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张宗品 《文献》2022,(3):7-25
六朝隋唐时期通行的《史记》文本多为八十卷的集解本,而现存有宋以降集解本《史记》俱为一百三十卷,八十卷本面貌遂不可知。梳理日本尊经阁文库本《经史历》所载《史记目录》的文献信息,可初步复原八十卷本及其衍生文本的篇卷分合情况。通过将《史记目录》与现存敦煌本、日藏古写本和索隐本及正义本《史记》篇卷的比勘,基本可以确定目录所载八十卷集解本《史记》篇卷的相关信息并非出于后人的伪作。系统考察《史记》传本卷帙变迁的历史进程,将有助于理解现存《史记》古写本存佚因由以及纸简替兴和写刻演变之际,物质载体对文献面貌所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

本文依据历代《史志》及官、私所修《书目》所载《史记》的著录情况,在手检目验国内外现存《史记》诸本的基础上,结合相关文献的记载,详尽考察了《史记》诸本的承继和流传轨迹,为《史记》版本系统的确立提供了根据。  相似文献   

有关夏文化探索的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国在商代之前有个夏代,后世的文献记载比较明确。虽然《史记·殷本纪》记述的商代历史相当简略,但是随着考古学在中国的兴起,商代的历史已被安阳殷墟的考古发现和研究成果所证实,那么有理由认为《史记·夏本纪》所记的夏代历史也非虚指。因此,多数史学家认为夏代的存在是可  相似文献   

本文旨在研究北京大学所藏朝鲜版古文献的资料价值。据统计,现北京大学所藏的朝鲜版古文献共300余种,3,600余卷,这些资料无论在质上还是量上都具有重要的学术价值。其中,有14种善本被收录于《朝鲜版汉籍善本萃编》(2014)中并公之于众。这些文献将成为解决一系列问题的重要资料。包括朝鲜版古文献是以何种途径传入中国的,其中是否包含韩国国内所罕见的文献,以及这些文献与韩国现存的文献之间有何种关系等。基于上述考虑,本文第二章将先简要介绍《朝鲜版汉籍善本萃编》一书,第三章则将针对《朝鲜版汉籍善本萃编》中收录的6种"集部文献",对其内容及资料价值进行分析。本研究将有助于了解韩国学相关的古文献在中国藏书史上的地位。除此之外,本研究也对回顾古代中韩两国书籍交流的轨迹,探明中韩学术史有所助益。  相似文献   

今本《史记》校读记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《史记》刻本产生于北宋淳化五年 ,与唐以前的写本文字多有不同。《太平御览》是北宋太平兴国年间编写的一部类书 ,引用了大量的唐以前文献 ,《史记》是其中之一。本文据《太平御览》所引《史记》异文 ,考证了刻本《史记》文字的某些讹、误、衍、夺 ,为今人正确利用《史记》提供了根据。  相似文献   

民国时期,负笈海外的一批中国学人尽己所能助力域外汉籍文献建设,为域外诸多知名图书馆扩大中文馆藏规模与品种做了大量卓有成效的工作;同时他们通过对域外汉籍文献的梳理分类、撰写提要、编纂目录、揭示文献的分布与价值、制定实施汉籍分类法,极大地改变了域外汉籍文献的存在状态,提高了这些文献的利用效率,使域外汉籍文献建设达到一个新的层次。  相似文献   

《域外汉籍珍本总目提要》因收录域外汉籍书目数量庞大,难免疏漏.本文对该书所录《明义录》《度支志》《朱书百选》《宋史筌》四部朝鲜王朝汉籍之"提要"内容略作补正.  相似文献   

近年来日本的《史记》研究(日)藤田胜久著孙文阁译引言《史记》研究,其有关历史、文学方面的成果极多,要对此进行系统了解是很困难的。中国1987年5月在北京师范大学召开了第一届《史记》学术讨论会,以此为契机,全中国史学、文学领域的《史记》研究者们开始进行...  相似文献   

陈絜 《历史研究》2020,(1):43-67
传世文献中存在《史记》系统与《左传》系统两种夏史体系,二者对于夏早期历史的记载,在叙事空间上一西一东,互不相协,而《史记》系统更受世人青睐,成为后世探索夏史的主要线索。梳理和考证商周时期夏遗的地理分布可知,诸姒之族主要在今山东省境内,姻亲中分布于鲁豫间者,占相当比例;与夏史相关的地与族,亦基本分布于山东及豫东、豫东北一带。《左传》夏史系统不仅与甲骨、金文中的地理线索合辙,也与其他传世文献相关记载互洽,值得重视。对夏文化源头及夏王朝早期史的探索,海岱地区及鲁豫交界地带也需充分关注。  相似文献   

陈莉 《岭南文史》2014,(2):55-59
正本文所指域外汉籍,是指古代中国与周边国家如日本、朝鲜、越南等国交往过程中,中国典籍在该国得以翻刻或当地文人对中国古籍的整理,且用汉字刊刻的汉籍,这些汉籍在中国的版本著录,则分别为日本本(又称和刻本)、朝鲜本(又称高丽本)、越南本(又称安喃本)。中大馆藏越南汉籍3种:《歌筹体格》、《李公新传》、《儒林音义贯通》。兹对这三种汉籍略加探讨,以飨同好。一、《歌筹体格》《歌筹体格》1部1册,不分卷。毛装。开本高24.4厘米、宽14.1厘米,版框高18.3厘米、宽12.6  相似文献   


