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To determine which Vedic texts Pā?ini knew requires a comprehensive approach that establishes a high correlation between the complete set of linguistic traits his treatise describes and the complete set of linguistic traits exhibited in each text in question. The examination of individual linguistic traits is inadequate to determine which texts he knew because neither the Vedic nor the grammatical tradition is uniform and static. Bronkhorst (Pā?inian Studies: Professor S. D. Joshi Felicitation Volume, p. 75, 1991) calls into question the assumption that Vedic texts were known to Pā?ini in the form we have received them, while Cardona (Pā?inian Studies: Professor S. D. Joshi Felicitation Volume, p. 130, 1991) shows that Pā?ini’s silence concerning certain Vedic forms may be due to deference to certain received exegetical traditions. The current paper considers a case where the Pā?inian grammatical tradition entertains disagreement over the derivation of obscure forms. Doubt concerning the recurrence of the term pit (3.4.92) into 3.4.94 brings into question whether Pā?ini systematically accounts for stem strengthening in the present subjunctive. Kātyāyana, Patañjali, Jayāditya, and Jinendrabuddhi remain silent on the point. Rāmacandra, ?rīkri??a, and Bha??ojidīk?ita assert that pit recurs, thereby allowing stem strengthening. Haradatta, on the other hand, maintains that a rule of indeterminate variation, 3.4.117 chandasy ubhayathā, accounts for it. Nāge?a points out that the latter procedure is more comprehensive in that it accounts for the lack of stem strengthening in exceptional forms, such as kr??vaíte in the R?gveda. The implication is that the former procedure fails to account for the form, which, if Pā?ini’s knowledge of texts were to be established based upon the consideration of individual traits, would imply the absurdity that Pā?ini, as interpreted by Rāmacandra et al. did not know the R?gveda. On the contrary, however, the procedure of Rāmacandra et al. can employ another rule of indeterminate variation: 3.1.85 vyatyayo bahulam. This procedure, which provides a systematic explanation of the present subjunctive generally and requires a rule of indeterminate variation only to account for exceptional forms, is preferable to leaving the account of stem strengthening in the present subjunctive generally to a rule of indeterminate variation. Since both procedures rely on rules of indeterminate variation to account for the R?gvedic form, however, it is impossible to establish either Pā?ini’s knowledge or ignorance of the text on the basis of his account of the subjunctive. The controversy demonstrates that the depth and variety of the Indian grammatical tradition must be taken into account in determining which rules describe which linguistic facts and that it is inadequate to consider individual traits. A comprehensive approach is required.  相似文献   

The concept of ontological security has been taken up in human geography primarily through Giddens' (1990 Giddens, A. (1990) The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. [Google Scholar], 1991 Giddens, A. (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity. Cambridge: Polity Press. [Google Scholar]) formulation, but the idea has its origins in the writings of the existential psychoanalyst R.D. Laing. Returning to the psychoanalytic underpinnings of the concept, I use autobiographical vignettes to evoke and explore what it means to feel insecure. Using psychoanalytically informed illustrations of melancholia, ordinary acute anxiety and unconscious splitting, I develop a personal, subjective emotional geography of insecurity, and I caution against confusing certainty with ontological security.  相似文献   

Ancient Judaean bronze coins are important for reconstructing the timing of events, for their cultural information, and for understanding alliances in the Eastern Mediterranean as Roman influence replaced the Hellenic Empires. Isotopic analyses of metals important in archaeology have become increasingly routine using multiple collector–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. A relatively nondestructive acid swab method for the isotopic analysis of lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) in bronze is described and tested for various isotopic sampling biases. The method is used to examine changes over time in fiduciary metal sources in the Levant during the first centuries bce and ce. The metal sources, timing, and attribution of Judaean “widow's mites” (ca. 80–40?bce) and the bronze coins of Roman governors Valerius Gratus and Pontius Pilate under Tiberius (14–37?ce) are used to illustrate how changes in the isotopes of Pb (widow's mites) and Cu (Roman governors) can be used to elucidate the compositional chronology of archaeological bronzes from this region and period.  相似文献   

