusion, the comment is made that Australia's dealings with African countries might have more significance to its own interests than is generally acknowledged. This is so particularly in respect of common standpoints on multilateral trade issues, and the future of the British Commonwealth.  相似文献   

邵双平 《风景名胜》2010,(12):12-12
人生有时需要换一个眼光,看风景也是。 我相信时间也是一种风景,我们每一个人都身处其中,不知道面对即将流逝的2010年,你有什么感受,有什么话要说?作为一本风景旅游杂志,当我们在回望中梳理这一年的时候.发现风景除了作为风景本身的存在之外,还有那么多更丰富的意味。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Bernard Williams, Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1991,35(4):322-323

Extension of hedonic modeling strategy to the case of apartment rents in the Dallas region reveals the influence of a complex network of activity centers and highway axes. Nodes other than the CBD exert greater influence on rents than the CBD and amenity variables and externalities have both positive and negative effects. These findings demand reevaluation of the place normally assigned to higher-density rental housing in urban models.  相似文献   

另一个中央:一九三О年的扩大会议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1930年中原大战期间,阎锡山、冯玉祥联合改组派汪精卫、陈公博和西山派邹鲁、谢持等在北平召开“中国国民党中央党部扩大会议”(简称“扩大会议”),欲另立党统。该会不仅通过宣言,而且组织国民政府与南京国民政府“争正统”,制订《中华民国约法草案》以“争千秋”。以往囿于国民党党统观念,北平扩大会议未被国民党史所正式承认。本即欲跳脱国民党正统观的束缚,正视当时中国南北分裂的政治现实,根据台北“国史馆”庋藏的《蒋中正总统档案》、《阎锡山档案》等原始资料,透过“争党统”、“争正统”、“争千秋”三个阶段来阐释扩大会议。  相似文献   

The academic international relations community has come under fire, both in Australia and overseas, for its supposed irrelevance to real-world issues. Recommendations have been made for ‘bridging’ this ‘gap’ between the scholarly and policy worlds. This article takes a sceptical look at some of these recommendations. While this article argues that international affairs academics should be judged on their ability to provide value to society, it also notes that the best way to do so is to capitalise on the academy’s comparative advantages in order to produce high-quality inputs to the public debate. This article expresses concern that some of the recommendations put forward to bridge the gap may, by compromising impartiality, excessively curtailing the time frames for good research, and neglecting theoretical and methodological rigour, run the risk of reducing academia’s value to society.  相似文献   

人有偏爱。比如坐公交车,我偏爱坐八十三路、四十三路。西宁诸多公交线中,这是两条近两年新辟的线路,上线的全是新款城运客车,人性化设计:车体宽敞、坐椅舒适、车窗宽大。运营初始就有了自己的特色,有这感触的,非我一人。我是退休赋闲人,坐公交车十有八九为了消闲。居家附近有这两路车的站点,上车无论早晚大多有座位。我对这两路公交车的偏爱,是从搭乘消闲中形成的。比起城区其它老资格的公交线路,这两路车走的不是城内耳目详熟的中心路段。恰恰就是避开了几十年一贯的恒定走势,坐车如我的,坐车上看来看去,看出不少的感想,一吐为快。从报社…  相似文献   

中甲刻辞──武丁时代的另一种记事刻辞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷墟卜辞中的记事刻辞因其刻在甲骨的不同部位,而具有不同的名称。本文讨论的是刻于龟腹甲的中甲右方的记事刻辞──中甲刻辞。  相似文献   

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