This article reviews some of the ways in which organic molecules and polymers are currently being used in the generation of electronic devices. Polymers can be used both actively and passively in electronic circuits. The traditional use of polymers in a passive sense has been as insulators and more recently we have seen polymers used in an active way both from the point of view of their optical and electrical responses. Organic molecules containing donors and acceptors connected by conjugated structures are capable of exhibiting non-linear optical responses and are likely to play an important role in the production of optoelectronic devices in the future. Similarly, polymers doped so that fast conduction can occur between conjugated electronic structures are likely to play an important role in the fabrication of biosensor devices. Polymeric structures in which ions are dispersed may also be used in the future to produce conducting polymer electrolytes for construction of totally solid state battery systems. Ways in which organic structures are likely to make an impact in terms of development of electronics in the next decade are reviewed and the breadth of the area of molecular electronics summarised.  相似文献   

Scientific publishing, as far as the Revue de synthèse is concerned, experienced some deep reshaping during the past fifteen years. This article analyses the formula obtained for this journal, made of a paper periodical, an electronic journal, a historical collection and an experimental website for supplements. First elements of evaluation are provided on production and diffusion. An account is given about an experimentation of multimedia publishing made with the last two issues.  相似文献   

The consumption and export of material and immaterial commodities based upon Japanese popular culture is rapidly growing and continually finds new fans all around the world. In this article, it is suggested that some of the competitiveness of these unique cultural phenomena can be traced to the very dense and vivid area of Akihabara in Tokyo. Its long history as an electronic retail district and a more recent influx of firms and shops focused on popular culture has created a strong place brand that continues to mark Akihabara as the capital of Japanese cultural industries. It is a space where different consumers, specialist subcultures and firms and their products can interact. The area functions as a hub were ideas and values are exchanged, tested and promoted. The article argues that research on innovation milieus must take account of the role of users and their relation to place.  相似文献   

汤艳坤  杨坤  石静苑 《神州》2012,(24):236-237
本文针对部队院校学员的实际情况,提出了一种利用仿真软件的优势,调动学员学习兴趣,促使部队学员电工电子知识系统的融合。使掌握的知识由理论向实际转变,从而满足当前对军人高素质的需求。  相似文献   

民族地区推进电子政务的难点分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
伍海峰 《攀登》2008,27(6):96-97
在民族地区发展电子政务,是缩小民族地区数字鸿沟、加快民族地区社会发展的必然选择。但是,民族地区在发展电子政务过程中还存在一些实际问题。本文针对这些问题提出了发展民族地区电子政务的有效对策。  相似文献   

旅游信息与电子商务实验室架构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芮建勋 《旅游科学》2007,21(1):63-68
本文所论述的旅游信息与电子商务实验室架构,是在开源软件系统上基于C/S与B/S的混合计算模式搭建的.它涵盖了旅游地理信息系统、管理信息系统以及电子商务等旅游信息类课程的多种实验,包括了服务端面向对象开发、网络数据库开发、电子商务支付、认证以及网络管理等内容,为教学、研究与项目开发构建了理想的实验环境.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology for the seismic vulnerability assessment of current buildings, suitable for the study of historical centers at the regional scale. The applicability is demonstrated with reference to four case studies: the historical center of the city of Foggia (Italy) and three other small towns of this province, for a total of 4519 housing units. Field data were collected by several teams of technicians by means of a survey form, provided in electronic format. The subsequent data processing and drawing of vulnerability maps was performed using geographical information system (GIS) technology. The collected data were used also for the validation of the algorithm, by comparing the results with those of the methodology used by the Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Terremoti (GNDT [Italian National Group for Defense Against Earthquakes]), which is widely adopted in Italy. The results of the research study and the application showed some critical points, related to the poor nature of the information collected and to the reliability of the final results. These issues are analyzed and discussed, proposing a strategy for improving the methodology.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze patterns and recent trends of the logistics industry with specific emphasis on the impact of business-to-business (B-to-B) electronic commerce on its industrial organization. From this conceptualization, we develop an optimization-based logistics model comprising two interlinked networks representing commodity flow and information flow, respectively. The model is operationalized using Monte Carlo simulation to highlight possible scenarios of logistics industry changes in response to the use of B-to-B e-commerce. Through this endeavor, we examine how new technologies affect the cost of information and transportation transactions in the logistics industry.  相似文献   

This article considers current proposals for using electronic payments systems to promote financial inclusion — that is, to widen the availability of financial and monetary services in developing countries. While such systems can generate significant savings in the operation of monetary systems, payment services markets are typically uncompetitive and require regulatory and broader state interventions to ensure those savings are widely distributed. The use of those systems to broaden the reach of for‐profit lenders raises a number of concerns, as a growing literature has documented how microcredit initiatives in developing countries have resulted primarily in expansions in consumption credit to households, often under predatory terms. The authors advance two original arguments in this connection. First, the perverse results of many microcredit initiatives reflect the underdevelopment of the areas concerned: without broader development strategies, potentially transformative productive projects are rare and unprofitable to finance. In contrast, widespread unmet consumption needs ensure consumption credit offers lenders a profitable alternative business orientation. Second, and in light of this, electronic payments platforms can contribute to economic development by enabling the establishment of well‐regulated or public systems of electronic ‘narrow banks’ restricted from lending, but capable of widening access to affordable payments, savings and insurance services.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the social exclusion agenda in contemporary French cultural policy, exploring the relevance of aspects of postcolonial theory to an understanding of that agenda. The tensions involved in recent attempts to evolve policies addressing interculturalism, integration and “emergent” cultures (such as hip‐hop) while also staying true to the French republican tradition of universalism are illuminated by France’s problematic relationship with its colonial past. They are also shown to be related to a wider movement of post‐industrial, postmodern experimentation with aesthetic forms, from video and computer art to street arts, free parties and electronic dance music.  相似文献   

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