Whilst there has been substantial research in geography concerned with ‘the body’, little consideration has been given to the ‘sized’ body. This article aims to counter this by considering the concept of ‘bodily bignesses’ as a way of understanding the plurality of female emotional and embodied experience through empirical work concerned with British women's experiences of clothes shopping. This involves breaking big bodies out of those categories that act to define their corporeal form for what they ‘represent’ within medical, moral and political contexts. Emphasis is placed upon destabilising the category of ‘bigness’, through utilising the concept of ‘the monstrous’ that is based upon the idea of understanding morphological difference beyond a simple opposition to the ‘normative body’. This provides a way to consider bodily size as a number of differential emotional experiences. For example, empirical examples focus on what it feels like to shop for ‘big clothes’, how women evaluate the suitability of clothing for their (un)suitable bodies, and acknowledges the feelings of self-acceptance that women experience as they come to terms with their bodily size.

If all categories are themselves unstable and the idea of rigid universalist divisions are untenable, then it is difficult to employ meaningfully, universal categories of good and bad, right and wrong. (Shildrick, 1997 Shildrick, Margrit. 1997. Leaky Bodies and Boundaries: Feminism, postmodernism and (bio)ethics, London: Routledge.  [Google Scholar], p. 104)  相似文献   

The much debated link between the collapse of urban centres in northern Syria and climate change at the end of third millennium bc is arguably one of the best known cases about human societies' struggle with the unpredictable nature of the Holocene. Fine-grained analyses of bioarchaeological materials offer excellent opportunities to overcome some of the difficulties encountered in such studies that tackle the effects of changing environmental and climatic conditions on human civilisations during the Holocene. This paper explains the results of a pilot study that uses archaeological freshwater clams (Unio elongatulus) from northern Syria as intermediary anthropobiogenic proxies to infer about the seasonal rhythms of local pluvial regimes and their possible fluctuations at the turn of the third millennium bc. Having secreted their CaCO3 in chemical and periodical accordance with the ambient environment and ending up at tell sites through human activity, these bivalves are suitable vessels of information about human ecology in northern Syria at the end of third millennium bc. Marked differences were observed between the isotopic (δ18O and δ13C) compositions of shells from Tell Mozan, an urban site that continued to exist throughout the rapid climate event, and those from Tell Leilan, which went into hiatus at the end of third millennium bc. These results have important implications about the potentially severe effects of micro-environmental differences on distinct human communities inhabiting the same culturally unified region.  相似文献   

Faced with the terrible mortality of the epidem ics during the last years of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) and the inefficacy of the treatm ents applied, Wu Youxing (ca 1580–1660), the author of the Wenyilun 温疫論 (Treatise on warmfactor epidemics), completed in 1642, proposed a new etiological explanation of these diseases, with a highly critical attitude towards his predecessors. Reception to the book was mixed; it sometimes encountered opposition due to the audacity of some of Wu Youxing’s conceptions, but also, most likely, to the discrepancy between the author’s assertions and the failures in actual application.  相似文献   

This paper draws on Callon's [2005 Callon, Michael. 2005. “Why Virtualism Paves the Way to Political Impotence: A Reply to Daniel Miller's Critique of The Laws of the Markets.” Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter 6 (2): 320. [Google Scholar]. “Why Virtualism Paves the Way to Political Impotence: A Reply to Daniel Miller's Critique of The Laws of the Markets.” Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter 6 (2): 3–20] concept of agencement, together with Latour's [1987. Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press] concept of immutable combinable mobiles to illustrate how Henry Devenish Skinner, ethnologist and anthropology lecturer at the Otago Museum and University sought to form and shape Māori identity, history, culture and populations as subjects of liberal government. It does this through an exploration of Skinner's fieldwork and collecting practices. The paper suggests that forms of analysis mediated through the American History School, and the culture area concept were deployed during the emergence of anthropology as a discipline in New Zealand (between 1919 and 1940) to produce ethnographic authority that then acted as a point of connection between scientific networks and the colonial administrative field.  相似文献   

