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TanzanianMinisterofForeignAffairsandinternationalCooperationrecentlysaidthatTanzaniaopposesanyplottosplitChina.WeopposetheDalaiLama'sefforttoseparateTibetfromChina,hesaid,addingthatTanzaniafullyunderstandstheChineseGovernment'sstandintheTibetanissue.Tanzania Says Tibet Is Part of China…  相似文献   

In the early 17th century, when the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was about to fall, Manchurian forces headed by Norhachi grew in strength in northeast China. They annexed neighboring tribes and set up the Later Jin regime in present-day Xinbing of Liaoning Province in 1616.  相似文献   

In October 1720, when the Qing troops had driven the Zungar forces out of Tibet, the Qing court started to reform the govemment system of the region that was geared to control by Tibetans of the upper ruling class.  相似文献   

StateAidtoTibet:Over40Years¥//ZHOUYINGThenewlybuiltTibetTuberculosisControlCenter.Inthelast40-plusyearssincethepeacefullibera...  相似文献   

(一) 那是在首都北京举行的一次以“理想”为主题的全国先进妇女演讲会。  相似文献   

Lhasa (Tibet), JULY 25. It is one of those canards that is best exploded by figures. And the canard is as follows-that the Chinese Central Government is pursuing a systematic policy of settling Han Chinese in Tibetan and Tibetans are a minority in the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).  相似文献   

在民航事业高速发展的今天,品牌服务成为各航空公司打造核心竞争力的重要手段。国航股份浙江分公司的两支青年文明号队伍:西子空乘组和春晓乘务组就是其中典范。两支队伍由一群朝气蓬勃、才华横溢的优秀乘务员组成,各有33人。他们怀着对乘务工作的热爱和满腔激情,以旅客需求为导向,不断提升服务质量,把迷人的微笑、真诚的服务、细微的关怀带给每一位旅客,努力打造和谐空中旅程。  相似文献   

在中国的版图上,山东省形似一只振翅欲飞的雄鹰,突出在华北平原东部和渤海、黄海之间.  相似文献   

这次自驾我选择了川藏北线入藏,这条被誉为宗教之旅的线路,沿途我看到了色达寺的壮观,孜珠寺的惊艳,也看到了在川藏南线看不到的别样风景,甘孜的大山,丁青的山谷,那曲的草原。西藏,一个被誉为离天最近的省份,一个充满了信仰的地域,一个生态和谐的净土。而我环中国的梦,醒于西藏,始于西藏。自驾完中国,蓦然发现,每个去过西藏的人都会感受到,西藏不是一次旅游,而是一场难忘的旅程,西藏或许除了高反,也没有什么不好的了。  相似文献   

滑翔伞的历史,可以追溯到1978年。 那一年,法国登山家贝登利用一顶方形降落伞从阿尔卑斯山上成功地飞降到山下,一项新奇的运动宣告诞生。后来,其他登山家们纷纷效仿,并对降落伞进行改进,将降落伞与滑翔翼的特点相结合,制造出了利用山坡地形起飞,能够在空中自由翱翔的滑翔伞。1984年,同样是来自法国的登山家菲隆利用滑翔伞从阿尔卑斯山的勃朗峰成功飞翔而下,使滑翔伞名声大噪,迅速在全世界风行起来。  相似文献   

The symposium for the 30th anniversary of the publication of China's Tibet Magazine and the20th anniversary of the establishment of China Tibet Online was held in Beijing on Nov.22,2019.Changpa Phuntsog,vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress attended the symposium and delivered a speech.Zhang Yijiong,executive deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC).  相似文献   

<正>鸟对环境变化极其敏感,鸟类种群数量的变化与栖息地环境质量密切相关。每年的春季,寂静的天空开始热闹起来,一群群不同种类的鸟儿沿着它们既定的航线,列队从南方向北方,进行着地球上最大规模的生物迁徙。鸟类是权威的生态鉴定师和体验者。鸟对环境变化极其敏感,鸟类种群数量的变化与栖息地环境质量密切相关。它们在每年循环往复的迁徙过程中,从高纬度冻土地带飞越到低纬度的热带地区,或者相反,总要选择适宜的地方落  相似文献   

This is a book written by Xu Ping, with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies. Published by the Knowledge Publishing House in March 2001 as the leadingbook of a series entitled Books on the Journey Into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it has been given high value for knowledgeand apprecistion.The book, written in the form of travel notes, records themySterious and unsophisticated aspects of Tibet, natural beauty, unique folklore, and the hardy working people sent to Tibetfor economi…  相似文献   

The first group of Tubo kings were said to come from Heaven via a celestial ladder that folk tales varionsly describe as smoke,light or holy mountains high enough toreach the heavens.  相似文献   

Old-time fiddling in Montana and neighboring states and provinces is highly organized but, except for a few well publicized contests, is rather invisible to people outside the fiddlers' circle. In Montana, old-time fiddling is structured around a state-wide association and organized into seven regional districts. The old-time fiddlers' association is much more than just a musical group. It is also a tightly knit social organization. Each district holds an annual series of jamborees and other “fiddle faddles.” These are festive social events, not competitions. Old-time fiddling is more active in Rocky Mountain Montana than in Great Plains Montana, and in the Missoula, Bitterroot and Flathead valleys than elsewhere in the mountains. The fiddlers and accompanists are amateur musicians, come from all walks of life, are predominantly in the older age group and more of them are men than women. The songs played are generally old-time fiddle tunes, not country-western music and the instruments used are mostly ordinary violins and guitars, not expensive ones. The highlight of each year's activities is the state fiddle contest held at Poison on Flathead Lake during the local cherry harvest.  相似文献   

民国时期,英国以赠送、出售方式向中国西藏提供了大批武器,对于英国控制西藏,攫取更多权益,将西藏纳入其缓冲地带战略轨道发挥了重要作用。英国对藏武器供应成为撬动英国与中国西藏之间关系的重要杠杆。本文利用英国印度事务部档案及其他史料,对这一时期英国向中国西藏武器供应的时间、种类和数量做了澄清,并论述了其性质。  相似文献   

正The Agricultural Bank of China has introduced facial recognition technology at its automatic teller machines(ATM)in Tibet.By the end of 2017,20 ATMs with facial recognition technology has been installed and 100 new ATMs will be in operation in Feb.2018.The machines can be used in Tibetan language,making them more convenient for use among local Tibetans.  相似文献   

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