For 50 years, post-earthquake fire spread models used the basic empirical, macro approach developed by Hamada in 1951 Hamada, M. 1951. On Fire Spreading Velocity in Disasters, Tokyo: Sagami Shobo. (in Japanese) [Google Scholar]. Recently, however, a few physics-based models have emerged in which different modes of fire spread (e.g., radiation, branding) are modeled separately, more realistically, and in more detail. Using a case study for Los Angeles, this article illustrates how a new physics-based model developed by the authors can be used to estimate how much, how fast, and where fires spread, and also to provide insight into how fires spread and factors that influence fire spread.  相似文献   

A displacement-based design (DBD) procedure for buildings equipped with different seismic isolation systems is proposed. It has been derived from the Direct Dispaced-Based Design (DDBD) method recently developed by Priestley et al. [2007] Priestley, M. J. N., Calvi, G. M. and Kowalsky, M. J. 2007. Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures, Pavia, , Italy: IUSS Press.  [Google Scholar]. The key aspect of the proposed procedure is the definition of a target displacement profile for the structure. It is assigned by the designer to achieve given performance levels, expressed in terms of maximum displacement of the isolation system and maximum interstory drift. The proposed design procedure has been developed for four different idealized force-displacement relationships, which can describe the cyclic response of a wide variety of isolation systems, including: (i) Lead-Rubber Bearings (LRB); (ii) High-Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRB); (iii) Friction Pendulum Systems (FPS); and (iv) Combinations of lubricated Flat Sliding Bearings (FSB) with different re-centering and/or energy dissipating auxiliary devices. In this article, the background and implementation of the design procedure is presented first. It is followed by the results of validation studies based on nonlinear time-history analyses on different design configurations of base isolated buildings.  相似文献   

A communities-of-practices approach has been employed in this paper to investigate potting traditions of Late Woodland potters. The author has integrated Wenger’s (1998, Organization 7(2):225–246, 2000) constellation of practice and boundary objects with Smith’s (1997, 2005a) attribute combination system to study decorative practices of Middle Iroquoian potting communities in southern Ontario. The results of the study indicate similar distribution trends relating to the practice of decorative motifs. The author argues potters maintained potting traditions through time and space. This study demonstrates how the integration of more recent conceptual frameworks provides further opportunities to investigate the relation between pottery production and broader practices and beliefs.  相似文献   

Today's consensus on the text of Ecl. 6. 33-34 may arguably be contested as line 34 will fit the context better when omnis (gen. extracted from P) is read instead of omnia. As to G. 1. 36, the author believes that the consensus on sperant (indicative) is misplaced and that the neglected reading11. Among my own latest examples I would mention here: auris (instead of auras) at A. 6. 561), omnes (instead of omnis acc. pl.) at 2. 598, ne (instead of ni) at 3. 686, caelo (instead of caeli) at 5. 851, reliquit instead of relinquit at 746, exiliis (instead of exitiis) at 7. 129, relinquit (instead of reliquit) at 12. 470. See Kraggerud (2011 Kraggerud, E. Marginalia to a New Aeneis recensaSymbolae Osloenses201185210225 doi: 10.1080/00397679.2011.631360[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). sperent, taken as a potential subjunctive and parallel to veniat (37), ought to be preferred. At A. 1. 458 Seneca's Atriden should replace the plural Atridas transmitted by the codices.  相似文献   

The utility of the cortex ratio first developed by Dibble et al. (American Antiquity, 70(3), 545–560, 2005) and extended by Douglass et al. (American Antiquity, 73(3), 513–526, 2008) is examined in contexts where cores rather than flakes may be transported. The cortex ratio is used to demonstrate the movement of artifacts by quantifying missing surface area, typically where it is the flakes that were removed and the cores that were left behind. In such situations, the removal of flakes with small volumes will result in the removal of relatively large cortical surface areas resulting in a low cortex ratio. However, when it is the cores that were removed, assemblages will lose greater proportions of artifact volume relative to the loss of artifact surface area. Here, we propose methods to investigate the effects of high-volume artifact removal from archeological assemblages as a proxy for human movement in addition to the cortex ratio. We apply the methods to stone artifact assemblages from the Fayum, Egypt, where changes in mid-Holocene mobility are closely linked to food production.  相似文献   

Despite the vast influence of “Chinese culture” on Korea, the Chos[obreve]n dynasty (1392–1910) was a distinct cultural sphere governed by its own internal logic that centred on the aristocracy. Over the past twenty years, the importance of this fact has received emphasis in detailed studies by Deuchler (1992 Deuchler, Martina. 1992. The Confucian transformation of Korea: A study of society and ideology, Cambridge, MA and London: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University.  [Google Scholar]), Palais (1996 Palais, B. James. 1996. Confucian statecraft and Korean institutions: Yu Hy[obreve]ngw[obreve]n and the late Ch[obreve]son dynasty, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.  [Google Scholar]) and Duncan (2000 Duncan, B. John. 2000. The origins of the Chos[obreve]n dynasty, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.  [Google Scholar]). The recent works by Hwang, Park and Kim that are the subject of this essay constitute a triptych of studies that further illuminate theimplications of social status in Chos[obreve]n and show how South Korea's transformation over the past five decades represents a radical deviation from the defining characteristics of its Confucian past.  相似文献   

NEL, A., LAPEYRIE, J. & GARROUSTE, R. May 6 2019. The first European representative of the South American family Xenopteraidae (Insecta: Megasecoptera) discovered in the Guadalupian of Lodève (France). Alcheringa 43, 436–440. ISSN 0311-5518.

A new genus, Sinitshenkovae gen. nov., is described, comprising the Carboniferous species Sinitshenkovae hueneckeni (Pinto & Pinto de Ornellas, 1978 Pinto, I.D. & Pinto de Ornellas, L., 1978. Upper Carboniferous insects from Argentina. 1. Familia Diaphanopteridae (Megasecopteroidea). Pesquisas (Zoologiat) 10, 8795. [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. from South America and new Guadalupian species S. gallica sp. nov. from France. These two species are attributed to the Paleozoic South American family Xenopteraidae, a previously monospecific family only containing Xenoptera riojaensis Pinto, 1986 Pinto, I.D., 1986. Carboniferous insects from Argentina. 3. Family Xenopteridae Pinto nov. fam. (Megasecoptera). Pesquisas (Zoologia) 18, 2329. [Google Scholar]. Sinitshenkovae gallica sp. nov. is therefore the youngest representative of this family and the only record outside South America, which suggests that our current knowledge of the palaeobiogeography of Permian and Carboniferous insects remains incomplete.

André Nel [] and Romain Garrouste [], Institut Systématique Evolution Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, EPHE, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, 75005 Paris, France; Jean Lapeyrie [], Corniche de Fontbonne, F-34700 Lodève, France.  相似文献   

Cook, A.G. &; Jell, P.A., September 2015. Carboniferous platyceratid gastropods from Western Australia and a possible alternative lifestyle adaptation. Alcheringa 40, XX–XX. ISSN 0311-5518

Platyceratid gastropods, common and in many cases abundant as elements of middle Palaeozoic gastropod faunas worldwide, are rare or absent in Australian Devonian faunas. In Australia, the earliest abundant platyceratids occur in the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) echinoderm-rich Septimus Limestone and Enga Sandstone in the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia. Four taxa, each with significant morphological plasticity, are recognized. In Platyceras (Platyceras) tubulosus (de Koninck, 1883 Koninck, L.G. De, 1883. Faune du calcaire Carbonifère de La Belgique, Quatrième Partie, Gastropodes (suite et fin). Annales du Musée Royal D’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique Tome VIII, Text, 1240, pls 1–54. [Google Scholar]), three rows of long radially arranged spines and common pentameral symmetry of re-entrants on the aperture suggest an alternative possibility that a relationship between echinoderms and platyceratids developed, and that this may be with archaeocidaroids that are commonly preserved with the gastropods. Similarly in the singly spinose Platyceras (Platyceras) emmemmjae sp. nov., re-entrants suggest an echinoderm relationship. It is proposed that an echinoderm–Platyceras relationship possibly developed in Australia only after a suitable echinoid host had evolved allowing an alternative way for a gameto- or coprophagous habit to be exploited fully.

Alex G Cook [] and Peter A. Jell [], School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, Australia.  相似文献   

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